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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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lol who will pity these men who simply want to discredit a rape victim's story without any consequences?


like holy shit the amount of sanctimonuous self pity bc you acted like an idiot while stanning a rapist


Darkness no more
Now they are using the Ion Fury thread to discuss emailing Eurogamer to make them aware of the developers “bigotry” and insert some kind of disclaimer on the article. And someone thanked DF for the video and got called tone deaf. It’s a thread to discuss the video wtf.

Example#19474496937 why I like GAF better. At least our thread is mostly people talking about the game and video rather then some made up controversy.


Now they are using the Ion Fury thread to discuss emailing Eurogamer to make them aware of the developers “bigotry” and insert some kind of disclaimer on the article. And someone thanked DF for the video and got called tone deaf. It’s a thread to discuss the video wtf.

Example#19474496937 why I like GAF better. At least our thread is mostly people talking about the game and video rather then some made up controversy.

Ree took a huge L over Ion Fury still so bitter about it they are trying to find some victory in the ashes of defeat.

They tried review bombing, it was pathetic. But the publishers bent the knee. Then the actual gamers review bombed. Publisher saw where the money was and told the SJWs to fuck off. Game stormed up the Steam charts afterwards.

How did cancelling THQ go? Diggeh please.


Gold Member
Lmao what a fucking joke. Sitting round a table, passing judgement then deciding on a sentence. With no power just the threat of trying to destroy careers.

I know John doesnt post here much either as we have our set of special characters but seriously man, just give them a big fat fucking 🖕🖕


advanced basic bitch
I really need to buy Ion Fury. To echo what others have said "Ogay" is a take on "Olay" and is harmless. Its also perfectly in line with the games Ion Fury is paying homage to. It's such a small thing but the Re types need something to be angry about because of their constant unhappiness and malcontent.
I really need to buy Ion Fury. To echo what others have said "Ogay" is a take on "Olay" and is harmless. Its also perfectly in line with the games Ion Fury is paying homage to. It's such a small thing but the Re types need something to be angry about because of their constant unhappiness and malcontent.

Already bought the PC version and pre-ordered the Xbox One version.
Played the game on PC and it was awesome.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."

So judging people on the colour of their skin as a primary reference.

There's a word for that..

Still surprises me that 343 hasn't reprimanded that guy for participating in hate threads on ree. It's not a good look for their company.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
They want DF to donate to charity as an apology and to help punish the alt-right;


Who the fuck is Krejlooc? If DF and D dark10x want to blacklist anyone, do it to this idiot's business and explain it to them. Cannot believe how the hate mob are trying to kill smaller businesses but is okay with the likes of. Sony/MS/Nintendo providing a platform. Maybe Miyamoto should make a donation to charity too or we cancel him. It's so stupid. This constant outrage mentality must be exhausting.

(Not shitting on Nintendo here, just pointing out the double standards). Should we have a disclaimer when discussing Smash because of the black characters and monkey connection it made, or the Native American Mr Game and Watch incident?


Esseicoalou? The fuck is that.
Also FYI, Ninja Scooter once posted the photo of a plane mid flight when a thread spoke of underage girls. Make of that what you will.

Ninja Scooter is also funny saying black men get lynched entering the wrong neighborhood, does he really think this also doesn't happen to whites? The people who talk constantly about how they wish they could murder people?
They want DF to donate to charity as an apology and to help punish the alt-right;

THE ALT RIGHT WILL SEE THIS AS A VICTORY!!!!! Actually the alt right likely won't even see this because it's such a meaningless event that your incessant whining probably doesn't even show up on their radar most of the time.

Also lol at how they must donate all their money to charity because they didn't put a disclaimer about an irrelevant event that they didn't even know existed. He didn't even know the thing existed and they still want a pound of flesh from him.
Lmao what a fucking joke. Sitting round a table, passing judgement then deciding on a sentence. With no power just the threat of trying to destroy careers.

I know John doesnt post here much either as we have our set of special characters but seriously man, just give them a big fat fucking 🖕🖕
No, he can't.

I can't feel sorry for him or DF in general here.

Look, you are always gonna deal with fanboys. Joe Buck has talked about how he hears from both sides of fans when calling a game... both claiming he hates their team. Fanboys come with the territory and are around any site you post on.

You think he would be dealing with that (OMG you signalbooster scumbag) had he posted on IGN? Here? Majority of forums and subreddits? Maybe twitter since it has so many people. But lets be real. That type of shaming and shit talking is only present on Reset, a select few Subreddits, and like I said Twitter just because it has so many people.

Everyone knows their reputation. How they acted with THQ Nordic, Limited Run Games, 3D Realm Games... a whole bunch of others too. Way higher chance he knows about those over knowing about some random Discord conversation one of the Devs had. He knows he can be talked down to while banned for responding in the same manner.

You can't be surprised it happens to you there, you know its just a matter of time. They like doing it to people.


Just more people eating there own, nothing to see here.

DF could have seen this coming from miles away. After all they are straight white and act normal.


As usual, Taysan yet on another thread defending demands to disclaimer, harassing and taking out the kids glove when dealing with DF members.

I took a quick look at the comments section on youtube and not a single one I saw complained about the "problematic" views of the Ion Fury devs. In fact, many of the comments called out Resetera for being the bigoted harassing assholes that they are.

