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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Ask those brainiacs if the OK sign is a white power sign, how come tech companies haven't rushed to delete it as an emojii?

Dick Jones

Gold Member

I remember a day when that gesture just meant ok. They were simpler times.
Okay. We will use this reetarded logic
Mario is Italian
Mario does this handsign

Could an Italian explain what the significance of an Italian making this hand gesture is?

For ultra snowflakes these wankers know alot about all the racist and bigoted shit. More than any racist does


Look at that cop wearing fucking shoes. Don't you know shoes are an oppresive symbol for the white man stepping on the black man. Cancel him immediately.


Gold Member

I like how they have a thread bemoaning Nintendo over not apperently support BLM even though they have another thread that implies otherwise.

Anyway, Activision, who bowed down to Pooh Bear last year suddenly cares about justice? Now that is what makes those brand statements a joke to me in my eyes.

“We are not providing a platform for Nintendo. Thread locked. Read official staff communication.”


Guys, the feds are going to shut down RESETERA!!!!!! They've caught them, they are scared of the power they hold!!!!

pirata said:
FreezePeach said:
Someone on the backend keep in the back of your mind if this place gets shut down, how to communicate to users etc etc. Internet warfare might happen if this extends.
Yeah, we really need to start preparing for this now, I agree. They've already shown they'll do anything to stay in power. There being a period in which it's illegal for us to post like this is quite likely now.[/quote]

How mentally ill are these people?

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Guys, the feds are going to shut down RESETERA!!!!!! They've caught them, they are scared of the power they hold!!!!

How mentally ill are these people?

One step closer to "board viewable by Members Only"
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
Guys, the feds are going to shut down RESETERA!!!!!! They've caught them, they are scared of the power they hold!!!!

How mentally ill are these people?

Yeah, that's the reason they will be shut down by the FBI. Nothing to do with kiddy diddling.


How "doing nothing" or simply ignoring the whole drama, now equaits to being a confirmed racist nazi, is a dream scenario for them.

It means that by default everybody is now racist, which ties into their underlying belief that everybody is somehow inferior to them, and needs to beg them for approval to be elevated to their level.

It gives them a sense of power and entitlement over others, which these sad bullied outcasts have always desired.

That's the thing. It really is all about power.

What if a corporation was making donations in the background and just really didn't want the publicity here?
That would seem acceptable to me.
I mean, it's not like the whole situation is lacking coverage.

It's interesting that they'd rather march each brand out in public to state "we are against X" or "we support Y".
The absolute need to see corporations come out and bend the knee really is more about flexing power.

Most major companies will have some volunteer and/or charity program for sure and I'd like to think that mostly it comes from wanting to do some good in the world.

Pretending to care to improve your brand image is greasy.
Hell, even if you do care but you are using it to promote your brand it's still a bit gross.

I just wonder how many brands are thinking now "we need to say something before the mob demands we say something".

In the end it raises the question of why brands choose to support some causes and not others.


two separate threads



double matching donating to BLM doesn't matter
hiring a black person onto the board of directors doesn't matter either

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Nah, I think that's where it differs. They're not driving this, they're being swept by the wave
i think it's both. the thing is, a lot of Era IS in this high priest class. they ARE the media mouthpieces. they ARE the corporations. there are people over there who are literally making these games and writing these articles. and the meta way Era works, by keeping discussion tightly gated around pre-chosen talking points, provided by media articles, only enforces the importance of the Voice From On High.

any refusal to accept what the high priests deem TRUTH is seen as suspect. you will be excommunicated a la Kanye West for being a heretic. note how this is referred to as "the sunken place". the terminology they use reveals how they think this ideology elevates them above others.
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0G M3mbeR

I remember a day when that gesture just meant ok. They were simpler times.

This is a disturbing thread. The few sane people that already explained it was him giving the ok sign to the camera crew getting group piled on by the super far left hive mind is shameful.

The people on that board would start world war 3 if given the reigns of any power. The politics over there are truly frightening.


K dude. You non-athletes need to stop posting this shit.

Try harder. I used to play Rugby and have tried American football.
Rugby is more dangerous and the hits are just as big as in American Football but less often due to the rules of only contact aloud on the ball carrier.
Most Rugby players are also over 6 feet tall and weigh over 130kg.


