Why bother actually working towards bettering yourself, learning anything and pulling your weight when you can sit at home and virtue signal on the internet?
Just like 90% of Reeposters, benefits sponging scum providing nothing to society but still feeling qualfied to sit in judgement of others.
In TaySan's defense, a lot of people have been. This is because the government wants you to stay home so the pandemic can clear up, because having everything crash and burn will be a lot more difficult to come back from than simply sitting things out for a few months.
State unemployment insurance + that $600 (max) stipend means that people who weren't making over about $32k before may as well sit around and save up, then re-engage the economy once things open back up.
Unfortunately, I've been bored and browsing various forums more than usual, and I see a lot of chatter on Ree about people buying Switches and games and shit, people who I noticed often chatting about how poor they were before all of this. So, yea. Not confident they're saving that money like they should be.