I'm still waiting for a response on why I was perm'ed for posting on this thread by them
Dont even. Just chill with us here. You'll be so glad you did dude.
I'll even give you a luau

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I'm still waiting for a response on why I was perm'ed for posting on this thread by them
I can offer you acceptance and tempered discourse, how das that sound?I'm still waiting for a response on why I was perm'ed for posting on this thread by them
I'm still waiting for a response on why I was perm'ed for posting on this thread by them
no based allowed^^Imagine thinking I care lol
I'm OG Gaf, I never left, I find it hilarious on why Era banned me tbh
So about the guy that was excited about that promotion he never wound up getting...
Life is Rough Right Now; Personal Support Thread
But I’m too chicken shit to do it. I’m probably just gonna disappear. No one would fucking care. Bye era. I can’t do this anymorewww.resetera.com
He actually had a set schedule same time every week he'd have a meltdown, Although he skipped last week I called it for this week.
ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.
The Mystery of the Pedo Polaroid OK, follow this through. He has a Polaroid taken of them together by a street photographer and has to go to the ATM to pay for it. The friend is no longer there so the Polaroid is in his possession, no way he's going to go to the trouble of getting cash and...www.neogaf.com
Exhaused Walrus is up next!
I want to see their glorious blaze
We need a weekly task with the same kind of impact: I won't eat potatoes for one more week.It's his second one this week.
^^Imagine thinking I care lol
Are we allowed to use you as our trump-card for whenever GAF is (wrongfully!) labelled non-inclusive and homophobic?I've been browsing through Resetera the last few years and some things are very annoying...
- the minorities* can basically say whatever they want and not get banned
- suicidal people
I'm gay myself, but the way ppl can get so defensive over LGBTQ+, especially the trans community, is pretty rubbish. They're way too loud with their sjw, and some need help ASAP
Neogaf was like this as well during its peak and it was annoying as well.
What a life some people have...
So about the guy that was excited about that promotion he never wound up getting...
Life is Rough Right Now; Personal Support Thread
But I’m too chicken shit to do it. I’m probably just gonna disappear. No one would fucking care. Bye era. I can’t do this anymorewww.resetera.com
I've been browsing through Resetera the last few years and some things are very annoying...
- the minorities* can basically say whatever they want and not get banned
- suicidal people
I'm gay myself, but the way ppl can get so defensive over LGBTQ+, especially the trans community, is pretty rubbish. They're way too loud with their sjw, and some need help ASAP
Neogaf was like this as well during its peak and it was annoying as well.
I mean, you care enough to want them to respond to your banning so![]()
Do you guys feel underrepresented and persecuted? Asking without prejudice, the gays and minorities I know really don't like straight people fighting their causes.Gay here as wel and agreed, non-binaries are especially good at making LGBT look crazy.
man this guy is getting married! plus a new job! i wish i had a fiancee. jfc the privilege on display. has no idea how good he has it.Suicide thread OP
man this guy is getting married! plus a new job! i wish i had a fiancee. jfc the privilege on display. has no idea how good he has it.
Polyphobic? How about shitshowphobic.
Suicide thread OP
Jeez, what happened to Feep? He was that happy go lucky dude on that game show once.
Suicide thread OP
Jeez, what happened to Feep? He was that happy go lucky dude on that game show once.
Jeez, what happened to Feep? He was that happy go lucky dude on that game show once.
Suicide thread OP
Do you guys feel underrepresented and persecuted? Asking without prejudice, the gays and minorities I know really don't like straight people fighting their causes.
This clown again. Said it before and I'll say it again. You don't tell everyone what ya gonna do. You damn sure don't tell some random arse forum an these idiots just lap it up.
To be fair he cant even remember if he's been with her for 3 or 5 years, he changed relationships somewhere inbetween and merged them into one continuous realtionship where he wasnt dating her but someone else.This is actually very sad. He's not deserving of mockery for being lonely and having doubts about making such important commitment - and I say this as a married man.
these people live in Seattle! if you wonder why CHAZ was such a disaster, look no further.Prequel to cat piss/shit apartment boyfriend.
This is the guy he would let move into his apartment if he had space.....
This is actually not true at all, as reams upon reams of mental health research show. Most people who successfully kill themselves usually publicize their intentions or try to draw attention to their plight in quite theatrical ways. We have dozens of examples of people posting to message boards (4chan, GameFaqs, SomethingAwful, Reddit) that they want to die before committing suicide at a later date.
