its not hip hop, it's a 100% racial slur from slavery days translated from a Spanish term that means "building where slaves to be sold are kept"What exactly does 'coon' mean to them on Era? Like a race traitor or something? I've never even heard it used in that context. Is that some sorta hip hop verbiage?

it was very popular in the Minstrel shows

first black producer of a Broadway show btw, but no doubt this man has been cancelled for that long ago.
Born in Kentucky in 1865, Ernest Hogan got his start in minstrel shows, but he is best known for his innovations in music, which he dubbed “ragtime.” He became the first black producer and performer in a Broadway show, “The Oyster Man” (1907). But Hogan would dwell in the shadows cast by his 1896 hit, “All Coons Look Alike to Me.” He admittedly lifted the cakewalk rhythm from obscure backroom musicians and lifted the title from a line he heard sung, “All pimps look alike to me.” His variation tapped into the strong currents of racism in the U.S. and gave rise to a whole new sub-genre of ragtime called “coon songs.” A glut of coon-themed songs flooded the market after his smash hit.
so yeah whenever they are using it against black people, they are just being racist. full stop.
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