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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I personally have experience with somebody I cared for suicide baiting, I don't think I've ever carved somebody out of my life faster. That is an absolute red line for me that I will not compromise on. Over a decade later I've heard from other sources that he's continued to do it on 3 more occasions that I know of.

I don't allow psychic vampires in my life.


While I agree with most of what you’ve posted, this is low hanging fruit that folk should be ashamed of saying. It is never a child’s fault to not have a parent just as we cannot be blamed for the color of our skin or country of origin.

Fatherlessness (reciprocally, single motherhood) is a social sickness that needs to be highlighted and shamed lest we continue our downward cultural spiral. Coddled weasels like NI getting caught in the crossfire is none of my concern.


I was reading an interview with Saul Rubinek, you may know him as Kevas Vajo from "Star Trek: The Next Generation". On the subject of preparing for a role in a film about the Unification Church, otherwise known as the "Moonies". He went undercover for research for the role to a Unification Seminar.

What was really done in detail was that it showed the indoctrination techniques, which were prisoner-of-war techniques used by North Koreans to recruit people very quickly without using violence or torture: using lack of sleep, no protein, and not being alone, singing together, providing a feeling of community… It was called “snapping,” I believe was the phrase used by psychologists, about what happens to people when there’s a moment where they’re very vulnerable to suggestion. A physiological change can happen to people when they’re vulnerable, and they can actually be recruited and indoctrinated. It’s not an intellectual process alone. You need people who are ready for it. They were always looking for recruits who were educated but directionless and looking for purpose in life. People they could make use of. It was insidious. And the film showed not only how the recruitment could happen to a very bright guy, but it showed in detail what the programming was like, and the deprogramming sequence is extraordinary and will hold up today. It’s really just extraordinarily well done.

Preying upon the vulnerable, you say?


Fatherlessness (reciprocally, single motherhood) is a social sickness that needs to be highlighted and shamed lest we continue our downward cultural spiral. Coddled weasels like NI getting caught in the crossfire is none of my concern.
Sure, mock deadbeat fathers all you want. But surely you have two brain cells to rub together to understand that mocking a fatherless child is fucking stupid?
You should have gone with Young Guns II, get shot down in a blaze of glory with some home truths.

lol, nah...I don't care anything about that. Just sent a message to them requesting account closure with a short message about how ERA upholds standards I don't agree with and is a community I no longer felt comfortable being a part of. Pretty sure the mod's thought was "good riddance", so whatever. The funny part of it is my ban started on Dec. 6, which is the same day I joined GAF 11 or so years ago.
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Nah, fuck the Era dude. I mean in general. I've seen this fatherless knock a few times (I'm fairly sure from matt) and it's stupid.

Where did I write anything about ERA in my post? Matt hardly needs me to defend him, but ask yourself a question:

"Given only the two options, should single parenthood be praised or shamed?"

Follow the logical thread from there.......


Sure, mock deadbeat fathers all you want. But surely you have two brain cells to rub together to understand that mocking a fatherless child is fucking stupid?


Dispel your binary thinking, minion. When I highlight fatherlessness as a likely cause of this 35 year old male furry’s histrionics, it is in regards to his specific case. It does not mean that every male raised by a single mother (seemingly including yourself?) will turn out to be a failure of evolution. It means that I have observed a correlation, and that we should act to correct that correlation so that we reduce the number of histrionic 35 year old furries and Nobody_Importants that we as a society produce. It does not, however, mean that a lack of a father is a causal factor in every single case.

Quick logic check: if A always == B, does B always == A?


Gold Member

Daniel Craig such a good dude! Adam Sandler, what a horrible human!
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Dispel your binary thinking, minion. When I highlight fatherlessness as a likely cause of this 35 year old male furry’s histrionics, it is in regards to his specific case. It does not mean that every male raised by a single mother (seemingly including yourself?) will turn out to be a failure of evolution. It means that I have observed a correlation, and that we should act to correct that correlation so that we reduce the number of histrionic 35 year old furries and Nobody_Importants that we as a society produce. It does not, however, mean that a lack of a father is a causal factor in every single case.

Quick logic check: if A always == B, does B always == A?

Technically yes, as both are mathematically equal. However it can absolutely be argued against.

