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Resident Evil 2 Remake |OT| Party like it's 1998


I thought Mr. X would be annoying at first, but it's really not that bad. He can definitely interrupt you and push you to play faster than you'd like, but he is actually only around for a small chunk of the game. He isn't there for the entire thing.

Really? This is good to know because reviews are saying something like 2/3 of the game

I'm about 7 hours into the game and I don't think it is excessive. The sections where he chases you are pretty quick except one where you gotta do a puzzle.
That's where a lot of people get stuck I guess.

But from what i understand he can appear anywhere, any time at random.

I actually like the idea of Mr X/ Nemesis, it is just that reviews are pointing out that in this remake it is so excessive it breaks the pacing and starts to get more annoying than fun, unlike the original.


Okay I did experimentation at key areas and the dips in performance are 100% from volumetric lighting. For me, just dropping it to medium fixed it. I don't think it's from maxing out the frame buffer because if I leave that at high and drop shadows to low it still does it, but I can have max everything else except volumetric lighting.

Also I think I might prefer having SSR off because they look so weird in this game. For some reason the player hitbox interferes with them and at times it can look like graphical artifacts rather than reflections. I'm not sure if it's even the engine's fault as DMCV seemed to have flawless visuals.
SSR implementation is very poor in this engine, those artifacts you are seeing are typical of some SSR techniques (Quantum Break suffered from this as well).
I would definitely prefer it if Mr. X wasn’t in the game chasing after you. To me it ruins the pacing somewhat. I like to take my time and explore my surroundings, and it’s kinda annoying to have an undefeatable enemy showing up every now and then to chase you around.

Despite of this, the game is still great. I’m kinda happy I never got around to play RE2 until now. It’s an amazing first experience.


I struggle with Mr X myself, but boy is it fun to read how others are struggling with him as well. Hilarious stories are being told. As controversial as he is, he definitly makes the remake stand out on its own.



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Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist

I was doing a hardcore S+ rank run and I got to Sherry's part and the game glitched.

In the chase scene when I ran upstairs he didn't follow me. He wasn't anywhere in the house and my last save was upon reaching the station. I heard if you save more than 3 times you don't get S+ so I was trying to only do it at certain times but I guess before Sherry segment should have been one of them due to the instant lose condition nevermind the bug.
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RE4 remake would be absurd. The game is not that old to receive this kind of treatment and the gameplay has stayed pretty much the same except for some minor tweaks (moving while aiming). It makes no sense to remake RE4 now, maybe in 10 more years.

I hope they do the RE3 Remake and then move on to new things. RE7 was a step to the right direction so its not like we're facing a Square-Enix situation here.

Age has nothing to do with it. It's been 13 years since RE4. Do you know how long there was between RE1 and REmake? 6 years. Although I agree theres no need to remake RE4, but mainly because we dont need to go through and remake the entire series.

I would love to see an RE3 remake and then move on to RE8 too.

First playthroughs. Game is good. I'm surprised they pulled it off. They successfully translated the mechanics from the old games to current popular designs. Skipped "RE7". Apparently the timer adds up if you select "Continue" instead of exiting and reloading your save, a bit dumb if true.

Cinematic deaths and trap sequences make a no save playthrough a bit daunting. I cant imagine not saving before
Crocodile, Birkin @ the crane, acquiring king/queen pieces or infected Mr X at 2nd end for example. Of course people will find ways to cheese those, but even still.
Game has crashed on me once in total, so that too....

Don't understand why the need for all the poison herbs? I didn't know how to get poisoned until I was nearly done LeonB and was refusing to spend ammo at a section.

