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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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" dude not wearing a mask? I'd slap folks moving around without masks myself, but I won't spend the night awake for it - especially because I'm pretty fucking tired thanks to COVID-19."

No you won't.
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Fingerlickin' Good!


Is there something this website isn't anxious about? Like, I am anxious about the virus too. My partner's parents both work in the health system and they're constantly at risk. My father has smoked for almost half a century now and I'd rather not have him catch it. I had COVID-19 myself, 1 month at home and 10 days after I started working again I'm still low on energy and coughing a lot despite being negative. This virus fucking sucks, but having nightmares and anxiety attacks over a random dude not wearing a mask? I'd slap folks moving around without masks myself, but I won't spend the night awake for it - especially because I'm pretty fucking tired thanks to COVID-19.
lets hope era's greatest minds are not tasked with saving this planet from dying
Just because I was curious I took @Chittagong's list of original staff members there and updated it to see where it is currently.

Source - Original staff list

Updated tally:

Administrators - 0 of 9


Sweet Nicole


System Administrators - 0 of 3

deltaplus - nuked account
Ferny - ghosted in Nov 2018
ratrosaw - ghosted in April 2019

Moderators -6 of 31

BronsonLee - nuked account

Grizzly - nuked account
Hecht - promoted to admin


Professor Beef


Sylverstone - ghosted in Nov 2018

Total - 6 of 43 remain - 14%

Damn, that's over a 85% turnover there, and a full administration turnover is surprising. You know a site has bad moderation when even the founder resigns. I wonder how long it will be until the last 6 original mods resign...


Gold Member
I dunno why they don't share hair out more evenly in that picture. Equal rights for hair, right?

Also, that video makes my face freeze in embarassment. Like something you would see on r/whitepeoplegifs/ - it makes it doubly weird now why she complains about people appropriating dreads and blakc culture when she has ripped off most white girls dancing. Stay dancing Nep - dance like no one is watching



Neo Member
Hello all! This is kind of a weird first post to make (given...everything) but as someone who hasn't ever been on NeoGaf nor RE before but have been (at this point) eagerly following all this mess (I think I've read this thread diligently from page 600 or something, except the last 5 pages and the RE thread from page 40 or so), I've been able to gather a lot contextually about the mutual "histories" of both sites, which I had only always heard of from a distant. I'm not on RE, and I specifically chose to join here. Here is a semi-short post (by god I love detailed discussion but these freaks writing unhinged theses over random things has tested my love for "verbose discourse" as it is, especially that one weirdo who just switches to a paragraph to line by line...crack, luv) about why.

My biggest takeaway from reading that transphobia thread and in general reading RE is that...my goodness, these people do NOT, and never WILL represent The Left TM, and I say that as a leftist myself. (Yes there is something to be said about leftist in-fighting which this post may look like lol and/or the "No True Scotsman" of it all, but still). But from where I'm standing, there is only one word that applies to these people over there - performative.

It is SO performative
to be the OP of a major thread that seemingly stops short of verbally firebombing CDPR's offices and yet...buying the game, spending 100 hours, commenting on how awesome it is and then oscillating to "good! gArbAge comPaNy!" Kyuuji sis, if you get time to read this from amidst decoding the CP77 shards and/or skipping meals to play the game, know that your existence and engagement w/ the game is functionally identical to someone who actively wants to harm trans people. All the clueless white cis LARPers out there, no, buying that "Be a better CyberPunk!11" bundle does nothing except morally "neutralize" the guilt you feel for being a tool on the internet. It helps YOU first, and then the trans people behind it SECOND. Remember that. Think about how you literally guilt yourself into spending more money to simply cope.

I actually really wanted to register on there and point out the HUNDREDS of hours people are putting into the game, which is honestly repulsive to me. That Hobbess guy or whomever who did all but go outside Kyuuji's window with a boombox playing a Taylor Swift offering was wrong - it is not "necessary" to enable a product you yourself deem problematic and/or spend your entire life waking on the internet about. Video games, especially, do not fall under the XD "Participate in society!111" critique; people literally watch LPs of games they don't care about to see if it's something that they'll like and/or go about other means. You have the luxury nowadays to not financially support a product you deem irredeemable.

This genuinely makes me so angry because I haven't bought CP77 (for many reasons, not just representation) and I'm...fine? I'm not saying that as a "purity" thing either, I may get it if drops significantly in price. It's good to see people enjoy it to some extent and I feel bad for console players. And another thing is as has been pointed out in this thread, these people....they really can't even keep track of their own identities. I don't care how bored you are, but cosplaying as the marginalized on the internet to participate in discourse is...embarrassing, and borders on mental illness - against which there should be no stigma, but there needs to be help.

