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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I love this new trend of getting banned on era for being woke on a site that 99% virtue signalling anyway. You just weren't woke in the right way...



Are all the mods there just lifeless bored losers? Why on earth would you ban a person for one day? For that especially. Are they just browsing every thread hoping to catch someone for anything they deem offensive that second?
It's also funny given the banning backlogs of DURATION PENDING that they have, why bother wasting time on a such a pointless infraction?


Is it any wonder they are miserable? Banned for pointing out there are more important things to worry about? Yet if Banshee McSpook turned that same post into a thread long topic it would be hailed by sycophants as “a conversation starter” or some dumb shit
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1 Day is incredibly short by their standards. After all they did whine about short bans and warnings not working, then started lashing out 6 month bans.

Maybe they're starting to finally realize they're hemorrhaging users after years of stupid bans?

Haha, of course not.
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Banned for 1 day tho lol what's the point...

I used to be on a forum that gave out 24 hour bans, I'd usually just troll some shit there in the evening and log out. By the next day the ban had passed or almost had. Those bans are given out by people that live on the forum that is the internet to them so when they can't post for a whole day it's the worst thing ever.

Normies just laugh it off and post somewhere else like they usually do.
imagine the shame of being 50+ years old and getting banned by some 30 something transtrender on a video game forum. and then running back for more
All this while working on one of the biggest franchises in all of gaming. I wonder if his coworkers at 343 constantly harass him for being an active member of that cesspool

Daffy Duck

Are all the mods there just lifeless bored losers? Why on earth would you ban a person for one day? For that especially. Are they just browsing every thread hoping to catch someone for anything they deem offensive that second?

those little one day bans lead to the ultimate mod end game content unlocks

“PRIOR HISTORY OF {insert buzz word here}”
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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member

Imagine being this militant.



So people get banned for being excited about a game in the "serious discussion" threads but these people can shit up the hype threads all they want without issue?


What's stopping them from going in and starting shit anyway. The mods can't do anything about it unless they ban themselves for transphobia and the classic "dismissing concerns". 🤷‍♂️


What's stopping them from going in and starting shit anyway. The mods can't do anything about it unless they ban themselves for transphobia and the classic "dismissing concerns". 🤷‍♂️
They didn't even stop like they're claiming, Kyuuji started shitposting to "move a river" or whatever and the other moron started quoting them and demanding a thread marker for their post. So their whining about so hard to not start shit and they still shitposted and are now whining no one paid attention to them in their safe space thread.


guys i think DISNEYTM'S MARVELTM'S AVENGERSTM might be a corporate cash grab 🤮🤮🤮

like, there are these, companies, and they purchased a property for 4 BILLION DOLLARS and then they made 23 films and now they, hold on, this is hard to even type out, want to, like, MAKE MORE MONEY by publishing a VIDEO GAME?

im starting to think these giant corporations are only in it for the MONEY 🤔

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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Are all the mods there just lifeless bored losers? Why on earth would you ban a person for one day? For that especially. Are they just browsing every thread hoping to catch someone for anything they deem offensive that second?

Yes. They are extremely paranoid about the user base they lord over. Arrests must be made in the name of ideological purity.


The gaming community’s continued downplaying of the effects of Covid is disgusting.
All of yall who continue to downplay devs who say Covid has affected development need to collectively take a giant step back and realize you are living in an illusion. This pandemic's effects are far reaching, and those of you who act as if this year is normal are belittling the reality we face. Almost everyone is affected by this. I don't even work in the game industry and working remotely has fundamentally hurt some of my team's abilities. Be patient and understanding. Remember, not only is this slowing down industries, it has killed over SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND PEOPLE. Get some goddamn perspective already.
They are DISGUSTED! Now if you'll all line up and sound off with agreement in unison that'd be nice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Honestly, imagine strolling in this thread to provide some actual levity and facts (by stating Halo Infinite, the game the fanboy is obviously reffering to, has already been in development for five years prior) instead of just mindlessly going along with the mindless outrage drivel. Sheesh!
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
The gaming community’s continued downplaying of the effects of Covid is disgusting.

They are DISGUSTED! Now if you'll all line up and sound off with agreement in unison that'd be nice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Honestly, imagine strolling in this thread to provide some actual levity and facts (by stating Halo Infinite, the game the fanboy is obviously reffering to, has already been in development for five years prior) instead of just mindlessly going along with the mindless outrage drivel. Sheesh!
I'm sorry... sorry I didn't downplay it earlier.
The gaming community’s continued downplaying of the effects of Covid is disgusting.

They are DISGUSTED! Now if you'll all line up and sound off with agreement in unison that'd be nice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Honestly, imagine strolling in this thread to provide some actual levity and facts (by stating Halo Infinite, the game the fanboy is obviously reffering to, has already been in development for five years prior) instead of just mindlessly going along with the mindless outrage drivel. Sheesh!

I dare someone to reply with this.