Gold Member


Nintendo capitulated to the mob, makes statement. Gotdatmoney (lol) is now pleased. didn't matter that Nintendo hires a black man as COO and President of the company. no, what matters is them making a statement in a Tweet.

Gotdatmoney claims it is "not a fucking political statement" yet of course if you don't say it in a Tweet, then you have bad politics, and will be trashed for it. TRY SQUARING THOSE TWO THOUGHTS IN YOUR BRAIN


and of course no virtue signalling can pass without taking the time to trash "some of yall in the last few threads". yes always pointing the finger. the need to publicly shame others could rival Indulgence-era Catholicism or Struggle Session-era China.
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Era celebrates speech from John Boyega

hoping nobody remembers when the site threw a 21 page bitch fit calling him uppity because he said something about the Holy Text the Last Jedi

or giving him shit for not wanting to be demoted to the D+ tv ghetto
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Dick Jones

Gold Member

Don't worry guys. We can buy Nintendo Games again.
I don't know if we ever can


We need more black Nintendo characters like (check notes) Mike Tyson.



Don't worry guys. We can buy Nintendo Games again.
They can release a statement after people complain but can't fix thier shit online services after years and years of complaints hmm



Don't worry guys. We can buy Nintendo Games again.

Noticed in that thread that the insufferable twat Brazil is no longer a mod.

Interesting ...



I usually stay far away from these sorts of discussions as I don't give nearly as much a shit about politics as alot of people seem to, but last night I thought I peruse the George Floyd threads both here and fucking resetera to get an idea of the takes from different angles. Sometimes you just wanna hang out and check out a car crash you know...

As usual discussion here is far more nuanced, with people actually giving some thought to the situation and mostly being pretty civil about it. But that fucking other place... They've gone full N.W.A circa 1988/89. Except unlike Cube and Co they're not doing it with mad poetry, and most of them are feeling second hand offended, seeing some moral high ground they can jump on, and then getting all outraged. You know, cos everyone else in their little echo chamber is

I mean, you have a thread full of people seemingly in agreeance that some 700,000 odd police officers across America, to a man, are all corrupt and power tripping and only took a job so they could get erections while beating down/shooting black people. Anyone who suggests that MAYBE, just MAYBE, not all of them are bad and its more like a few bad eggs making them all look shit, is shouted down and eventually banned. I guess that means all Muslims are suicide bombers as well using their logic. Or all black people are gangbangers who do drive by shootings in the hood every night (wait... might not be the best example right now...). I know Religion/Race and occupation are a little different but painting a whole group of people broadly with the same brush and labelling "BAD" hasn't really helped anyone in the course of human history.

The one excpetion to this imo is all Reeeeee'ers are fucked in the head. No exceptions. Well except maybe a few I still game with who are normal people and pretty sure don't partake in those threads. Actually, fuck it. They're fucked too cos sweeping generalizations are now the way to go and far easier to make then treating people on their own merits. *Goes to psn to delete half of friends list*

Also, are all these people that damn sheltered they haven't had any interactions with the law themselves. I'd almost guarantee most of them spouting that drivel have very likely interacted with officers on that very board without even knowing it. Pretty sure cops play games too (if thats even what that forums about any more) I'm Aussie so its a bit different here, but I've had quite a few dealings on both sides of the law with cops, and I'd say all but about 2 were great. Even when I was younger and stupider and got in trouble with them a few times, the officers I dealt with were decent, respectable human beings and certainly did nothing to treat me poorly. Oh and of the 2 that veered into dickish territory one was a traffic cop who 20 year old me decided to be a smart ass too, so I kinda had that one coming.

Anyway I could go on, like how alot of them are happy to incite 'protests' (not the R word though. Not an actual thing. All 'Copaganda' I think was the term they were using) but I'll be here all night typing.

Sorry if thats all a bit long and brings zero to the discussion. Its just I made the mistake to read that shit last night before bed, and then couldn't get to sleep for a few hours because I was that pissed off at some of the sheer nonsense I read. So I guess I needed to verbalise it some.

