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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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there are a lot of users from the South

i dont know about any other clowns but ive been saying yall all my life

Difference is that you've not been posting it on message boards all your life. I'd also be pretty confident that there's a more than a few white people on Ree using it becuse they think it's a thing black people say. Thus yo we cool, "I speak black".
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Why bother actually working towards bettering yourself, learning anything and pulling your weight when you can sit at home and virtue signal on the internet?

Just like 90% of Reeposters, benefits sponging scum providing nothing to society but still feeling qualfied to sit in judgement of others.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

Why bother actually working towards bettering yourself, learning anything and pulling your weight when you can sit at home and virtue signal on the internet?

Just like 90% of Reeposters, benefits sponging scum providing nothing to society but still feeling qualfied to sit in judgement of others.

In TaySan's defense, a lot of people have been. This is because the government wants you to stay home so the pandemic can clear up, because having everything crash and burn will be a lot more difficult to come back from than simply sitting things out for a few months.

State unemployment insurance + that $600 (max) stipend means that people who weren't making over about $32k before may as well sit around and save up, then re-engage the economy once things open back up.

Unfortunately, I've been bored and browsing various forums more than usual, and I see a lot of chatter on Ree about people buying Switches and games and shit, people who I noticed often chatting about how poor they were before all of this. So, yea. Not confident they're saving that money like they should be.

Why bother actually working towards bettering yourself, learning anything and pulling your weight when you can sit at home and virtue signal on the internet?

Just like 90% of Reeposters, benefits sponging scum providing nothing to society but still feeling qualfied to sit in judgement of others.

I cannot believe I am actually defending TaySan TaySan . He made a simple statement and it can be interpreted badly but on other threads and posts he has contributed to he has given out enough information that I believe he is not some freeloading asshole. Dude is straight up from 100 acre woods and shits rainbows. He really is a nice person and honestly his views might come off narrow but he has a good heart. From what I gather he really is just that nice... He also happens to be a fellow Phoenician and I would love to have a beer with him sometime just to actually talk to him in person and get a better read on him.

Unfortunately, I've been bored and browsing various forums more than usual, and I see a lot of chatter on Ree about people buying Switches and games and shit, people who I noticed often chatting about how poor they were before all of this. So, yea. Not confident they're saving that money like they should be

I would tend to agree but a 10k foot level looking down, them spending money at all is keeping the economy going. I would rather have Switches and TV's bought that could be taxed then say... street drugs.
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Darkness no more
A lot of people are taking advantage of the extra UI credit. It only lasts for a short time period. It’s hard to find a job now or he may be furloughed. I don’t really blame people considering the circumstances out there.


Lol predictably they are blowing a gasket over Trump not wearing a mask

they are so mad that the US is a free country lol bunch of crybaby wanna be tyrants


Lol predictably they are blowing a gasket over Trump not wearing a mask

they are so mad that the US is a free country lol bunch of crybaby wanna be tyrants
Which is funny because they keep screaming about how they're willing to killing literally everyone working for the White House if that means Trump gets corona and dies. So it's not like they give a shit about anyone's life.


Lil’ Gobbie

Why bother actually working towards bettering yourself, learning anything and pulling your weight when you can sit at home and virtue signal on the internet?

Just like 90% of Reeposters, benefits sponging scum providing nothing to society but still feeling qualfied to sit in judgement of others.

Not cool. All I see is him stating an honest fact, and your delusions filled in the rest.


Unconfirmed Member
Ahh so lying under oath DOES matter if the accused is a Democrat. According to the latest thread on Joe Bidden anyway. I'm glad I have Resetera as my consistent moral compass.


That entire thread is hilarious, especially when Hecht comes in and starts shouting at everyone as he gets questioned about moderation.

Tell one user to basically 'fuck off and go someone else' and equating wanting to wait for more information on an accusation to calling the accuser a liar. Top tier quality content.

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That entire thread is hilarious, especially when Hecht comes in and starts shouting at everyone as he gets questioned about moderation.

Tell one user to basically 'fuck off and go someone else' and equating wanting to wait for more information on an accusation to calling the accuser a liar. Top tier quality content.

Screencap for anyone not wanting to give Ree a click

i think they are just pissed off that trump has a magical immunity to not only covi
unable to grok the concept that half the country literally doesn't vote for either candidate


ah yes hundreds of millions of people are liars. sage wisdom spoken by a retarded cartoon bear.
I think optional voting is something that should be celebrated as in Australia both sides are shit but we are forced to vote
In America you simply dont vote


Screencap for anyone not wanting to give Ree a click


Oh they're still going in on him, can't wait to see the bans that come out of this.

Cheers for content, Hecht!