As far as Mr X is concerned, he's as fair as you could possibly design a persistent pursuit. I'm surprised just how well designed it is. Just run away and use your brain to plan an exit loop. He only exists for certain portions of the game and you
can return to pick up anything without him around.
I did not get hit by Mr X until
[2nd] playing as Ada
. But of course he probably caused one or two deaths by forcing me to move into lickers. MrX will not follow you into rooms that are a true dead end, so you can sit and wait for him to leave. However I did notice his "teleportation". I was playing with speakers so I couldn't be sure of his precise path, but it felt like his movement speed would increase when he was out of range, which is why it feels like he returns so quickly.
BUT then I played 4th Survivor as Hunk. As you'll know his path is a lot more limited since Hunk is purely A to B and sure enough he does teleport. I managed to outrun him only to be met by him a second time by coming from the room in front of me. So the Hunk mode area design screwed up his programming. I did manged to finish the run, was my 2nd attempt. Have yet to try Tofu. Not a fan of 4th survivor mode though.

Overall pretty good game. Now I get to do Leon A/Claire B with the retro costumes and soundtrack.

In my head right now it would be a serious ball-ache to do fast hardcore runs. Will be interesting to see what strategies develop. I manged to get under the statue in LeonA in under 40 minutes just winging it, but then I had to save just to be safe. I would like to be able to do S+ one day maybe, with as little outside strategy as possible.

Need to wait for Haydee 2 to get my next survival horror fix.


Finally played a good chunk of Claire's game. Only real beef so far was Birkin being super underwhelming. Mr X has been a non-factor for me. He's way less intrusive and repetitive than Jack Baker was.

Irons is still awesome and Claire is a gigantic improvement. My friend is watching me play through it so we went with standard which is super easy so far. Hardcore will certainly be the way to go for replays.

I'll probably be way less positive about Leon's game but right now I'm actually liking it better than the original. It's just a shame that they didnt expand and refine the A/B scenario and zapping system.


Finished Leon's A scenario, rank C in just over 9 hours... I like to take my time with these games. Overall I think this is a great game, almost a definitive version of what RE is. I hope they just continue on in this vein. More Remakes or RE8, just take this as the blueprint going forward.

Little niggles like zombies taking a few too many bullets, no laser sight option for all weapons, Mr X being a bit annoying. Plus it really missed some of the cut enemies -
would have been terrifying. But yeah, great game. I actually think it would be more fun with infinite pistol ammo considering how spongy the zombies are.

So I purchased the original OST and fired up Claire scenario B and played about an hour. Man the soundtrack makes a world of difference, way more atmospheric. From starting out it seems like this scenario is more action focused? Her faster movement makes the game play quite different. This will be good for dealing with Mr. X.

From what I could tell there is no NG+. Also, is it the scenario or the character that determines the game type. If I start sceneario A with Claire does she start a different side of the wrecked police car than in B?
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Finished Leon A. What a ride! Like many of you have said before, they totally pulled it off. Best remake ever along with REmake and DOOM (2016).

Played on Standard to get a rewarding first experience and boy was it tough as nails. I didn't really die much except
the Crane Birkin fight where the game insultingly asked me if I wanted to switch to Assisted...
Took me about 8:20 hours to complete, the main drags being of course the long and somewhat confusing Sewers section. Killed mostly all the bosses on my first try without knowing it was coming, so I guess Standard is completely fair.

Onto Claire B to check out the true ending ;)


I'm halfway through Claire B Hard and I think the worst bit is easily her clock tower run after getting the gear...

Going for the crank passed lickers and then messing around in the library while dealing and Mr X.

If lickers could open doors I'd delete myself.


This is one of my favourite online reactions to Mr X...

I get why he's there, blah, blah, blah - but it just feels cheap to me

It's like you're watching a clever, creepy psychological horror, but then all of a sudden you're just running from room to room like you're in some twisted version of a Benny fucking Hill film.

When the game was revealed and we saw concept art and screenshots, I thought the people saying Claire's face looked weird were crazy. I didn't see it. But damn, now that I'm playing it, what the fuck is up with her face? Leon looks so normal and she's like a troll doll that turned into a human.

I honestly heard they were going to make Claire look “Bayonettaish” whatever that means, but the higher-ups demanded to make her different for the Western audience. I got the game but haven’t got chance to play it yet to see what she really looks like in my tv.
The strong sales really make me excited about the future of Survival Horror. Remake 3 is a cert but I wonder if they will skip CV to go straight to 4. As excited as I am for Remake 4 I hope they do CV first, with Resi 2 graphics and detail it would be amazing.