Lastly, I hope any gaffers in any of the hotspots over there are doing ok. Safe stay (or however that new in phrase goes)



Gold Member
"it's not a fucking political statement."

Wait, I thought everything is political to them? :pie_thinking:

Also, are all these people that damn sheltered they haven't had any interactions with the law themselves. I'd almost guarantee most of them spouting that drivel have very likely interacted with officers on that very board without even knowing it. Pretty sure cops play games too (if thats even what that forums about any more)
There was one certified retired cop there. I dunno about others. He often got shitted on because of his opinions.

But I'm not sure a cop still in active service would risk being caught with his hands in that mess of a message board. Posting on Era may not kill your career in gaming, but I'm not so sure about a career in the law department...


Gold Member

I love how they say "we" continue protesting like any of these keyboard warriors have left their parent's basements since corona has started.



Don't worry guys. We can buy Nintendo Games again.
You know what I find funny about all these corporate virtue signalling?

Does this mean they were ok with "racism and exclusion" before the riots? And why did no one have a problem with this stance?

It's weird to me that now we must all start verbally shouting "See guys, I'm not racist" when shouldn't our actions and character decide that?
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"it's not a fucking political statement."

Wait, I thought everything is political to them? :pie_thinking:
he's doing a few things here. first off he means it should be expected. it is not "political" as in, it's not a thing you should choose to do, as a cult member you should do this BY DEFAULT and without validation for it. as in, "we expect people to behave in such a specific way that when they do, we will give them no special approval for doing so".

it is a method of sheepdogging. they are always going on about people being "narcissists", you are not supposed to revel in your virtue signalling, because drawing attention to it is a no-no (it will break the spell). this falls in line with the socialism theme, the idea that nobody is special, your own ego must be sacrificed to the collective, etc. also the "myth" that the site is a hivemind (which they can't stand)

it is a way to berate people into certain behaviors all the while keeping them in need of your approval. the person is not successful with THIS virtue signal attempt, but they were given almost a taste, so they remain hungry for it. but you don't congratulate them, no, that would inflate their self worth, which must be kept at a low. once you have the behavior you desire, you don't reward, in fact, you punish. THIS IS THE SAME BEHAVIOR CONTROL USED BY CULTS.

remember that you can be cancelled (Excommunicated for heresy) at any time, so you are kept constantly in a state of needing approval.
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I love how they say "we" continue protesting like any of these keyboard warriors have left their parent's basements since corona has started.
So does this mean they'll finally stop looting cities or are we still at the "you should know what you did phase"?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Noticed in that thread that the insufferable twat Brazil is no longer a mod.

Interesting ...

He was demodded a long time ago for being an outrageous prick to someone that was just reaching out for a little emotional support. Par for the course though. Most of the remaining admins and mods there are proudly disrespectful to other human beings.


There was one certified retired cop there. I dunno about others. He often got shitted on because of his opinions.

But I'm not sure a cop still in active service would risk being caught with his hands in that mess of a message board. Posting on Era may not kill your career in gaming, but I'm not so sure about a career in the law department...

Oof. Poor guy. I wonder if its not too late to undo the brainwashing that this is not some neo-nazi site, and get him over here where I'm pretty sure he'd be more welcome.

And just the thought that he's subjected to that, on a fucking GAMING board is making my head spin tbh

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Nintendo capitulated to the mob, makes statement. Gotdatmoney (lol) is now pleased. didn't matter that Nintendo hires a black man as COO and President of the company. no, what matters is them making a statement in a Tweet.

Gotdatmoney claims it is "not a fucking political statement" yet of course if you don't say it in a Tweet, then you have bad politics, and will be trashed for it. TRY SQUARING THOSE TWO THOUGHTS IN YOUR BRAIN


and of course no virtue signalling can pass without taking the time to trash "some of yall in the last few threads". yes always pointing the finger. the need to publicly shame others could rival Indulgence-era Catholicism or Struggle Session-era China.

I think the Nintendo statement is fine. At least it doesn't talk shite about "systemic racism." Its contents are neutral and reasonable.


He was demodded a long time ago for being an outrageous prick to someone that was just reaching out for a little emotional support. Par for the course though. Most of the remaining admins and mods there are proudly disrespectful to other human beings.

