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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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ACAB....Right?????? RIGHT????????

...Consistancy REEEEEE consistency, I know its hard to do, but Jesus guys.

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
Lol this thread is a fantastic read:

Gotta start at the beginning and see the plot twist as they get more information about the suspects.

I was actually just on facebook clowing in liberal/socialist/commies who went full "Orange man bad, these NAZIS are his fault!!"


This Nazi right here..


Flint Mich.
1 of like 5 DARK blue counties where you can get killed for looking at some ones Jordan's the wrong way.

Aka: Trump country

Let's watch their thread die now since the narrative is wrong lol

Plague Doctor

Gold Member

As someone who battles diagnosed depression....

shut the fuck up, go see a professional, follow the treatments/medications,, followup with a professional regularly, don't pity seek support from others at every fucking turn, and DO THE FUCKING WORK TO IMPROVE YOURSELF.

Guess what? Bitching to social media and wearing this as an identity badge doesn't fucking help. Discussing your symptoms with a professional and following their advice does help.
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Neighbours from Hell
I don't battle depression, but I have several close friends who do and one who even killed himself because of it. One thing I've learned is there isn't a right thing to tell people who suffer from crippling and extreme depression. So to make a list of things you can't say, that list is infinitely big, nothing you say helps. Not in the long-term anyway. You might make them feel got for a moment and then it returns.

But what you need to tell someone who is depressed is irrespective of the reality. They are not one and the same. Everyone I know who dug themselves somewhere out of it did it through their own willpower. Granted, it took a while, but the ones who did it, did it with their own inner strength. Through whatever they may be. Strength to go see a doctor to get medication, strength to better their own lives to be less depressed, strength to better themselves physically so they can feel better about their appearance, etc.

I don't think there is a rule book on how to deal with depressed people. Everyone's different.
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As someone who battles diagnosed depression....

shut the fuck up, go see a professional, follow the treatments/medications,, followup with a professional regularly, don't pity seek support from others at every fucking turn, and DO THE FUCKING WORK TO IMPROVE YOURSELF.

Guess what? Bitching to social media and wearing this as an identity badge doesn't fucking help. Discussing your symptoms with a professional and following their advice does help.

Why are you assuming I haven't taken these steps already?

This is exactly the problem: People like you don't bother to discern between those trying and those who don't. I'd agree that someone who isn't trying *needs* to start doing something (although talking on the Internet can be a start), because doing nothing helps nothing. But telling someone who's already doing something to 'shut the fuck up'? How about taking your own advice, Mr Big Brain.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Why are you assuming I haven't taken these steps already?

This is exactly the problem: People like you don't bother to discern between those trying and those who don't. I'd agree that someone who isn't trying *needs* to start doing something (although talking on the Internet can be a start), because doing nothing helps nothing. But telling someone who's already doing something to 'shut the fuck up'? How about taking your own advice, Mr Big Brain.

First off, I was assuming you were carrying this from Era because this post is in this thread and sounds like their MO. Hence why I tossed you the like cause the meme sounds ridiculous. I was replying to add on to the point I thought you were making. That is my fault for not reading your point clearly. That's on me.

With that said, if you are taking the needed steps, that's the only things you need to do. Fuck the internet and their responses. 9 times out of 10, the only sound and accurate advice would be, "Go seek medical help."

Finding the right treatment and managing your personal life while dealing with depression is the only thing that matters. The internet is bullshit. Real life lifestyle changes and medical advice is gold. You will feel a lot better when it all clicks. It's rough though getting to the one that works. The internet as a sounding board won't help in the meantime.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
My experience as someone with diagnosed PTSD, panic attacks and depression is that forcing myself to do things even if i thought they were useless/meaningless and being a persistant about it ended up helping. These days I don't take medication anymore and I am mostly well besides some elevated anxiety that occasionally crawls up. Now if my goddamn tinnitus would shut up I would be able to enjoy life a little bit more but eh what are you going to do: some people are born to suck.