There's a lot more to say but I'll end it here for now. I'm looking forward to figuring out the community on here, I was always sold this regurgitated mess of NeoGaf being StormFront or some mess and RE being a "safe space" when based on my current assessment, not even close. RE is misery and misery loves company, I for one know so many in my circles who, to escape the dumpster fire that is real life unwind with games; I do that too - but it seems these people just want that fire to spread.
Just because I was curious I took @Chittagong's list of original staff members there and updated it to see where it is currently.

Source - Original staff list

Updated tally:

Administrators - 0 of 9


Sweet Nicole


System Administrators - 0 of 3

deltaplus - nuked account
Ferny - ghosted in Nov 2018
ratrosaw - ghosted in April 2019

Moderators -6 of 31

BronsonLee - nuked account

Grizzly - nuked account
Hecht - promoted to admin


Professor Beef


Sylverstone - ghosted in Nov 2018

Total - 6 of 43 remain - 14%

They just had to beat Trump at staff turnover.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Not everyone is as big as Chapelle though, how many are gonna crumble under such pressure? My argument is that this level of blowback should not exist in the first place when it comes to creative freedom. At least the type of creative freedom that does not actively harm anyone.

So.. freedom for comedians, but not writers and critics?
Freedom for creators. Writers/critics aren’t creators

Why would freedom not include writers and critics? Why would freedom exclude certain categories? Why would it not include all people? Individuals have rights. Individuals do not forsake their rights by becoming writers or critics.

Comedians have the right to say what they want. Everyone else has the right to comment on their routines. Everyone else has the right to critique the critic's critique and so forth.

I have no problem with people not buying games or not watching comedians because they don't approve of certain ideas or people involved. It's their right not to buy and not to watch and incentivize others to do the same. The debate is best cantered around the reasons why they are doing all of that.

Then it can be shown they are usually mistaken. Once shown they're mistaken, rational people will change their ways.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Freedom for creators. Writers/critics aren’t creators
That's just nonsense; critics create content that people consume.. they have fanbases, they have their own critics..

They are creators. Hell to some extent they are even "creatives" as the most famous critics are famous for their descriptive writing, some even do characters.

The term "creator" is used to describe people that sit around playing videogames all day chatting shit lol It definitely applies to critics.
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So.. freedom for comedians, but not writers and critics?
Writers are free to write what they want, but please let`s not compare the review of a comedic performance with the attempt to censor words and satire on certain topics or to impose certain standards on a creative art, strictly based on specific agendas or personal sensibilities, often based on very very weak premises.

Are you free to ask to censor art cause you can`t take it or cause it hurts your sensibility? Sure, you`re free to ask, cause we have freedom of speech, but i have a problem if every other asks based on nothing becomes ACTUAL censorship or if it influences any creative process. We are not talking about liking or disliking the joke`s construction here, we are talking about vicious personal attacks towards the comedian, or whatever the case, and their human values.

This is not: "that`s a bad comedian or bad joke".
This is: "if you even use this word or do not represent this group or represent it like that etc. etc., you`re a homophobe/transphobe/unworthy human being"
etc. etc.

And when this is based on freaking nothing, like it has been often happening, i can see why creators would be affected and some would refrain from going through this crap, ending up compromising their vision for it.

Anyone is free to express their thoughts and concerns, no matter how dumb they are. However, that does not mean that any dumb concern, just because it has an eco-chamber on the internet or whatnot, has to actually change how movies/games/comedy are made cause someone is offended about any other word or what ethnicity is represented in them and how.

Actual censorship of any form of expression should be an EXTREME solution reserved for EXTREMELY bad cases, instead we are already at the "blind playthrough" stage of things.

Again, if it was just some random shit on the internet, i would ignore it, but i already have words i can`t use at work anymore for reasons beyond the absurd, this is real life censorship already and it`s only the beginning i am afraid.

Do i believe that people should not be allowed to voice their dumb concerns? No, but they need some pushback otherwise creators are gonna be left alone and are gonna start pandering towards dumb concerns.
Do i believe that we should fight back actual censorship, when and if it happens, when it`s unwarranted? Yes, 100%.
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Honestly, more than anything, the main thing I don't get about MtF trans people is how a fairly large number of MtF trans people seem to barely care how they look. Like, you should obviously feel free to live as a woman no matter how you look if it makes you happy. But if living as a woman is that important to you, why would you not try to at least do basic stuff like learning to do your hair properly, learning to dress like a woman, losing weight and doing exercises for a more slender and femine figure, etc?

