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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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God Enel


Be gay, do crime.

What a joke.

Mist means shit/garbage/dung in german. Username seems appropriate.
It's worse than this place was. I knew it would be given the moderators they appointed right away like Morrigan, Slayven, Nepenthe, etc. Hell, they even offered Royalan (a gay black mod) as a sacrifice to appease KitKat and their horde of thin-skinned cronies during a "summit" (what the fuck kind of forum needs summits anyway?) with the trans "community" because of an innocuous post he made here about asexual people several years ago. TBH I'm surprised it's lasted as long as it has. If Trump wins (which he most likely will, given the "best" candidate the Dems could trot out is creepy senile Joe Biden) the meltdowns are going to ones here in 2016 look like nothing.
They gotta re-affirm that oppression hierarchy....going to be funny seeing what comes from the Asian summit as they are pretty much at the bottom with straight white males SWM

SWM getting a summit would be a thing of beauty to read through
Only the generation that grew up with Internet forums still go to Internet forums. Zoomers are all on social media, most of them probably never heard of an Internet forum. The concept of Internet forum dates all the way back to the beginnings of the Internet, after all.

It's true.. I can see some random people stumbling across forums like here or there, but the masses just aren't into long form posting anymore. I think that pretty much goes across the board. I dabble in a number of hobbies and almost all of them had switched to Facebook or other social media as the de facto way to following/interacting. It's kind of sad, as I've been a BBS/forums person since the beginning and they'll always be my favorite.. but the times they are a changin'.



On one hand, taking responsibility and holding yourself accountable is absolutely the bare minimum that a cis white person can do these days. On the other hand, I feel like more good can be done by using her status and audience to push diversity and instill in others the idea of personal growth. It's an utter privilege to be able to self-flagellate to such a degree that you're able to throw everything away like that.

Insufferable dipshits like this will hopefully accelerate the implosion of cancel culture. Her subreddit seems really pissed off, they're bitching about everything being too woke nowadays.

Insufferable dipshits like this will hopefully accelerate the implosion of cancel culture. Her subreddit seems really pissed off, they're bitching about everything being too woke nowadays.

It's good though, it needs to become a (even more) ridiculous caricature before normal people start waking up and realizing .. wtf. Literally everything has something, someone, somewhere could find offensive. When even mundane stuff is being 'canceled', people might hopefully get sick of it.


Neo Member
It's good though, it needs to become a (even more) ridiculous caricature before normal people start waking up and realizing .. wtf. Literally everything has something, someone, somewhere could find offensive. When even mundane stuff is being 'canceled', people might hopefully get sick of it.
Wonder if NSA is trolling.


Unconfirmed Member
Some interesting cognitive dissonance in the thread on Bournemouth beach being declared a 'major incident'. One user even describing people sitting on the beach as murderers... But it's absolutely fine for more people to congregate in a smaller area even closer together to riot and attack police in London.
The current thread about voice-acting is so incredibly dumb.

Newsflash @ Resetera: People don't need to have the skin color of the character they're voice-acting!

They don't need to share ANY other physical trait with the fictional character they're voice-acting, and skin color (just one of many traits!) is part of it.

Even more, this is PERFECTLY normal in all parts of the world; there'd not be even enough black voice-actors in Germany to voice-act that way, fucking lol.

Fortunately, the poll of your thread shows a slightly more real result.
It's true.. I can see some random people stumbling across forums like here or there, but the masses just aren't into long form posting anymore. I think that pretty much goes across the board. I dabble in a number of hobbies and almost all of them had switched to Facebook or other social media as the de facto way to following/interacting. It's kind of sad, as I've been a BBS/forums person since the beginning and they'll always be my favorite.. but the times they are a changin'.

