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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
so the recent debacle has finally pushed me to coming back to GAF. don't know if it was mentioned yet, because i ignored the topic as soon as it popped up, but there was a thread created yesterday about how thanksgiving, christmas and halloween are offensive to multiple cultures (specifically native american in that thread) and need to be ended. and there actually people defending the stance


i mean... my god dude, just couldn't take it anymore.

i'l still participate in the sober community over there as we don't get involved in any of that bullshit. and there are some people who i really care about and want to see be successful. other than that i'll be gettin tf outta there.

it's literally, not even kidding, gonna get to the point where they tryin to cancel everyone, including themselves, and build these high fucking walls around themselves, to the point where they are the ones segregating everyone. lol, sorry just needed to rant (hope i didn't break any rules, lol sorry i'm used ot being banned for nothing) and i'd have been banned over there and didn't want to lose touch with my sober friends.




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Gold Member
LOL the guy that posted that thread posts a LOT. one time he posted a thread asking how much money people make and i think they revealed they make under poverty levels, like under $20k a year. i

That was a great thread. I loved how everyone that made more than an invisible line felt obligated to mention how poor they were growing up just so they wouldnt get banned for being part of the 1% Took like 5 pages before folks realized that lots of people over there make decent money and the class warfare proponents are, like almost every hyper vocal group over there, a tiny minority and can be ignored at will.

If you can tune out the monkeys screaming in their cages at the periphery of the playground, era is still a pretty normal place.
I gotta applaud Cerium. He really didn't make any big changes, but managed to end the outrage. Now everything will continue as it did before. What a smooth motherfucker.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Finally "Duration pending" AKA we look at all the shit you've posted and got away with because for some reason SugarNoodles was a Ree cockroach.



Mods be takin out some of the trash this weekend.

Wow. SugarNoodles getting a ban was unexpected. Dude was always super aggressive, bitter, mean-spirited, and self-righteous beyond belief about everything. I butted heads with him a few times and he couldn't have been less pleasant to deal with. I figured he was a prominent member, but I suppose not.


I still don't understand this whole "Safe Space"-concept, tbh. A safe space is required if you are always attacked by the outside. The truth is that the outside largely doesn't give a shit about what gender you are or even what you look like as long as you don't bother everyone else. But since they feel they need to be missionaries and bother everyone else, even going so far as to promote harassment and even enabling suicidal behavior (Etika or Zoe Quinn's internet-trial of Alec Holowka), of course they can expect backlash. If they were as liberal as they claim to be, i.e. everyone's opinion as worth the same, civilized discussion is ok, having different opinions and being different is ok, as long as you don't start harassing or try to be a missionary etc., they wouldn't have most of their problems in the first place.
I don't understand how they can call themselves liberal and call that forum "a place for everyone", when they so actively work against those values. I don't believe they can be so ignorant as to not notice this hypocrisy.

So what they want to have is a "Safe Space" from which they can harass everyone else that is not inside it and receive pity from everyone inside it when they get "offended". "Live by the sword, die by the sword", motherfuckers.

Yes. It is a total misuse of what a "safe space" is supposed to be.

A woman's shelter is a "safe space". Not because "men aren't allowed in here" but because the people who are there are in need of actual safety and actual protection. They aren't there to express opinions unchallenged. They are literally there for protection.

An Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is a "safe space". Not because they are trying to exclude people or because they are trying to build some "club" for themselves but because the people going there need a place where they can open up and talk and fix their issues. They aren't there so they can spout views that would be shot down anywhere else they are there to take very specific steps to fix a very specific problem.

None of these spaces are places where you can just go in and be toxic and put everyone else on edge and throw accusations around and act like a general anti-social asshole and you just get away with it because "this is supposed to be a safe space".
You don't get to act the prick and then say "I feel unsafe" and everyone else has to leave.

For them it's more like a space where you can come in and whip everyone up into a frenzy and there is NO counterbalance. Nobody to say "hang on guys we need to calm it down here".