I mean, If I as someone born male, felt so strongly that I had been born the wrong gender that I was gonna start living my life as a woman, I would be doing absolutely everything within my power to actually try to look like an attractive and feminine woman.




Is there something this website isn't anxious about? Like, I am anxious about the virus too. My partner's parents both work in the health system and they're constantly at risk. My father has smoked for almost half a century now and I'd rather not have him catch it. I had COVID-19 myself, 1 month at home and 10 days after I started working again I'm still low on energy and coughing a lot despite being negative. This virus fucking sucks, but having nightmares and anxiety attacks over a random dude not wearing a mask? I'd slap folks moving around without masks myself, but I won't spend the night awake for it - especially because I'm pretty fucking tired thanks to COVID-19.
I don’t understand how these people exist in real life. I get frustrated when people don’t wear masks also but not to the extent where I’m so terrified that I can’t even sleep from it. JFC


mask karens are the ultimate virtue signallers. it's entirely possible they are faking being so concerned because they want to impress other mask karens with how "seriously" they take it. not sure what would be worse, not being able to sleep because the government isn't oppressing people as much as you'd like, or pretending you have a mental condition to strangers on the internet for clout.

at the root it's the same as these motherfucker droning on about "how tired" they are. it's pure virtue signalling. "THIS IS HOW MUCH I CARE IT IS DRIVING ME INSANE".

scary thing is these assholes are basically freaking out that there exist people out there living their lives without cowering like pathetic shits, because they want everyone to be as pathetic as them.
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But if living as a woman is that important to you, why would you not try to at least do basic stuff like learning to do your hair properly, learning to dress like a woman, losing weight and doing exercises for a more slender and femine figure, etc?

Mental and/or physical illness.


LOL Shockingly one of the aggressive morons attacking and ban baiting people over cyberpunk was mentally slow in P.E. class....

No wonder these people can't handle something as simple as every day life.

Holy shit, there's even more gems than I could hope for in this thread now:

Taysan the "special ed" kid
Taysan said:
I was always picked last for basically anything. Lol Nobody wanted rhe "special ed" kid so the teachers would have to put me on a team by force.

Former Admin Android Sophia
Android Sophia said:
Oh boy... do I have a lot of bad memories. Off the top of my head:

1. Being asked to climb rope, and being too terrified to go anywhere near it. Fear of heights + motor clumsiness meant I couldn't hold on.

2. Changing in the gym room. Enough said. Utterly terrifying for any transgender person.

3. Getting picked last for everything because every kid knew I was slow and clumsy. Turns out I had legit health issues that I didn't know about for years.

4. Duck, duck, goose in elementary school. Never once caught someone in that.

5. Playing flag football, not really understanding the rules, and getting tackled despite it being against the rules. In retrospect, that kid was probably bullying me.

There was more, but those are the ones I can think of. Some of them were so bad I blocked them from memory.

Every aspect of PE was terrifying for me. I hated it, and I was glad the day I no longer had to do it anymore. I attribute a lot of my current weight issues to it, because all the bad experiences traumatized me.

Had to get a doctors note to skip PE because he was bullied by the teacher?
Thorn said:
All of them. My Middle School PE teacher even bullied me.

I had to get a doctor's note for HS to skip out.

Special Ed > PE
Tatsu91 said:
Getting called names for not wanting to do PE in middle school and hanging out with Special Ed above the bleachers as that is where they all hung out.

Really Round kid chasing us into the locker room screaming at us because he thought it was funny he was a big kid but my god he was fast.

Getting suspended for not following class rules when i refused to change in the locker room due to not knowing at the time Anxiety as i did not learn about anxiety until the internet.

Going THROUGH his wrist during a handstand?
Going through my wrist while doing a handstand. That was fun....

Terrified at the masculinity
Cenauru said:
All of them. The uncomfortable sexual jokes and homophobia in locker rooms, kids having excuses to be hyper-agressive, the constant teasing and bullying for not being able to keep up with all the other kids in any activity, the kids who had a grudge on anyone who wasn't like them and would do everything they could to make you feel miserable, and the teachers who let all this shit slide because boys are naturally rough and competitive and other fragile masculinity bullshit. Apparently they didn't give a shit if I was autistic or not and I thought that was just "normal" for everyone to experience that kind of bullying and borderline harassment back then.

That's just the first page, I haven't even had time to read the rest. Definitely worth the read.


Mental and/or physical illness.

