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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Minnesota riot thread is sure something right now all these keyboard warriors fapping at the thought of violence and posting bullshit articles on how violence is a good idea and banning anyone who doesn’t agree. Just all around a bunch of people trying to out stupid one another


That's accurate and catchy. (y)


When you set an Auto Zone on fire then the justice system has to reform itself from the ground up that’s just how it goes! Read this article on violence as praxis written by a 22 year old gender studies student who never leaves his parents house

Hey good thing these people are backing Joe Biden and whichever cop he decides to be his running mate. Get this tantrum out of your system so this November you can pull the lever for the guy who bravely kicked Corn Pop out of a pool
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Gold Member
Unfortunately by limiting discussion I think that can impair the individual growth of a mostly white and male user base.
It’s what they want. Have you seen the “oh noes, I watched random YouTube video and now my suggestions are full of FUCKING ALT-RIGHT videos, WTF YouTube??” threads and posts? Won’t a YT algorithm please think of our youth and the right side of history??

The funny thing is, most people who post this lunacy are probably white males. They’re probably young people finding it hard to cope with modern adult life and its hardships in spite of their assumed “white privilege”. So they flock to sites like this who‘s mantra is “fuck white people” because, in a perverse way, they feel that if they can self-flagellate themselves enough, they will one day appear as victims and get help and support from people who actually hate them. They can’t accept different views because that would make them see themselves as failures who couldn’t even capitalize on their youth and privilege.

You see it all the time there. Everyone is a victim but, as soon as someone makes a thread about some situation where they screwed up royally and can’t possibly blame somebody else (which means the OP must be white, male and straight, otherwise it’s always somebody else’s fault), then the thread will backfire and even the snarkiest comments won’t be moderated. It’s fail-proof. The white male can paint himself as an “ally” all he wants, but when shit hits the fan, he’s still a privileged pig and won’t get no sympathy on Reera.


Gold Member
It’s what they want. Have you seen the “oh noes, I watched random YouTube video and now my suggestions are full of FUCKING ALT-RIGHT videos, WTF YouTube??” threads and posts? Won’t a YT algorithm please think of our youth and the right side of history??

Yeah it's crazy - I'm always signed into youtube and have watched linked videos like TheQuartering, Sophia Nar, Joe Rogan etc. I've clicked on tons of random video's and never had ay alt-right content suggested etc. They are always up on bleeding edge derogatory terms as well. Tells you that they probably frequent al these places more than the average interet user searching for outrage bait and words.


Darkness no more
Yeah it's crazy - I'm always signed into youtube and have watched linked videos like TheQuartering, Sophia Nar, Joe Rogan etc. I've clicked on tons of random video's and never had ay alt-right content suggested etc. They are always up on bleeding edge derogatory terms as well. Tells you that they probably frequent al these places more than the average interet user searching for outrage bait and words.

They define the few people you mentioned as being alt-right. The problem isn’t YouTube. It is what Era considers alt-right...which is any idea they disagree with.

Honey Bunny

The idea that destroying random local businesses is some sort of therapeutic exercise for the community is preposterous if it's false, and shocking if it's true. Some community.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
I thought it was a brave move in The Last of Us Part 2 State of Play when Neil Druckmann informed us that your have to sign up to new terms and conditions. Everytime you kill an animal in the game, Naughty Dog will send a contractor to your house to kill your dog. What if you don't have a dog? They will buy you one and proceed to shoot it in your front garden.

Otherwise the reaction to the death of a digital animal is over the top.

Edited because I noticed I did a Slayven. Spelling error since corrected.
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So do these people not remember all the riots that happened during the Obama years which resulted in ZERO positive change? BLM started under Obama so this violent protest thing has been going for 10 years with literally nothing to show for it. Way to go!

They keep saying “this is a historic never before thing” and “oh wow now is the start of a movement” I’m like, you must have a short or no sense of memory, you don’t remember people doing exactly this violent rioting 6-8 years ago and the black president deciding to not do a thing about it? They petitioned the “most progressive prez ever” and it fell on deaf ears but with Trump in there these riots will work. Suuure ok!!! 😊👍
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So do these people not remember all the riots that happened during the Obama years which resulted in ZERO positive change? BLM started under Obama so this violent protest thing has been going for 10 years with literally nothing to show for it. Way to go!

They keep saying “this is a historic never before thing” and “oh wow now is the start of a movement” I’m like, you must have a short or no sense of memory, you don’t remember people doing exactly this violent rioting 6-8 years ago and the black president deciding to not do a thing about it? They petitioned the “most progressive prez ever” and it fell on deaf ears but with Trump in there these riots will work. Suuure ok!!! 😊👍

It is interesting that you bring up BLM. That is I believe the first movement that really allowed for splinter groups to grow without any real management. As a protest design it is extremely dangerous as splinter groups can become more militant and yet the populace sees it all as one group, one goal, one leader type scenario. We see it with pretty much every protest group post BLM and it really does take away from the cause when there are too many factions all still united under the same banner.

The calls for riots are dangerous and the venom towards anyone that disagrees is equally dangerous. It is strange that the last real riots I recall were the LA riots of the 90's and those lasted for days and were pretty scary. Everything since has been to my recollection semi-peaceful or ended quickly.