I think this is maybe a bit overblown, yes Facebook and Twitter are the bedrock of online conversation but when I have a question about something and I google it, it's not facebook and twitter that has the answer. Reddit is a forum and that's still huge. I think Twitter is bad for communities because it's billions all at once who can all join the conversation. That's good for many things but not for communities where it's about the people as much as the subject. Facebook is better in that respect but it's not compartmentalised from your personal account, it's not anonymous and it has the same demographic issue that forums supposedly have.

Personally, I think forums are going to be around for a while, even if it's only today's 30 year olds and over that use them, that's still a lot of people with a lot of years left. But I also think they have a utility that isn't really matched by 2.0 social media.
The current thread about voice-acting is so incredibly dumb.

Newsflash @ Resetera: People don't need to have the skin color of the character they're voice-acting!

They don't need to share ANY other physical trait with the fictional character they're voice-acting, and skin color (just one of many traits!) is part of it.

Even more, this is PERFECTLY normal in all parts of the world; there'd not be even enough black voice-actors in Germany to voice-act that way, fucking lol.

Fortunately, the poll of your thread shows a slightly more real result.
I dont understand why they dig out Uncharted LL, this game is years old.
People dont give a fuck who voices a Character.
Here in germany everything gets german voiceover and i bet they dont give a fuck about the skin color.

Too funny that 43% even on Era dont care, but they dont post in the thread cause they would get a ban :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Thought Hecht might have a wise word as he is immune after all.

Nope! Look at this shit;


SA cares now? hahaha

What an ally you are Hecht, truly. Your tongue is gilded in gold.
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I dont understand why they dig out Uncharted LL, this game is years old.
People dont give a fuck who voices a Character.
Here in germany everything gets german voiceover and i bet they dont give a fuck about the skin color.

Too funny that 43% even on Era dont care, but they dont post in the thread cause they would get a ban :messenger_tears_of_joy:

From that thread:


Genuinely can't tell if this is sarcasm 😅


From that thread:


Genuinely can't tell if this is sarcasm 😅
Yeah, I read that. Ironic how a site that labels people that oppose their political views as Nazis, run a forum like Nazis.

(this comment was made with 0 research to keep true with Resetera culture)


Yeah, I read that. Ironic how a site that labels people that oppose their political views as Nazis, run a forum like Nazis.

(this comment was made with 0 research to keep true with Resetera culture)

There's a weird irony for me that a site that purports to be so left leaning, handles difference of opinion and criticism in this way.

If you watch footage of Obama being heckled, when he was president, he would engage with the heckler, ask them to be reasonable, and assure them that their voice would be heard. He also told his supporters not to boo the person, and would offer to speak to them afterwards. That's how you create a dialogue, and assure people that their voices are heard. You don't have to say you agree with them, but you can at least have a reasoned discussion about it.

Ever seen Trump get heckled by someone who disagrees with his opinion? He turns the crowd against the heckler, calls them names, and has them immediately removed.

Sound familiar?
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Yeah, I read that. Ironic how a site that labels people that oppose their political views as Nazis, run a forum like Nazis.

(this comment was made with 0 research to keep true with Resetera culture)

Because nazis aren't the only ones who "banned" people who's opinions they don't like.
They run their forum just like communists they are. DDR were not nazi by any means but people got "shadowbanned" there all the time. We must stop calling them "the real nazis" since they behave just like extreme leftists have always done.


Gold Member
I dont understand why they dig out Uncharted LL, this game is years old.
Because it was the game that ignited the outrage about this. They don’t have many other valid examples to support their outrage and most of them aren’t really interested in actually discussing this, so it’s always the most-known example that gets resurfaced again and again because everyone remembers it and can parrot the same blahblah as always.

Yesteryear news is always news for Reeee if it can rekindle the flames of outrage.
The current thread about voice-acting is so incredibly dumb.

Newsflash @ Resetera: People don't need to have the skin color of the character they're voice-acting!

They don't need to share ANY other physical trait with the fictional character they're voice-acting, and skin color (just one of many traits!) is part of it.