I didn't used to think that, and while I hate to admit it, I have come around to thinking that there is probably a notable percent of trans people that mainly just have mental issues, and use being trans as a coping mechanism, especially since it allows you easy access to a group of people where you will likely feel welcomed for being trans
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It still sucks to say this, but Era is still a lot more active than GAF is. There's also more diverse threads in the gaming forum which has me reluctantly jumping back to look at them. For example, there's a cool thread about the Nintendo source code leaks, whereas there's nothing of the sort here. Not to mention there are still a fair amount of users well-informed about the industry (not nearly as many as, say, a year ago), but there's some insight that's useful to read once in a while. That being said, that might not last long considering the environment there is still unsustainable and the moderation team there seems too incapable of dealing with hundreds of users struggling with mental health issues. Era's going to continue to shrink, but I don't see it going below GAF for a while. Then again, I lack the data to be certain of this.

Too much gold in this shitty thread.

Why is it so "awesome" to start HRT? Why is it objectively a good thing to be celebrated?




Gotta love Astro, being the fucking pronoun police for someone who doesnt know he exists.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Don't sweat it. This is the better forum anyway. There's no point in posting on ResetEra because they find anything and everything to be problematic in some way.
Both forums have their advantages and disadvantages, but well, they don't want me, so be it.
You managed to get permed twice? Mad respect!
The second one was not really an achievement beyond having a bunch of stasi officers following me around.


LOL more PE stories....

They LITERALLY went into shock within seconds of going into a cold pool.
That1GoodHunter said:
Another lovely memory, centered around the same asswipe racist gym teacher, was our short lived swimming unit. Context: it was winter. The teacher divided the pool in two halves, for people who could swim, and the other for people who couldn't at all. Well, turns out the water heater was busted, and they could not bother to clean the pool. The people who could not swim plunged into freezing cold water, with dead flies and styrofoam bits floating all around us. Our teacher's response to seeing us non swimmers squirm and panick as we went into shock from the cold (and fear), was to say "Okay now swim"...

Thankfully we only endured 2 more sessions of that hell before enough complaints came in for lack of a heater and hygine, before the unit was canned.

Who was stripping completely naked to put on gym shorts and a T-Shirt..... Oh right, REEEEEEERA
God_Of_Phwoar said:
P.E. teachers are the worst. I was academically fairly strong, but i hit puberty really late, and I was short and skinny until my mid to late teens and very self concious of my body. At our school the sporty or larger kids who were less academic would essentially team up and humiliate kids like me. Fucking hated it.

I remember one kid saying he didnt want to get changed into his sports stuff. Teacher stood over him and bollocked him saying he had to get changed. Kid stripped naked and it turned out he didnt want to get changed because he had an erection. Teacher and other kids stood pissing themselves laughing. Hope that kid grew up ok because that was basically abuse.

More medical excuses to have always skipped PE
I never did PE in school once. Always refused to do it because even the concept of it bored me to death. Also having scoliosis just kind of got me out of doing anything and anything physical at school which was great for me. I’d just sit on my Gameboy or later DS playing Pokemon games for an hour.

That day you forgot your get out of PE class note...
Dandy said:
Forgetting to bring a note excusing me from it, and being forced to participate.

Learned the hard lesson that rich people get away with EVERYTHING. Also not sure how you can't tell if a floor has soap on it, it would literally have a ton of soap on it if it did...
Aurongel said:
Too many to count. I went to a snooty upper class school so there were a bunch of pranks and other crazy shit that many kids were allowed to get away with - myself included.

The one that sticks out the most to me was from the eighth grade. A new kid with a southern drawl was pranked in the showers by a group of boys I played football with at the time. They soaped the floor near him so he slipped and cracked his head on this dumb waist high dividing wall. After class, they spread a rumor that he was sexually assaulted in the shower.

There are other awful stories that come to mind but this was always the one that I thought should have got those kids expelled. Instead they got 3 days of detention for laughing at the kid who fell when it happened because they couldn’t prove they intentionally soaped the floor and started the rumors.

These types of schools are truly the worst, it gave me an early taste of reality seeing rich gets get let off with warnings for immeasurably cruel acts.

If it helps put this into context, that school district is considered to be among the top 30 most segregated in the country. I also had a graduating class size of 320 that comprised of 2 (TWO) black kids. Upstate New York is a fucking dystopia filled with the rusted detritus of a greater society that has largely moved on. I left two months after I graduated to move to Austin TX.

