I usually stay far away from these sorts of discussions as I don't give nearly as much a shit about politics as alot of people seem to, but last night I thought I peruse the George Floyd threads both here and fucking resetera to get an idea of the takes from different angles. Sometimes you just wanna hang out and check out a car crash you know...
As usual discussion here is far more nuanced, with people actually giving some thought to the situation and mostly being pretty civil about it. But that fucking other place... They've gone full N.W.A circa 1988/89. Except unlike Cube and Co they're not doing it with mad poetry, and most of them are feeling second hand offended, seeing some moral high ground they can jump on, and then getting all outraged. You know, cos everyone else in their little echo chamber is
I mean, you have a thread full of people seemingly in agreeance that some 700,000 odd police officers across America, to a man, are all corrupt and power tripping and only took a job so they could get erections while beating down/shooting black people. Anyone who suggests that MAYBE, just MAYBE, not all of them are bad and its more like a few bad eggs making them all look shit, is shouted down and eventually banned. I guess that means all Muslims are suicide bombers as well using their logic. Or all black people are gangbangers who do drive by shootings in the hood every night (wait... might not be the best example right now...). I know Religion/Race and occupation are a little different but painting a whole group of people broadly with the same brush and labelling "BAD" hasn't really helped anyone in the course of human history.
The one excpetion to this imo is all Reeeeee'ers are fucked in the head. No exceptions. Well except maybe a few I still game with who are normal people and pretty sure don't partake in those threads. Actually, fuck it. They're fucked too cos sweeping generalizations are now the way to go and far easier to make then treating people on their own merits. *Goes to psn to delete half of friends list*
Also, are all these people that damn sheltered they haven't had any interactions with the law themselves. I'd almost guarantee most of them spouting that drivel have very likely interacted with officers on that very board without even knowing it. Pretty sure cops play games too (if thats even what that forums about any more) I'm Aussie so its a bit different here, but I've had quite a few dealings on both sides of the law with cops, and I'd say all but about 2 were great. Even when I was younger and stupider and got in trouble with them a few times, the officers I dealt with were decent, respectable human beings and certainly did nothing to treat me poorly. Oh and of the 2 that veered into dickish territory one was a traffic cop who 20 year old me decided to be a smart ass too, so I kinda had that one coming.
Anyway I could go on, like how alot of them are happy to incite 'protests' (not the R word though. Not an actual thing. All 'Copaganda' I think was the term they were using) but I'll be here all night typing.
Sorry if thats all a bit long and brings zero to the discussion. Its just I made the mistake to read that shit last night before bed, and then couldn't get to sleep for a few hours because I was that pissed off at some of the sheer nonsense I read. So I guess I needed to verbalise it some.
Lastly, I hope any gaffers in any of the hotspots over there are doing ok. Safe stay (or however that new in phrase goes)