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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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The reason the "stay civil" and "don't get personal" are front and center in the thread title is to steer people away from the uncomfortable aspects that can come out in a thread like this. Of course when you see abuse of power on display over there it's natural to react harshly. And when you see the serious dysfunction on display it's natural to comment on it. I'm just not fond of when the environment leads to resentment boiling over toward identity groups, like with one of our recently banned users increasingly hating trans people in general, or following users' personal lives with ongoing screenshots because they're a little too open with their lives in an illusory safe space open to the public.

Highlighting the lunacy of their moderation actions is reasonable. And when refugees stop over, this thread is a good way to decompress from all the groupthink pressure a lot of people are under there 24/7. We've picked up some cool people that way. The rest of it we can do without. Nuking this thread is under consideration for those reasons.

Most of what has been expressed here has not been hatred toward transgender people in general. There's just a small group of transgender people on ResetEra who are completely and totally insufferable and act in a way which makes them completely unlikeable to anyone and then use their gender identity as a shield which is supposed to protect them from any kind of criticism whatsoever. Imagine if your first interactions with transgender people were on ResetEra? Their actions their enablers on the ResetEra moderation team have done more to promote antagonism toward transgender people than anything ever posted in this thread.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
You know I did really appreciate using this thread as an Ellis Island for reintegration back to GAF from Era. It was cathartic to freely express nearly three years of frustration and to simultaneously see that this forum was of sufficient size to make it my new home again.

It’s kind of a natural harbor for REEturners to detox from the toxic and extreme ideologies of Era.

So in that regard I think the thread is very useful and would be sad to see it go even if I can see why it would be nuked too. It’s also really, really weird when Era posters use this thread to “talk” to the Era staff monitoring it.
Kyuuji ZeoVGM and Excel as mods are my biggest hope for the 2021 season
I'll raise you Nepenthe becoming part owner.


The reason the "stay civil" and "don't get personal" are front and center in the thread title is to steer people away from the uncomfortable aspects that can come out in a thread like this. Of course when you see abuse of power on display over there it's natural to react harshly. And when you see the serious dysfunction on display it's natural to comment on it. I'm just not fond of when the environment leads to resentment boiling over toward identity groups, like with one of our recently banned users increasingly hating trans people in general, or following users' personal lives with ongoing screenshots because they're a little too open with their lives in an illusory safe space open to the public.

Highlighting the lunacy of their moderation actions is reasonable. And when refugees stop over, this thread is a good way to decompress from all the groupthink pressure a lot of people are under there 24/7. We've picked up some cool people that way. The rest of it we can do without. Nuking this thread is under consideration for those reasons.
I agree with the don't get personal as a prime directive. I also agree with shutting out black and white generalisations or hate. There is no need to dig into IRL shit or be an Internet asshole or IRL piece of shit. Further agree with this thread being that stop gap to decompressing from ERA into GAF, I know that's how I went about it.

I disagree with closure of this thread, mostly as I feel all the Reeee-chatter will infect the rest of GAF gaming and OT. This thread contains the best and worst of Ree/GAF and much like your politics separation it keeps the rest of the forum clean and easy to moderate with a clear distinction for members as well. There's no need for a whole sub-forum like politics and for my two cents there's no need to mess up the clean GAF forums of gaming and OT.
The nuking of this thread comes up from time to time and i was once of that view as a way of moving on from Reeebut over time you begin to appreciate this thread as a celebration of what makes this place so different compared to over there....and you can have fun while doing it

People have different life experiences and views on things and gaf allows and encourages that and there are lots of warning signs that the mods and Evilore are probably well aware of and look out for which is why you see some people banned or topics locked as there seems to be a sudden influx of reeeeee-turners who are either overdoing it trying to blend in like the rest of us alt right nazis :) or their brains are in offline mode as they have not been able to link back into the mothership and think with their own brain so they go on the attack.

this thread is comedy/drama and self reflection for this forum and it’s become a great daily read for myself and many


Gold Member
Lame as that may sound, the Cyberpunk thrash fire was one of the funnest thing of 2020 for me. That may tell something about me, I know. But it was really a great show, and I wouldn't have wasted time going there to witness it first hand.