The calls for riots are dangerous and the venom towards anyone that disagrees is equally dangerous.
i think the real danger is from false identifying. for instance last night people were posting images of houses saying "This is where the cop lives, why don't people just go into his house and drag him out?" and its like, people have no idea whose house that actually is, false doxxing happens all the time, what if you just sent people to a random house? this is why mob justice is a stupid fucking idea
i think the real danger is from false identifying. for instance last night people were posting images of houses saying "This is where the cop lives, why don't people just go into his house and drag him out?" and its like, people have no idea whose house that actually is, false doxxing happens all the time, what if you just sent people to a random house? this is why mob justice is a stupid fucking idea

Even if the house or person was correctly identified calls for justice are fine, vigilantism is not. We have a society that is evolved in theory that allows for even the most heinous of crimes to be weighed in a court.


Good thing the riot talk is mod approved

Poodlestrike said:
This thread is about the protests following the murder of a black man by the Minneapolis police, that same police force's crackdown on said protesters, and the systemic oppression of black people by the police as a whole. It's not about how concerned you are about "riots" or property damage. Anyone trying to derail or concern troll about property damage will be actioned accordingly.

They're also celebrating this tweet saying some firefighters refuse to put out the fires....

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Gold Member

This thread is hilarious.

First they blame Trump and the GOP for the unemployment and not COVID-19, yet they're the first ones to want to close everything down and stay home which would create this high unemployment.

Now, for the past few weeks Trump and other REP Governors are opening their state and trying to get their economy running again, but it's these REEE who are crying bloody murder because people are going back to work.

SO what is it?


Good thing the riot talk is mod approved

They're also celebrating this tweet saying some firefighters refuse to put out the fires....

ugh that is beyond sickening. note this is a guy in London (a "black flag anarchist in London", lol, might be the funniest thing i've heard all day) cheering on the burning of buildings in USA.

also im wondering who is "Unicorn Riots" actually is? why would you report this? it doesn't make any fucking sense lol. fire doesn't just affect billionaires.
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It's amazing how upset they are that they're protecting the officer's house from a fucking mob. It's amazing how much they seem to be ok with lynchings now. It's almost as if even if he is a murderer, people aren't ok with lynchings. Even the person who killed Lee Harvey Oswald was put in prison for a long time for murder. It's pretty gross how ok they are with murdering someone and their innocent family...

Also torching apartment buildings is now ok!
Arkanim94 said:
Replicant said:
They shouldn’t be torching apartment buildings..Jesus Christ.
The police shouldn't kill poc though.

#TheRightSideOfHistory #VideoGameForum
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Maybe they'll be able to remove any oxygen from a fire by screeching at it.

Also that is a HARD 18.

Plus eyebrows. (have never been at the scene of a fire before)
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
The secret ERA Furry council meeting has now concluded to deal with the recent deerphobic comments on the board. I obtained the opening presentation by B-Dubs (I had to edit out all the racist comments by him, it took a while). Nepenthe is sitting beside him and yes that is her real height.


the source of the beyond idiotic "firefighters refuse to fight fires in solidarity" post is just a stupid white teenager who hates white people



throw her on the pile of "white people who hate white people and won't shut up about white people"

These "abolish civilization" types always look they would be one of the first bodies tossed in a mass grave if civilization actually fell.

I also like the "F*ck capitalism! Also check out my cash.app link!"
the source of the beyond idiotic "firefighters refuse to fight fires in solidarity" post is just a stupid white teenager who hates white people



throw her on the pile of "white people who hate white people and won't shut up about white people"

I find it hilarious that she her dude has a Soviet flag. He would wind up buried in the forest had he lived in the Soviet union


A whole thread (already 2 pages long just 15 minutes after it has been posted) of REEEEEEEEEEE trying to cancel IGN for liking a single tweet by Trump:

A whole thread (already 2 pages long just 15 minutes after it has been posted) of REEEEEEEEEEE trying to cancel IGN for liking a single tweet by Trump:

"No such thing as cancel culture" huh?

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Scrolling down in their media (NSFW btw) I somehow have more questions than when I started.
You are far braver than I. I just read the bio, saw the photo and went I've no interest in this dude's opinion.

I'm glad I took the coward's way out after your review
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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
A whole thread (already 2 pages long just 15 minutes after it has been posted) of REEEEEEEEEEE trying to cancel IGN for liking a single tweet by Trump:

Actually, IGN liked two tweets from Trump. They're worse than 100 9/11s.
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You are far braver than I. I just read the bio, saw the photo and went I've no interest in this dude's opinion.

I'm glad I took the coward's way out after your review

This made me curious so I took a peek. It's mostly all just hurr hurr riot stuff with videos taken of the action.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Era trying to get someone else fired for tribal partisan reasons? Ah. Yes. It's a Thursday.

Yep, this is the forum developers and publishers should listen to and want attached to their brand.

Yep, totally normal video game enthusiast forum that is inclusive to everyone who shares the love of games.
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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Firefighters didn't refuse to put out fires, more social media lies.

Maybe someday people will learn not to get worked up about Twitter posts that lack visual evidence or even credible eyeball witnesses. Seems like literally no one learned anything from the very widely reported death of Kim Jong Un.

Hardly anybody goes back to check the accuracy of these things. Probably because the purpose is always either to galvanize, enrage, or motivate irrespective of the truth.

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
If putting up a sign that reads

"Minority Owned"

Stops looting at said store...then this isnt a riot against abuse of authority.
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