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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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quite a large percentage of the exploited workers come from refugee backgrounds.

I agree we should not be a haven for boat smugglers but one of the reasons aus is so attractive is there is no shortage of businesses ready to exploit them
if they are really serious about boat people they should start using the ships as target practice

Exploited? What do you mean exploited? The people who built my house were not refugees. Can you provide evidence for this claim that a large proportion of “exploited” (I assume you mean lower class) workers are refugees?


I want a reality show where these people are forced to go outside and interact with normal humans.





Give me one good reason why Australia — a continent surrounded by treacherous ocean — should be a safe haven for refugees. Hint: it’s not about seeking refuge; it’s about bypassing the long and arduous legal immigration process. Anyone in genuine danger should be seeking refuge in the closest safe country. Australia is not the closest safe country to anyone.

We all know it doesn't work like that with claiming aslyum in the first country they land in. Look at the current refugee crisis in the EU. Refugees are suppose to claim asylum in the first EU country they get to, but many of them don't and keep traveling to get to another country.

Plenty of em wanna get to the UK and take ridiculous risks to get her (I've seen refugees be pulled off the back axels of vehicles). Which is fairly retarded as the UK is getting steadily more xenophobic as the whole brexit shit show drags on.

I'm not even sure why they want to be in the UK so much, I don't know what unicorns they believe exists here but Germany, France, Austria and Spain all offer more funds to an refugee than the UK does.

I'm not sure on them countries respective job prospects but in England very little exists for them apart from anger from the working class and racists believeing "they took our jobs" when the sad reality is, they're doing the shit jobs none of our lazy lot can be arsed to do, or think the jobs are beneath them.

It must be depressing to finally get to England and see just how much you're hated for escaping whatever persecution you've ran from and see that unicorn you've been sold doesn't exist.


I'm not even sure why they want to be in the UK so much

Because English speaking and they have not been keeping up with current events.

I'm not sure on them countries respective job prospects but in England very little exists for them apart from anger from the working class and racists believing "they took our jobs" when the sad reality is, they're doing the shit jobs none of our lazy lot can be arsed to do, or think the jobs are beneath them.

Also true. But there's a lot of money on the table because many British people overvalue themselves, I say this as a British person that would take little jobs here and there to make extra cash and it did pay (on top of a full time job) but only through bulk.


Because English speaking and they have not been keeping up with current events.

Also true. But there's a lot of money on the table because many British people overvalue themselves, I say this as a British person that would take little jobs here and there to make extra cash and it did pay (on top of a full time job) but only through bulk.

But many don't speak English. I work in a large company that has vehicles coming in and out of the EU and we've had refugees attempt to come over on our vehicles and none of them have spoken a lick of English, get turned away and try again at the next opportunity.

It's ridiculously dangerous where they have been sat to get here, one wrong move and they're going on the road and going to loose their lives. If a component fails they're going to be seriously injured, if not outright killed.

I was present for a refugee being found on one of our vehicles and the poor bastard must of been terrified at someone dragging him out whilst shouting at him and quite frankly, been made to feel like abit of a circus attraction with everyone staring at them and making a point of going to gawk at him.

He can't of been much older than 18, his face scarred to shit, dishelved and covered in shit off the road. I gave the poor kid a bottle of water and you'd of thought I was scum of the earth for showing him some common human decency with the questions people where asking me and the dirty looks I was getting.

It's a tragic affair. I don't know if he's still in the country or what, but surely at that point his heart must of sunk to be getting such a hostile reaction to being found.

I hear you about the job thing. We have a pretty menial role in our company, no qualifactions or anything needed and we get some right arse hole people coming to it, but turning their noses up and think they deserve better after a week or so. It's an easy job. It's a decent enough wage for what it is and you're pretty much left alone. But it's beneath them and they should be earning more for doing it etc etc. So they end of fucking off back to the dole or onto the next unskilled job to repeat the cycle all over again. Boils my piss as they will bitch if we get a polish member of staff through an agency cause they take all the jobs. Jobs they don't fucking want.
Resetera is now coming after Australia.

Crickey mate. How did all these "refugees" end up in Australia?