Silly maths.


perfect avatar for this insufferable partisan tool

Kind of depressing to see so many people be so dismissive of someone who is possibly suicidal and in need of help. I distinctly remember alot of people railing against Era in this thread for similar behavior actually. Does that not apply when it's a member of Era? I also notice most people using his age and his apparent sexual fetish as a way to dismiss his cry for help.

Does his age or sexual preferences make it okay to dismiss his mental health and possible suicidal tendencies? Because I remember alot of backlash here when there was a similar situation with a YouTuber awhile back and people on Era dismissed that person's cry for help. People on here were furious that people on Era were being dismissive and using humor as a way to respond to it. And yet the same thing seems to be happening here.

I don't like posts like that here either. Suicidal tendencies should absolutely not be dismissed because of associating with who we consider the "enemy" or sexual preference.

The thing is he's hurting himself far more than anyone here is just by staying in that toxic environment. One that wears the mask of a helper is far more harmful than an openly hostile entity.

I was one of the people furious over Etika, and I'd be just as furious if this guy went the same route. I would just be more furious at the environment that made him that way in the first place (Era) rather than a single thread on gaf that he'll probably never see. Of course if I saw people in here dunking on him over it, I'd absolutely speak my mind over it.


I don't like posts like that here either. Suicidal tendencies should absolutely not be dismissed because of associating with who we consider the "enemy" or sexual preference.

The thing is he's hurting himself far more than anyone here is just by staying in that toxic environment. One that wears the mask of a helper is far more harmful than an openly hostile entity.

I was one of the people furious over Etika, and I'd be just as furious if this guy went the same route. I would just be more furious at the environment that made him that way in the first place (Era) rather than a single thread on gaf that he'll probably never see. Of course if I saw people in here dunking on him over it, I'd absolutely speak my mind over it.

That's the trick, though, isn't it. I have not seen one post in here rooting for the dog-man to off himself. Most see him as pitiable. He seems a wreck of a human being. All the rest is just speculation as to what made him that way and what could be done to improve him. There, but for the grace of God, go I, so to speak.

If some see him as too far gone to be helped. It's like watching a traffic collision right in front of you. Nothing you can do will stop it. Others are more hopeful. Still others believe in a tough love approach.

Nobody on this forum will be doing any "high-fives" if this poor dope kills himself, I think. The only constant I can see is that he's a dope.


Where did I write anything about ERA in my post? Matt hardly needs me to defend him, but ask yourself a question:

"Given only the two options, should single parenthood be praised or shamed?"

Follow the logical thread from there.......
You said...
He's a 35 year old man!
referring to hotdog man correct? And I said:
Nah, fuck the Era dude.
Again. Shame deadbeat fathers all you want. But reality isn't as simple as the 2 options you've listed. I'm not interested in a hypothetical situation that will never come to pass.


Dispel your binary thinking, minion. When I highlight fatherlessness as a likely cause of this 35 year old male furry’s histrionics, it is in regards to his specific case. It does not mean that every male raised by a single mother (seemingly including yourself?) will turn out to be a failure of evolution. It means that I have observed a correlation, and that we should act to correct that correlation so that we reduce the number of histrionic 35 year old furries and Nobody_Importants that we as a society produce. It does not, however, mean that a lack of a father is a causal factor in every single case.

Quick logic check: if A always == B, does B always == A?
I would wager that many children have been raised by one/no parent for whatever reason, be it death, war, deadbeat fathers, etc. throughout human civilization yet here we are in arguably the most civilized, technologically advanced period of time. Of course children would *likely* have a better chance in life if they had two attentive, caring parents but I fail to believe we are anywhere close to a point in time that we can reliably eradicate single/no parent childhoods. Kinda like wealth inequality or disease. Sure it would be better if those things didn't exist but that's kind of fantasyland no?

I'm not going to go back and search for the other posts I've seen mocking fatherlessness, don't really care that much just to prove a point. If you feel it is fine to make fun of people for having an absent parent then you are no different than those who feel it fine to make fun of people for their skin color, nationality, deformities, learning impairments... in other words, you're just a hateful person. But hey, if that's working for you, great! Good to know moving forward.


deafmedal deafmedal you are going to edge-case yourself into believing in nothing. Are you a deadbeat dad? Are you a deadbeat kid? Are you a deadbeat mom? Are you a deadbeat Ma'am?
ELI5, these words mean nothing to me?! Edge case? I started this highlighting that I "believe" that mocking people because they didn't have a parent is wrong. You two have decided to run with it. It's hateful, nothing more, nothing less.


