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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Tuff McNutt

Damn I was being sarcastic when I said 6th, but it really is..well 7th

I know we like to joke a lot in this thread, but that person 100% needs to get off of Era. It is absolutely 100% the most negative site/forum I have ever come across and I have been on the internet since the days of 2400 baud modems and BBS's. Like even groups/forums dedicated to suicide are more light-hearted.
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Most of them said they weren't going to watch it and the thread died before even reaching a full page



Exhausted Walrus on his 6th depression topic


Maybe punching his dad in the face would help.
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Most of them said they weren't going to watch it and the thread died before even reaching a full page



I think I'm going to sign up to reset era and see what its like over there just for the gaming side.

From the outside their gaming side is 100x better than what we have over here, too many users over here having the need to be the class clown in every thread. Lets see if extreme moderation is better than none.


Pretty much the same here, 15 years in China. You do get some racist stuff but only if you define it as that and not "That's just an ignorant old person" rather than having any real malice and just laugh it off. However it's probably worse in Japan due to a superiority complex, I definitely noticed more casual racist shit there but not becuse I was white but becuse I was foreign.

Meanwhile or Era they cry about dog whistles, micro aggression's and racism being the reason they are not successful in life.

Here's another thing those morons over at ERA can't stomach -- When a white dude living in Japan or China for a significant amount of time happens to have an accurate finger on the pulse of what is happening in Japan or China, compared to a Chinese-American or Japanese-American who has never set foot in China or Japan and gets literally all of their knowledge about those countries from their grandparents who also haven't lived there in decades.

Again, this has nothing to do with what it's like to be Asian in whichever country, which obviously I'll never understand, but I've lived in Japan for literally a third of my life, so Japanese culture is also my culture. I know what's happening here because I see it every day and I live it, and not as a tourist or temp worker. These are literally my life experiences, but the white knights and some Asian Americans on ERA will do everything they can to erase or shout down my experiences.

One of the best examples I can think of (nothing to do with ERA) is the Queer Eye Goes to Japan special on Netflix. There's a popular blogger dude in NYC named Steven Wakabayashi who wrote a scathing critique of the show called "My Culture is Not Your Toy" based on decades old anecdotes using outdated information from his Japanese grandparents about how Japan "used" to be in the 70s and 80s. The dude is completely and totally out of touch, and is also putting his American point of view on a situation that he has no context for because he isn't living it. The LGBTQ community in Japan fucking LOVED that Queer Eye series. My wife and I also thoroughly enjoyed it and felt that the guys on the show took great care not to overstep or make any cultural faux pas. They brought in Japanese cultural experts where needed, and every episode was great. I called out Wakabayashi on his blog and my post was immediately deleted. I guarantee that if I were to make a post about why Wakabayashi missed the mark on ERA, I'd be banned.



“Sure but that’s just 50 Cent and Lil Wayne being fucking racist. There are absolutely tons of racist people and that figures into their dating behavior as well, but that doesn’t make interracial dating as a concept problematic.”

confirmed: black people can be racist. Glad one of the biggest SJWs on Era has now confirmed it.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

Meanwhile on GAF there's a nonstop supply of fanboy Diarrhea about the PS5 and XSX but little to no actual videogame discussion. Partly makes me wish all the videogame OT's could be moved to a seperate section so I don't have to scroll through the countless Halo threads or PS5-wankfests.

I agree that the balance is off there. If you want to just see the currently active game official threads, though, click the |OT| thread tag and you'll get this:



Here's another thing those morons over at ERA can't stomach -- When a white dude living in Japan or China for a significant amount of time happens to have an accurate finger on the pulse of what is happening in Japan or China, compared to a Chinese-American or Japanese-American who has never set foot in China or Japan and gets literally all of their knowledge about those countries from their grandparents who also haven't lived there in decades.

Again, this has nothing to do with what it's like to be Asian in whichever country, which obviously I'll never understand, but I've lived in Japan for literally a third of my life, so Japanese culture is also my culture. I know what's happening here because I see it every day and I live it, and not as a tourist or temp worker. These are literally my life experiences, but the white knights and some Asian Americans on ERA will do everything they can to erase or shout down my experiences.

