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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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lol they banned a post from a trans person in favor of the game. that's right, don't post American hero and veteran Chelsea Manning's opinion!

extra irony: it's the trans person Obama sentenced to torture in prison!



What a punch of pathetic fuckwits. Unreal how posts deemed worthy of permanent bans at that place wouldn't even get a 2nd glance anywhere else.


More social media screencaps of Reetards getting assblasted on thier day release from the mental farm please.

You just know messofanego is still spamming the controversy everywhere.


lol wait a minute, this guy is just a cis straight man?

are you fucking FOR REAL??
At this point I'd be shocked if they weren't. Most of them are just white males who can't get any friends so they scream at women and minorities about how they're "coons" or human garbage or tell them how they deserve to die all because their viewpoints don't 100% align with theirs.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I think they have this thread 3x a week, slightly different wording, with the same fucking posts. Mind-numbing.

That's Ree for you. Threads scrolling off the main page constantly, almost all retreads from the previous week and full of curt, pointless replies. Then someone gets banned with a big nonsensical word banner, one of the moderators makes a racist reply, and finally another moderator locks the thread. Wait five minutes, refresh the page, watch it happen all over again.


lol they banned a post from a trans person in favor of the game. that's right, don't post American hero and veteran Chelsea Manning's opinion!

extra irony: it's the trans person Obama sentenced to torture in prison!


lol, this was me. Honestly wasn’t trying to troll, the ban was totally unexpected. Ah well, was thinking of leaving anyway, the vibe is obviously really weird there now.


this is the kind of shit i can't get past. when they try and pretend that only trans people suffer, and no harm befalls cis people at all.

"almost always due to being non-hetero or due to being women" LOL what a bullshit copout with this phrasing. he is framing this as if the only violence towards cis people can be towards cis men.

so yeah, literally erasing global rape, murder, and oppression of straight women so that boys in dresses can feel prioritized in their oppression.


here are some stats on violence against women:




uuugggh.... why are these people so full of shit? why are they so proudly ignorant and bigoted? why? why????
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Oh wow had no idea today was


Seriously I can’t get over this.

“Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity?”

Damn does this mean humans didn’t have dignity until four years ago or whenever this stupid bullshit started?

Take any basic sentence you might say and swap some of these in.

“She doesn’t like her toast buttered.”
“Xe doesn’t like xem toast buttered.”
“Ve doesn’t like ver toast buttered.”

Want to see the funniest one?

“Honey, I’ve invited the CEO over for dinner tomorrow and ze is a huge wine snob. Can you pick up a nice bottle? I want to make a good impression on zim.”

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
So I can follow having pronouns for he/she/both/neither.

Why are there so many variations though? Seems like they need to codify a standard before requesting literally all of society to learn new pronouns.


“Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity?”

Damn does this mean humans didn’t have dignity until four years ago or whenever this stupid bullshit started?
apparently dignity is not a given for human life anymore. only after another has agreed to accept your identity label can you have dignity.

what a bright future these people are carving out for the world!
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Seriously I can’t get over this.

“Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity?”

Damn does this mean humans didn’t have dignity until four years ago or whenever this stupid bullshit started?

Take any basic sentence you might say and swap some of these in.

“She doesn’t like her toast buttered.”
“Xe doesn’t like xem toast buttered.”
“Ve doesn’t like ver toast buttered.”

Want to see the funniest one?

“Honey, I’ve invited the CEO over for dinner tomorrow and ze is a huge wine snob. Can you pick up a nice bottle? I want to make a good impression on zim.”

"Dear, have you been taking your German classes again?"


Has this one been posted here yet?