How ridiculous. "No I will not calm down. No I will not be civil. I will be angry. I will tell you to fuck off. This is a safe space don't you know".
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I gotta applaud Cerium. He really didn't make any big changes, but managed to end the outrage. Now everything will continue as it did before. What a smooth motherfucker.

To be fair, the outrage was unbelievably idiotic in the first place and even then it got dicey there, things almost went topsy-turvy on his ass. One slip it's all it will take.


Gold Member
Annnndddd the Thanksgiving thread is locked.


Which basically translates to "Thread is temp locked while we comb over everyone's post history and find out who's a bigot/racist or not."

Imagine participating in the Outrage Olympics over a holiday where people have a dinner with their family to the point where you brigade the report function on others to get them banned and the thread locked.


I have this theory that the vocal segment is the type that want perpetual drama/conflict with no solutions in site. They honestly don't know what their "we made it!" condition is. They find constantly railing against something to be cathartic and coupled with the relative anonymity of the internet, gives them a degree of power they lack in their real lives. They tackle what they consider to be the easy targets within their group and when that loses its emotional punch, turns inward. They don't want positive change or persuding people in discussion. That's why they can't stand being opposed or debated. It's never truly about the specific points. It's about the power. They want drama and they want the illusion of power over others. And they do this under the guise of a video game forum along with other places.

Authoritarians never have enough power in their heads, and they always think that *they* can make things better, and that any sacrifice is for the greater good.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Someone in that Thanksgiving thread tried to educate them on the reality of the socio-political atmosphere of the 1600's American North East.

And they got banned for "Inflammatory whataboutism and antagonizing other users over multiple posts; prior bans for hostility "

They love living in ignorance.
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Gold Member
Someone in that Thanksgiving thread tried to educate them on the reality of the socio-political atmosphere of the 1600's American North East.

And they got banned for "Inflammatory whataboutism and antagonizing other users over multiple posts; prior bans for hostility "

They love living in ignorance.

And they wonder why they can’t get jobs.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Authoritarians never have enough power in their heads, and they always think that *they* can make things better, and that any sacrifice is for the greater good.

I will say that I get particularly disgusted when people take contradictory or hypocritical points of view to their own logic to be "on the right side of history."

These narcisstic, self important fuck sticks are willing to support bad faith talking points because they believe they "know the future". (Bonus Round: They can't even articulate what that bright future is exactly). They know it's irreconcilable with previous points they made or just basic logic, but they believe the end justifies the means.

I am telling you, extreme political groups are the definition of cults.
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Rapid Response Threadmaker
There's just a lot in general wrong with how they think they understand the years during and after the Thanksgiving feast.

Probably the biggest thing they don't know, and I'm sure probably isn't that well known in general, is that the Wampanoag and other Native Americans tribes most likely didn't contract Small Pox from the Plymouth colonists.

Modern day research from just this past decade has concluded that the tribes likely contracted Leptospirosis. One of the most profound discoveries is that tribes trading heavily with the French were the most devastated by the epidemic in 1616 through 1619. This means that the idea that the Plymouth colonists gave them small pox, and worst of all accusations that the Plymouth colonialists did this on purpose, is likely a myth.

When the Wampanoag Chief (Sachem) fell ill, the colonists nursed him back to health. 10 years later when Narragansett Native Tribe attacked Massasoit's village, the colonists helped the Wampanoag drive them out.

This isn't hard to look up information in a hidden tome within a secret library. Wikipedia is a remarkable tool and they can't even use that properly.

I'll do it for them. Here is what led up to the war between the colonists and Wampanoag. Here is a big fucking hint: It isn't how they are portraying

To avoid confusion. The King Phillip being referenced here is the King of the Wampanoag tribe. His native name is Metacomet. His father Massassiot asked for them to be given English names.

Under Philip's leadership, the relationship changed dramatically between the Wampanoag and the colonists. Philip believed that the ever-increasing colonists would eventually take over everything—not only land, but also their culture, their way of life, and their religion, and he decided to limit the further expansion of colonial settlements.

The Wampanoag numbered only 1,000, and Philip began to visit other tribes to build alliances among those who also wanted to push out the colonists. At that time, the number of colonists in southern New England already numbered more than double that of the Indians—35,000 vs. 15,000.

