Yes, I'm only talking about entertainment here. It never works for games, music and movies.
“The Harry Potter game poll showed that people here also dont give a damn about trans people here if it gets in the way of vida games. People here cant even agree to not put money into a terfs pocket and mods have asked not to make polls like yours anymore because it shows marginalized groops on era just how much some people here despise them yet you still made your poll.
Everyone that voted the first option in your poll should eat a ban.”
lmao buy the biggest game of the year, get a ban

and I’ll save you guys the trouble; yes, rainbow flag in avatar. Yes, blm fist in avatar.
edit: .....annnnnddddd the poll has been removed now as it let trannies on era know just how much everyone hates them
I've always found it pretty interesting that they see videogames as these great drivers for social change.
I mean, most games in the Cyberpunk 2077 or Harry Potter RPG kind of AAA sphere are going to be 50 to 70 hour experiences at least.
So why bother?
A song or album or movie can definitely have some massive social impact but they are like minutes to a couple of hours long.
Even a book that's good enough to fuckin influence the world is going to be a short-ish read compared to a 70 hour vidya.
My question for these folk eventually would just be why even bother with videogames at all?
I mean it's clear the medium isn't going to give you some AAA 70+ hour blockbuster that's going to change public perceptions on left-wing politics.
So what's the point? Why even bother?
Plus there's this total idiocy of thinking that they can hold people to account through online forums.
Like, I can just say "yeah yeah TERFs and bigots blah blah" and then go right out and buy the game.
So it's effectively just a demand that people there SAY they won't be buying the game.
Then you are hoping that the week willed ones will be sufficiently guilted into not buying it.
They basically have it backwards.
Instead of trying to stop internet strangers from buying a game they should be trying to support games that they feel do have some value.
So if all of your buddies are into SJW activism and some new game comes along that pushes that agenda then you can all buy it and play it and talk about it and recommend it to others. Great.
This is better than all getting together and promising not to buy or play a certain game.
How would you even know if half of your social group isn't playing it on the DL?
I'd hold the main gaming outlets accountable there too.
You don't see them pushing indie games (where most real political content will be) as much as they will push outrage and controversy.
Instead of running around trying, and failing, to stop people from buying Problematic Game X they should promote games that do appeal to their political worldview.
The whole "video game activist" thing just doesn't really work because it can't really be done in person and even if you can get people to not talk about a game on your forum under their username and avatar you can't stop them from just buying the game and enjoying the discussion about it elsewhere.
What do these guys do in real life if they ask someone "do you know about Gamergate" and the person just says "never heard of it mate"?
Or if they ask some other person who owns a PS4 "have you played The Last of Us 2 or Life is Strange" and the person says "nah, I am not really into Young Adult fiction and prefer just to play games that don't have politics or too much story"?
It just seems like a massive waste of time for them to even be a videogame forum at all.
Here is the list of games and developers and publishers and personalities that must NOT be talked about.
Here is a list of upcoming games that you'd better not admit you are looking forward to buying and playing.
Here are a bunch of threads that are basically aiming to expand the two lists described above.
What's the point?