Maybe if some people spent less time whining and getting banned on reeee....

The meltdowns are going to be amazing, I've already watched the fanboys create multiple deluded damage control topics it's still good, it's still good, just need a ray tracing patch, it's still good. The fact that they predictively blamed covid as well.

They'd have shipped that fucker if the Craig meme hadn't blown up as well.


'' Oversexualized '' to me too is pretty harsh and I think that it has to go a lot further than just being mildly sexy and is contextual too.
Bikini armor in Tera isn't oversexualized because it's just a part of that universe and it's treated as perfectly normal.
It's sexualized yeah, but it's not oversexualized and armor isn't even treated realistically or like it matters.
But if you took that armor and put it into a game like the Witcher or Ghost of Tsushima then yeah it'd be oversexualized, as in too sexualized for the setting and it doesn't make sense.
Even in Skyrim for example, in the base game bikini armor would be oversexualized but if I mod the whole game to be like that then that changes.

People just throw these words around as some kind of an instant win but they never actually define what they mean, they have no consistent stance on it.
And I have no fucking clue what planet they live on if they think that sexualization is common in games today.

In my opinion, the word "oversexualization" itself is stupid and meaningless. The word implies to me that sex appeal/ sexualization is inherently "bad" and must be "contained" as if it were a plague or a virus. Sex appeal is no less valid or legitimate as a character trait than any other trait. If a character is supposed to be sexy, then there's no such thing as "too sexy". Would anyone ever complain that a character who's supposed to be funny is "too funny"? Or a character who's supposed to be scary is "too scary"? (though some pearl-clutchers might complain about that last one)

Besides, as many others have pointed out, Resetera has insanely low standards for "oversexualization". Basically any character who is conventionally attractive and/or shows any skin aside from their head and hands has been accused of "oversexualization" at some point on that forum. It's impossible to quantify something like sexualization.

To me, "oversexualization" doesn't really exist. It's just a catch-all term people use to say "I don't like this sexy character" while trying to give their opinion an air of legitimacy and objectivity that it doesn't have.

Also , you're right that sexualization is far less common in games than Resetera thinks it is. You'd have to specifically go looking for it to find it. But they can never admit that or their narrative falls apart.


In my opinion, the word "oversexualization" itself is stupid and meaningless. The word implies to me that sex appeal/ sexualization is inherently "bad" and must be "contained" as if it were a plague or a virus. Sex appeal is no less valid or legitimate as a character trait than any other trait. If a character is supposed to be sexy, then there's no such thing as "too sexy". Would anyone ever complain that a character who's supposed to be funny is "too funny"? Or a character who's supposed to be scary is "too scary"? (though some pearl-clutchers might complain about that last one)

Besides, as many others have pointed out, Resetera has insanely low standards for "oversexualization". Basically any character who is conventionally attractive and/or shows any skin aside from their head and hands has been accused of "oversexualization" at some point on that forum. It's impossible to quantify something like sexualization.

To me, "oversexualization" doesn't really exist. It's just a catch-all term people use to say "I don't like this sexy character" while trying to give their opinion an air of legitimacy and objectivity that it doesn't have.

Also , you're right that sexualization is far less common in games than Resetera thinks it is. You'd have to specifically go looking for it to find it. But they can never admit that or their narrative falls apart.

I don't think that '' oversexualized '' necessarily means or implies that sexualization is bad.
But I do agree that most people do use it that way and it's extremely annoying.

I do however think that the term can have a practical application if you use it in the way that I described.
The Sorceresses in The Witcher for example are often quite sexualized but it makes sense because they literally use magic and use that for political advancement, it still makes sense in the story and the setting.
But if Geralt suddenly started to run around in a speedo it wouldn't make sense and I think that saying that it'd be oversexualized makes practical sense.
Saying that the Castanic in Tera are oversexualized tho makes no sense because they're a race of Succubus and also it's just how armor and clothes look in the setting and is consistent.

Ves in the Witcher is sometimes brought up as an example of an oversexualized character in the Witcher but I honestly have mixed thoughts on that.
To some extent it doesn't make sense that a woman amongst soldiers in a realistic setting where sexual violence and all that is treated as more accurate to real history would walk around like that.
But I dunno I can also see the angle that she's just casually behaving more like the men do.
It's sorta like people bitching about how Miss Fortune shows too much skin and that male pirates wouldn't take her seriously.
But.... Look at male pirates, they're constantly shirtless or wear open vests with nothing else underneath.
Not to mention that most of her crew is supposed to be women I think, or at least a very significant portion of it.
Miss Fortune shows less skin than a lot of male pirates.

I think that in the case of Miss Fortune that argument is a lot dumber and I take it less seriously because League of Legends is a setting where the characters don't acknowledge womens sexuality like we do in real life.
Sex is still a thing, but people don't see a woman showing belly and cleavage and then act immature or drool about it.
But in the Witcher people do, they basically view it more like people in many middle Eastern countries today do.
So I think that Miss Fortune works better that way and is more okay than Ves.
I don't actually mind it with Ves, but I can understand the argument that she's oversexualized.

