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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I spent a few days on era during my ban from here, and while you can maybe have a civil conversation regarding a specific game, if you're just talking about how fun something might be....once you start veering in any opinion or possibly politically driven thread, shit just puts me on edge.

A user was asking a good question about why is women sexualized in music any different than it being done in other media, like video games...



These replies just, and ones like it...just break my brain. Who the fuck are these people protecting? So they're saying men can not have an imagination, and create women how they want to envision them in their own works of art? We're going to define what men can and cannot do in their own art now??

Even people who tried to bring up that there are women who work in game development, that it's still a male dominated industry, so they don't count.

Just fuck off with this nonsense. Stop trying to take away beautiful women in video games.



Nepenthe: I’m just kind of a Golden Rule person regardless, and I think empathy should kind of rule the day.

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It's rich that they automatically assume or call all men "creepy" for engadging in their own hobby.

Does any woman who draws or make art automatically makes them an asshole for no reason? SJW's, the world's biggest hypocrites for claiming to be about "justice" when they're the first to assign malicious labels to anyone regardless of committing no real crime.
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is anyone able to see the results for this? bet the results are disturbing.




It's rich that they automatically assume or call all men "creepy" for engadging in their own hobby.

Does any woman who draws or make art automatically makes them an asshole for no reason? SJW's, the world's biggest hypocrites for claiming to be about "justice" when they're the first to assign malicious labels to anyone regardless of committing no real crime.

But if it's gay men sexy them up and they'll be cheered on for it!

They hate attractive women because they'll never be with one or be one. So they fight to lower the bar for attractiveness.

Dr. Claus

I spent a few days on era during my ban from here, and while you can maybe have a civil conversation regarding a specific game, if you're just talking about how fun something might be....once you start veering in any opinion or possibly politically driven thread, shit just puts me on edge.

A user was asking a good question about why is women sexualized in music any different than it being done in other media, like video games...



These replies just, and ones like it...just break my brain. Who the fuck are these people protecting? So they're saying men can not have an imagination, and create women how they want to envision them in their own works of art? We're going to define what men can and cannot do in their own art now??

Even people who tried to bring up that there are women who work in game development, that it's still a male dominated industry, so they don't count.

Just fuck off with this nonsense. Stop trying to take away beautiful women in video games.

Who are they? Men. Men so desperate for love and attention that they will keel over to try and defend the honor of womenkind. They are this generation of White Knights, but instead of being forward with them being men, they pretend they are other things. Nonbinary, GenderQueer, Transtrenders - jokes of society.
If she's a pedophile she'd fit right into Resetera so what are they complaining about?
They should invite her.

Edit: Wait, she has big boobs.
This must be so confusing to them, does their endearance of pedophiles outweigh their hatred of big boobies?

I don't deny they might have a "thou doth protest too much" thing going on, but the thing is at least in terms of policy, they make zero distinction between fictional media and actual unambiguous child porn. Just look at their banned game list.

The stuff with Bunny Ayumi caused controversy because immediately after she called out Mike Z and he got pseudo-cancelled (she wasn't the one that actually put the nail in the coffin for him), people saw that she said stuff like "I love shota!" or whatever. She has quite clearly made the distinction between art and reality when she acknowledged the thing with Puppeh and Cinnpie.

A lot of these popular Vtubers are in the same exact place, with the exception of one that may have taken it way too far based on some seedy stuff she's said. Yet people are just completely disregarding that because of hypocrisy I guess.
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I don't deny they might have a "thou doth protest too much" thing going on, but the thing is at least in terms of policy, they make zero distinction between fictional media and actual unambiguous child porn. Just look at their banned game list.

The stuff with Bunny Ayumi caused controversy because immediately after she called out Mike Z and he got pseudo-cancelled (she wasn't the one that actually put the nail in the coffin for him), people saw that she said stuff like "I love shota!" or whatever. She has quite clearly made the distinction between art and reality when she acknowledged the thing with Puppeh and Cinnpie.

A lot of these popular Vtubers are in the same exact place, with the exception of one that may have taken it way too far based on some seedy stuff she's said. Yet people are just completely disregarding that because of hypocrisy I guess.

Yeah I find a lot of that stuff in Anime, Manga and other art to be pretty disgusting but when it comes to Bunny Ayumi and women like her they're selling a fantasy.
I am not saying that she's not genuinely a fan of Anime etc, but she and other women like her obviously exaggerate for the same reason why porn stars have fake personas.
They're marketing a fantasy to primarily men who want to fantasize about girls like that.
Bunny Ayumi is a pretend irl Anime waifu, so she digs deep into Otaku culture to convince people of that.
And Otaku culture has some uh, questionable aspects to it.