The teacher had it out for me once he started calling me "long legs"
Temascos said:
So I'm one of those poor folks who need to list crummy P.E experiences:

  • The GoldenEye Dance
  • Swimming class - The teacher had it out for me as soon as I went into the pool, saying "LONG LEGS! LONG!" when I made damn sure my legs never bent, which made it harder for me to swim. Plus the other guys in the class set out to embarrass me by saying "Stop checking out the girl's butts!" when I was looking at my feet in order to avoid even checking out the girls. Constantly.
  • Being picked last for everything.
  • Team Sports - Dealing with a bunch of rage-zoid teenagers who get up in your face is not a good way to learn about playing a sport. Why the fuck would I ever play something when I get insulted every step of the way? Competition can kiss my ass.
  • Everything was a competition. And I mean EVERYTHING. This probably explains why I'm a leftist who hates competing against others lol.
  • Being told off for not wanting to compete against others in front of the class. (Fucking teachers. Let me just help others instead)
I did have some good experiences when I got to Year 11 (Not sure what the version is for the USA), when I was able to do golf with my friends and not have to worry about beating others.

P.E as a whole was demeaning and worthless, a one-size-fits-all strategy that made me feel useless and defective as a human being because I didn't like football. Nowadays I enjoy my walking, running, climbing, surfing, etc where I'm on my own or if it's with others that I can encourage them along.

Former mod only had "damaging" and "devastating" experiences
Finale Fireworker said:
All of my memories from P.E. are devastating. What a damaging experience.

The thing I always remember is that our school had a locker room with a shower but nobody ever used it because the idea of being naked in front of your classmates was a special sort of nightmare. I remember one kid one time was brave enough to do it and everyone was so embarrassed by his bare ass they changed as quickly as possible and rushed out of the locker room. By the time he finished showering he was the only one in there and was too embarrassed himself to come out and know everyone was waiting for him. Always felt sorry for him.

More from That1GoodHunter
That1GoodHunter said:
Dodgeball was always a fun one. I was remarkably good at dodging, but lacked the arm strength to ever be able to hit anyone. Multiple times it happened, that I was one of the last people standing in my team, which would devolve into me running like a chicken with it's head cut off. Only one of the many times I was to become the class laughing stock.


critics create content that people consume
they do create "content". but i would separate "content" from "works". a videogame is a work. it requires conceptualization, cooperation, production, etc. for media, it almost always requires co-operation, compromise, various considerations that the critic who just sits down by themselves and rants does not have to deal with. the creator has to invent characters, storylines, art direction, etc. the critic just comments upon things other people have made.

im not saying that "content" is not some kind of intellectual product, clearly it is, but i don't consider it on the level of real works. this is why it is "content". "content" is merely a term for generic data that is needed to populate a website. i find the term useful because that's what it is. these writers are paid to churn out X amount of content. whatever you write, it doesn't have to be correct, or smart, just as long as it gets clicks. because on the internet, relevance is what matters, and old news get shoved to the side. just keep the content flowing.

i think the flattening effects of postmodernism have led people towards destroying nuance and this is one of the places where i will not back down. critics certainly make work and can even make great work but 99% of them are just bloggers and comparing them to actual artists lol i'm sorry, i can't do that. the lady who couldn't be bothered to play through Cyberpunk even though it was her job, she is not a creator. she is a consumer. yes she creates writing about what she consumes, but her job is consuming. her writing is about consuming. or, in her case, her laziness and activist tendencies making it impossible for her to fully do her job of consuming.

real creators produce. critics consume. sometimes there is a critic who produces, but not often.
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I still dont understand why a game like Cyberpunk or 18+ games can't *actually* have characters that are transphobic, racist and just complete pieces of garbage. Could add a lot to some storylines but I bet devs don't want to ever include that shit in their games, people can't seem to differentiate a story from what a developer actually thinks outside of his work.


Is there something this website isn't anxious about? Like, I am anxious about the virus too. My partner's parents both work in the health system and they're constantly at risk. My father has smoked for almost half a century now and I'd rather not have him catch it. I had COVID-19 myself, 1 month at home and 10 days after I started working again I'm still low on energy and coughing a lot despite being negative. This virus fucking sucks, but having nightmares and anxiety attacks over a random dude not wearing a mask? I'd slap folks moving around without masks myself, but I won't spend the night awake for it - especially because I'm pretty fucking tired thanks to COVID-19.

Wonder what game this "Lead Game Designer" is designing. Funny how we've seen fuck-all output from all these "verified" devs on resetera. The fuck are they working on? These are the same "developers" that vehemently trash successful games and joyously point out any flaws.
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