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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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It's almost like their entire ideology contradicts itself regularly.

Down with capitalism!
Sent from my iPhone
Typical response to this you'll see on Era:


Daffy Duck


Is it wrong that I didnt know if it was an actual deer or a furry when I clicked this thread? Maybe it’s both, maybe the man he hit identified as a deer. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Gold Member
And we have the bi-monthly Barrett thread

Previous seasons



Save $1000's on your wedding and still expect expensive gifts with this one simple trick. Wedding guest hate it!

Edit: I screencapped too soon, guy IS an asshole. I'm giving guests two weeks only to buy us gifts!

Another beautiful update. Even though they're saving thousands of dollars not hosting but they also wastefully spent money like $1200 for a photographer so they're entitled to getting presents because they spent money on their own wedding... Also lol at parents have a financial hardship but can't seem to understand others might also since it's a pandemic and people are out of work...


Also I initially missed this gem in his verbal vomit:

I am of the mind that anyone and everyone should see our wedding stream since it's a historic time to have our wedding. Our setup could be a potential template on how online ceremonies will be done in the time of COVID-19.

This dumbass things the world will follow his wedding as fucking template of how to do things during coronavirus... No one has figured out video calls for weddings before, big brain REEEEERA strikes again!


Typical response to this you'll see on Era:

That's because they are not able to engage in a conversation where you have to creatively use your brain and your language. They can only use memes and the same prepackaged phrases they see online. Like when someone say something "controversial" , rest assured that you'll see an answer like "tell us how your really feel" , just because they've seen it used before and they like being part of a community that reason and speak all the same way.
Try to engage in a conversation with a screeching leftist and see if their only tactic is to scream louder than you so you can't even answer.
Cowards and feeble minded morons


Gold Member
And we have the bi-monthly Barrett thread

Previous seasons



Just for you. Have a listen

Hahaha, I hate you!

Said my eyeballs couldn't take it again. (now nearly fully blind).

They're seriously still on the team? LMAO.

Honestly words fail me.

(At least it wasn't the being a deer one).
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He's not English. He posted a picture of his very American apartment.

Wierd. Why it matches up though.

I love how the hacker waited for months before dropping this info. Resetera: "There was no hack!".

Please have been busy screencapping stuff over the last few months.

This is what you get for defending a pedo movie.

Wham, what a scoop.

When we all gon see the fallout for this?

Plz be neps account 😂


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Most of my friends are normie dad types and while generally good people who are fun to hang out with, they are not receptive to informed speculation about the origins of the China virus.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
2016: "Star Wars fans are so cruel to run KMT off instagram"
2020: "This vile TERF bitch needs to go!"

They were shaming people for not thinking her character was a badass or celebrating the diversity with her inclusion.

Now that she said something they don’t agree with, she’s basically a man just like all the black Republicans are basically white.


Anyone seen this crank?


The world today is so full of delicate pricks!!!


I mean, it's not mazinger venus with missile-tits but still pretty boys club material...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the same game that has 4 main characters that looks like a bunch of good-looking backstreet boys while showing off their abs? Wouldn't that be a female gaze material?

Also, this is extremelly light compared with the girls from real world in my country.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Adrian McKinty's Sean Duffy novels set in Northern Ireland during the Troubles have some very colorful anti-cop nomenclature.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the same game that has 4 main characters that looks like a bunch of good-looking backstreet boys while showing off their abs? Wouldn't that be a female gaze material?

Also, this is extremelly light compared with the girls from real world in my country.

maybe boy's club material is ok? maybe we shouldn't just shriek and slam the cancel button?

every sexual identity is coming out right now, saying, "We deserve to be heard", "We deserve respect", saying that all identities matter, all sex is valid, all kinks are fine, etc. yet it is open war on the hetero male. this anti-male bigotry undermines the entire idpol religion and in fact turns all of their gender talk into 1000% meaningless gobbledygook.

i would rather feminists just come out and say they hate men, and want to eliminate all masculinity from the Earth. just be honest with us.

i mean, just invoking the phrase "boys club", as if that's some horrible thing, as if we aren't humans too, as if the world isn't 50.4% male, i'm tired of it.

i like tits and ass. it is natural to like tits and ass. if it wasn't then the human race wouldn't be here. we would probably still be a puddle of slime on the ocean floor. idpol is the pro-slime idiology.

