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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Lol talk about mask off
42 minutes ago
Trolling for good I see.

“Good” here being the yearly holocaust of a million lives ended in the US alone.
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That topics a wild ride.


Right off the bat this tosser comes in.


As if Resetera is soo much better!?


Is this gatekeeping or don't let whitey see how racist some of us can be?


Now, I wonder why that could be?

There's a whole bunch of guys in there that can't get a girlfriend or a date. That's a valuable datapoint.

My head hurts. So are we racist if we date within our "race" or racist if we date outside of it? I've seen both posted on that clown forum over the past few months.

As I've said before - Date who you are personally attracted to. You can't force what isn't there. Whatever combination of sexes/colours that is, just do what works for you. It doesn't make you racist/sexist/transphobic whatever & trying to do so in order to be "woke" will end up with loveless relationships. They're slapping up barriers/segregation where none exists. Again - If you don't find someone personally attractive, someone else will - If you aren't attractive to a particular person, that doesn't make you unattractive full stop. Someone else will be into you. There's a reason there's so many of us on the planet...
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Tenet III. One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone.
Unless you are a human baby who is fated like most human babies throughout observable history to be born into the world through wholly natural process. Then your will to continue your natural progression into personhood is denied and we will kill you without your consent.

Lol love to see Satanists make up bullshit rules they don’t even follow
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
The only thing restricting abortion does is make it into a privilege of the rich who can afford to take a jet wherever they do abortions. Essentially it creates 2 classes of women, those who can afford to abort and those who can't. Lifting the restrictions just puts everyone on equal footing.


so what about this white chick who wears a thong is related to “trans issues and racism”?

Like LOL her name is literally Cammy White

I like how in the Cammy thread a lot of people are saying Era isn't left or progressive at all because 70% wants Cammy's ass to stay.

I'm a lefty. I also don't mind Cammy's ass. In the eyes of Era I am a mysoginistic alt right Gamergater I guess.
Half those posts are like "I've mained Cammy for 19 years, but don't mind if they change her look, moveset, sex and call her Dave. They should but they wont."

Yet the actual prostitute character in the game isn't mentioned at all and seems to be immune to critique since made them "trans" officially in the US lore.

It's about pushing their ideology more than anything, any content is permissable if it's pushing their agenda, but that exact same content is bad when it's appealing to straight white people.
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Who the fuck cares about Cammy's ass?
Why don't they ask real women (so not distillated balls of rage like morrigan or nepenthe, or fat white men cosplaying as women like kitekat and excelsomething) if they find cammy's pose offensive.
If white men have no right to Express opinions on black matters, neither should men say what a woman should like or dislike.
Your opinion doesn't matter, resetera


Why don't they ask real women (so not distillated balls of rage like morrigan or nepenthe, or fat white men cosplaying as women like kitekat and excelsomething) if they find cammy's pose offensive.
If white men have no right to Express opinions on black matters, neither should men say what a woman should like or dislike.
Your opinion doesn't matter, resetera

I'm pretty sure most real women don't care at all.

Anecdotal evidence: My wife said 2B was really hot.


He's been active on Resetera for 3 years and it's NOW he makes this thread? :messenger_confused:


Reading those replies makes me want to drop them in an empty diving pool and toss in a few grenades.... Those people are fucking mental.








So much cringe in that OP and then the lock is cringe cream on top. I don't need to read anything in between those two.

By the way, did he mention he had a fiancé that plays Switch!

That is absolutely textbook resetera.

A 500 yard headshot from absolutely nowhere from that mod. Fucking BOOM!

Think you're making a positive thread about inclusivity, positive game design and celebrating successful women, huh?


nah son. You've condescended, you've pigeon-holed, you've mansplained. We are taking your thread and you better STFU before we ban you.


Gold Member

Real world problems.


Even if they feel that way could they not open that up to a discussion at least? Locking the thread seems crazy.
Could you imagine news channels and others not posting news or opinions because "they're not the right person to bring it up"?

The Jannies just want so much control over the forum, it's hilarious.


It got locked because men can't lead these discussions LOL


I'm sure KetKat will have a field day with this, one of their arch-enemies.

I knew I recognised the username but they switched the Sylvanas avatar to a Furry.
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Tuff McNutt


Real world problems.

I hate their attempts at humor, it was one of the things that annoyed me here pre-REEE. Too many ass clowns trying to become a forum personality.