So many anime and busty female character avatar "manly guys" painting their nails and just loving life.
Soooo ....anyone want to give me tl;dr of what's going on at Resetera? I used to post here before and ended up jumping ship, lately i've noticed an absolute stream of garbage threads appearing there, literally everything is problematic and game developers can't put a foot right, even when they're trying to be inclusive. Each thread is more accusational than the last - "Naughty Dog hates black people", "CDPR is transphobic". I get some of the issues raised but it's worded in such an extreme way and acts like the trans community are the most oppressed people in history. I'd had enough and commented on one of these threads, my comment didn't take sides other than saying it must be difficult for a modern dev to be inclusive whilst avoiding the pitfalls of these sensitive subjects - of course this ended in my account getting banned for trolling, amazing. I thought i'd said something wrong but checking the next day a further 6 accounts were banned, some with comments that were genuinely supportive but didn't 100% agree with the OP, again trolling.

So, i'm back. Not sure what the hell is going on but i've never seen a forum so against a basic discussion.


Soooo ....anyone want to give me tl;dr of what's going on at Resetera? I used to post here before and ended up jumping ship, lately i've noticed an absolute stream of garbage threads appearing there, literally everything is problematic and game developers can't put a foot right, even when they're trying to be inclusive. Each thread is more accusational than the last - "Naughty Dog hates black people", "CDPR is transphobic". I get some of the issues raised but it's worded in such an extreme way and acts like the trans community are the most oppressed people in history. I'd had enough and commented on one of these threads, my comment didn't take sides other than saying it must be difficult for a modern dev to be inclusive whilst avoiding the pitfalls of these sensitive subjects - of course this ended in my account getting banned for trolling, amazing. I thought i'd said something wrong but checking the next day a further 6 accounts were banned, some with comments that were genuinely supportive but didn't 100% agree with the OP, again trolling.

So, i'm back. Not sure what the hell is going on but i've never seen a forum so against a basic discussion.

+1 bonus point for the username.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
lol they banned a post from a trans person in favor of the game. that's right, don't post American hero and veteran Chelsea Manning's opinion!

extra irony: it's the trans person Obama sentenced to torture in prison!


So is he perm banned or account demoted to junior. Which one is it?


I just don't get this whole "identity" thing that they keep screeching about. Being a straight male isn't my "identity". Why are these people so obsessed with everyone being acutely aware of their "identity", and more specifically their "gender identity"?

It's like people over on the gaming side that make video games, and certain video game companies, part of their "identity". They live and breath that company, they love them like they're their partner. These Reeeeeeee people seem to just live and breath making sure people know that they aren't who you think they are.

I just don't get it. It screams mental illness to me.


I just don't get this whole "identity" thing that they keep screeching about. Being a straight male isn't my "identity". Why are these people so obsessed with everyone being acutely aware of their "identity", and more specifically their "gender identity"?

It's like people over on the gaming side that make video games, and certain video game companies, part of their "identity". They live and breath that company, they love them like they're their partner. These Reeeeeeee people seem to just live and breath making sure people know that they aren't who you think they are.

I just don't get it. It screams mental illness to me.

"Because I'm special and deserve attention"

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Seriously I can’t get over this.

“Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity?”

Damn does this mean humans didn’t have dignity until four years ago or whenever this stupid bullshit started?

Take any basic sentence you might say and swap some of these in.

“She doesn’t like her toast buttered.”
“Xe doesn’t like xem toast buttered.”
“Ve doesn’t like ver toast buttered.”

Want to see the funniest one?

“Honey, I’ve invited the CEO over for dinner tomorrow and ze is a huge wine snob. Can you pick up a nice bottle? I want to make a good impression on zim.”

The worst part is that it applies only to English or other languages with similar pronoun usage. Actually, I wonder, do any other languages that utilize pronouns similarly to English also have this garbage?

It's just such a Tumblr/Twitter/English-speaking Internet phenomenon. Because each of the non-he/she pronouns actually have no meaning, they can't even be translated to non-English languages.
Fun drinking game for this thread is to take a swig at every post where they tell her or CDPR TO Fuck themselves.

You’ll be dead of alcohol poisoning before the end of P1.



The worst part is that it applies only to English or other languages with similar pronoun usage. Actually, I wonder, do any other languages that utilize pronouns similarly to English also have this garbage?

It's just such a Tumblr/Twitter/English-speaking Internet phenomenon. Because each of the non-he/she pronouns actually have no meaning, they can't even be translated to non-English languages.