Ultimately my understanding was that the internet is useless and feeds on your own ailments. Going through the motions of semi-normalcy eventually not only helped me start enjoying things but I also found people. And internet chats and posts have nothing on real, face to face human relationships. There's something magical that happens when you shook someone's hand or when you hug someone that doesn't happen online.

At the end of the day I am not a professional and my own experiences are just that and not a pattern for anybody else. I am just going to wish the best to people going through a rough patch.
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I see your TaySan and raise you a:

Taysan said:
What does race have to do with this story? What happened here was awful regardless.

I don’t know Taysan, you tell us why the domestic terrorist website that talks about murdering white people constantly was obsessed about race when both people were black.



The asylum is having some mental breakdowns over whether Bush or Trump is a worse person lol

Melkezadek said:
Fuck you. You don't even know me or my triggers. Stop quoting me. What the fuck is wrong with you

Don't @ me bro

Melkezadek said:
I said fucking stop quoting me. I've reported you. Goddamn you, you fuck. Fuck you. I don't care if I get banned. You are using those pictures to win and argument. You don't care about anyone in those photos. At all or anyone on this forum who are actually suffering.

You are a piece of fucking shit.



Man, you could just see how excited some of them were getting at the prospect of a white man being the perpetrator.

Lets look at the numbers. Three pages of posts within a couple of hours, and just over one in the twelve hours since the news was posted that it was a black-on-black crime. I guess they feel a lot less passionate for a father of eight knowing that the guy pulling the trigger was of the same race.

Normal people feel terrible hearing that news, regardless of the skin colour of anyone involved. But to see it cynically used by those over there to further their confirmation bias is revolting.



Honestly, a better list would be "best things to do if you are depressed".

This just comes off like "I am depressed so don't you DARE say any of the things on this list!"

It feels like a totally backwards approach that looks more like people with depression bossing others around and using "I have a mental illness" as a shield and/or excuse for doing so.

If we are talking about close friends and family then for sure you want them to kind of understand and help you.
If we are just aiming these demands at strangers online then what's the point?

Social Media seems to have created this attitude that you can say "I have the following conditions and therefore this is how you must behave around me". Meaning that over time we creep into a situation where having these conditions is almost like a "pass" to tell other people what they should and should not be doing or saying.

"I am depressed and therefore I should dictate what people are allowed to say to me" is a bad stance to take and I am sure that in some ways the toxic nature of that approach will also have a bad effect on the depressed individual. Like if some clueless old uncle says that depression wasn't a thing is his day it's easier to just make a mental note that this dude is clueless and get on with helping yourself in your own way (with professional, informed, medical assistance) than it is to start acting like you are the one who determines what people are and are not allowed to say. Surely getting into constant pointless battles is bad for the mental well being of most people?

It's like going to an event and being freaked out by everyone clapping.
You can either reflect on that experience and work towards someday being able to attend again and not be freaked out by the clapping.
Or you can start a months long campaign to ensure that nobody ever claps at events any more and uses "jazz hands" instead.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I see your TaySan and raise you a:

I don’t know Taysan, you tell us why the domestic terrorist website that talks about murdering white people constantly was obsessed about race when both people were black.


It's somehow Trumps fault


When your narrative gets BTFO



Spineless guy goes along with whatever the most popular opinion is at the time.

TaySan is reply banned from this thread, I do not think it is good form to talk about a fellow gaffer in a topic he is reply banned in. Take it to the Meta thread if you feel it requires discussion.
It feels like a totally backwards approach that looks more like people with depression bossing others around and using "I have a mental illness" as a shield and/or excuse for doing so.

That list literally condemns the 'bossing around' that comes from other people. And outside of some Resetera crazies, the number of those using mental illness as a shield is *far* lower than the number of those being non-understanding, empathy lacking assholes.


TaySan is reply banned from this thread, I do not think it is good form to talk about a fellow gaffer in a topic he is reply banned in. Take it to the Meta thread if you feel it requires discussion.

Posts he makes on GAF go in meta.
Posts he makes on Ree go here.

He's reply banned for a very good reason.