One of the best examples I can think of (nothing to do with ERA) is the Queer Eye Goes to Japan special on Netflix. There's a popular blogger dude in NYC named Steven Wakabayashi who wrote a scathing critique of the show called "My Culture is Not Your Toy" based on decades old anecdotes using outdated information from his Japanese grandparents about how Japan "used" to be in the 70s and 80s. The dude is completely and totally out of touch, and is also putting his American point of view on a situation that he has no context for because he isn't living it. The LGBTQ community in Japan fucking LOVED that Queer Eye series. My wife and I also thoroughly enjoyed it and felt that the guys on the show took great care not to overstep or make any cultural faux pas. They brought in Japanese cultural experts where needed, and every episode was great. I called out Wakabayashi on his blog and my post was immediately deleted. I guarantee that if I were to make a post about why Wakabayashi missed the mark on ERA, I'd be banned.

Great post. They just love to dismiss first-hand lived experiences when it does not suit the narrative. I had the extra disadvantage of if I said something positive about China I'd be jumped on as a CCP apologist. Or if I said the housing was nice and modern in the tier one cities then I must have lived in "Gated community with only other white people".

I've also noticed the amount of overseas born Asians who'll talk at length and authority about the home country their parents/grandparents come from despite at best went on vacation there for a month or so once or twice in their lives. But I will say those "My Asian wife says" guys are annoying, I've seen picks sometimes of them and it's usually a follow through of "My first Asian girlfriend syndrome".

Covid at the time was super interesting now compared to how America is managing it. Chinese government said, stay at home, close everything and people did. Masks didn't need to be enforced people wore them by choice. But you know how that lived experince would have gone down on ERA.



“Sure but that’s just 50 Cent and Lil Wayne being fucking racist. There are absolutely tons of racist people and that figures into their dating behavior as well, but that doesn’t make interracial dating as a concept problematic.”

confirmed: black people can be racist. Glad one of the biggest SJWs on Era has now confirmed it.

That topics a wild ride.


Right off the bat this tosser comes in.


As if Resetera is soo much better!?


Is this gatekeeping or don't let whitey see how racist some of us can be?


Now, I wonder why that could be?

There's a whole bunch of guys in there that can't get a girlfriend or a date. That's a valuable datapoint.

Xaero Gravity

I think I'm going to sign up to reset era and see what its like over there just for the gaming side.

From the outside their gaming side is 100x better than what we have over here, too many users over here having the need to be the class clown in every thread. Lets see if extreme moderation is better than none.
Don't hate me because I'm smrt and funny
Statistically more black and hispanic police officers kill unarmed black men than white officers.
But "minority of minorities participate in their own oppression"?

It's so patronizing to take agency and individualization away from people and I find it mind-boggling yet hilarious they speak this way regularly without realizing how ridiculous it sounds.


When a white ally judges his black dates as racist
Yesterday at 10:27 PM
This might seem weird to say, but I'm a white person who's gone out on dates with two black women in the past and both seemed to have some weird internalized racism going on. The first complained about her younger sister being an "SJW" because she held a staged BLM-themed walk out at her school, and the second went on a rant about how she doesn't date black guys. I didn't really know what to say since like, I'm white and I couldn't find a way to really tell both of these women that their attitudes are wrong without seeming like a white savior.


Klingons are blackface
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Klingons are blackface

KINDA, actually.
There is a lot of information from writers and designers about how the Klingons were initially designed to be an amalgam of a bunch of racist stuff. Over time it became more "brown people with fu manchu".


Klingons are blackface

One of the wokest shows from the very start, and it's still not enough. 🤣


I think I'm going to sign up to reset era and see what its like over there just for the gaming side.

From the outside their gaming side is 100x better than what we have over here, too many users over here having the need to be the class clown in every thread. Lets see if extreme moderation is better than none.
Consider we have 20 TLOU threads, 10 XBOX event threads in the first page only and already 5 DF outrage talks, Resetera is really a better place to talk about actual video games.


