From that same thread
"made me nauseous" lmao no it fucking didn't you twat.
But he said it LITERALLY made him must be true!
From that same thread
"made me nauseous" lmao no it fucking didn't you twat.
Let that pity party commence.
I have video footage of the crimeEven more damning I heard it was a murder that took place in 2017. TIME PARADOX
Now they'll all try and 1up each other with the worst fictional childhoods.
Lol “rotten luck”, admits to purposefully sabotaging relationships and said the other day how he enjoys touching people. Can’t imagine why no one would want to be around you, must just be that rotten fucking luck.![]()
Now they'll all try and 1up each other with the worst fictional childhoods.
Now they'll all try and 1up each other with the worst fictional childhoods.
Not a more true thing has been said about that place, seriously there are some very odd people over there, I wonder how many of them even step foot outside in the real world and I mean before the pandemic, they seem so ill-equipped to deal with even some of the most basic things that life can throw at you.John, if you’re reading, let me tell you something, if someone actively wants to get out of your life(that you claim to ruin), then you’re probably just an insufferable cunt who doesn’t have basic social skills.
How about working on that instead of spending 22 hours of your day on a gaming wannabe forum with people that are probably bringing you down as a social being? Because that place is full of people that have no fucking clue on how to be normal. How about that John? Uh?
Reee is just a fucking pity party. That forum should be a subject of study for psychologists.
I wonder how many of them even step foot outside in the real world and I mean before the pandemic, they seem so ill-equipped to deal with even some of the most basic things that life can throw at you.
Not a more true thing has been said about that place, seriously there are some very odd people over there, I wonder how many of them even step foot outside in the real world and I mean before the pandemic, they seem so ill-equipped to deal with even some of the most basic things that life can throw at you.
Looking back, I realize how much my habits and views were skewed by staying on Era a lot of the time. I do have social interactions but a very high percentage of my time on the Internet was spent on Era. Few months away from it and I already feel so much better about myself. It's crazy how much of a downer that place is, nearly every thread is full off posts so bad that they just suck out the will to discuss, yet I didn't want to miss out and kept on browsing and posting, albeit in decreasing amounts in the last year. It's not a place that's good for mental health, and while my stay in Era happened to be around a time in my life that thing went really well (for reasons unrelated to the website), I still realize in hindsight how it was pissing me off.
Era and the ultra woke crowd push the narrative that basically everyone that isn’t trans is a literal nazi so they deserve anything’s and everything they get.I think that before Current Era, the only group of people that would always deserve receiving violence in fiction were actual Nazis. The equivalence is being pushed on us day after day.
Era and the ultra woke crowd push the narrative that basically everyone that isn’t trans
Looking back, I realize how much my habits and views were skewed by staying on Era a lot of the time. I do have social interactions but a very high percentage of my time on the Internet was spent on Era. Few months away from it and I already feel so much better about myself. It's crazy how much of a downer that place is, nearly every thread is full off posts so bad that they just suck out the will to discuss, yet I didn't want to miss out and kept on browsing and posting, albeit in decreasing amounts in the last year. It's not a place that's good for mental health, and while my stay in Era happened to be around a time in my life that thing went really well (for reasons unrelated to the website), I still realize in hindsight how it was pissing me off.
Some of the most absolutely miserable people I've ever seen on the internet post all day on Era. I already started ignoring numerous posters who go into every thread and shit it up with some kind of "humanity is fucked" mantra or forcing some kind of crusade into every topic. So many posters have post histories that are basically combative and cantankerous post histories about everything.
Like I really don't understand what enjoyment they get out of posting like that all the time?
Awful things you did to your parents as a kid
I was six, and my mom gets me a root beer at the park. I’d been waiting all day for that root beer—it was kind of a post park day tradition. On the way to the car, after opening the can, she tripped on a curb and dropped it. I looked at the root beer spilled all over the asphalt, and it may
"Being Born!"
Seriously, I put that before even reading the replies. Let that pity party commence.