(Would have screencapped only there are so so many)
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Gold Member
Screencap for anyone not wanting to give Ree a click



It's a game forum. Who the fuck cares what anonymous people choose to believe? Aside from fart sniffing, can anything tangible be pointed to as a good outcome from these rules? The site is haemorrhaging users, it's a laughing stock across the internet and they have left no credible mark except a lot of back patting as they lord it above the peons.

There is support, belief and disblief. You can support someone with the absence of belief as long as there is also a lack of disbelief. However, that's not what is happening on that site. It's become a faith movement. You have to have faith that they are telling the truth, and are unable to question or highlight ambiguity (see the Smollett disaster on that site). They are hand waved away as 'white supremacy', 'racism', 'bigotry' etc. and now they deal with absolute cluster fuck they've created.


Hecht getting the attention his pathetic tweets don't, he don't care if it makes him look like a tool. You can tell B-dubs is on a break and not there to keep Hecht in line.


That entire thread is hilarious, especially when Hecht comes in and starts shouting at everyone as he gets questioned about moderation.

Tell one user to basically 'fuck off and go someone else' and equating wanting to wait for more information on an accusation to calling the accuser a liar. Top tier quality content.

I think it might be worth the click, there's so much with Hecht telling people to fuck off, Morrigan telling people to stop fighting, it feels like the house on fire gif.


Hecht getting the attention his pathetic tweets don't, he don't care if it makes him look like a tool. You can tell B-dubs is on a break and not there to keep Hecht in line.

How can someone even get attention when he basically blocks everyone in his tweets?
If anyone wants a real life example of a person hiding in his basement afraid of real world, Heich is the fella.

I even bet that people who goes to therapy would feel miles better looking at how pathetic he is.
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i do love the continued insistence that "the people spoke" and "we voted for him" and the straight up ignoring the fact that the primary was literally CANCELLED in about half the states, meaning that no, people literally did not vote for him, and were denied the chance.


gonna feel so good watching these sycophants gnash and wail at their monumental loss on election day. this sticking your head in the sand is only going to work if you are an idiot Dem minion like this avatar. fuck them
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I think optional voting is something that should be celebrated as in Australia both sides are shit but we are forced to vote
this is it right here. they are mad we aren't forced to vote.

that's what it is about most US-hating topics. they are mad we aren't forced to do lots of things.

like LOL at "they hate our freedoms" but in this case that is literally true


so while they are all gnashing their teeth about how the Candice Owens and Kanye Wests of the world will use Biden's racism against him, here's a friendly reminder from a mod that it doesn't matter if you disparage black people if you are black


lol these mods think they are woke but in truth their politics are shit
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lol Biden working with Republicans is a good thing (qualified with "unlike Trump!" :messenger_tears_of_joy: )


oh yeah, Mueller, the guy that helped get us into the Iraq War, what would we have without without this "skilled lifetime government employee" ;p;

"hey guys, Biden might get more Mueller types in government! more career politicians, possibly Republicans. don't you want to vote for him now?"

its amazing, these arguments
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Hoo Doo was permabanned? That cuck was one of the worst posters on that site. Nib95 is going to have to step up his game concern trolling every xbox thread now that his partner in crime is gone
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Plague Doctor

Gold Member
maxxpower is wrong. GAF already knew he was racist.

They've been denying it and handwaving accusations of it for years.

Is this the part where NYT or WaPo claims "the canard about the 1960s KKK party flip is a Right Wing Talking Point™, and Democrats fell for it"?

NYT and WaPo are going to work hard to gaslight Biden's segregationist zeal.

High enough word count and retweets, and Biden will retroactively be for integration all along.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
For a forum that sees racist dog whistle everywhere in media and culture, direct racist remarks by the democratic nominee is a joke and shouldn't be taken seriously. A half hearted, second hand apology is enough to be water under the bridge.

They have called for the heads of other people for far less.

You cannot write comedy this good.


OH! And then they ban a black member for taking Joe's remarks too much to heart and acting "hostile".

True leftists and liberals my fucking ass. Era, come to terms with the truth. Your American mods and prominent members are Democratic party loyalists and operatives. The social justice shit was just a cover and it was always party first. The mask is slipping.
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its funny seeing them try to hold two contradictory ideas in their head at once:

like imagine trying to square
"Biden will make a fine president in terms of government culture"

"marginalized people don't need someone to basically say 'what are you gonna do? Vote Republican?'"


no wonder they are losing their mind. it's like a robot that just got asked to override it's interior logic.

and no wonder Biden takes these types for granted. they are the most pathetic boot lickers around
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anyone get a chance to see what these "Far right propoganda" links were that got this poster banned?


i tried looking thru the thread for the offending posts, seems like they have been scrubbed

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holy shit stop the presses guys

she said something positive once and tried to take credit for the work she did

another reason this lying woman is a liar

everyone knows that victims tell the same story 100% and never try to protect their accusers

just ask the good male feminists at Era and their mind programmers at ABC news

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