It would of been a quick stop. Checking her details, giving her a producer and off she went.
It's unclear if the copper was part of the road policing unit, but if it was he could of tested the light going through her front windows, saw it was legal factory tinted glass, apologised and off she went. Or she could of asked for one of them to come down.
You don't even get searched when your pulled over for something like that either, so her immediately saying they're not touching her only a woman can will of set alarm bells off.
It's not a case of her being black either, when I was pulled over for having illegal headlights a few years ago, they would of knicked me if I went on like that.
Yeah, the cop seemed actually very polite and reasonable but she saw an opportunity to potentially go viral, I guess.
I dunno.
Surely to fuck when she got that windscreen in the car she would have been told about potentially needing to have papers and/or an explanation ready to go?
Cops are going to take a glance at that and be like "WTF".
So you've got a cop seeing a car with tinted windscreen who decides to investigate. Then the occupant of the car starts acting sketchy as fuck IMMEDIATELY? OK.