Nothing's worse than an entire generation missing a worthwhile cause to fight for vs. just making up bullshit to get mad about.
Nothing's worse than an entire generation missing a worthwhile cause to fight for vs. just making up bullshit to get mad about.
Wiping out their own game libraries as "a stand against transphobia".![]()
This guys got some amazing videos, and this one is spot on.
More evidence of just how incredibly sad these people are:
Someone calls you the wrong name how do you precede?
So I guess I have a little social anxiety but man I have no idea how to politely tell someone there calling me the wrong name. My professor on zoom today kept calling me by the wrong name and I didn’t want to be a dick so I just went along with it haha. I was wondering am I a weird-o or
"someone called me the wrong name and i couldn't correct them because im weak so just pretended that's my name. What would you do if someone got your name wrong?!". Almost 50% of the 300 votes weren't to just correct them when it happens lol.
I found the perfect form for ree
Wtf, did the entire world have a meeting that I missed?learn new pronouns you say? What’s wrong with this standard. Looks pretty straight forward and logical to me....
Not going to lie I kind of want to make that last tweet a meme...yeah, that's what must have happened, not seeing your shitty Tweets themselves.
So when are they going to start setting fire to actual art galleries?I did have this long running meme idea of having a bin and taking a picture every time any physical media I owned was considered "Problematic" being added to it. So in the end the bin would be full of discs.
Wtf, did the entire world have a meeting that I missed?
The hell is this from, it looks like it would be funny in context.
It's weird throughout.
It's interesting for a lot of reasons. Wasn't this while he was still dealing with the family of Cathriona White suing him?
learn new pronouns you say? What’s wrong with this standard. Looks pretty straight forward and logical to me....
CDPR is a transphobic company. It's time we stop making excuses for them.
Usually I'm in threads telling people "No, this is hard to develop because X". This is not one of those times Because pronouns are already something that's modified by your characters voice, this means that they are already a modifiable string that the game checks to know which one
Oh my God, I am loving all these mental gymnastics these nut jobs are doing!
Hahaha, they just cannot parse anything can they? In a future of hyper consumerism it stands to reason that companies would use these people to sell their products to people. BUT OH NO! THIS IS NOT CYBERPUNK!
I don't think these people would know Cyberpunk if it came up to them in the street and hit them with a glow in the dark dildo.
CLUE: CYBERPUNK IS NOT ONE THING. I bet they don't even know that Mr. Robot is Cyberpunk.
As for the CDPR controversy I get why people are mad at the game over issues of trans representation. (...)
Not going to lie I kind of want to make that last tweet a meme...
Here's an idea - maybe think of all the hate that girl is getting because of pieces of shit like you.
Uncle Olivia, how did you fight against fascism and bigotry?Gonna really regret deleting that GOG account when they inevitably receive their perm from Era in the fullness of time and emerge, eyes-blinking, back in the real world
Uncle Olivia, how did you fight against fascism and bigotry?
Well I deleted my GOG account and lost access to 600 videogames
20 minutes ago
If there is one thing to always take away from these people its that their entire lives are are just projections of all of their insecurities and failures. Just constantly constantly constantly projecting.pagrab said:
This is so on point. I have just seen a 200-posts discussion on one of the gaming forums where people have an actual meltdown because someone offered them a free theme.
Where the hell is the fun in that??I can't believe CP 2077 is causing that much damage.
These people should get a hobby, like actually playing videogames.
The whole “no cis people ever experience harassment or violence” lie they keep repeating is genuinely shocking to me. These are toxic males diving full on into rape culture and they don’t even realize it.
You can't apply a single brush to every place in the world.
Imagine in ten years time these peopl showing their kids your tweets and forum posts lmao.
They literally think all racism comes from white people. They had one thread on it and you would see for instance Asian people pop in and talk about racism between people who live there and they would say “that’s because the Asians learned racism from white people”
which... is.... kind of a massively racist thing to say! Like full on Noble Savage territory for real
yes they are morons
Cis cosplayer whose transphobic cosplay was promoted by CDPR/Cyberpunk: "Cis men and women face acts of violence on a daily basis as well."
If there is one thing to always take away from these people its that their entire lives are are just projections of all of their insecurities and failures. Just constantly constantly constantly
This is a take...
CDPR is a transphobic company. It's time we stop making excuses for them.
Usually I'm in threads telling people "No, this is hard to develop because X". This is not one of those times Because pronouns are already something that's modified by your characters voice, this means that they are already a modifiable string that the game checks to know which one
Oh my God, I am loving all these mental gymnastics these nut jobs are doing!
Hahaha, they just cannot parse anything can they? In a future of hyper consumerism it stands to reason that companies would use these people to sell their products to people. BUT OH NO! THIS IS NOT CYBERPUNK!
I don't think these people would know Cyberpunk if it came up to them in the street and hit them with a glow in the dark dildo.
CLUE: CYBERPUNK IS NOT ONE THING. I bet they don't even know that Mr. Robot is Cyberpunk.
It's weird throughout.
Fuck Nederland!!111Day 1: I am getting a promotion tomorrow!
Day 2: I haven't heard from them yet, so maybe tomorrow!
Day 3: I didn't get the promotion
We have a saying in the Netherlands he should listen to: Don't sell the hide before the bear is shot.
I kind of agree that the influencer thing is stupid though. I'm not trying to see those people in a fantasy game.