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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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How Resetera escalates minor shit very quickly.

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An entire thread that basically bashes Japan. Yet imagine if anyone made the same comments about a non-Asian country like nations in Africa or South America? Lol, you would be banned on the spot for "racism" or "xenophobia".

But Japanese culture, even for its faults and weaknesses, is as Lt.Chips puts it "weird, period".

One thing I'm grateful for, is I hope Japan continues being its own unique nation. Don't follow in the same footsteps as our Western shitlibs or you might end up dead.

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Dick Jones

Gold Member
Does a disservice to his username
Calls Matt racist for mixing two up in an obvious joke (see next post) but Mr Joker has a Pikachu avatar, the same mix up but doesn't see the irony? Like if you are appropriating a name then go all in with a photo.

Also, that poster has a history of stupid takes such as the Naughty Dog/Laura Bailey situation where he actively wanted Bailey sacked the moment Nadine was drawn black because of Laura's skin colour.

Also where's our buddy in the Matt McMuscles thread?


An entire thread that basically bashes Japan. Yet imagine if anyone made the same comments about a non-Asian country like nations in Africa or South America? Lol, you would be banned on the spot for "racism" or "xenophobia".

He's have been permed from orbit if he had said the same thing about China.

Weird = Culturally different.

Sorry Asian Era, communist China is out best friend now.


Celebrating dead Europeans. A proud Resetera tradition.


"But JordanN, they clearly banned Oheao over this comment!"

Read the last part. 'Prior bans for the same". He has a track record of doing this so they're just giving him a slap on the wrist, not that they have empathy.
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Celebrating dead Europeans. A proud Resetera tradition.


"But JordanN, they clearly banned Oheao over this comment!"

Read the last part. 'Prior bans for the same". He has a track record of doing this so they're just giving him a slap on the wrist, not that they have empathy.

"Track record"
you know that's always bullshit when the mods use that therm.


Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!

An entire thread that basically bashes Japan. Yet imagine if anyone made the same comments about a non-Asian country like nations in Africa or South America? Lol, you would be banned on the spot for "racism" or "xenophobia".

Edit: I'll tone it down and just say "it does suck."
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talk about missing the fucking point


one of the main running jokes in the Spinal Tap movie is how sexist they are. they make this joke over and over again. it being offensive is the entire point. obviously this person has not seen the movie, which has a scene of them discussing the "Smell the glove" album cover, and Fran Drescher pointing out why it is offensive. "It's sexist" "What's wrong with being sexy?" i mean this exact point is hammered at over and over in the movie.

why tf would you make a thread about something you don't know anything about?
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advanced basic bitch
talk about missing the fucking point


one of the main running jokes in the Spinal Tap movie is how sexist they are. they make this joke over and over again. it being offensive is the entire point. obviously this person has not seen the movie, which has a scene of them discussing the "Smell the glove" album cover, and Fran Drescher pointing out why it is offensive. "It's sexist" "What's wrong with being sexy?" i mean this exact point is hammered at over and over in the movie.

why tf would you make a thread about something you don't know anything about?
This kinda shit drives me nuts. When they get mad at something that is supposed to be offensive. My gf is like this. She got triggered by a scene in the first episode of The Boys. If yall have seen it you know which one I mean. I was like "Yes that's the point. These are bad people. "

I'm surprised Blazing Saddles hasn't had a whole movement by these people to get it banned.
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B-but whaaaat if you compare only 1st-party output of Nintendo and Sony?!

God, I hate the Nintendo-fanboys in the Nintendo Direct thread. Nintendo and Sony 1st-party games are not equal, NEITHER are 3rd-party games!

Sony, for all real world purposes, had FF7R and RE3R this year, they're also getting CP2077 - ON TOP of TloU2, Tsushima and a freakin' nextgen system!