In 1671, Philip was called to Taunton, Massachusetts where he listened to the accusations of the colonists and signed an agreement that required the Wampanoag to give up their firearms. To be on the safe side, he did not take part in the subsequent dinner. His men never delivered their weapons.

Philip gradually gained the Nipmuck, Pocomtuc, and Narragansett as allies, and the beginning of the uprising was first planned for the spring of 1676. In March 1675, however, John Sassamon was murdered. Sassamon was a Christian Indian raised in Natick, one of the "praying towns." He was educated at Harvard College and had served as a scribe, interpreter, and counselor to Philip and the Wampanoag. But, a week before his death, Sassamon reported to Plymouth governor Josiah Winslow that Philip was planning a war against the colonists. Sassamon was found dead under the ice of Assawompsett Pond a week later; three Wampanoag warriors were accused of his murder by a Christian Indian and taken captive by the colonists; they were hanged in June 1675 after a trial by a jury of 12 colonists and six Christian Indians.

This execution was a catalyst for war, combined with rumors that the colonists wanted to capture Philip. On June 20, 1675, some Wampanoags attacked colonists in Swansea, Massachusetts and laid siege to the town; they destroyed it completely five days later, leading ultimately to King Philip's War.

The united tribes in southern New England attacked 52 of 90 colonial settlements, and partially burned them down.
At the outbreak of the war, many Indians offered to fight with the colonists against King Philip and his allies, serving as warriors, scouts, advisers, and spies. Mistrust and hostility eventually caused the colonists to discontinue Indian assistance, even though they were invaluable in the war.
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Gold Member
There's just a lot in general wrong with how they think they understand the years during and after the Thanksgiving feast.

Probably the biggest thing they don't know, and I'm sure probably isn't that well known in general, is that the Wampanoag and other Native Americans tribes most likely didn't contract Small Pox from the European colonialists.

Modern day research from just this past decade has concluded that the tribes contracted Leptospirosis. One of the most profound discoveries is that tribes trading heavily with the French were the most devastated by the epidemic 1616 and 1619. This means that the idea that the Plymouth colonalists gave them small pox, and worst of all accussations that the Plymouth colonialists did this on purpose, is likely a myth.

When the Wampanoag Chief (Sachem) fell ill, the colonisalists nursed him back to health. 10 years later when Narragansett Native Tribe attacked the Massasoit's village, the colonists helped the Wampanoag drive them out.

This isn't hard to look up information in a hidden tome within a library. Wikipedia is a remarkable tool and they can't even use that properly.

I'll do it for them. Here is what led up to the war between the colonists and Wampanoag. Here is a big fucking hint: It isn't how they are portraying

To avoid confusion. The King Phillip being referenced here is the King of the Wampanoag tribe. His native name is Metacomet. His father Massassiot asked for them to be given English names.

I’m sure they have some made up -ist -ism or -phobic to label actual recorded history as wrong and problematic to cancel it.


Gold Member
I gotta applaud Cerium. He really didn't make any big changes, but managed to end the outrage. Now everything will continue as it did before. What a smooth motherfucker.

Heh, I dunno. I think the admins pissed off a much larger minority with their actions than they appeased. Granted, this entire thing will be ignored by 99.9% of the user base no matter what but some vocal folks got trampled and I bet they will create problems down the line.


Finally "Duration pending" AKA we look at all the shit you've posted and got away with because for some reason SugarNoodles was a Ree cockroach.



Mods be takin out some of the trash this weekend.

This is one of those accounts that will have 25 + bans but still be active.

His history of SJW’ing means he’s virtually safe.


You know whats legit funny? They are all on this Acephobe / Asexual kick right now. But.... don't they all shit on incels?

Like, what's the difference between being asexual and being an incel? Are they both not sexual identifications? Wouldnt they all be incelaphobic?
Seems pretty sketchy to me.
If we are all human and sexual identity is nothing to joke or make fun of, then why do they all piss on incels?

see THIS is why I need my era account back. to make these deep topics that go WAY over the bigoted heads of those shit stains.

