, please don't feel bad about what those bullies are saying over there. I understand the pressure to be socially conscious in absolutely every way possible, but not everyone is going to get on your case when you don't, especially not the people that are actually your audience.
Era thinks politics are inseparable from everything, and maybe that's true on an extremely technical and semantics level, but what one chooses to focus on is entirely up to them, and that's fine too. People outside the constantly shrinking Era bubble really don't care about the problematic history of creators and just want to talk about the game as it is, completely divorced from any extremely minor instances of social "injustice". People value your views on certain non-social aspects and admire your passion over a game type that means a lot to you. So please just keep doing what you're doing and don't let anyone think you're a lesser person for not zeroing in on an aspect of a product that is largely irrelevant.
If you want to start putting disclaimers over everything, I won't stop you, I just don't think it's necessary and I doubt the vast majority of your audience would disagree with me. Perhaps that's just me being petty though as I don't think these kinds of types should be catered to as they'll just continue to get more demanding until they deny you the right to cover stuff you care about at all. I say that as a marginalized minority myself that has dealt with hatred in the industry first hand.
I really hate this '' literally everything is political '' idiotic mentality.
Yeah, if you're autistic and you're literally going out of your way to search for political meaning in everything you can find it.
But holy shit it just makes you an insufferable person and you're reading WAY too much into things...
It's the same with people who act stupid when someone says that they '' don't want politics in a game ''.
What most people mean when they say that is that they don't want the developers to treat their audience like idiots or prioritize some kind of a political statement or push it in your face too hard.
Sure there's dumbasses like on sites like OAG who are just genuinely racist and sexist and they actually do use it as a dogwhistle ( not to mention that the site is just downright alt-right, most sane people mock that garbage site ).
But people act like that's how most people saying that is like, when it's pretty fucking clear what most people mean when they say it unless you're arguing in bad faith.
Same with movies too, people are just tired of obnoxious pandering they came up with in a board room to try and pander to '' kids dese days '' by smug and out of touch celebrities that are full of themselves and think they're gonna save the world.
I mean people are so god damned obnoxious about this that they read things into foreign games solely based on a US perspective and politics.
There have been a couple of cases like this with some Polish and Czech games for example where game journalists have had an orgasm of pure ignorance about how it fails the American politics purity tests based on US history and current social climate ( which is pretty offensive for so many reasons in and of itself ).
Same with Japanese games, it's like they don't even try to understand or dig into what the actual meaning of things can be they just look at it from a US lens and then judge it solely based off of that cultural meaning and such be damned.
Some douchebag at Eurogamer couldn't help himself but to throw in Trump references in his DoA6 review which was more like an angry blog post than a review because he was upset that the game didn't cover all of the female characters up.
'' Professional game journalists '' everyone!
Being sick and tired of that kind of bullshit in the industry and not wanting to be bombarded with that kind of low effort crap doesn't mean that you literally don't want any politics in gaming or that you hate gay people and women.
It's not that hard to understand, I am not sure if they're actually that stupid or if they're just arguing in bad faith.