Looking back, I realize how much my habits and views were skewed by staying on Era a lot of the time. I do have social interactions but a very high percentage of my time on the Internet was spent on Era. Few months away from it and I already feel so much better about myself. It's crazy how much of a downer that place is, nearly every thread is full off posts so bad that they just suck out the will to discuss, yet I didn't want to miss out and kept on browsing and posting, albeit in decreasing amounts in the last year. It's not a place that's good for mental health, and while my stay in Era happened to be around a time in my life that thing went really well (for reasons unrelated to the website), I still realize in hindsight how it was pissing me off.
Of course. It's supposed to be a gaming forum after all. Yet you have to talk about gaming in a very specific and narrow way and any kind of fun you might have must also take place within set parameters.
I can't imagine why people stay there when at any moment discussion about a game could break out into harassment and a round of bans.
Wall of text incoming, but I can tell you why I joined and stayed. I know for a fact this is the experience of a lot of people as I know several users (or ex-users) in my situation.
Personally, I just joined Gaf months prior to the schism, and while I never nuked my Gaf account (seen no reason to), I moved where the communities I was in did and never really needed to look back, considering the post numbers. As a rather left-leaning person myself, the existence of such a website made a lot of sense for me, too: a gaming forum where discussion isn't led by prepubescent kids spouting offensive shit and low-level console warring stuff sounded good to me. Not saying Gaf was that, but the vast majority of the Internet is exactly that. Plus, on a psychological level, it was cool to be there for a hot new forum from day one instead of having to slowly fit into a decade plus existing community.
In the first weeks I discussed with some staff members about changes I'd like to see, and they seemed receptive. I've made a lot of threads, participated in tons of discussions and OTs, did Secret Santa and giveaways, and so on. But as time went by, discussions became more streamlined, suggestions were now starting to get ignored, all metacommentary was heavily discouraged and punished, staff started responding unless you knew them on Discord (which I joined fairly late). On top of that, most of the better staff members left, and some of the most prominent mods and admins remaining were insufferable folks who'd get away with rather offensive and terrible posts, only to be defended by the others. When a mod posts an islamophobic post or a "lol but Epic Store is only a storefront", things normal users regularly get banned for, and said staff member gets defended by the others, you realize something's terribly off.
So I slowly started staying out of threads that were trouble, where you get piled on for the wrong opinion or even the wrong taste, and I realized that my massive post count (I think it was a 40 posts per day average at one point) was slowly decreasing. I still believed the place was not lost, and I kept contacting staff, reporting what shouldn't be happening on the forum, openly discussing issues of the forum on the forum itself. They ignored me once, twice, 25 times. I got more frustrated and started criticizing mods more heavily, even on Discords, something a mod eventually leaked to admins when they stealth-changed my 1 month ban for criticizing mods into a permaban justified by that and that I'm apparently transphobic for posting an anti-transphobe copypasta 2 years earlier in a shitposting thread, regardless of my hundreds/thousands of other posts showing very clearly where I stand.
I still believe that Era was great when it started, and that such a place has a reason to exist. A lot of gaming communities are not welcoming to anyone who isn't toxic, let alone a woman or a minority. But Era managed to become a place where diversity isn't celebrated or welcomed, as they only allow anybody to have a single opinion and view on the world. Even if you're from an ethnic minority, a gay person, a migrant, you have to think and like the things the US-based staff of the website considers the absolute truth. As if racism, equality, wages, etc. can be discussed with the same guidelines if you come from the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Norway, UK, South Africa, Morocco, Ghana, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia.
And it's not even about enforcing very liberal views: a good chunk of the staff happily spouts right-leaning stuff because they can, others can't. Not to mention the mods who literally insult the forum members and openly mock them on the Discords and the fact they spend half of their posting complaining about how they don't get paid. It's not a job and it's not mandatory, there's the door if they think it's degrading and tiring. But they know they're treated as VIPs in there and they can get away with trash tier posts and banning who they not like. They love the clout. The basis of the website is long gone, it's about staff needing to mantain their status without others questioning them, and deciding in advance what can be discussed and what can't is their selected way of enforcing this level of control.