The issue is that this nuance is just ignored or people don't think about it that way, they just apply real life puritan views on sexuality to these fictional settings and don't actually consider how people in these settings view things.
No one in Tera ever acknowledges bikini armor or men in speedos as sexual, it's just normal attire in that setting.
So applying real life puritan values to it makes no sense.

But this is what people do in general too, it always baffles me how often I see people bitch about '' boobplate '' and unironically start arguing about how blades would be caught in it or whatever.
In a fucking setting where people swing swords three times the size of the characters and where people get hit by Gods swinging hammers ten times their characters and where shoulderpads have electricity shooting out everywhere.
Or heck look at the helmest in Warhammer, especially the High Elves and Dark Elves.
Those helmets are like half the size of the characters and they wouldn't be able to walk through a doorway and their necks would probably snap, but oh no '' boobplate '' is the issue lol or women with big boobs and '' back problems ''.
Like give me a fucking break.

Applying realism and irl standards to a setting can make sense if that's the actual intent of the setting.
But if it's not then people kinda need to stfu.

Thread was open for an hour. The entire time Era just feeds on itself. Mass reporting other users for not towing the group think. Topic closed with no MOD post. LOL this November is gonna be fun as fuck.

I guess it got reopened. Up to 35 pages now.

Here's the poll results:

It's crazy how a so-called gaming forum gets this much discussion about dumbass politics.

Here's a great post I'm surprised hasn't gotten them banned yet.
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I dare someone to reply with this.


No lightning deaths?
10k a year seems like a lot to not be on the list. That's 27 people every day alone.
Strong point about being more likely to die in an auto accident than COVID tho.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I dare someone to reply with this.

I hate to break it to you but "People die of other stuff all the time so why should we care about COVID?" is not a valid argument. That's like saying we shouldn't care about strokes because more people die of cancer each year. Just because more people die of one thing doesn't mean we shouldn't take precautions against other things.

its possible to care about more than one thing at once. Especially with something like COVID which can be relatively easily prevented from spreading by taking simple precautions like social distancing and wearing a mask. Don't be so dense.


I hate to break it to you but "People die of other stuff all the time so why should we care about COVID?" is not a valid argument. That's like saying we shouldn't care about strokes because more people die of cancer each year. Just because more people die of one thing doesn't mean we shouldn't take precautions against other things.

its possible to care about more than one thing at once. Especially with something like COVID which can be relatively easily prevented from spreading by taking simple precautions like social distancing and wearing a mask. Don't be so dense.
Thank you. Finally someone who isn't egocentric and cognitively short-sighted. Preventing COVID from spreading is one of the easiest things you can do and benefits mostly those who can't fend for themselves (people with immune deficiencies due to chemo therapy or an illness) and have to rely on us to not be fucking ignorant pieces of human garbage.


Thank you. Finally someone who isn't egocentric and cognitively short-sighted. Preventing COVID from spreading is one of the easiest things you can do and benefits mostly those who can't fend for themselves (people with immune deficiencies due to chemo therapy or an illness) and have to rely on us to not be fucking ignorant pieces of human garbage.

I don't think it is all that easy to stop a virus from spreading without completely fucking up the economy.

Yes, we can all sing kumbaya around the campfire and tell each other how much we love our grandparents....
but at the end of the day we all need money
The hardest part is to find the right balance between stopping the virus and keeping stuff open.

I agree with you 100% that everybody must to everything in his power to keep others healthy, but there is a point where the recession fallout (crime, suicides, less donations, ) kills more people than Covid does on an average day.

Personally, me and my wife are in a super comfortable position job-wise (we can both work from home) and if it was up to me they could lock it down until there is a vaccine.
But I can totally understand that some people can't afford to self isolate and need shit to be open.


I don't think it is all that easy to stop a virus from spreading without completely fucking up the economy.

Yes, we can all sing kumbaya around the campfire and tell each other how much we love our grandparents....
but at the end of the day we all need money
The hardest part is to find the right balance between stopping the virus and keeping stuff open.

I agree with you 100% that everybody must to everything in his power to keep others healthy, but there is a point where the recession fallout (crime, suicides, less donations, ) kills more people than Covid does on an average day.

Personally, me and my wife are in a super comfortable position job-wise (we can both work from home) and if it was up to me they could lock it down until there is a vaccine.
But I can totally understand that some people can't afford to self isolate and need shit to be open.
I agree. But the proposed actions one can do (distancing, wearing a mask and maybe washing your hands) aren't prohibiting from keeping stuff open. The lockdowns happen because there are some people who are fucking stupid. If everyone would act with a modicum of awareness of others, those lockdowns would not be a thing. It's because a stupid minority is fucking things up.
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