Even more, this is PERFECTLY normal in all parts of the world; there'd not be even enough black voice-actors in Germany to voice-act that way, fucking lol.

Fortunately, the poll of your thread shows a slightly more real result.
How dare you normalise digital blackface!! REEEEEEEEE

Tuff McNutt

Ok, which one of you was this?

How Are Residential Pools Legal?

Opening post is a hell of a ride, culminating in:


There's so many legit nutjobs on that site that I honestly can't tell anymore if posts like this are a troll. Imagine the horror this poster would go through if he saw poor black and latino kids opening up fire hydrants so they could cool off on a hot summer day.

I dont understand why they dig out Uncharted LL, this game is years old.
People dont give a fuck who voices a Character.
Here in germany everything gets german voiceover and i bet they dont give a fuck about the skin color.

Too funny that 43% even on Era dont care, but they dont post in the thread cause they would get a ban :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Any poll about "woke" issues on Era always backfires on them, and most of the threads will end up locked because the OP and the usual suspects will end up shitting up the thread whining about how "toxic" the forum is.


Why they always look like this? Btw is funny how they handwaved the ubisoft guy who is a cheater and a liar, habibi Gets a free pass i guess

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That's a quality vague post right there. Can be interpreted as both for and against depending on the reader.
Nah, that he calls them outright cases of abuse, rather than allegations of abuse, shows that he's on the REE side of things.


I’m sure it’s already been posted but this thread is incredible

LMAO at the posts wanting to know who voted “I don’t give a shit”

When all you see is race and need to inject it into everything to fit your “perfect” view of society, you’re a fucking racist.

Era is an incredibly racist, vile site.

Lord Thunderbear

Neo Member
And since they couldn't stand having a poll clearly saying that people don't consider that an issue, the poll got #cancelled.
Can't show opinions different from The Narrative. Either you're outraged, or you're


Gold Member
Removed the poll because it was showing the truth, at last poll 44% said it wasn't an issue. BWAHAHAAHHAHHHA


Fucking stupid. Especially when they are also the community most likely to shit on a game for subpar VA in the first place. You're not going to risk your multi million $$$ AAA by giving a VA role to someone with 4 mobile games under their belt and a B tier RPG. I dont know why they are able to identify actual issues then completely come to the most extreme, batshit and insane solutions/conclusions.


I’m sure it’s already been posted but this thread is incredible

LMAO at the posts wanting to know who voted “I don’t give a shit”

When all you see is race and need to inject it into everything to fit your “perfect” view of society, you’re a fucking racist.

Era is an incredibly racist, vile site.
There is a reason they are not implementing a like system on ERA. They would have to treat likes just like written replies and ban people for liking the wrong posts

Tuff McNutt

And since they couldn't stand having a poll clearly saying that people don't consider that an issue, the poll got #cancelled.
Can't show opinions different from The Narrative. Either you're outraged, or you're

"Additionally, we have removed the poll for a few reasons, though it was likely added with good intentions. Minorities are called minorities for a reason. Often, views that are supportive of them will not be the majority opinion. Not only is it demoralising to see just how dismissive a large segment of the forum is towards you, it can be used as a silencing tactic despite it being meaningless. For that reason, we have to advise against adding them for threads such as these."

This is some shit straight out of 1984.


Gold Member
"Additionally, we have removed the poll for a few reasons, though it was likely added with good intentions. Minorities are called minorities for a reason. Often, views that are supportive of them will not be the majority opinion. Not only is it demoralising to see just how dismissive a large segment of the forum is towards you, it can be used as a silencing tactic despite it being meaningless. For that reason, we have to advise against adding them for threads such as these."

This is some shit straight out of 1984.

You'll need a race token soon to be able to vote in these polls.

Scotty W

apparently resetera has already got its own breakaway community. I got messaged on Reddit asking if I wanted to join.

it appears they are trying to position themselves As the middle between us and Resetera.

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