That member you quoted is the one who went to North Korea and enjoyed the trip despite everyone telling him what he saw was properganda. (He made a thread about it on either GAF or Era)

Seems his brainwashed mind is too strong to go think that Trump is perhaps worse than Kim Jong Un!!

Kev Kev


Sounds like textbook example of someone who is lazy, doesn’t even try to work hard and as a result sucks at their job. To make matters worse, they’re ignorant, so they then can’t understand why everyone around them seems to be impatient and short tempered with them. So they lash out at everyone else instead of improving their own bullshit that’s crating the problem to begin with.

Honestly, I’m probably giving them too much credit on the ignorant part.


Sounds like textbook example of someone who is lazy, doesn’t even try to work hard and as a result sucks at their job. To make matters worse, they’re ignorant, so they then can’t understand why everyone around them seems to be impatient and short tempered with them. So they lash out at everyone else instead of improving their own bullshit that’s crating the problem to begin with.

Honestly, I’m probably giving them too much credit on the ignorant part.

Comfortable life, never learned to suck it up and got a dose of reality. The fact that he's been there twice with the same outcome but still blames other people is telling. In those jobs and I've done them you take the knocks or you're unemployed. It's good training to grow a thick skin that will benefit you in the future, except he'll never learn that when he's got a hugbox to run to that validates him.
Retail is absolutely shit and toxic so I will give them the benefit of the doubt on what they experienced. I don't wish retail on anyone but simultaneously wish everyone was forced to work two years of retail just to get a better understanding of how absolutely shit and toxic it is. That would hopefully foster some empathy but also allow you to grow a thicker skin.
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Era: "Why does everyone still talk about TLJ? The movie came out two years ago, if you don't like it, get over it. Really weird to be so hung up on a movie, there is something wrong with you."

Also Era: "Let's shit on a 17 year old movie that we already constantly already shit on, and have done so for over a decade now, because that's totally fine. LOL member SAND U GAIS!!? soo stuuipd"

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Gold Member
Holy fucking shit, they attacked me like rabids dogs...
Start reading with my first post number 427 if you wanna laugh please...

Holy fucking shit, they attacked me like rabids dogs...
Start reading with my first post number 427 if you wanna laugh please...

The obsession over TLJ in particular is insane to me.

Imagine being a white knight for the worst entry in a pop-entertainment franchise. :messenger_fearful:

Anime avatars arguing over waifus has been surpassed.


Gold Member
The obsession over TLJ in particular is insane to me.

Imagine being a white knight for the worst entry in a pop-entertainment franchise. :messenger_fearful:

Anime avatars arguing over waifus has been surpassed.
Please read the discussion i started, tell if i'm crazy or if these motherfucker are fucking stupid...
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what is it with being a middle aged male who has Rose as his avatar? seems like that is the badge you wear to tell people you are properly lubed up and ready to get fucked for any corporate product.


Holy fucking shit, they attacked me like rabids dogs...
Start reading with my first post number 427 if you wanna laugh please...

Your posts were low effort and taking your own personal hype levels as some sweeping indictment of the movies quality as a whole. The prequels were back when they released and to this day considered largely trash, and The Force Awakens had to copy the feel of the OT as much as it did to reassure people that this wouldn't be a prequels situation.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Your posts were low effort and taking your own personal hype levels as some sweeping indictment of the movies quality as a whole. The prequels were back when they released and to this day considered largely trash, and The Force Awakens had to copy the feel of the OT as much as it did to reassure people that this wouldn't be a prequels situation.

Yeah, I don't remember Star Wars enthusiasm being particularly high after the release of each film. Of course, expectations progressively lessened as the prequel series went on.


If you had argued for ROTS's merits instead of just aiming to bash TLJ barely anyone would have batted an eye. This is a case of you getting made fun of for a bad argument, not because "OMG REE so bad and biased!".

The movie has a lot of haters over there as well. Go make friends with that Gunslinger dude, he has a hate boner a mile long for it.


Cheebo is so on the warpath on this alt right stuff, he has been posting links to various youtube videos across threads. in his quest to alert people of "dangerous" youtube fan theories the guy is unwittingly promoting them.

