ACAB was/is pretty much the mantra of council estates as well. They think that no white youths go through profiling etc. When there are muggings and burglaries. And the same scallies and chavs say the same thing as well 'why is it always us getting stopped? Im just going me mams'
Yeah, it always makes me laugh to see "ACAB" on places like ResetEra and Twitter.
What kind of interactions do you think these folk are ever having with the cops?
I'd guess none at all unless they actually need the police for something.
Or maybe the police are making sure people are safe at an event they attend or on the roads they are driving on.
As you say, the sentiment is somewhat understandable in places like council estates. Especially from people who are actively breaking laws for their own benefit or just engaging in anti-social behavior for their own enjoyment. Of course those people will hate cops because they will frequently have negative encounters with them.
Even small things like people getting mad because the cops will stop people who are drinking and driving (or on drugs) or who have broken lights on the car etc. Yeah, it sucks that the cops pulled you over for that but I'd much rather drive past you sitting at the side of the road getting a ticket than drive past an accident you caused by not obeying the goddamn law. If some dude is driving around out of his mind on drugs then absolutely I want the cops to get in there and put an end to that shit before someone gets injured or hurt. Though the cops should not be killing civilians, of course.
As usual, it's OK when it doesn't affect them. They never have dealings with police so "all cops are bastards" is just another aspect of their retarded online personas. Try telling all the people that lost loved ones in car accidents caused by drivers breaking the law that you think it would be better if there were no cops. "Hurr durr, let the community police itself!"
You think if some chav accosts one of these soft as shite losers and slaps them about that they won't instantly cry out for law enforcement to help them. Shit these losers are willing to call the cops because someone misgendered them on the internet.
They can't even keep their morals straight half of the time.
I can agree in the case of George Floyd that what happened is completely unacceptable.
Sounds like the dude broke the law but it also sounds like a slap on the wrist and community service kind of thing.
Not a situation where the guy should wind up dead.
So myself and Reeee would agree that policing needs to be proportional and punishments should not be excessive.
Certainly nobody should be dying during an arrest, except in very extreme circumstances.
THEN these fuckers will turn round though and demand that someone's career be destroyed over a careless word or "wrong" opinion.
Like, didn't we just get done agreeing that excessive and over the top punishment is a bad thing?
Protesters are mad so it's OK that they destroyed a small business, it's just property LOL.
Riiiight so severe consequences are fine so long as you can justify it and you aren't the victim? Got it.
They just contradict themselves at every turn and anyone who says "hang on a minute" gets the ban hammer so all you are left with is the stupidest of stupid idiots.