"Fellow Gaffer" sounds just like anyone getting a ban from Ree for criticizing Jason Schriers work just becuse he has a Ree account then they classify it as an attack on another member.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Posts he makes on GAF go in meta.
Posts he makes on Ree go here.

He's reply banned for a very good reason.

"Fellow Gaffer" sounds just like anyone getting a ban from Ree for criticizing Jason Schriers work just becuse he has a Ree account then they classify it as an attack on another member.
Schreier is not an active member of the community, TaySan is.


That list literally condemns the 'bossing around' that comes from other people. And outside of some Resetera crazies, the number of those using mental illness as a shield is *far* lower than the number of those being non-understanding, empathy lacking assholes.

Well, what's better for people suffering from depression and list that "condemns" other people or a list of advice on how to help yourself?

I guess I just don't see the benefit of "calling out" other people while suffering from mental health issues.
Feels like a lot of effort for basically no return.

Plus, it is completely toxic behavior when taken to extremes which then accumulates into an even bigger problem.
Working yourself up into an angry state because someone said something idiotic is probably fine when you are healthy and OK but it feels like doing it often would have an eventual negative impact and doing it while already suffering from a mental health issue seems completely counter-productive.

Can't imagine there are too many therapists who, upon hearing "yeah I keep telling people off for posting nonsense about depression and anxiety online", would be advising that you continue to do that.
Plus, it is completely toxic behavior when taken to extremes.

It's extremely toxic (even *not* taken to extremes) to tell someone suffering from depression 'pull yourself together, man'.

Tough guy attitude is the wrongest feedback towards most depressed people. Some depression can't be cured, and even those that can require a lengthy process. I've found (well, believe to have found) a way to work against my depression, but I'd never say to another depressed person 'hey, I can do it, now you don't have an excuse!'. Depression is a highly individual bitch.
It's extremely toxic (even *not* taken to extremes) to tell someone suffering from depression 'pull yourself together, man'.

Tough guy attitude is the wrongest feedback towards most depressed people. Some depression can't be cured, and even those that can require a lengthy process. I've found (well, believe to have found) a way to work against my depression, but I'd never say to another depressed person 'hey, I can do it, now you don't have an excuse!'. Depression is a highly individual bitch.
wat is stoicism?


It's extremely toxic (even *not* taken to extremes) to tell someone suffering from depression 'pull yourself together, man'.

I don't disagree.

You have to consider though if asking "what can I do for myself" is better than "how can I demand that other people do what I say or react how I want them to or stop saying what I don't want them to say".

This is an issue with ResetEra that seems to also be prevalent in other parts of the Internet.

"I belong to Group A so when you talk to me you'd better not say X or Y and you'd better listen to me and I strongly encourage you to agree with me because I belong to Group A and we don't handle disagreement well."

When faced with someone saying "pull yourself together" you have the option to ignore it.
Or you can say "don't you dare say that to me... reeeeeeeee".

I think the latter is just really a no-win situation that ends up hurting you because let's be honest the other guy is just going to walk away thinking "jeez, that guy overreacted a bit there".

It's like the "why do women complain about character designs" thread.
I'm sure plenty of women have issues with sexualized characters for all kinds of reasons.
However, the correct answer is always "who cares, nobody gives a damn if you complain, I like to look at titties, so piss off".
It's a waste of time and effort trying to dictate to others what they can't say or what opinions they shouldn't hold.
Someone coming along and saying "well I am a woman and here is why" makes no difference.

It's strange to see someone SO against censorship making the argument that people shouldn't say a thing because it's "toxic".


Gold Member
I was actually just on facebook clowing in liberal/socialist/commies who went full "Orange man bad, these NAZIS are his fault!!"


This Nazi right here..


Flint Mich.
1 of like 5 DARK blue counties where you can get killed for looking at some ones Jordan's the wrong way.

Aka: Trump country

Let's watch their thread die now since the narrative is wrong lol

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It's extremely toxic (even *not* taken to extremes) to tell someone suffering from depression 'pull yourself together, man'.