Also see actual Latinos/Latinas get super pissed at white idiots using Latinx. For fuck’s sake it doesn’t work in Spanish and if you oh so desperately need a non-gendered description “Latin” is right there!
So what is the ultimate goal of language dynamics and the trans community? I have noticed some members on ERA get mad when it is pointed out that there are gendered languages in the world.


Also see actual Latinos/Latinas get super pissed at white idiots using Latinx. For fuck’s sake it doesn’t work in Spanish and if you oh so desperately need a non-gendered description “Latin” is right there!

Funny enough there was indeed a thread on ResetEra where a heated debate took place between Latin American members and LGBT American members over the word Latinx. Accusations of colonialism and non-binary bigotry were traded back and forth. The mods were confused as to how to react until settling on asking posters to respect each others opinions on the word without getting hostile.Which is how it should be. A simple rule in life is don't be an asshole and respect others.

As for the CDPR controversy I get why people are mad at the game over issues of trans representation. But ResetEra is deluding themselves that this controversy will do anything to hurt the game. If there's anything I've learned from watching hard core gamers over the year is that all their 'boycotts' amount to nothing. TLOU 2, Battlefield V, Pokemon SW/SH, Black Ops 4, Avengers, No Man's Sky, Fallout 76 all faced more popular controversy and yet all sold millions of copies each. The only gaming controversy that had any lasting impact was Battlefront II for getting governments to take serious looks at unregulated gambling in games. Even then the game eventually reformed it's image and sold millions.

Oh and while I don't agree with much posted here I do agree that ResetEra does tend to dogpile companies/brands they aren't fond of more than those they are fond of. Even if both are guilty of the same trangressions. Just compare the CDPR crunch threads to the Naughty Dog crunch threads. Many were jumping over each other to defend ND and a few even slandered Schreier as a Xbox fanboy looking for clicks. While no one dares act as a white knight for CDPR.

Another comparison would between Atlus and CDPR over their treatment over LGBT representation. People are demanding Cyberpunk gets banned from the site (lol) while Persona is a darling of the ResetEra community. I never once saw a large movement to get Atlus or Persona banned. Even though the Persona series has had some dog shit takes on LGBT people and show no signs of improving. Like I could honestly see CDPR changing the pronouns/voice tone thing in a future update. But Atlus? It will be a cold day in hell before that happens. And yet the usual always angry posters of Era stay quiet.

It's the same with Street Fighter, Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, etc. Their precious Japanese games get a pass for sexists/problematic/racist content while Western games are held to a much stronger standard.

God forbid Xbox ever releases a game that is super problematic, I think ResetEra would explode.
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The worst part is that it applies only to English or other languages with similar pronoun usage. Actually, I wonder, do any other languages that utilize pronouns similarly to English also have this garbage?

It's just such a Tumblr/Twitter/English-speaking Internet phenomenon. Because each of the non-he/she pronouns actually have no meaning, they can't even be translated to non-English languages.
Actually that's a good point - in something like German where there are male and female versions of "the" - der/die/das - should there now be hundreds/unlimited of them? Is it wrong to assume the gender "identity" of a table?

As for the CDPR controversy I get why people are mad at the game over issues of trans representation.
Do you? Can you enlighten us please? lol

All I've seen is some clearly twitter jokes that offended some snowflakes, the fact that you couldn't choose the length of your wizard sleeve to put on your fae/ze/zim/he character, couldn't choose the number of veins for your lady penis, and there's a poster with a chick with a dick on it that is ........ too sexy?
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it's fucking amazing how they got so upset that a woman dared suggest that straight people face violence and harassment too?

like just look at that thread and they are all "this woman playing the sad card" and i'm like, wait a minute, are you feminists or not? like you people are openly mocking a woman for stating that women face harassment and violence and you call yourselves feminists? why?

and the answer, as always, is:

they are full of shit
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Funny enough there was indeed a thread on ResetEra where a heated debate took place between Latin American members and LGBT American members over the word Latinx.
oh yeah, that's a great one. a little peak into their bubble of white privileged allyism.

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