I don't really mind it personally, I do think that it's a bit sad tho how some men genuinely don't understand this and actually believe that the persona is real.
I do follow some Onlyfans girls and like their content, but it's pretty creepy sometimes to see how some dudes in the comments are clearly completely delusional about it.
On the other hand I just like the positivity and hot girls on my timeline lol.
Yeah I find a lot of that stuff in Anime, Manga and other art to be pretty disgusting but when it comes to Bunny Ayumi and women like her they're selling a fantasy.
I am not saying that she's not genuinely a fan of Anime etc, but she and other women like her obviously exaggerate for the same reason why porn stars have fake personas.
They're marketing a fantasy to primarily men who want to fantasize about girls like that.
Bunny Ayumi is a pretend irl Anime waifu, so she digs deep into Otaku culture to convince people of that.
And Otaku culture has some uh, questionable aspects to it.

I don't really mind it personally, I do think that it's a bit sad tho how some men genuinely don't understand this and actually believe that the persona is real.
I do follow some Onlyfans girls and like their content, but it's pretty creepy sometimes to see how some dudes in the comments are clearly completely delusional about it.
On the other hand I just like the positivity and hot girls on my timeline lol.

Eh, I think Bunny is relatively genuine. She's been a cosplayer for a long time, and that's not exactly a career path you aim for if you don't have some degree of passion, and that's before we get into her history on places like deviantart. Obviously there's some degree of exaggeration as there are with all performers, especially now that she's a vtuber herself and getting all these big name contacts like Project Melody, but I don't think she's lying about her kinks, especially if one could actually get her into trouble.

I can't speak for the Hololive vtubers as far as how genuine they are with this stuff, but I don't think it would matter to Era staff. They're still "normalizing" stuff that they see as no different than child porn. If someone actually made a stink about that to the staff, I can't imagine the Vtuber thread would last very long.


I swear, that non-binary bushit is even more annoying than all the transtrenders on Era.

Non-binary peeps seem to be regular guys who feel left out that they aren't part of an oppressed group. So they made some shit up. Same with a-sexuals. Remember that time that everything was suddenly ' acephobic' on Era? Just some white virgins who want to belong so making up some shit so they are also part of the group.


I spent a few days on era during my ban from here, and while you can maybe have a civil conversation regarding a specific game, if you're just talking about how fun something might be....once you start veering in any opinion or possibly politically driven thread, shit just puts me on edge.

A user was asking a good question about why is women sexualized in music any different than it being done in other media, like video games...



These replies just, and ones like it...just break my brain. Who the fuck are these people protecting? So they're saying men can not have an imagination, and create women how they want to envision them in their own works of art? We're going to define what men can and cannot do in their own art now??

Even people who tried to bring up that there are women who work in game development, that it's still a male dominated industry, so they don't count.

Just fuck off with this nonsense. Stop trying to take away beautiful women in video games.

I think that it's fair to think that if every character is sexualized in a game then it can be a problem ( unless it's an Ecchi game or something ).
The issue is that these people have such insanely low standards for what they consider to be '' oversexualized ''.
And I also think that there's this bullshit view that the main character can't be sexualized, that it basically needs to be side characters which to me just sounds really objectifying.
Like it's okay for some side character that doesn't matter, but it's not okay as soon as the character is of any importance? Wtf?

These people still argue as if sexualized characters are some kind of a norm in the industry and it just speaks volumes for how low their limit is.
Is Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider reboot sexualized because she's somewhat attractive?
She's just wearing pants and a top...
But that's enough for them to think that she's sexualized or even oversexualized.

'' Oversexualized '' to me too is pretty harsh and I think that it has to go a lot further than just being mildly sexy and is contextual too.
Bikini armor in Tera isn't oversexualized because it's just a part of that universe and it's treated as perfectly normal.
It's sexualized yeah, but it's not oversexualized and armor isn't even treated realistically or like it matters.
But if you took that armor and put it into a game like the Witcher or Ghost of Tsushima then yeah it'd be oversexualized, as in too sexualized for the setting and it doesn't make sense.
Even in Skyrim for example, in the base game bikini armor would be oversexualized but if I mod the whole game to be like that then that changes.

People just throw these words around as some kind of an instant win but they never actually define what they mean, they have no consistent stance on it.
And I have no fucking clue what planet they live on if they think that sexualization is common in games today.

Eh, I think Bunny is relatively genuine. She's been a cosplayer for a long time, and that's not exactly a career path you aim for if you don't have some degree of passion, and that's before we get into her history on places like deviantart. Obviously there's some degree of exaggeration as there are with all performers, especially now that she's a vtuber herself and getting all these big name contacts like Project Melody, but I don't think she's lying about her kinks, especially if one could actually get her into trouble.

I can't speak for the Hololive vtubers as far as how genuine they are with this stuff, but I don't think it would matter to Era staff. They're still "normalizing" stuff that they see as no different than child porn. If someone actually made a stink about that to the staff, I can't imagine the Vtuber thread would last very long.