Tough guy attitude is the wrongest feedback towards most depressed people. Some depression can't be cured, and even those that can require a lengthy process. I've found (well, believe to have found) a way to work against my depression, but I'd never say to another depressed person 'hey, I can do it, now you don't have an excuse!'. Depression is a highly individual bitch.

Sounds like being around us toxic people in this thread isn’t helping your well being. There’s lots of other threads to participate in.
I don't disagree.

You have to consider though if asking "what can I do for myself" is better than "how can I demand that other people do what I say or react how I want them to or stop saying what I don't want them to say".

This is an issue with ResetEra that seems to also be prevalent in other parts of the Internet.

"I belong to Group A so when you talk to me you'd better not say X or Y and you'd better listen to me and I strongly encourage you to agree with me because I belong to Group A and we don't handle disagreement well."

When faced with someone saying "pull yourself together" you have the option to ignore it.
Or you can say "don't you dare say that to me... reeeeeeeee".

I think the latter is just really a no-win situation that ends up hurting you because let's be honest the other guy is just going to walk away thinking "jeez, that guy overreacted a bit there".

It's like the "why do women complain about character designs" thread.
I'm sure plenty of women have issues with sexualized characters for all kinds of reasons.
However, the correct answer is always "who cares, nobody gives a damn if you complain, I like to look at titties, so piss off".
It's a waste of time and effort trying to dictate to others what they can't say or what opinions they shouldn't hold.
Someone coming along and saying "well I am a woman and here is why" makes no difference.

It's strange to see someone SO against censorship making the argument that people shouldn't say a thing because it's "toxic".

The difference between depression and sexy designs is that one is an illness.

I'd agree with you that those who use their illness to demand outrageous things are in the wrong. But there's a meaningful difference between someone saying "I have depression, pls recognize that and don't force me" and "I have depression, now stfu, gimme money for my patreon and suck my dick!".

You'll find the latter on Resetera, but those don't represent most of mentally ill people.

And really, after someone found out you have depression and *still* says shit like 'pull yourself together', ignoring it hurts more than reacting accordingly, even if the idiot still doesn't get it. Makes the soul feel better at least.
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lol @ a reboot of Denver the Last Dinosaur "makes me die a little inside"

haha ok maybe we can finally stop using hyperbole all the time. a Denver the Dinosaur reboot made you die inside? come the fuck on. if anything contributes to toxicity, maybe it's constantly saying things make you wish you were dead.

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It's extremely toxic (even *not* taken to extremes) to tell someone suffering from depression 'pull yourself together, man'.

Tough guy attitude is the wrongest feedback towards most depressed people. Some depression can't be cured, and even those that can require a lengthy process. I've found (well, believe to have found) a way to work against my depression, but I'd never say to another depressed person 'hey, I can do it, now you don't have an excuse!'. Depression is a highly individual bitch.

Is it just a difference in tone and phrasing that you are complaining about? Yes, people saying "stop being a loser" and "get over yourself" and "just get a job" may not help a depressed person.

But encouraging and counseling depressed people to activity, improving their image of themselves and self worth, and to have coping mechanism for the depression cycle is definitely needed.

Also the helpfulness of advice depends on the type and severity of the depression. Someone in the early stages of depression that say just lost their job and is content to live on unemployment and other social assistance, would need to hear encouragement to apply to jobs so they can break the downward spiral and also they are still in a mental state where applying for a job is hard but not impossible. Whereas for someone with severe depression that hasn't held a job for a decade, applying for a job would be step #350. The immediate encouragement should be around small goals: get some exercise, learn a simple skill, etc.

And finally, I believe too much empathy is just as harmful as no empathy when it becomes the enabling of destructive behaviors.


And really, after someone found out you have depression and *still* says shit like 'pull yourself together', ignoring it hurts more than reacting accordingly, even if the idiot still doesn't get it. Makes the soul feel better at least.

Can you point out a post on either site that actually does?

Honest question, would like to know who they are as you keep repeating it and I'd like to know the username to see what else they have posted.

