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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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This furry really has had a boner for going into threads to scream about police killing people


Haha the avatar just makes it. Goddamn.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
At first when I saw that thread, I was like "I dunno." I moved back home for a little bit when I was 25. I can sympathize. Difference is, I did that while I was finding a job after law school, and the people in that thread are just outta their damn minds. Guess I should just stop giving them the benefit of the doubt.


advanced basic bitch
At first when I saw that thread, I was like "I dunno." I moved back home for a little bit when I was 25. I can sympathize. Difference is, I did that while I was finding a job after law school, and the people in that thread are just outta their damn minds. Guess I should just stop giving them the benefit of the doubt.
Moving back home when you were 25 for a bit and never leaving are two very different things. I had to move back into the house for a bit myself in my early 20's after a relationship went sour and I had nowhere else to go.
Here’s the thing that ResetEra basement dwellers don’t understand. Money matters. Money makes shit happen. While they’re all pissed off and angry at the world and focusing on gender pronouns, their pockets are being emptied. They are all poor as fuck with no prospect of ever being financially independent. They will never be able to bring about real change.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
Here’s the thing that ResetEra basement dwellers don’t understand. Money matters. Money makes shit happen. While they’re all pissed off and angry at the world and focusing on gender pronouns, their pockets are being emptied. They are all poor as fuck with no prospect of ever being financially independent. They will never be able to bring about real change.

But if they live with their parents they should be rolling in dough with all that rent savings. Didn't you see they're getting $2/hr hazard pay now?

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Here’s the thing that ResetEra basement dwellers don’t understand. Money matters. Money makes shit happen. While they’re all pissed off and angry at the world and focusing on gender pronouns, their pockets are being emptied. They are all poor as fuck with no prospect of ever being financially independent. They will never be able to bring about real change.

It's interesting to me, because they're basically what's left of the Occupy Wall-Street movement, but they haven't learned a damn thing. I remember all that protesting about "boo hoo, we're the 99% and we don't like rich people", and I just looked at it like "well... I should work hard to become the 1%"

Spoiler alert: that was the right choice.


It's interesting to me, because they're basically what's left of the Occupy Wall-Street movement, but they haven't learned a damn thing. I remember all that protesting about "boo hoo, we're the 99% and we don't like rich people", and I just looked at it like "well... I should work hard to become the 1%"

Spoiler alert: that was the right choice.

yap, that was the lesson to learn

good on you


Here’s the thing that ResetEra basement dwellers don’t understand. Money matters. Money makes shit happen. While they’re all pissed off and angry at the world and focusing on gender pronouns, their pockets are being emptied. They are all poor as fuck with no prospect of ever being financially independent. They will never be able to bring about real change.
I bet they could get some real change panhandling outside the local convenience store.




Apologises in advance for my rant. There is no humour in the following, it's something that's pissed me off for a while.

As a European, my politics would naturally be closer to Democratic party than the Republican party. In that Europeans are more liberal than the Democratic party regarding people's rights and support mechanisms.

However this Republicans don't care about the poor shit needs to shut up. The Democrats had a chance to care about the poor and instead of voting Bernie Sanders (same in 2016 when the party cut the legs off his campaign so Hillary could run) they voted for Joe Biden who is knee deep in rape allegations. Those hypocrits bitch about the Republicans but the treatment of those on the bottom rung didn't improve when there was a Democratic President. The US concentration camps returned under a Demoractic President yet Trump continuing it is worse? The torture camps in Cuba under Dubya was bad, but Obama continuing it was A-okay. Now the lack of shame and self awareness has changed to... I'll vote Biden as he committed less sexual abuse than the other guy. The fuck is that? Believe women, but not her as it hurts our agenda.

Trump and the Republicans suck, but guess what so do the Democrats. Own up to your shit and clean up your party before throwing stones.

Yeh its an interesting conundrum for them.

For as much as they scream about Republicans, there is little introspective thought. So long as its the Democratic party doing it they'll let it pass because 'the Republicans would have been worse.' Also everything the Republicans do, its because racism.

The thing I am consistently taking from them is that they dont want any personal responsibility, everything is just a byproduct of some form of racism or bigotry; suggesting otherwise is.....racism and bigotry. Its an easy to way to just shut down discourse entirely.


Hobbes is FUCKING learning to FUCKING curse like FUCKING excel to let people know he means business. Why do they talk like middle schoolers that just learned a swear word?




Nepenthe is on the front lines just like excel *salute*

I'm also pretty sad I didn't get a screengrab of the original OP to this thread, dude was upset we weren't getting more free/discounting gaming things due to coronavirus


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"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
'm also pretty sad I didn't get a screengrab of the original OP to this thread, dude was upset we weren't getting more free/discounting gaming things due to coronavirus



Game deals would save the world because people would stay off the beaches and play video games? Why has no one thought of that before. How can he simply post on the internet when there are so many problems that gaming deals could solve if only he spoke up about it. Go now, for the sake of humanity.
good news, everyone. turns out Joe Biden isn't losing his mind. those are all fake videos created by Trump fans. you know it's fake because it's not reported by MSNBC


yep, the idea that Biden is not all there is entirely a right wing conspiracy.
Isn't that the dude who makes extremely long arguments about how well-written the modern Star Wars trilogy is?


Dick Jones

Gold Member
Isn't that the dude who makes extremely long arguments about how well-written the modern Star Wars trilogy is?