just shrieking "boys club" whenever you see something that HEAVENS FORBID caters to a heterosexual male is biological denial. it is denying the survival function of biological life.

men and women having heterosexual sex is what perpetuates the species. i don't know WHY this has to keep being pointed out. yet i should be ashamed of the very impulse that brings life. it's bullshit.

thank god there is a country like Japan where the hetero male sex drive is still appreciated. where the fantasies of hundreds of millions of people aren't considered evil things which must be banished from the Earth.
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maybe boy's club material is ok? maybe we shouldn't just shriek and slam the cancel button since it still appeals to SO MANY "CIS HETERO" MEN?

every sexual identity is coming out right now, saying, "We deserve to be heard", saying that all identities matter, etc. it's funny that it is expected of ME to be super respectful and reverent towards gay and queer and trans and a dozen other identities, yet they can impure me, and my tastes, endlessly, brutally, in the most dehumanizing matter.

yet just invoking the phrase "boys club", as if that's some horrible thing, as if the world isn't 50.4% male, i'm tired of it.

i like tits and ass. it is natural to like tits and ass. if it wasn't then the human race wouldn't be here. just shrieking "boys club" whenever you see something that HEAVENS FORBID caters to a heterosexual male is biological denial. it is denying the one survival function of biological life.

thank god there is a country where that is still appreciated. where the fantasies of hundreds of millions of people aren't considered evil things which must be banished from the Earth.

User warned: Boys Club rhetoric


That's because they are not able to engage in a conversation where you have to creatively use your brain and your language. They can only use memes and the same prepackaged phrases they see online. Like when someone say something "controversial" , rest assured that you'll see an answer like "tell us how your really feel" , just because they've seen it used before and they like being part of a community that reason and speak all the same way.
Try to engage in a conversation with a screeching leftist and see if their only tactic is to scream louder than you so you can't even answer.
Cowards and feeble minded morons

Their political discussions are just #politicalstatement seperate them from the herd face to face and they can't defend or discuss their points at all.

Don't question the #.


Like clockwork, middle-aged men that complain about tits in a video-game disown their own family for wrong-think.



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Probably have more video games on modern consoles, parents may be jealous as they're stuck on the Atari 2600 and home-brew releases aren't often.


And she'll just play the Judge Judy theme in her head while she grits her teeth.

Another great one from a mod, same thread. Have no idea what they're trying to get to, if anyone else has a better grasp?

The entire thread is full of posts like these, it's nothing new of course but just shows they never ever learn from prior threads.

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How about this? Maybe, just maybe, they should learn that people are entitled to hold their own opinions and beliefs that are different from what you consider to be "right". And that, like a grown person, they should respect the choices of others and put their differences aside. Specially when it's your family.

I always see these stories where people just have this crazy far right parent/sibling/cousin (the left leaning person is NEVER the crazy one though) and in turn the poor person from the left becomes estranged from the family, sad and alone. But at least his opinion IS right, right?

I suspect in reality these people can't hold a normal conversation nor support an argument beyond "cops bad" "orangeman bad" and in turn people get fed up of them.
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"The rest of my family", that includes this poster for sure. You nasty bastards gaslighting your own retired mother. Next week, they make sure she writes her will the correct way so they get their "Fair"share.

That whole topics wild actually. Can't wait for the November meltdown if Trump wins.



"The rest of my family", that includes this poster for sure. You nasty bastards gaslighting your own retired mother. Next week, they make sure she writes her will the correct way so they get their "Fair"share.

That whole topics wild actually. Can't wait for the November meltdown if Trump wins.
Jesus Christ what gross little people. You lie and try to trick your mom into thinking she can't remember things because you don't like who she votes for? These people don't have even a shred of shame for their actions.
Wierd. Why it matches up though.

When we all gon see the fallout for this?

Plz be neps account 😂
could be bs or they could be covering their asses but the discord I was invited into last night is gone and I didn’t screencap as it looked like it was about to blow up but I log in this morning expecting an apocalypse and it’s quiet so either they have found out and fixed it and not told anyone which is more than likely or it’s a waiting game

Regardless of if it’s fixed the horse has bolted and I will say that from what I saw the whole using your work or personal email to register for the site is going to backfire spectacularly for some of those people

why do people use the same email and passwords across all their sites they visit?
Anyone seen this crank?


The world today is so full of delicate pricks!!!

The only fitting punishment is to sit them down before the original and force them to play it.
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