I got banned for 2 weeks after I called out an obvious prejudice towards all white males. The charge was “false equivalence around racism”. Here is the thread in question: https://www.resetera.com/threads/lorne-lanning-oddworld-creater-twitter-feed.133153 I know that a new definition of racism...
Quickly get educated before OP is banned and thread is locked!
White people need to not take it seriously when people say "I hate White people" cause they are the dominant color type apparently. Yeah, like people who say that actually do it because of institutional racism and not literal direct racism, bitch please.
EDIT. So the poor OP is Swedish and being penalised for a very USA-centric redefinition of racism.
I always thought the "prejudice plus power" definition of Racism was really interesting.
Like first they built up this idea that Racism is just one of the most horrific, disgusting, thing a person can be.
Which, to be honest, is strictly true as Racism genuinely hurts people who are victims of it. It's horrible.
However this paints them into a corner where THEY want to do everything a racist would do but don't want to accept the label for themselves.
This is generally a tactic that most out and out racists will use and have been using for decades.
The old "I'm not racist but... <inserts rationalization for judging and dismissing and hating a group of people>" tactic has been used for many, many years.
Usually by white nationalist or supremacist or neo-nazi types who want to also come across as cultured and intellectual.
They aren't racist, no, no, no they just happen to have a very rational informed take on "those people". Fuck off.
However, that's just one way to use the "I'm not racist" trick.
Another, of course, is to make an attempt a redefining the word Racism.
So someone wants to behave like a racist and make all the same tired old statements and arguments as a racist.
They want to smear people based on race, abuse people based on race, dismiss people based on race and ultimately hate people based on race.
Those folks try to get away with it by saying "oh no you CAN'T be racists towards the group I am dehumanizing".
As if it doesn't make you an irredeemable piece of shit anyway.
Just because you can say "no technically it's not racism".
Oh, OK then.
So you're a bigot with some deeply, deeply, ingrained prejudices based solely on race and you frequently express your bigotry and prejudice in public hoping for the validation of your peers? Well at least you aren't a racist! LOL.
It, kind of sickeningly, reminds me of the horrendous idea that husbands can't rape their wives.
"Yeah, I forced her to have sex when she wasn't in the mood and was not consenting but it's technically not rape so I'm good."
No. That's fucking abhorrent.
These are the people who actually, genuinely, seem to believe that they are good people.
Like they maybe see themselves as lovable rouges or something. I hate white people but it's not technically racism so tee hee I'm a bit naughty, I guess.
Anything to give the people on "our side" a pass for really disgusting behavior, I guess.
"I can treat you like shit but you can't technically call it this one thing so haha I guess I can get away with it."
OK. You're a really shitty human being though so who really cares what your actions are "technically" labelled as.
You're a cunt.
Self-loathing white people and men are a bit weird because I think, yeah, if you feel strongly invested in your identities then it follows that you can feel guilt over horrible things that have been done by people like you. The best thing to do there is get help. Not to double down. Maybe just try to be better yourself. Maybe don't be overly and outwardly proud of your heritage but also you don't need to grovel at the feet of everyone else begging for forgiveness and insisting that they can do no wrong now because people like you did wrong in the past.