Asexual is just lacking a sex drive towards either sex; incels have a sex drive but for fucked up reasons don't pull themselves out of the shitty place they're in and blame something or someone else for their problems. They're completely different things.
There's just a lot in general wrong with how they think they understand the years during and after the Thanksgiving feast.

Probably the biggest thing they don't know, and I'm sure probably isn't that well known in general, is that the Wampanoag and other Native Americans tribes most likely didn't contract Small Pox from the European colonialists.

Modern day research from just this past decade has concluded that the tribes contracted Leptospirosis. One of the most profound discoveries is that tribes trading heavily with the French were the most devastated by the epidemic in 1616 through 1619. This means that the idea that the Plymouth colonalists gave them small pox, and worst of all accussations that the Plymouth colonialists did this on purpose, is likely a myth.

When the Wampanoag Chief (Sachem) fell ill, the colonisalists nursed him back to health. 10 years later when Narragansett Native Tribe attacked the Massasoit's village, the colonists helped the Wampanoag drive them out.

This isn't hard to look up information in a hidden tome within a library. Wikipedia is a remarkable tool and they can't even use that properly.

I'll do it for them. Here is what led up to the war between the colonists and Wampanoag. Here is a big fucking hint: It isn't how they are portraying

To avoid confusion. The King Phillip being referenced here is the King of the Wampanoag tribe. His native name is Metacomet. His father Massassiot asked for them to be given English names.

I've gotta get ready for work so I don't have time right now to formulate an intelligible response but I just want to let ya know that reading this savvy post has made me want to share a beer with you. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
I think whenever someone, ahem, "popular" is banned on Era we should post a link to this here.

as a respectful send off, ofcourse
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Today at 11:10 AM
Weltall Zero said:
Forcing Royalan, a gay black mod, to step down, because of a pretty inoccuous comment made years ago in a different forum; a comment I could have probably made myself at some point in time, is some grade A bullshit. I fail to see how this makes Era a more inclusive place, like, at all.

"Witch hunt" is a term I hate, but I can't not see it being perfectly applicable here. I'm extremely disappointed with the bloodlust at display and the generalized thankless fuckery directed at the mod team.
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I wasn't aware being a minority made it impossible to be a bigot
Damn that last comment when u so woke u can openly dismiss minority concerns with some bullshit straw man usually peddled by full on right wingers.

Imagine actually being a minority and having to talk to these assholes.
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Xaero Gravity

Royalan make despise my very existence because of the colour of my skin, but I actually feel bad for him. I don't think it's fair he had all this shit dumped on him.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Weltall Zero said:
Forcing Royalan, a gay black mod, to step down, because of a pretty inoccuous comment made years ago in a different forum; a comment I could have probably made myself at some point in time, is some grade A bullshit. I fail to see how this makes Era a more inclusive place, like, at all.

"Witch hunt" is a term I hate, but I can't not see it being perfectly applicable here. I'm extremely disappointed with the bloodlust at display and the generalized thankless fuckery directed at the mod team.
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I wasn't aware being a minority made it impossible to be a bigot
Damn that last comment when u so woke u can openly dismiss minority concerns with some bullshit straw man usually peddled by full on right wingers.

Imagine actually being a minority and having to talk to these assholes.
That's such a backhanded way to call Royalan a bigot.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
In regards to Royalan's case, they got people in there now talking about how it's not constructive to get into a "I suffer more than you" kinda debate... Like, what? That's the entire point of Intersectionality and something the believers on Era act out with glee each and every day.


Asexual is just lacking a sex drive towards either sex; incels have a sex drive but for fucked up reasons don't pull themselves out of the shitty place they're in and blame something or someone else for their problems. They're completely different things.
Yeah, I was kinda joking but I do think there must be some people who are incels that just consider themselves asexual because they have "given up".

What I find funny is that I can see a point for incels, they do receive a lot of shit from people judging them based off the sex they do or don't have.

Just give it time before they become a protected class thrown under that LGBTQRS umbrella.
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