My permaban was definitely coming, had it not been given I probably would have written a long post where I effectively flip off the staff for good and get myself kicked out. Because I reported a toxic community for the 15th time to no answer, because I contacted staff to no answer, because all the suggestions and good I ever did on the website had no lasting effect. And yet it was the users like me that kept being painted in the wrong, that kept getting banned for merely speaking up against the moderation team telling us to "contact them" which never goes anywhere.
I was initially bummed and angry that they permabanned me, but in hindsight it's a good thing, I enjoy making fun of the increasingly terrible level of discussion that's been going down since I was forced to leave. The smoking Series X thread, the recent CDPR threads and some of the election night posting have been some of the lowest moments in the site's already questionable reputation, so it's fun to see them literally destroy themselves to things we warned them about and that we got banned for. I'm happy a lot of the decent folks from the better days of Era are now posting here, I've been missing the interactions with them.
Era is visibly losing steam if you look at the amount of active users and threads created compared to a year or two ago, and the website fucking deserves it. A community where staff wants to dictate their every opinion as fact and are uninterested in listening to suggestions can only ever go this way, as they slowly chased away all good insiders, all good developers, all good regular posters and all decent staff members. Nearly every remaining site VIP is part of the problem. It was hard to leave all that behind initially for all the OTs and better parts of the community I was involved with, but by now all the good communities moved to alternative forums or Discords, so the rest of the site can keep its steady yet inevitable decline.
the perpetually absent owner.
Yaniv was “tentatively accepted” to the pageant but the business had a formal policy stating only genetic females, or transgender women who had fully transitioned, were allowed to be contestants, the Justice Centre said.
When Yaniv was “reminded” of the policy, she filed a complaint alleging the pageant company engaged in discrimination based on gender identity, gender expression and sex.
Waiting for the era thread/brigade - of course it was transphobia.....
Transgender woman sues after being refused by beauty pageant
A Canadian transgender woman is suing a beauty pageant company for refusing to allow her to compete in its contest, according to the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom, which represents the …
Is that Jim Sterling in a wig?Waiting for the era thread/brigade - of course it was transphobia.....
Transgender woman sues after being refused by beauty pageant
A Canadian transgender woman is suing a beauty pageant company for refusing to allow her to compete in its contest, according to the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom, which represents the …
If you are fully transitioned then yes, you are trans. If you are just a man in a dress and call himself a woman, bi or other shit then you are retarded and deserve everything that happens to youWaiting for the era thread/brigade - of course it was transphobia.....
Transgender woman sues after being refused by beauty pageant
A Canadian transgender woman is suing a beauty pageant company for refusing to allow her to compete in its contest, according to the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom, which represents the …
lol these fucking death cultists have a bigger apocalypse fixation than any evangelical i have ever met.So... apparently you can't invest in the stock market if you're an environmentalist? What the fuck are these abstract rules they make up that have nothing to do with anything?
As a rather left-leaning person myself
You wrote out excactly what I thought. Great post.Yui's Empire I don't blame you for leaving and following the community, I myself followed the community because that was the unfortunate choice most of the major contributors took. The difference for me is that I thought it was highly suspect that a brand new site with tons of features was 100% up and running within a couple of days of the implosion, and the entire reason for cancelling GAF was such an extreme reaction.
Of course, I had lurked on GAF without an account for years prior (unlike yourself it seems), and I had observed the slow destruction of it first-hand. I knew what kind of users were pushing for ERA to be a utopian community and their toxicity was the reason I never made an account at ERA. I continued to visit GAF regularly with the hopes of seeing it come back.
At first, prospects were grim. Basically no one remained, and all the news I once came for was gone in an instant. I recall how it felt like an eternity until EviLore commented on the whole situation too, even though it was probably less than a handful of days from when shit hit the fan.