You said...

referring to hotdog man correct? And I said:
Again. Shame deadbeat fathers all you want. But reality isn't as simple as the 2 options you've listed. I'm not interested in a hypothetical situation that will never come to pass.

I would wager that many children have been raised by one/no parent for whatever reason, be it death, war, deadbeat fathers, etc. throughout human civilization yet here we are in arguably the most civilized, technologically advanced period of time. Of course children would *likely* have a better chance in life if they had two attentive, caring parents but I fail to believe we are anywhere close to a point in time that we can reliably eradicate single/no parent childhoods. Kinda like wealth inequality or disease. Sure it would be better if those things didn't exist but that's kind of fantasyland no?

I'm not going to go back and search for the other posts I've seen mocking fatherlessness, don't really care that much just to prove a point. If you feel it is fine to make fun of people for having an absent parent then you are no different than those who feel it fine to make fun of people for their skin color, nationality, deformities, learning impairments... in other words, you're just a hateful person. But hey, if that's working for you, great! Good to know moving forward.

Sorry bro, beyond a certain point I discontinue engagement with equality dogmatists. If you think wrapping people in cotton wool and telling them that they’re intrinsically equal along every dimension, go right ahead and tabula rasa yourself into cultural oblivion. I’ll continue to mock things that I believe require disincentivising.


Sorry bro, beyond a certain point I discontinue engagement with equality dogmatists. If you think wrapping people in cotton wool and telling them that they’re intrinsically equal along every dimension, go right ahead and tabula rasa yourself into cultural oblivion. I’ll continue to mock things that I believe require disincentivising.
Cool story bro.


Im like 80% sure Nobody_Important Nobody_Important is RedMercury🤔

Not a chance, Red Mercury is a master baiter, he gets more than enough status and attention on Ree,

The ONLY Reetards we get here are the ones are really so low down the pecking order that they have to come here to get any kind of attention.

99% of the time people here have learned to ignore Nobody_Important and just in the last few hours he made a breakthrough for some attention. Most of the time he posts one time and we have lerned to ignore him so he slinks off into the background. He's too pathetic even for a Ree SJW.


No, they’re not technically equal. This is an elementary school level logic check and you just failed miserably. It can’t be argued against. There is no personal truth in math, sorry (not sorry) to break it to you.

Will fight you bro, meet me outside at 4pm.

My thesis was algebraic music. I know a few things and stuff.

Was only joking with the comment, still fight you though!
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I don't know if I've even seen a post so obviously trying to be ban bait.

Injecting the REEE nonsense right away.



I started this highlighting that I "believe" that mocking people because they didn't have a parent is wrong.

All people and always? I am seriously asking, would there ever be a time when mocking someone who doesn't have a parent could be a good thing? Let's find the edge-case and see!


I don't know if I've even seen a post so obviously trying to be ban bait.

Injecting the REEE nonsense right away.

Have no idea what he's trying to say, "curmudgeon"?

Make your sentences to the point if you wish them to be understood.

Your diatribe is unwieldy.


Shitlibs continue to test our limits.


Cough on every Republican. Punch every Republican. Throw Republicans in the Volcano.

And then one day when someone actually pulls out a glock and threatens to shoot them if they don't step back, SJW's will cry how Conservatives are so "violent".



Nice terrorist forum you got there B-Dubs. Any Reset apologists still want to keep saying that they're being "stalked"?
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Shitlibs continue to test our limits.


Cough on every Republican. Punch every Republican. Throw Republicans in the Volcano.

And then one day when someone actually pulls out a glock and threatens to shoot them if they don't step back, SJW's will cry how Conservatives are so "violent".



Nice terrorist forum you got there B-Dubs. Any Reset apologists still want to keep saying that they're being "stalked"?

Would love to see a single person post a video of them doing it.

Never will happen.


Gold Member
Shitlibs continue to test our limits.


Cough on every Republican. Punch every Republican. Throw Republicans in the Volcano.

And then one day when someone actually pulls out a glock and threatens to shoot them if they don't step back, SJW's will cry how Conservatives are so "violent".



Nice terrorist forum you got there B-Dubs. Any Reset apologists still want to keep saying that they're being "stalked"?

All a bunch of limp wrist larping pussies.
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WTF happened in this thread?!?!

Did the mods remove something? Im pretty sure they thought it was an alt right video. Making it even more funny and sad.
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