Is Fall Guys some woke game? They dont seem to know how to take that CDProjekt response, they need Threadmarks
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God that AC thread being locked is so fucking pathetic, lol. If they’re really serious about shutting up they should close all discussion about minorities altogether since a vast majority of the users there are white males, lol (masquerading as feminists no less).


Whole lot of folks saying Biden is right about all black people thinking the same. Including our resident furry warrior

When the music hits, you feel no pain.

56 minutes ago
Euron said:
Biden’s words about the black community are wrong, as are any that treat the community as if it’s a hive mind. I only said what I did because I still hear the “you ain’t black” gaffe brought up, both online and in person. His opposition latches onto gaffes and broadcasts them endlessly. Hell, not just his opposition, CNN discussed “you ain’t black” to death.

But yes, what does suck is Biden won’t lose my vote or most people’s for that matter because the choice is him or Trump. Maybe this isn’t the place to discuss that and what I posted was a drive by so I apologize for that.

It’s frustrating because it’s hard to hold him accountable without Conservative leaches coming in to shit on him and prop up Trump.
Click to expand...
The expression of one's moral platitudes shouldn't be contingent on whether the subject of one's ire is on their side politically.

The fact is, Biden is a better human being than Trump regardless of the stupid shit he says. Holding him accountable or criticizing him won't change that.

Instead what it feels like is that Democrats are so obsessed with the idea of just getting him the White House that they're conflating any criticism as a "win" for conservatives and a potential blow to the election, which means minorities with little choice in the matter are browbeat and gaslit into compliance, and the gaffes and mistakes and outright malice are effectively acceptable. We keep being thrown under the bus because people don't have any faith that he can win without everyone putting on a smiley face and not saying anything.

The way I see it, Biden is obviously a better pick no matter what, so the constant need to try and force solidarity by silencing minorities is a question of "who are you trying to convince?" And I'm sick of it. I'm sick of my side being spineless and their moral and philosophical platitudes being so conditional.

So sick of your side being spineless that you will do exactly what he wants and bend the knee and vote for a giant racist
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
Is Fall Guys some woke game? They dont seem to know how to take that CDProjekt response, they need Threadmarks
It's a sexist game. Fall Guys? Guys? What about the Fall Women and Fall Persons of Colour? I cannot play the game as I don't identify with the main character who looks like the college mascot in Community. Please stop talking about this wonderful game and cancel it please. I'm sure the creative director once shared a train journey with a racist. I dont have proof but accusations are evidence. Is that enough to cancel?


The funny thing about the Atelier is it's away of the over sexualization and loli stuff. The main artist, who's been working on the series since A1, has a nice style, but for whatever reason never sold well just on it's own merits. Too much competition, maybe, for some random artists original material to sell, who knows. Whatever the reason, the Atelier series is what sells it. Over time, around the time of Rorona, Gust started making him do...all that. Didn't want to, but it was a choice of being paid or not being paid.



I hope karma is indeed real... Stay classy ResetEra, surely you are the good guys!!!
-Has he considered cleaning his room? Maybe if he were more organized and pulled himself up by his bootstraps he could get over the virus.

-Oh shit I thought he was still locked up and drooling in his daugter’s basement or something.

-Well, this would all be very tragic if it weren't happening to Jordan Peterson.

-Has he tried making his bed every morning?

-I don't wish Peterson's fate on anyone but Jordan Peterson.

ResetEra User Agreement

Last Revised May 16, 2018. Effective May 16, 2018.

Hate Speech and Groups

We do not allow behavior or rhetoric that attacks or discriminates against users based on race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or disability...
... ad hominem should be avoided and can get you banned depending on the situation.

We do not allow advocacy of violence, explicit or otherwise. This policy can encompass posts with a wide range of severity, depending on the context and contents of the post. The penalty for breaking this rule can therefore vary greatly, all the way up to a permanent ban. Advocating murder will always result in a permanent ban.

we do not welcome celebration or cheering for the death of public figures. Members that appear to be using an obituary thread as an opportunity to post vitriol will be moderated. There will be no shortage of opportunities to discuss the legacy of a public figure in other, later, threads. We simply do not want to celebrate death.


Fuck these pigs.
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My head hurts, how can they be that puritanical? How do they not see that using that line of reasoning will come back to devour them? No one is perfect no one is pure and the goal posts continuing to shift means any opinions you had in the past even left wing ones will eventually be seen as hate speech (or whatever crap they spout now) it is a self fulfilling profecy for failure?
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