LOL yes it's amazing what a great case these rioters are making FOR the insurance companies. like, yall wanted to demonstrate their importance, you really couldn't have done a better job! way to go! looking forward to the billion dollars insurance company bailout that is soon to come...I like how they think just because a buiness is insured that it means it happens instantly. You see that weeping minority over there? Its fine he has insurance. Those women that got beat up defending their business? It's fine they have insurance. Fuck yourselves right off you bigots.
They’re also crying that it’s the cops fault because they purposefully abandoning that area. I thought cops were the enemy??? Also it’s thousands of people looting shit, did they not see how well the cops protected the “rich” stores?
HylianSeven said:I have a really dumb question: is "looters" being considered dogwhistle akin to "thugs" yet? I feel like it should be.
kaylaz said:most of the looters are white tho
Even when they gave birth the most stupid shit ever, they never miss a chance to complain other people should do what they want to do.![]()
Why shouldn’t the protestors arm themselves against the police?
It’s beyond obvious the police departments/Donald Trump/racists are going to take up arms against the protestors. Why shouldn’t the protestors defend themselves?
yeah i can't believe police are being brutal it's just people BURNING DOWN BUILDINGS cmon brah, totally fine! basically this meme:
Yes, let me resign from my job in the middle of a pandemic. So is the "solution" to this not having any police force at all?![]()
Minneapolis protests over murder of George Floyd. Police response more severe than when white supremacists stormed capitol. (See Threadmarks to help)
It's normal during looting. People like to frame that cops are a form of civic defense, but one look through history shows that police benefited off free stuff as much as looters. I think I read a recent article about one cop that stole a shitton of drugs from a pharmacy, then made a
Yes, let me resign from my job in the middle of a pandemic. So is the "solution" to this not having any police force at all?
"people never get banned here for posting an opposing point-of-view"
The event was planned the day of Floyd's memorial. It was the right call. This site is filled with alt-right ass hats. If you're upset about this you can go fuck yourself. The stream will happen a week or two from now. It will happen. It's the fucking dipshit president you cunts support that led to these events.
Get fucked, all of you.
Oh man, you wouldn't say that to my 6'2 192 pound rugby playing ass in person you alt-right fuckboy. I'd beat the everliving fuck out of you.
I missed that one. Yeah, I've seen a few suspicious posters in the last few days trying to stir shit up and failing miserably. They don't send their best that's for sure.And right on cue, they managed to sneak some accounts on GAF and start fighting immediately.
Told you Reset always sends their defense force when called out.
Some people just really need to learn how to:
1. Care about things without letting it erode your mental healthy and turn you into a ranting, insane depressed person.
2. Do things that actually make a difference. Donate, volunteer, vote, work to get out the vote and fight voter supression etc.
No one is going to make a difference if they're crippled by depression and anxiety and rarely leaving the house, nor does being a keyboard warrior online accomplish a fucking thing. Hardly any one online changes their minds after debates about even banal things like video games and movies, even fewer are going to change their mind about things as ingrained as values, beliefs and political views/preferences. All people do on forums is end up arguing fruitlessly with people who disagree and will mostly never change their minds or form echo chambers where they end up eating their own like Era and here back in the day.
Internet warriors don't care about changing things for the better at all. If they did they would do the things you mentioned.
Gun sales surge 80% in May in USA Back in Feb/March gun sales also SURGED when people were afraid about covid, then kinda slowed down and I expect June to be the biggest month of the year if there is inventory. A LOT of the gun owners
So they pro-gun now? I'm not even necessarily disagreeing with them wanting one, good for them if they want to defend their life & property. Its just...damn. That was the fastest 180 degrees I've seen.
AHHAHAHAHAHAHA, not a single mention of insurance! LIVES>PROPERTY, those guys should have been responsible and gotten some of that insurance to protect them! Also lol at them blaming the police and Neo nazi's for this. The makeup they have to pull off blackface has been the best I've ever seen since it's only white people
committing these crimes.
And some people still think this thread exists because GAF has ex-girlfriend issues, LOL.![]()
"people never get banned here for posting an opposing point-of-view"
They are incapable of subtlety. That's why that place is full of trolls and hardly anyone notices. Too busy watching out for dogwhistles and other things that exists only in their minds.I missed that one. Yeah, I've seen a few suspicious posters in the last few days trying to stir shit up and failing miserably. They don't send their best that's for sure.
Sheepdog? Did you assume their animalities? #streammoredeersontwitchgamingoh they have the best sheepdogs in the world. the entire place is like the KGB, everyone informing on everyone else.
"Facebook harbors people who don't agree with my bullshit" REEE!!!. Jesus Christ talk about fragility.![]()
they are trying to delete facebook
If you are still on Facebook, now is the time to delete it Hundreds of Facebook employees are also walking out. I am also deleting my insta and will move all photography efforts to Imgur. I suggest people do the same. The "but my family and friends"
Delete Facebook?![]()
they are trying to delete facebook
If you are still on Facebook, now is the time to delete it Hundreds of Facebook employees are also walking out. I am also deleting my insta and will move all photography efforts to Imgur. I suggest people do the same. The "but my family and friends"
Rugby makes you better at fighting?And right on cue, they managed to sneak some accounts on GAF and start fighting immediately.
Told you Reset always sends their defense force when called out.
Rugby makes you better at fighting?