The dogpiling that occurs in basically every thread on ERA today was the response to Evilore's statement, and those who tried to defend him were also attacked. No one should be surprised that ERA has devolved into its current state based on what happened then, claims of more "open" moderation don't matter when there's only one "correct" way of thinking on a subject.
I remember being really happy when Evilore announced all the changes that were going to come in the aftermath of the great schism. He accepted accountability that he was too hands off in the management of the site, he laid out a clear vision for what GAF needed to focus on being, and most importantly he implemented it and he stuck to it for years. Unlike ERA's founding principles, he understood that the freedom to be able to openly discuss individual opinions mattered, and that moderation is there to protect from harassment, not to control the direction of discussion.
From that point on, GAF has been on a clear upward trajectory, and with the elections this year cranking up wrongthink rhetoric at an alarming rate, it's comforting to me that at the same time GAF's user base has exploded. Knowing that there are so many others recognizing that something is deeply wrong with how most online communities are being moderated is a massive relief.
Tangent: I came to GAF because Kotaku basically took all of its news from the forums, and I loved how up to date Kotaku was on gaming news (articles up within a couple hours of new news). Odd how Kotaku doesn't even seem to post any news anymore, I miss GAF > Kotaku > GAF threads.
Sorry, I don't, not even sure if it still exists.You wrote out excactly what I thought. Great post.
Im happy GAF is still alive and kicking, I didnt know about EvilLores statement, happy to see GAF being better tha never. Do you have a link to that statement?
Thread seems to be chugging along fine to meLets see how long it will stay up.. "new news new thread"
Cyberpunk 2077 backwards compability cross-saves
Don't know if this was officially confirmed before or if we just assumed it would work. Anyways, new news new thread. If you are playing the game on PlayStation 4, you will be able to continue playing it on PlayStation 5 with backwards compatibility. This also means your save files from
Looking back, I realize how much my habits and views were skewed by staying on Era a lot of the time. I do have social interactions but a very high percentage of my time on the Internet was spent on Era. Few months away from it and I already feel so much better about myself. It's crazy how much of a downer that place is, nearly every thread is full off posts so bad that they just suck out the will to discuss, yet I didn't want to miss out and kept on browsing and posting, albeit in decreasing amounts in the last year. It's not a place that's good for mental health, and while my stay in Era happened to be around a time in my life that thing went really well (for reasons unrelated to the website), I still realize in hindsight how it was pissing me off.
Lets see how long it will stay up.. "new news new thread"
Cyberpunk 2077 backwards compability cross-saves
Don't know if this was officially confirmed before or if we just assumed it would work. Anyways, new news new thread. If you are playing the game on PlayStation 4, you will be able to continue playing it on PlayStation 5 with backwards compatibility. This also means your save files from
I was actually able to enjoy a lengthy discussion with a full blown socialist on an Era Discord last night about capitalism vs. socialism, and the BLM movement. We both sorta just explored one another's viewpoints as respectfully as possible and agreed to disagree. We both agreed that had that discussion been held on a site like Era itself it wouldve resulted in a shit storm, and we both appreciated just sitting down and discussing such differing viewpoints. Then we shot shit about our media interests we had in common. Funny how that can work.
Holy shit they nuked the entire thread, link doesn't even work anymore. lolLets see how long it will stay up.. "new news new thread"
Cyberpunk 2077 backwards compability cross-saves
Don't know if this was officially confirmed before or if we just assumed it would work. Anyways, new news new thread. If you are playing the game on PlayStation 4, you will be able to continue playing it on PlayStation 5 with backwards compatibility. This also means your save files from
Wow. So much for "transparency" and "new news new thread". Did they ban OP as well?Holy shit they nuked the entire thread, link doesn't even work anymore. lol
Were you under the impression that it couldn't work before that? I'll happily engage with anyone I don't agree with on certain topics and I couldn't understand the thought process of not trying to engage, again and again.Funny how that can work.
Were you under the impression that it couldn't work before that? I'll happily engage with anyone I don't agree with on certain topics and I couldn't understand the thought process of not trying to engage, again and again.