Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the same game that has 4 main characters that looks like a bunch of good-looking backstreet boys while showing off their abs? Wouldn't that be a female gaze material?
Also, this is extremelly light compared with the girls from real world in my country.
maybe boy's club material is ok? maybe we shouldn't just shriek and slam the cancel button?
every sexual identity is coming out right now, saying, "We deserve to be heard", "We deserve respect", saying that all identities matter, all sex is valid, all kinks are fine, etc. yet it is open war on the hetero male. this anti-male bigotry undermines the entire idpol religion and in fact turns all of their gender talk into 1000% meaningless gobbledygook.
i would rather feminists just come out and say they hate men, and want to eliminate all masculinity from the Earth. just be honest with us.
i mean, just invoking the phrase "boys club", as if that's some horrible thing, as if we aren't humans too, as if the world isn't 50.4% male, i'm tired of it.
i like tits and ass. it is natural to like tits and ass. if it wasn't then the human race wouldn't be here. we would probably still be a puddle of slime on the ocean floor. idpol is the pro-slime idiology.
just shrieking "boys club" whenever you see something that HEAVENS FORBID caters to a heterosexual male is biological denial. it is denying the survival function of biological life.
men and women having heterosexual sex is what perpetuates the species. i don't know WHY this has to keep being pointed out. yet i should be ashamed of the very impulse that brings life. it's bullshit.
thank god there is a country like Japan where the hetero male sex drive is still appreciated. where the fantasies of hundreds of millions of people aren't considered evil things which must be banished from the Earth.