Ahhh ok, I never noticed, He really was an insufferable prick in general.
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when you are so addicted to big box corporate media that you can't imagine people exist who don't share your pedestrian taste in films.


imagine rooting for the death of cinema as a result of you getting your streaming fix of constant pablum "for a reasonable fee"

LOL and the avatar is literally someone closing their own eyes. these people are self parody. Consumer Serfs
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One step closer to "board viewable by Members Only"

Don’t think that would happen...cerriums little money pile he makes off pretending to give a shit about social justice would shrivel up and he would be exposed....only have to look at somethingawful.com for inspiration as lowtax just collects the cheque’s now as his board got taken over by angry Trans mods...sound familiar??

Even if they did moved to a closed model none of them would pay for a membership as it’s their mantra to expect everything to be given to them for free as they feel oppressed


Hold onto your panties
Im expecting the ERA gaming thread to devolve into the following:

I want to eat Pringles but I had a dream last night where the mascot said some problematic things. Should I still eat Pringles?
- no, Pringles made crisps for the Nazis in WWII
- first post nails it
-if you dreamt it, it's proof as accusations are evidence
-i dreamt the same so it's no coincidence.
- I didn't know that, wow. I could easily check and possibly debunk it but if I can't believe an anonymous poster on an internet thread, who can I trust?
-You're an adult, eat whatever you like (banned)
- salt and Vinegar flavour was created to torture the slaves by dipping it in the open wounds
- are ye fucking retarded? (Banned)
- Is Pringles transpobic as the mascot has toxic white male privilege. Would they be better with a poc who is a woman
- I knew about Pringles problematic history 40 years ago so I haven't eaten any since John Lennon was shot
-try Doritos (user warned)
-OFFICIAL STAFF COMMUNICATION We do not give Doritos a platform.
- Doritos are racist. They are the same colour as the orange turd in the white house
-orange turd ha ha, how original. Where do you come up with that original funny stuff?
- where is the link to the secret ERA discord paedo channel? (Moderator)
-Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft have made a deal for special dlc with every purchase of Pringles
- I love Pringles
- OP is silly
- Locked at OP's request (moderator)

I'm like Bill fucking Shakespeare writing that thread template of ERA. The only thing they could do to surprise me with is Slayven posting a 3 sentence post with no spelling or gramatical errors.
Just spit my coffee reading these. Exactly why I refuse to ever glance at ResetEra...
I stopped my own involvement in politics some 11-odd years ago and never turned back. I have no leanings, I don't care for any politicians, and why have it dominate a gaming forum. I mean, what is ResetEra, really?


Subconsciously (or consciously, for some of them) the Establishment in the west does not trust parents to educate the next generation and they haven't trusted parents for the past several decades.

I mean, why do you think Kamila Harris wanted to extend the school day for kids to be like the adult work hours?



Don’t think that would happen...cerriums little money pile he makes off pretending to give a shit about social justice would shrivel up and he would be exposed....only have to look at somethingawful.com for inspiration as lowtax just collects the cheque’s now as his board got taken over by angry Trans mods...sound familiar??

The SA thing is crazy, Lowtax reappears the odd time to cry about having no money and wanting to move to Xenforo.

- Blames past staff (volunteers) on the broken site
- Makes promises he never ever delivers on
- Starts a Patreon that cries about it dropping even though he still get's nearly 8k/month for doing NOTHING.
- Then allows the lunatics to run the site and runs away again, over and over again.

It's pretty pathetic but this thread is about Era, so meh. whatever. Still quite funny though.
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Try harder. I used to play Rugby and have tried American football.
Rugby is more dangerous and the hits are just as big as in American Football but less often due to the rules of only contact aloud on the ball carrier.
Most Rugby players are also over 6 feet tall and weigh over 130kg.
So they would play wide receiver? Cool.

"Use to play," and "be an athlete" are mutually exclusive you myopic weasel.

Now...back to how the left is pissing me off today...
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Gold Member
What's the deal with this poster Strat. He seem's to be always pushing narratives. I see his name more and more lately. nush nush do you know him?
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