Yeah I don't know about Bunny, I just meant in general.
One should take what these women say with a grain of salt.
Someone like that who is monetizing their Anime fandom in that way going on about how they like '' shota '' is something I'd just take more with a grain of salt than if it was some random person who said it.
Because being into Otaku culture is part of her brand.

I mean again with porn.
I am sure there are porn stars who hate anal and facials, but they pretend like they love it to pander to their audience.
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Oh you’re hyped for Cyberpunk?

thankfully Kyuuji is here to remind you of their issues with the game and developer

also what the fuck does this mean?

A reminder that these are the same people who mock others for being mad about censorship in games.
But they're literally boycotting a game because a Polish developer didn't meet their purity test.



We're making progress! White people are going to be labeled "POC" in the future.

Yet so many users are doing back flips and can't accept Italians exist. Others are now claiming he has to be Filipino or Latino. :messenger_confused:
Little Mac somehow suggests to me that *xim/*xerxelf or (whatever they like to force upon others) is Irish.
I vote calling him a PonCbwat (Person of no colour but with a tan) or a PoqT (Person of questionable Translucency) as blanket terms are racist and if we have a million genders we should take every shade of skin into account.

Kudos to that Reeeeeera OP that he is in such mental anguish over this (non-)issue that he is already grasping at straws. What about Little Macs coach or Ganondorf?

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Oh you’re hyped for Cyberpunk?

thankfully Kyuuji is here to remind you of their issues with the game and developer

also what the fuck does this mean?

Does the poster mean female voice or vagina?
Ban (permanent) inflammatory support of placing normative genders on the penis and vagina.

(FYI the poster meant voice, you know the shorthand of voice is v).🤔🤯 I hope you can place a Hulk Hogan voice on a female character and watch the media start dancing around why an obviously male voice is playing a woman.


Oh you’re hyped for Cyberpunk?

thankfully Kyuuji is here to remind you of their issues with the game and developer

also what the fuck does this mean?

I rail on era pretty hard, but I need to give credit here: you can tell most people in that thread just want to lap up the hype, talk about their class choice etc.

And even though that dick waver Kyuuji is in there trying to shit the thread up with their tranny nonsense, you can tell there’s a mutual understanding in that thread to ignore the deranged autists.

And best of all: you just know how much this is pissing Kyuuji off deep down. Every post that ignores them, they’re seething. I can’t wait to see the meltdown during release time for this game 😂
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Oh you’re hyped for Cyberpunk?

thankfully Kyuuji is here to remind you of their issues with the game and developer

also what the fuck does this mean?

Its interesting reading that thread, most dont give a crap including a mod, but they keep quoting Kyuuji's crap in every page and insisting it being a threadmark.
I bet all the idiots there( that actually game) moaning about CDPR will be playing it day 1


From this thread :D


The other thing is that we should be putting effort into changing our language to be inclusive of non-binary genders. For example, instead of always saying "women" in reference to pregnancy, switch to saying "people with uteruses" instead. In similar fashion, describing women as "female artists" is both incorrect (not all women are female or vice versa) and exclusionary.

People with uteruses..... not all women are female

I can't....


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Nah was this.

Actually that date doesn't add up. Ban bot must not have update with it yet, unless it was a retro-actively done?

No, that was his previous ban. It is this:



lol dude can't stop being racist

Imagine being banned for being racist on Resetera and being allowed back.

Imagine being #Metoo'd and having it ignored.

The admins hypocisy is right there, "We'll ban all these content providers from our platform, but if your verified and have an account? NO FUCKING PROBLEM!"

It's all fake virtue signaling that the mentally ill and weak minded buy into.

Daffy Duck

Imagine being banned for being racist on Resetera and being allowed back.

Imagine being #Metoo'd and having it ignored.

The admins hypocisy is right there, "We'll ban all these content providers from our platform, but if your verified and have an account? NO FUCKING PROBLEM!"

It's all fake virtue signaling that the mentally ill and weak minded buy into.

astounding. They gotta keep up the pretenct that they matter. Can’t permanently ban someone who is in the industry.


Oh you’re hyped for Cyberpunk?

thankfully Kyuuji is here to remind you of their issues with the game and developer

also what the fuck does this mean?

LOL and everyone ignores the dipshit Kyuuji

Weird jump to chinamen, I'm starting to think Frankie boy is actually just racist


I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone bitching about the old Japanese woman's voice in the CP2077 weapon's trailer, saying it's too stereotypical and problematic, and it better be an old Japanese woman voicing her, lol. Might as well, since all the "controversy" surrounding this game on that site has been nonsensical bullshit. I remember when they got offended over the enemies calling you a cocksucker in an older gameplay vid. CDPR's response:

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