Gold Member
I think I'm going to sign up to reset era and see what its like over there just for the gaming side.

From the outside their gaming side is 100x better than what we have over here, too many users over here having the need to be the class clown in every thread. Lets see if extreme moderation is better than none.
Hope you don't like JRPGs with boobs.

Gaming side there is definitely more active and varied than in GAF atm, but there's also tons of noise and people constantly trying to derail threads with the usual "progressive" arguments. At least on GAF people will open 20 threads to complain about TLOU2, but the OTs remain relatively clean.

And then, well, there's also the fact that if you're interested in just the games, some people there will not like your disinterest in politics in gaming and try to banbait you.


I agree that the balance is off there. If you want to just see the currently active game official threads, though, click the |OT| thread tag and you'll get this:

I'm glad you acknowledge the balance. As mostly a Switch player, the current gaming homepage really isn't that interesting. This link actually looks like a gaming forum. When TennoCon (Warframe) finished last weekend, I was the only one who made a post about it in the OT. I heard a tumbleweed pass by.


I think I'm going to sign up to reset era and see what its like over there just for the gaming side.

From the outside their gaming side is 100x better than what we have over here, too many users over here having the need to be the class clown in every thread. Lets see if extreme moderation is better than none.

I hope you don't want to talk about Cyberpunk 2077 though ;)

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I agree that the balance is off there. If you want to just see the currently active game official threads, though, click the |OT| thread tag and you'll get this:

I did that and all the OTs vanished.

How do I undo it?

edit: nevermind, I undid it and now it works? That was weird. Thanks for the tip tho :) I wasn't aware you could click on tags to filter.
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Now, I wonder why that could be?

There's a whole bunch of guys in there that can't get a girlfriend or a date. That's a valuable datapoint.

Holy fuck look how blatantly racist that twitter screengrab is. What's worse is that it's being brought forward under the guise of it being an "opinion". What's even MORE egregious is the fact that apparently it "isn't an unpopular opinion" lmao.


Why does someone with a Cuban dad call himself part Cuban? Indeed it’s a mystery



taggate has been resolved!

Gromph Gromph Under looks nice, just sayin...
They hate Gaf so much, but can't stop ripping off the style and features from Gaf lol


Gold Member
It really was that simple. Makes you wander whether that circus and tantrums on the first time around were strictly necessary.

I do like the tag under option they have.


I agree that the balance is off there. If you want to just see the currently active game official threads, though, click the |OT| thread tag and you'll get this:

Neat, didn't realise the tags were clickable.


What time is it?
It really was that simple. Makes you wander whether that circus and tantrums on the first time around were strictly necessary.

I do like the tag under option they have.

It's a mindset their moderation team has bread. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.


Fuck, Red Mercury was so close to managing to infiltrate the mod team but I am afraid he blew his cover using the term janny. All those tens of thousands of posts of persona building blown away with a careless slip of tongue.
lol when did he use janny?

Tuff McNutt

lol when did he use janny?

"I have years of moderation experience on very large forums and have offered to help out a bunch, I dunno what threshold is for being trusted with an unpaid janitor position is but if it's not that, who knows haha"

"For sure they can, I've worked in plenty of non-profits, there's still a power structure. As far as getting drunk on power (as much power as an internet janitor has anyways)"


Whether Red Mercury is a troll or legit, they are still are an absolute loser considering their posts and consistently stirring shit up by 'just asking questions' and ban baiting people.

How's your daughters FurSuit going RedMercury?

He never followed up on that gem.


Whether Red Mercury is a troll or legit, they are still are an absolute loser considering their posts and consistently stirring shit up by 'just asking questions' and ban baiting people.

How's your daughters FurSuit going RedMercury?

He never followed up on that gem.
That was just to suck up to Nepenthe and here's the end game to get to be a mod but he fucked it up. I don't like the dude but he does help thin the herd there and his troll game is on point.
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