That said, after all that, Era is still there and since then I've found I've grown sort of numb to their shenanigans. They've learnt next to nothing from that shitshow, but the whole thing hasn't been their end either. This thread has slowed down considerably, too, and some members a little too involved have been banned.

Now this thread is a lot slower and less vitriolic. What hasn't changed is Era's lunacy, and I'd prefer this thread stay open and keep recording the best of their nonsense.
It's true that the "stay civil" and "don't get personal" has been infringed time and again. I was never happy about it, but it's definitely a risk.
I like this thread because it makes me feel better about my life and appreciate the good things I have.

I can come here and see on era someone claiming to become physically unhappy from the Witcher 3 and I just think thank goodness I am not so delicate and I have more important things in life to be concerned about.

I'm not being sarcastic. I genuinely feel better about my life and more appreciative of it whenever I come here. They moan about anime titties while I have been living next to Akihabara for 4 years.

P.s. I still don't know what he meant by "physically unhappy". Does he literally shit his pants?
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They are now canceling crowbcat lol

at what point will there be nothing to discuss on era because they ban everyone
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Thanks for the feedback, guys. Will consider.
I’m not sure if closing this thread would be a really good idea
Like someone else said, people might take whatever they write here and do it on the other sides of the forum, especially the politics forum... I doubt you’d start closing every part of the forum because of 5 - 6 users who can’t make a difference between the Internet forums and reality


Gold Member
Why? He tore that game a new asshole



I've come to realise something, they target people in the places they wished they were. Influential streamers? Cancel. Hot/good looking streamers that are popular? Cancel. Game designers? Cancel. Maybe if they cancel enough people there will be room for sub mediocre talent to get a foot in the door. But when you can't even go up against people who pretend they are deers and eat grass on stream then I don't think that's the issue.


I've come to realise something, they target people in the places they wished they were. Influential streamers? Cancel. Hot/good looking streamers that are popular? Cancel. Game designers? Cancel. Maybe if they cancel enough people there will be room for sub mediocre talent to get a foot in the door. But when you can't even go up against people who pretend they are deers and eat grass on stream then I don't think that's the issue.
Lol of course, imagine a society run by these people. Only a matter of time before they cancel themselves.

The only people that can be racist are the community managers
for those that done remember he used the Nword a few times and some other colourful language...compare that to the Crowbat stuff




And his apology which makes everything better and he appoints Nepethine a moderator as penance for his crimes

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Kev Kev

Im gonna be honest with you guys though. Staying in this thread for extended periods of time is probably not good for your mental health. Some users get too personal and angry. Era is crazy don't let it consume you.
Agreed and I understand the consideration the vaporize the thread. I will say that is was a good thread for decompression from era when I came back over. Without it, I likely would have created a thread myself, soap box and all that. I had a lot to say the first couple months, but then I backed off and haven’t revisited too much. Since then it’s felt a little sad to see the same users ITT everyday, to the point of almost feeling embarrassed for having been a part of it. I feel like the thread should be for those who have just returned, but after a while they need to move on, or it just becomes a sad shit throwing contest, of which era does not participate on their side, leaving them almost looking like “the bigger person”. Not sure what the solution is, but that’s my two cents.


I also second the notion to keep this thread open. Not only does it help to keep up with the craziness of ERA without giving them unnecessary clicks; if it only was for that, I wouldn't miss it too much, because ERA's craziness does not really need to be pointed out as it can be witnessed by visiting any day. But GAF is incredibly useful in highlighting and exposing a stunning lot of hypocrisy that I wasn't even fully aware of during my time at RE, like certain Discord controversies and such. It's great and important to have these things well documented, in order to expose the bigotry of ERA. That shouldn't be lost for anyone in the foreseeable future, as it makes it a lot harder for them to keep up their masquerade of righteousness, and rightfully so.


Gold Member
I'm all for keeping this thread alive as well. It seems that it is important for many people on GAF to talk about ERA and I'd rather have it concentrated in one place than all over the forums. Same reason why I approve of the politics forum: I see it as a garbage collection utility, keeping the gaming forum clean.


