I don't think you understand what i am trying to say. Alt account is against the TOS. I agreed, they banned my alt account 3 years ago and kept my regular account active. I am not even complaining about why my alt account was banned.
Anyways, few months after my alt account ban, original account was banned for "abusing the alt account" after I disagree with someone. So i just made another account, after few months that also got banned "Abusing alt account". This rat and mouse thing went on for 3 years, at first i thought there was a bot and I was randomly getting banned because of using same IP and got stuck in a loop. But each passing time i realized i am only being put under a microscope WHEN i go against the herd opinion.
Yesterday though, it sealed the deal for me if i even had any doubts about how the site is being run. As i pointed out above, i just stood up against the guy generalizing a race because of few bad apples. People started ganging up on me and I was gone within minutes and remember this account i have been using for 1 year. Reason "Abuse of alt account" . But this time i couldn't let go, so I emailed them and their reply was what i posted.
Here is a work around btw. Make a new account using VPN. Keep using VPN until its approved, once its approved you don't need to. However, as i said once you go against the herd, it will be put under a microscope and you will be gone.
So thats what i mean by i am finally done. If they would have banned me randomly one day stating you made alt account once, its against TOS and you are banned for life. Would have made sense. But the reason i was put under a radar for saying what i said yesterday, really connected lot of dots for me why i got banned the other times as well. So eventhough i know the work around, i am really done. They have no place for different opinion.