And guess what? Theres a person saying all those comments are homophobics. So according to him, defending John from harassing is homophobic.
Thats resetera type of demented mind.
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LOL B-Dubs is supposed to be on break, even the GM is fleeing the sinking ship now:

Mist said:
Nobody reported it, and Dubs is supposed to be on break. I'd agree that the generalisation is unhelpful. In the future I'd recommend reporting such posts.

But instead it seems he's saying Trump is murdering hundreds of people daily and actively harming MILLIONS:

B-Dubs said:
No, it's not worth talking about advocating for Trump to win. The why of it doesn't matter, you'd still be advocating for Trump to win and look what's been happening. We've literally got hundreds of people (largely people of color) dying every damn day for no reason other than he's an incompetent bigot. You really think another four years of that is a good thing? I mean, shit, four years of Trump literally lead to people being so terrified they decided to go with Biden. Four more years and it'll probably be even worse.

If you're just momentarily frustrated then I get it, but actively wanting to make shit worse for tens of millions of people (killing a bunch in the process) on the off-chance you'll get what you want? That's fucked up.



Gold Member
LOL B-Dubs is supposed to be on break, even the GM is fleeing the sinking ship now:

But instead it seems he's saying Trump is murdering hundreds of people daily and actively harming MILLIONS:

This is what happens when you have this need to control everything. And o ly accept certain views. Imagine how much less work it would be if they let people talk it through and didnt have to ride in to curate every thread with rules that contradict each others, while black mods work with white admins who are all racist.


LOL B-Dubs is supposed to be on break, even the GM is fleeing the sinking ship now:

Less than six months! So fragile, such low energy and too afraid to post on the forum he's supposed to be "The right guy" to manage it. Guess despite not getting publicly blasted for the racist, transphobic and homophobic comments he's made on the forum he must have taken shit for it in the secret Discords.

New GM when?
KrejLooc is a literal autist who thinks he is smarter than everybody(his words not mine).

A quote from his GAF days : "When I work on a project with other people I usually consider myself to be the smartest person in the room".

I am sure someone can find this post if they want to see for themselves.

Imagine having no self-awarness what so ever --- thats KrejLooc.
And regarding John Linneman and his Ion Fury video....

....Unfortunately John works for a "company" and "companies" today just can't afford to be not woke, it's just too much bad PR.

So they are either gonna :
  • Take the video down.
  • Add some stupid disclaimer at the start of the video.
  • Or none of the above because nobody cares about ResetEra and their awful opinions.


KrejLooc is a literal autist who thinks he is smarter than everybody(his words not mine).

A quote from his GAF days : "When I work on a project with other people I usually consider myself to be the smartest person in the room".

I am sure someone can find this post if they want to see for themselves.

Imagine having no self-awarness what so ever --- thats KrejLooc.
I like his past work, did original HL2VR controls( clunky razor hydras but was all that was available at the time) , but he's a bit of an idiot, that comment is juvenile maybe he's just worked in crap companies, while I'm just a developer I've been in a room with multi-millionaires and multi-national CTOs and I would never come out with a statement like that, they were extremely impressive. I consider myself quite smart but there's always smarter.
Juvenile ego!

Let me rephrase, he's smart but he's not intelligent.
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KrejLooc is a literal autist who thinks he is smarter than everybody(his words not mine).

A quote from his GAF days : "When I work on a project with other people I usually consider myself to be the smartest person in the room".

I am sure someone can find this post if they want to see for themselves.

Imagine having no self-awarness what so ever --- thats KrejLooc.
This is going to sound strange but I actually do not deny KrejLooc is indeed very smart.

I have my own theory on intelligence and KrejLooc fits within the idea that those on the far right side of the bellcurve are exceptionally talented, but it comes at the complete cost of social interaction skills and empathy.

It's why when you look at Resetera as a forum, you'll notice the same pattern always exists. 99% of them are dumb as fuck and parrot the same talking points over and over, but then you have the 1% who reside in moderation that know how to control them, but they also have severe mental issues.
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It's why when you look at Resetera as a forum, you'll notice the same pattern always exists. 99% of them are dumb as fuck and parrot the same talking points over and over, but then you have the 1% who reside in moderation that know how to control them, but they also have severe mental issues.

Sounds like we need to have an autist on the GAF mod team to wrangle to console warriors then.
DF should really stop posting on that hate site. It's not good for you. And that John guy is such a passionate dude. Don't let those cunts bring you down.
DF does incredible work and John's work always stands out as some of their best. No idea why he and others subject themselves to abuse like that.

People used to think that it was fear of loss of income/views/ whatever. Ironically the release of Ion Fury on PC proved that they stand to lose more by being an apologetic punching bag to those outrage groups.

Are they gonna cover THQ Nordic releases now?
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THE ALT RIGHT WILL SEE THIS AS A VICTORY!!!!! Actually the alt right likely won't even see this because it's such a meaningless event that your incessant whining probably doesn't even show up on their radar most of the time.
What are you talking about?! We can't let the alt-right win the Ogay war.


REE is still trying to take down Ion Fury? Fuck that site.

For those who want to help the devs and support the game, I believe you can buy directly from 3Drealms on the game's website. Let the company get more money out of the sale. It's on my to-do.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
The four year long PoliGAF/Era meltdown has elevated to a list of demands:

Fuck yes! Does this mean another summit?
And not about video games... on a video game forum.

Era, continue to be the crazed hate site the the rest of the internet mocks and uses as a cautionary tale!

They are literally killing us in the streets...... with their cringey delirious takes divorced from anything that resembles reality.

I don't know if I can survive another four years of Era...

Okay, I can survive... with popcorn.
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