And here these fanboys try to make Nintendo's 2020 lineup look good which consists of Animal Crossing and a Xenoblade-remaster ... and literally nothing afterwards. To top it off, their biggest hopes are MORE old games (Mario Collection, Pikmin 3, etc)! And just for the record, 3rd-party publishers are releasing ZERO games on Switch this year that would deserve being mentioned next to those for PS4 mentioned above.

And then they're the ones calling fans who demand more than that 'entitled man babies' ... ugh


advanced basic bitch
Not sure what's wrong with obe, unless you intend to make fun of mental illnesses and their consequences.

Terrible situation to be in, because most people fail to understand your situation and will call you lazy.
He's probably lying our at least exaggerating for sympathy. That's a safe assumption with them. He can work if he wants. Many companies will work around your disabilities.
He's probably lying our at least exaggerating for sympathy. That's a safe assumption with them. He can work if he wants. Many companies will work around your disabilities.

Well, I can't work because I suffer from severe depression (everything seems meaningless, therefore work is super meaningless). Put me in any job and I'll go into fetal position lying on the ground hoping for the situation to end.

Mental illness sucks.


Not sure what's wrong with obe, unless you intend to make fun of mental illnesses and their consequences.

Terrible situation to be in, because most people fail to understand your situation and will call you lazy.

If he/she were genuinely unable to work and disabled then the state would be willing to assist.

I'm actually taking care of my schizophrenic, bipolar mother with dementia in my home until I can work out something more permanent for her. Believe me when I say that I wouldn't poke fun at someone in the position. This person sounds like they're just making excuses.


they just banned someone (a sexual abuse survivor) for calling Kylo Ren a rapist even though director JJ Abrams literally described his act of probing Rey non consentually as "a violent mind rape". you know, from TFA, that Family Friendly Space Wizards Movie For Children.


the whole thread is amazing. OP is arguing that Rian Johnson did Finn wrong, and a bunch of the usual suspects arguing that no, "Finn was always a coward, Rian treated him well. TLJ is a masterpiece." etc. etc. you can't discuss the fact that Rian focusing mostly on redeeming & romaniticizng Kylo Ren a day after inflicting "mind rape" on Rey (in favor of sidelining the POC character) is problematic.

despite the movie taking place on day after the mind rape, it is not allowed to talk about those events and their impact on the story.

amazing the defense force this guy has. the gaslighting and concern trolling Rian Johnson inspires in his defenders is impressive.
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advanced basic bitch
Well, I can't work because I suffer from severe depression (everything seems meaningless, therefore work is super meaningless). Put me in any job and I'll go into fetal position lying on the ground hoping for the situation to end.

Mental illness sucks.
Yeah but you're here. I'm much more inclined to believe that you have legitimate issues. The Re types are 90 percent man-children who can't get out of the parent's basements because they like their mom's breast milk too much.
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Well, I can't work because I suffer from severe depression (everything seems meaningless, therefore work is super meaningless). Put me in any job and I'll go into fetal position lying on the ground hoping for the situation to end.

Mental illness sucks.

You're right. Mental illness does indeed suck. Personally, I've been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and paranoia.

Those are all conditions which I deal with on a daily basis, and I refuse to take medicine based upon my experience with my mother. Meditation, exercise, and investing myself in various hobbies to cope and overcome these conditions have done wonders. I even found a job I dont completely hate to better myself. I'm not one to make excuses.

It wasnt my intent to offend you, nor am I a medical professional of any sort. I'll keep my own feelings towards these issues to myself, and wish you the best - sincerely.
Celebrating dead Europeans. A proud Resetera tradition.


"But JordanN, they clearly banned Oheao over this comment!"

Read the last part. 'Prior bans for the same". He has a track record of doing this so they're just giving him a slap on the wrist, not that they have empathy.

I genuinely think they're holding back on permabanning Oheao because of how clearly unstable he is. Remember the Costco hot dog revolution? Admitting to looking at the kind of online content he does? Or any of the shit he posted here? The guy could straight up kill himself if he lost his outlet entirely, and that's assuming he doesn't take other people down with him.