I'm talking about that specfic phrasing "pull yourself together".
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lol @ a reboot of Denver the Last Dinosaur "makes me die a little inside"

haha ok maybe we can finally stop using hyperbole all the time. a Denver the Dinosaur reboot made you die inside? come the fuck on. if anything contributes to toxicity, maybe it's constantly saying things make you wish you were dead.

They literally have two emotions, I'm going to kill myself or I hope that fucking person gets murdered. They have no spectrum, just man child rage towards themselves or others.
Is it just a difference in tone and phrasing that you are complaining about? Yes, people saying "stop being a loser" and "get over yourself" and "just get a job" may not help a depressed person.

Yes, tone is important.
Yesterday, I had to go to a different doctor because my usual doctor was unexpectedly still closed. So i had to tell him my problems and out of nowhere he starts lecturing me in the most assholish manner, as if I hadn't taken lots of steps already and am still working on better. The core of what he said wasn't wrong (basically: 'you have to turn your life around, can't go on like this'), but *how* he told me had me super depressed and I spent most day in bed yesterday because of it.

It's a bummer that many people, even professionals, don't realize that aggressively talking to someone depressed isn't the way. It certainly didn't reach me yesterday, unlike my therapist who's doing a good mix of empathy and tasks that I have to accomplish.
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I imagine you were in a negative frame of mind not having your usual doctor to start with. I doubt he was actually being aggressive as you perceived it. Your view of the world is shaped by your mental illness.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Yes, tone is important.
Yesterday, I had to go to a different doctor because my usual doctor was unexpectedly still closed. So i had to tell him my problems and out of nowhere he starts lecturing me in the most assholish manner, as if I hadn't taken lots of steps already and am still working on better. The core of what he said wasn't wrong (basically: 'you have to turn your life around, can't go on like this'), but *how* he told me had me super depressed and I spent most day in bed yesterday because of it.

It's a bummer that many people, even professionals, don't realize that aggressively talking to someone depressed isn't the way. It certainly didn't reach me yesterday, unlike my therapist who's doing a good mix of empathy and tasks that I have to accomplish.

How you react to the world around you is your choice and your responsibility. If you're self-aware enough to know you're depressed, you're self-aware enough to modulate your reactions instead of demanding that everyone trying to help you also coddles you.
How you react to the world around you is your choice and your responsibility. If you're self-aware enough to know you're depressed, you're self-aware enough to modulate your reactions instead of demanding that everyone trying to help you also coddles you.

There must be something inbetween coddling and condemnation. Ofc, nuance is deader in our current world than it has ever been. Hence why this thread's existence makes so much sense.


There must be something inbetween coddling and condemnation. Ofc, nuance is deader in our current world than it has ever been. Hence why this thread's existence makes so much sense.

You've derailed this topic enough, maybe post your issues in one more ontopic for you now.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
There must be something inbetween coddling and condemnation. Ofc, nuance is deader in our current world than it has ever been. Hence why this thread's existence makes so much sense.
For the bad press that GAF has from ERA, there is a higher amount of suicide threads on ResetERA. Why is that? Because ERA is full of Oppression Olympics athletes. People are constantly outraged trying to out-outrage each other and anyone is not 100% in agreement are banned, even those who are 100% of the hivemind are banned when acting outraged when it doesn't suit their agenda (see alleged Joe Biden assualt). It's exhausting after a while.

Anyone with a smidgen of the issues these posters have need to seek help. Not online, in real life. I will support someone who is trying to fight the demons but when its obvious they are dumbasses who are trying to outdo each other, i despair. Forums are not the way to open up as there is always a dickhead ready to pounce (probably me) and it hinders people looking to take the next step. If you are a white man on ERA do you think that ERA moderators (not even the sites trolls) would cheerlead a suicide.

I remember a story (i think) Arn Anderson used to say about a war reporter seeing a wounded person and was like Jesus that's awful. He walked further down the road and saw a dead man shot to pieces and was like this is worse than the last, it repeats on and on getting worse until finally the reporter sees a bus load of dead children and he just walks on saying nothing because he has become numb to shock from seeing everything.
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