I wanted to add. This thread has been cathartic for me after a few years of pent up frustration at the toxic era hive mind. But people should avoid calling out specific users by username. Thats when it gets personal and takes the cathartic fun away from this.
Don't enter this thread then. Its as simple as that

I ditched this thread a long time ago because I won't sit here wasting my time on something I don't care about
I wanted to add. This thread has been cathartic for me after a few years of pent up frustration at the toxic era hive mind. But people should avoid calling out specific users by username. Thats when it gets personal and takes the cathartic fun away from this.
Welcome to Neogaf! All kinds of nice topics and communities here. Hope you enjoy your stay bro.
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When the same usernames continually throw abuse, I fail to see the issue really.

It's just a username.

This site is hardly 4chan, people aren't getting doxxed or anything.

Astral Dog

i admit i feel like a few of my comments here have become a little personal since i started participating in this thread :^( for that i apologize, sometimes its to vent, learn and others just for fun its a very interesting thread that made me see ERA in a different light from when i was a member.
And now it seems like since the Cyberpunk drama things have calmed down, and the Capitol happened i wouldn't close it for good because in the future there will be a need for talking about the crazyness, but maybe a little rest is ok idk. like fresh new thread in a month/some day
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Oh, didn’t you know, its only okay to talk about how hot guys are? Its sexist to be attracted to women, unless you are another woman, or identify as woman. At least thats how the world works according to the era hive.
Women like sex just like men. We are all programed by evolution to mate and spread our genes. Nothing wrong with the appreciation of the female body, same goes for men.


Plus Member
Most of what has been expressed here has not been hatred toward transgender people in general. There's just a small group of transgender people on ResetEra who are completely and totally insufferable and act in a way which makes them completely unlikeable to anyone and then use their gender identity as a shield which is supposed to protect them from any kind of criticism whatsoever. Imagine if your first interactions with transgender people were on ResetEra? Their actions their enablers on the ResetEra moderation team have done more to promote antagonism toward transgender people than anything ever posted in this thread.

I normally don't agree with you but this is a good take.


Plus Member
I think if you have a political take on transgenderism, take it to politics and have a reasonable debate there or poke harmless fun at it (like we usually do with most things) .

But this thread is for REEE, on this thread users mostly point out the hypocrisy and insanity of those using identify politics on REE to shield them from criticism while

simultaneously being bigots in their own way and make (harmless) fun of them.
I'll never understand the rules over there for when/how sexuality is allowed and in what context. Just seems like half the user half avatars of half naked anime chicks, half naked female, celebrities, tend to promote as much sexualization and sexual freedom in certain contexts, etc. But suddenly, in other contexts, any hint of sexualization is seen as horrendous, ban worthy, etc. Even to the point of acknowledging a female is attractive. In all these years I have never figured out the "rules".


Women like sex just like men. We are all programed by evolution to mate and spread our genes. Nothing wrong with the appreciation of the female body, same goes for men.

I'll never understand the rules over there for when/how sexuality is allowed and in what context. Just seems like half the user half avatars of half naked anime chicks, half naked female, celebrities, tend to promote as much sexualization and sexual freedom in certain contexts, etc. But suddenly, in other contexts, any hint of sexualization is seen as horrendous, ban worthy, etc. Even to the point of acknowledging a female is attractive. In all these years I have never figured out the "rules".

Ill break it down for you “gladiolus from ffxv has a nice ass!”=👍, Bayonetta from bayonetta has a nice ass!”=👎
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This is the funnest thread on Gaf, so many hot takes and just insanity. It's my palate-cleanser every day.
I understand that maybe over 800 pages of thread some people went overboard and there were some unsavory comments.
However, I don't think this thread should be closed. Most times things that are discussed here are truly fringe and funny and are not harmful. ERA has serious issues with moderation and acceptability and often showcases the worst of left-wing wokeness that need to be highlighted and laughed at. Therefore this thread has it's use as society of ERA ideals is not sustainable or desirable.

Daffy Duck

Is it mostly trans women who are vocal in the threads tearing into men finding “cis” women attractive?

And the reason they don’t like it is because as a trans woman “cis” men don’t find them attractive?

Not trying to stir anything, just trying to understand where their coming from.
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