Some of the stuff he's said would've been a perm for anyone else.
Regarding the the mental illness post quoted from resetera.
The person "srsly?" seems just so filled with negativity. I"m not saying he should be posting about flowers and bunny rabbits, but holy shit, the tone is so negative.

The words and phrases are negative. Can't, don't, refuses, no, dumped, because, kept me from, dying, alone.
I'm not sure of the end game with that kind of post.


Regarding the the mental illness post quoted from resetera.
The person "srsly?" seems just so filled with negativity. I"m not saying he should be posting about flowers and bunny rabbits, but holy shit, the tone is so negative.

The words and phrases are negative. Can't, don't, refuses, no, dumped, because, kept me from, dying, alone.
I'm not sure of the end game with that kind of post.

end game is usually a dose of the real world through temp job placement, jail, hospital, or psyche ward

this assuming they're not criminally insane, which there's no coming back from

resetera deserves its place on the watchlist
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"I have a mental illness, give me free money" is basically 'Era's motto.
yeah, like i have to feel sorry for someone just bc they say they have mental illness.


i have it too. it runs in my family. i also have cancer. you don't hear my whining about why nobody else is taking care of me.
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its tough bc there is no way to tell if someone like that is really disabled or if they are bsing. im guessing if they were really mentally ill to the point of physically being unable to do a job, and if they were like that their entire life, then they should have gotten on disability before they were in their 40s. that doesn't make any sense.

we hear more about not being able to have sex w a partner (let me be sorrow for you 3 and a half year relationship! really crying for you buddy) and "no hope of ever getting out" of GA (where 3 other states are only a 2 hours drive from Atlanta). he is 43 and somehow has never been able to travel 2 hours North or West. if you really want to leave, it is easy. you can take Megabus to Nashville for like $30.

i know people who are seriously mentally ill, some with severe autism, and even they have held down jobs, stocking books in a Barnes N Noble, or bagging groceries in Publix. this is in GA too. not saying they don't have to deal with bs, but at least they try to own their own lives, even in spite of hardships. you can live with dignity, just don't be so dependent on everybody else.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Depression doesn’t improve by wallowing in self-pity, externalizing blame, and sitting motionless. It only improves by taking proactive measures to pull yourself out of it. It can certainly involve getting help, but rarely involves far removed strangers on the internet who are sitting at their own bottoms of depression helping you.


With depression you are either taking steps to get better or you are getting worse. Except in rare extreme brain chemistry scenarios, the severe depression didn't start all at once. People may have a predisposition to depression in their chemistry which paves the way for the slide to total inaction, but mostly it is a series of choices made over years that grows into the complete inability to act and the feeling of worthlessness.

I agree that for someone with terrible depression, the time for "kick in the rear" counseling is long passed. But there was a time for it 5 years ago, or 10, or when they were 15 years old. The coddling of anxiety and depression in its earliest stages enables the severe depression later on. The monster grows the more it is fed.

I struggled with anxiety in my teens and early twenties to the point of panic attacks. Medication did help me when it was at its worst, but what helped me more was not avoiding the situations that made me anxious and racking up some wins. I also know that as my brain ages my predisposition for anxiety will only get worse, but racking up wins has made the anxiety a near non-issue right now. When the anxiety won, my next round of anxiety would be worse. When the anxiety lost, the next round of anxiety would be milder.

And no counseler I had during my struggles ever counciled avoidance. Which is what I feel is done in today's society by well meaning authority figures in these peoples lives. The would council development of coping mechanism to manage the depression/anxiety, but they all stressed that you must not retreat from what makes you sick.


Depression doesn’t improve by wallowing in self-pity, externalizing blame, and sitting motionless. It only improves by taking proactive measures to pull yourself out of it. It can certainly involve getting help, but rarely involves far removed strangers on the internet who are sitting at their own bottoms of depression helping you.

idk mate advice from TaySan TaySan certainly helped mine
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