the tags should be
Fun! (autolock)
Resetera Tag pool Suggestions
Safe Space
Orange Man bad
Summit request
Reality Multiverse
Fuck Crackers
Legally Disabled
Mod Powertrip
the tags should be
Fun! (autolock)
LOL thread locked and perma banned. PRESERVE THE HIVE.
LOL thread locked and perma banned. PRESERVE THE HIVE.
They're just scum - mods let the topic run. See which way the fire is blowing and then ban if there's enough bloodlust. Disgusting.
Gotta love this very ERA trend of taking well established terms and phrases, repurposing them for their own cultist political agenda, and then flipping out / accusing you if you use these phrases either in another (usual their original) context or at all. It happened to me when I dared use the term "Mary Sue". That's all they needed to label me an alt-righter, lol. Hey, shitheads: if you so badly want "racism" to be about "power" and not "race" first and foremost, why not call it "powerism" instead, hm?
I used the word Tard.
And I'm sure the majority or a decent amount at least probably agrees with you, which kind of reflect their polls every time, but they don't want to risk a ban. They're like half a step away from banning poll voters, if they don't do it already. That would totally be in line with their totalitarian views.
The mods have said they can't see who voted for what in polls, which is either them lying or being technically inept, neither of which would surprise me.
Powdered Egg
10 minutes ago
Lmao he openly referred to himself as a House Negro?? I wish all sellouts could switch places with one of their ancestors. Your DNA set ain't survive all that trauma for you to be coonin on Twitter.
Samuel L Jackson's character from Django would be proud.
Herman Cain thread is full of slurs as usual. No surprise at all
Despicable. How can anyone champion somebody's death just due to which side of the political aisle they're down. These people lack the mental capacity for empathy, a board of utter degenerates and sociopaths.I only made it a few posts through the Herman Cain thread. They are all like this.
Despicable. How can anyone champion somebody's death just due to which side of the political aisle they're down. These people lack the mental capacity for empathy, a board of utter degenerates and sociopaths.
An Israeli tank uses XBOX controllers and an AI honed by Doom and Starcraft II
Fuck Israel. Modern-day colonizers and genociders. Literally Neo
So you can't call Israelis Nazis but you can have a forum that calls Trump and Republicans Nazis 24/7?
Edit: More users catch the same ban, wtf?
By the way, there's no consistency since they are ok with Apartheid comparisons?
While context will be taken into account, we do not welcome celebration or cheering for the death of public figures. Members that appear to be using an obituary thread as an opportunity to post vitriol will be moderated. There will be no shortage of opportunities to discuss the legacy of a public figure in other, later, threads. We simply do not want to celebrate death.
Every single time I go there and read through a thread, I regret it. Every. Single. Time.![]()
Impossible for racism to be directed towards white people according to RESETERA?
I got banned for 2 weeks after I called out an obvious prejudice towards all white males. The charge was “false equivalence around racism”. Here is the thread in question: I know that a new definition of
Quickly get educated before OP is banned and thread is locked!
White people need to not take it seriously when people say "I hate White people" cause they are the dominant color type apparently. Yeah, like people who say that actually do it because of institutional racism and not literal direct racism, bitch please.
EDIT. So the poor OP is Swedish and being penalised for a very USA-centric redefinition of racism.
Not on my PC to do it but that needs a big red button taking up half the device and it being the "Ban" button. It also needs another smaller button for "Random reason generator"with the tags.. its just another thing that neogaf knockoff site adopted ..
in the world of video game message boards.. reeeeeee =
So many holes in most of the people’s arguments who are dog piling on him.....most of them have missed the fundamental thing which defines racism and instead sit on the reeeee version which sits on cherry picked examples![]()
Impossible for racism to be directed towards white people according to RESETERA?
I got banned for 2 weeks after I called out an obvious prejudice towards all white males. The charge was “false equivalence around racism”. Here is the thread in question: I know that a new definition of
Quickly get educated before OP is banned and thread is locked!
White people need to not take it seriously when people say "I hate White people" cause they are the dominant color type apparently. Yeah, like people who say that actually do it because of institutional racism and not literal direct racism, bitch please.
EDIT. So the poor OP is Swedish and being penalised for a very USA-centric redefinition of racism.
Its true that racism is more damaging against minorities, but this mind set ignores that demographics can shift from situation to situation. White kid in a predominantly black school or neighborhood for example. Not to mention brazen anti-white racism is basically admitting that you would be as bad or worse than the people you hate if you were the majority.![]()
Impossible for racism to be directed towards white people according to RESETERA?
I got banned for 2 weeks after I called out an obvious prejudice towards all white males. The charge was “false equivalence around racism”. Here is the thread in question: I know that a new definition of
Quickly get educated before OP is banned and thread is locked!
White people need to not take it seriously when people say "I hate White people" cause they are the dominant color type apparently. Yeah, like people who say that actually do it because of institutional racism and not literal direct racism, bitch please.