8 minutes ago

This dude is the initial "source" of the claim that Colin wanted Luke alive (he also started the bogus screen testing "rumor"), but please feel free to deny that this stuff is coming from the alt-right.

thing is, these people aren't doing anything crazy or new, in the 90s we had Entertainment Tonight and Talk Soup and endless celebrity gossip tv shows, this is just the same old shit, only with the added shade of Reeetards freaking out about some hidden racist conspiracy.

it's also extra funny cos this particular hill he is dying on, that "Doomcock alone fabricated the lie that Luke would live until IX" is actually something Mark Hamill was telling people last year:

but we can't look at this objectively, we have to spin it into some bullshit ALT RIGHT CONSIPRACYYYY
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Gold Member
If you had argued for ROTS's merits instead of just aiming to bash TLJ barely anyone would have batted an eye. This is a case of you getting made fun of for a bad argument, not because "OMG REE so bad and biased!".

The movie has a lot of haters over there as well. Go make friends with that Gunslinger dude, he has a hate boner a mile long for it.
How can be my personal opinion of tlj killing any hype for the saga being bad argument? It's a fucking poll with only 2 choice ffs...

It was just a funny way to say that i prefer rots over tlj...


Gold Member
Your posts were low effort and taking your own personal hype levels as some sweeping indictment of the movies quality as a whole. The prequels were back when they released and to this day considered largely trash, and The Force Awakens had to copy the feel of the OT as much as it did to reassure people that this wouldn't be a prequels situation.
Low effort? Do i have to write a poem of 100 lines everytime i wanna say something??
I don't really understand the part about taking personal hype levels as some sweeping stuff...can you explain with more simple words please?


Low effort? Do i have to write a poem of 100 lines everytime i wanna say something??
I don't really understand the part about taking personal hype levels as some sweeping stuff...can you explain with more simple words please?
Wait you didn't know there are right and wrong opinions?


Those neck beards will defend the new saga until the day they transition. It's a losing battle dude.

If you step out of line and are vocal you will get dog piled to hell and back.

You fought the good fight and defended your opinion. Keep up the good fight bro!


Gold Member
Wait you didn't know there are right and wrong opinions?


Those neck beards will defend the new saga until the day they transition. It's a losing battle dude.

If you step out of line and are vocal you will get dog piled to hell and back.

You fought the good fight and defended your opinion. Keep up the good fight bro!
I know it's not your intention, but this post strangely sound like a daddy reassuring his 5 years old child after a fight :ROFLMAO:

I will take it anyway:lollipop_halo:


Gold Member
That member you quoted is the one who went to North Korea and enjoyed the trip despite everyone telling him what he saw was properganda. (He made a thread about it on either GAF or Era)

Seems his brainwashed mind is too strong to go think that Trump is perhaps worse than Kim Jong Un!!

Fake News.

I am the poster who went to DPRK and posted the thread on GAF.

Awesome trip, would go again

EDIT: It’s fun to look at the thread in retrospect. The wrong think inquisition dog piling on me got me to backpedal. Sounds like another place on the internet!
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Gold Member
I like this dude

Klee, Thuway are two of the fake “insiders” Bish “verified” here back during the previous console launches to spread FUD. Seeing them melting down without Bish there to ban people for questioning their BS is hilarious.
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The Pleasure

Gold Member
All you fuckas be cray cray. Alt right, sjws, dennis rodman, kayne the high school dropout west, don king, oprah winfrey, judge judy. Crazy fuckers all around. But judge Joe Mathis aiigt.


Klee, Thuway are two of the fake “insiders” Bish “verified” here back during the previous console launches to spread FUD. Seeing them melting down without Bish there to ban people for questioning their BS is hilarious.
I meant Klob


Darkness no more
Everyone gets a summit.

the last summit thread still only has 74 replies.
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Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Imagine you are on a gaming forum that needs to have summits on topics not involved with gaming to ensure there is relative peace in the members.

Now realize this is real life.

PS. Same group wants to ban people for eating chicken sandwiches.

That's the forum video game devs and industry personalities post on.
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FeistyBoots always delivering on the outrage. If ERA becomes anymore sheltered, they're going to have stop accepting new members entirely. I think that might be the endgame. Lock down the board and weed everyone out until there is only the most extreme left. It wouldn't be the first forum to die from that sort of paranoia. They are already trying so hard to replace the mods, I would love to see that place go down in flames by giving these crazies all the power.
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Darkness no more
Locked right away.

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