Yeah, I've noticed some of them consistently follow the same formula whenever they talk about gaf.
"I've just got curious and checked the old place.
[Insert shocked reaction.]
I've went straight into the politics sections and..."
After so many times, it kind of becomes obvious this is all performative and fake.
Social media and suicide - Wikipedia
"Young adults are making connections with people in like situations that is helping them feel less lonely.[18] Although, the public opinion is that message boards are harmful, the following studies show how they point to suicide prevention and have positive influences. A study using content analysis analyzed all of the postings on the AOL Suicide Bulletin Board over 11 months and concluded that most contributions contained positive, empathetic, and supportive postings.[19] Then, a multi-method study was able to demonstrate that the users of such forums experience a great deal of social support and only a small amount of social strain. Lastly, in survey participants were asked to assess the extent of their suicidal thoughts on a 7-level scale (0, absolutely no suicidal thoughts, to 7, very strong suicidal thoughts) for the time directly before their first forum visit and at the time of the survey.[19] The study found a significant reduction after using the forum. The study however cannot conclude the forum is the only reason for the decrease. Together, these studies show how forums can reduce the number of suicides. "
Social Media and Public Health Perspective said:A fundamental question is whether an association exists between rates of Internet use, including social media, and population suicide rates. Although limited, several preliminary studies have begun to address this question. For example, Shah conducted a cross-national study that examined the association between general population suicide rates and the prevalence of Internet users, using data from the World Health Organization's and the United Nations Development Program's Web sites. Shah showed that the prevalence of Internet users was positively correlated with general population suicide rates. Multiple regression analysis indicated that the prevalence of Internet use was independently associated with general population suicide rates in men (P = .001) and approached statistical significance for women (P = .074). Hagihara et al.conducted a time-series analysis with data from 1987 to 2005 and reported a statistically reliable positive correlation between general population male suicide rates in Japan and the prevalence of households using the Internet (P < .05). We should note that the results of these studies cannot be considered conclusive because of cross-sectional designs and the possibility of ecological fallacy.
There are several specific ways that social media can increase risk for prosuicide behavior. Cyberbullying and cyber harassment, for example, are serious and prevalent problems. Cyberbullying typically refers to when a child or adolescent is intentionally and repeatedly targeted by another child or teen in the form of threats or harassments or humiliated or embarrassed by means of cellular phones or Internet technologies such as e-mail, texting, social networking sites, or instant messaging. Cyber harassment and cyber stalking typically refer to these same actions when they involve adults. A review of data collected between 2004 and 2010 via survey studies indicated that lifetime cyberbullying victimization rates ranged from 20.8% to 40.6% and offending rates ranged from 11.5% to 20.1%.
Expecting support on ReeeeeeSo about the guy that was excited about that promotion he never wound up getting...
Life is Rough Right Now; Personal Support Thread
But I’m too chicken shit to do it. I’m probably just gonna disappear. No one would fucking care. Bye era. I can’t do this anymorewww.resetera.com
hahaha Raccoon is losing it
Is there anything "we" can do? Hows about he deal with his own issues rather than try and make it everyone's problemThat's the guy that last month got into 5K of debt for plastic surgery to be beach body ready. Announced he was going poly, was advised he might not be in the best mental health position for that (Those comments ended up getting a ban). So the extent of his Polyness was a disabled, mentally ill poor guy living in a cat piss/shit apartment. This reeks of desperation to prove people wrong or to earn his poly status.
hahaha Raccoon is losing it
Racoon self-owns within a few posts. Amazing! What a twat!
The "Campaign" to make Microsoft "Do better" has ended. Topic title edited, OP deletes posts, deletes avatar, something about an email answering his questions satisfactorily and topic locked.
This guy needs to use his skills to make CDPRs transphobia go away just as easily.
The truth must be there in the lie. I just feel he got slapped my microsoft for something libelous he posted or even emailed directly. We have the screencaps anyway.
And your contribution to society is... what?
Suicide thread OP
ZeoVGM is such a stupid bitch hypocrite. You got him in every CDPR thread talking about transphobia when he himself doesn't practice what he preaches.
DrDisrespect returning to streaming soon? [up: now live on Youtube]
he just made 5 figures with a loading screen lolwww.resetera.com
Sounds good, but wait! What's this 2 months later?
Dunkey |OT| Latest Video - Guilty Gear: Strive OT
One thing I always thought was interesting is that often NHL video games have box arts with different athletes for the cover depending on the country. I think its the same for Fifa?www.resetera.com
Dude is performative as fuck.