EDIT. So the poor OP is Swedish and being penalised for a very USA-centric redefinition of racism.
I hate that website with a passion. How can anyone even scroll through those ERA comments.
I doubt this person is even black. They have all this hate for white people over there and he has a Daniel Craig avatar. And didn’t they have a thread about how they didn’t like the term “African-American” and how it is only used by white people who are scared to say “black?”member when all the snowflakes busted a tear duct when Trump called countries "shitholes"? everyone was up in arms with this grand moral relativist stance about how all cultures are equal and everyone is really the same. ah seems like so long ago...
They only care about 'muh side wins'. Most of them are mentally ill.They just don't care about enforcing their TOS at all, do they?
General Guide to ResetEra
General Guide to ResetEra Last updated on May 3, 2021. Mission Statement Since its founding in late 2017, ResetEra has been an inviting bonfire at the crossroads of the gaming industry. Our goal is to provide a modern platform where enthusiasts and industry professionals alike will want
They should honestly just remove that rule. It's not like there'd be any negatives to it outside a few people thinking it's poor taste. Not like it's illegal to dance on someone's grave. Like, what the hell are they going to do when Trump dies in the unlikely event the site is still around?
I only made it a few posts through the Herman Cain thread. They are all like this.
What exactly does 'coon' mean to them on Era? Like a race traitor or something? I've never even heard it used in that context. Is that some sorta hip hop verbiage?
(i feel so old)
Calling someone a Coon is racist as fuck here in Australia. You call a black person that and you're getting beaten up.What exactly does 'coon' mean to them on Era? Like a race traitor or something? I've never even heard it used in that context. Is that some sorta hip hop verbiage?
(i feel so old)
Calling someone a Coon is racist as fuck here in Australia. You call a black person that and you're getting beaten up.
However we have a brand of cheese called "Coon", named after the guy that invented the process to make it (last name was Coon), and every few years some SJWs campaign to have its name changed because it's's literally the guys last name lol. The SJWs have just won though thanks to BLM, as they've announced they're changing the name.
Calling someone a Coon is racist as fuck here in Australia. You call a black person that and you're getting beaten up.
However we have a brand of cheese called "Coon", named after the guy that invented the process to make it (last name was Coon), and every few years some SJWs campaign to have its name changed because it's's literally the guys last name lol. The SJWs have just won though thanks to BLM, as they've announced they're changing the name.
City of Bane fucking sucked, fuck Tom King
Era will permaban people for using the wrong pronouns, but they love to use racist and sexist language when it fits their narrative. Black people will be coons, uncle tom, house negro, etc. Women (especially rich straight white ones) will be bitch, cunt, etc.
What a shit head. " Black people are only allowed to act the way I approve", what a dumb ass stance. Resetera is the fucking cancer.I didn't want to look into the Herman Cain thread because I knew the comments would be some of the worst the internet has to offer.
This makes me want to puke.
Herman Cain passes away from COVID-19 News - COVID
I'm not one to wish death on anyone or mock someone who has died, but Cain was a cancer for black people. If there is one thing I hate more than a racist is a
Imagine if one were to call Joe Biden "a cancer for white people"? They wouldn't last.
"My Nigerian great-grandfather sold slaves."
"...My great-grandfather, Nwaubani Ogogo Oriaku, was what I prefer to call a businessman, from the Igbo ethnic group of south-eastern Nigeria. He dealt in a number of goods, including tobacco and palm produce. He also sold human beings. "He had agents who captured slaves from different
Impossible for racism to be directed towards white people according to RESETERA?
I got banned for 2 weeks after I called out an obvious prejudice towards all white males. The charge was “false equivalence around racism”. Here is the thread in question: I know that a new definition of
Quickly get educated before OP is banned and thread is locked!
White people need to not take it seriously when people say "I hate White people" cause they are the dominant color type apparently. Yeah, like people who say that actually do it because of institutional racism and not literal direct racism, bitch please.
EDIT. So the poor OP is Swedish and being penalised for a very USA-centric redefinition of racism.
Just like all the other open relationship stories, just wait for the divorce topic/update.![]()
Poly/Open Relationship Support Thread
Hi Everyone, I recently revealed that I am learning about myself and might be identifying myself as polyamorous. My husband and I have converted our marriage into an open marriage (which is common here in Seattle). The thread did not go well as people teased me, but I saw some comments
Cliffs: OP is a straight married female and she develops feelings for a male friend, while she is happy her husband wants to suck the cock of his friend
Poly/Open Relationship Support Thread
Hi Everyone, I recently revealed that I am learning about myself and might be identifying myself as polyamorous. My husband and I have converted our marriage into an open marriage (which is common here in Seattle). The thread did not go well as people teased me, but I saw some comments
Cliffs: OP is a straight married female and she develops feelings for a male friend, while she is happy her husband wants to suck the cock of his friend