I don't know if this is interesting or whatever, but in my time on ERA i remember a thread about PIXAR, a blog about a woman that worked there because it was her dream, i read the whole thing, i was shocked reading her story about how she had to deal with sexism and attempted rape on her early life, finally finding her dream job at PIXAR, only to find a corporate culture so toxic and sexist she had to leave. Lots of problems with her bosses saying innapropiate comments, not listening to their female employees, etc.
Anyways, i thought that blog was really interesting, but i didn't understand why it had ONLY 3 pages of discussion at most, with all of the comments going really softly at the company like they were avoiding the subject, but the Last Jedi thread next to it had hundreds of pages just shitting on the fanbase's criticisms all over and over again. Like, whats the deal? i found that really strange :^S