I think it is the person voting for Zombie Hitler this year. Says it all really that people attacking his anti-Semitic views were banned while mods allowed him change the post (without even a warning) and claim it was all a joke and you're the monster attacking him. 🖕


Gold Member
Hobbes is FUCKING learning to FUCKING curse like FUCKING excel to let people know he means business. Why do they talk like middle schoolers that just learned a swear word?




Nepenthe is on the front lines just like excel *salute*

Did anyone respond with 'learn to code' yet?


Hobbes is FUCKING learning to FUCKING curse like FUCKING excel to let people know he means business. Why do they talk like middle schoolers that just learned a swear word?




Nepenthe is on the front lines just like excel *salute*

I'm also pretty sad I didn't get a screengrab of the original OP to this thread, dude was upset we weren't getting more free/discounting gaming things due to coronavirus



From a networking standpoint, it would be pretty stupid to put more strain on Live or PSN Plus with more free trials and digital sales. Doesn't this guy know that Netflix 4k streaming killed many Italian grannies already?


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
:messenger_tears_of_joy: Cheebo is the king of gaslighting



Biden fans exist on ERA, but they all get banned or shamed out of threads. Silent majority because of the crazies over there that think you're either in Bernie's camp or you should kill yourself.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
:messenger_tears_of_joy: Cheebo is the king of gaslighting



What's the take away from this member? "We have a shit candidate so deal? Ofcourse he is not popular, but so what?"

Nah, a primary is not happening or anything. The primary has been set in stone since early March and it's not like some sort of pandemic happened or new information came out on Joe or anything. Nope. Everyone decided that Joe has already won the nom. Everyone. And nothing really has changed in 3 weeks across the world.

Love how the establishment fucks are so willing to settle for anyone breathing at this point regardless of their self professed virtues. Again, I have to give a shout out to the ones that are still standing by their (often zealous and long term dangerous) 'virtues' and having none of Biden. They have consistency. They have integrity.

Who are we all kidding though? Era was totally cool with blackface in Canada so... Biden is just fine for the US. They aren't good people who are being pragmatic.... they are just tribal as fuck and will bend logic and values in support of the tribe.
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Ryuji Goda

Does anyone actually believe Trump is not gonna be president for four more years?

I can't wait to scroll resetera after it's official.


Does anyone actually believe Trump is not gonna be president for four more years?

I can't wait to scroll resetera after it's official.

The beauty about it is that Era will have no one but themselves to blame for it. They are the demographic that will give Trump another victory.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
Does anyone actually believe Trump is not gonna be president for four more years?

I can't wait to scroll resetera after it's official.
Lots of them will say they will move or kill themselves, and then the next few days they will move on and find something else to bitch about. As a Liberal even I know Trump prob has this in the bag.


Nah, a primary is not happening or anything. The primary has been set in stone since early March and it's not like some sort of pandemic happened or new information came out on Joe or anything. Nope. Everyone decided that Joe has already won the nom. Everyone. And nothing really has changed in 3 weeks across the world.
lol yeah i know the convention is in JULY and this lunatic is screaming that it's already over. he just can't keep it in his pants he wants to buttfuck Biden and he wants it NOW
This furry really has had a boner for going into threads to scream about police killing people

Its always so strange to me that the weakest people are the ones that hate the police the most, like they don't even think about where they would be without the police around. You can't tell me this furry dude wouldn't be someone's bitch.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
REEE discussing review bombing. No self-awareness as far as I can see


REEE discussing review bombing. No self-awareness as far as I can see
Did anyone mention how Reeeee review bombed somnium files over waifus?


Because you're easily replaceable and have no skills, your job can be learned in a couple days. Your getting paid what you deserve.
the ironic thing is they support the very hierarchy that demands service workers. the site is Hyper Consumerist in many ways, endless threads about media properties, dick measuring contests comparing franchise entries and Box Office results. the site is a giant aggregation for whole industries that do nothing but consume massive resources in order to produce and market frivolous entertainment. the endless worship of Consuming. for being a Consumer means you are never permanently satiated, it is an endless cycle.

the degradation of lower class work in mainstream & social media has been going on for 3 or so years now, as every NYT writter, Twitter Blue Check, and Reee Dem Corporatist has openly MOCKED AND BELITTLED the very working class people as idiotic, hateful, superstitious rubes, who should all die. "There is no EcOnOmIc AnXiEtY they are all racist/sexists" they called these people LITERAL NAZIS for years on end. all the praise they are heaping on workers at this point is entirely self serving. it will vanish the moment Democrats are asked to step up and do something real for the working class.

it doesn't matter, God has sent this plague, it has revealed the fakeness and NON ESSENTIALness of many of these Consumer Industries. in the face of mass death and the failure of science and secular technology, these things can easily be discarded for the idle wastes of our time that they were. they must make way for the human spirit. this strikes fear into the heart of the the Ree Hyper Consumer, who believes in nothing but consumption. they are scared. they are reaping what they sew. their time has finally come. everything they once fetishized is now crashing down.
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excuse my ignorance but what’s racist about saying learn to code? And what’s a dog whistle?
A dog whistle is when someone is so obsessed with race that they see it everywhere, so even statements that aren't about race are "secretly about race" to them.

They actually think that racist people are using code to get their racist ideas across. A person who thinks like that is so racist themselves that they assume it's in everyone else too. It's just another example of projection.

When you see people use buzzwords and terms like that, you can pretty safely assume that their every thought can be disregarded.
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