Hope Silent Hill gets some love from Konami. Silent Hill 1 is my favourite in the franchise and the most complete story IMO. Imagine walking the streets of Silent Hill with modern graphics.

And lastly in this post of fantasy Evil Within 3 please!

I would love to see silent hill come back, but I’ll doubt it will ever happen unless it’s a pachinko machine or something.


Does Mr. Racoon statue progress carry over to New Game if you happen to miss a few during your first and 2nd run ?

Will the game still know which ones I have found/shot or does it refresh for new game. Will be easier to keep track if they stay destroyed.
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Might as well post this here as well, because this thread is largely where I see people complaining about the Tyrant.

Either play on a lower difficulty or come to grips with the idea that Resident Evil 2 isn't your type of game. You might be more at home in RE 4 - 6.

The people complaining about the Tyrant are, frankly, wrong. Problem is that the later RE games really warped people's expectations of what a RE game could/should be. It's about resource management and tension you can cut with a knife - not cutting everything in sight with a knife. Not to mention that this release is catering to a lot of new Resident Evil fans that don't understand this as well.

I can understand people getting frustrated with the Tyrant if their mindset is that they want a more relaxing experience and don't want to be directly pressured as much - maybe they had a long day at work or something. But that isn't the game's fault. It's a return to classic survival horror, and there's many facets to that. If people aren't willing to be pressured by Mr. X, they should just play something else until they can accept that this game isn't trying to baby or console them with its experience.

I think a lot of the responses to the Tyrant are purely reactionary.
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Holy smokes. It's so good, so incredibly good. Was able to get it on Thursday, have been playing on standard with the OG soundtrack. Currently in the sewers as Leon, Scenario A. Taking my time with this one, only playing it at night in my basement and just enjoying the hell out of it.

Travelling out of town for work for a few days but I brought my pspGO with me and plan on doing a run through of the PSX version.

My advice for anyone who hasn't started, use the control sceme that maps 'Run' to R1.

Well done Capcom.


Finally was able to play the demo last night. I'm surprised how well it ran on my GTX 780. The game seems very well optimized. I'll definitely be getting this at some point.
Might as post this here as well, because this thread is largely where I see people complaining about the Tyrant.

Either play on a lower difficulty or come to grips with the idea that Resident Evil 2 isn't your type of game. You might be more at home in RE 4 - 6.

The people complaining about the Tyrant are, frankly, wrong. Problem is that the later RE games really warped people's expectations of what a RE game could/should be. It's about resource management and tension you can cut with a knife - not cutting everything in sight with a knife. Not to mention that this release is catering to a lot of new Resident Evil fans that don't understand this as well.

I can understand people getting frustrated with the Tyrant if their mindset is that they want a more relaxing experience and don't want to be directly pressured as much - maybe they had a long day at work or something. But that isn't the game's fault. It's a return to classic survival horror, and there's many facets to that. If people aren't willing to be pressured by Mr. X, they should just play something else until they can accept that this game isn't trying to baby or console them with its experience.

I think a lot of the responses to the Tyrant are purely reactionary.

Yeah, I was pretty nervous about Mr X but it's done well. This version of RE, as everyone says, is more in line with the classic era of RE. With Mr X you really need to utilize your map and plan your route. Whenever he was on my tail I'd basically run from the East side of the RPD to the West side, and vice versa. That took up time but it also allowed me to complete the library puzzle and unlock rooms with the Spade key in a less frustrating way. It's not an action game, it's survival horror and it needs to be played as such if you want to have the best experience possible.
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Fought my first:

Licker. Son of a bitch was hard to stop. Used like 8 shotgun shells and 1 first aide spray, and a G+R herb, and a flash grenade. Running away wouldn't work, as he jumps super fast. Had to hide in the S.T.A.R.S. office and heal up then go back out lol. Yikes.
I've literally never even killed one. Running away is totally an option, in fact in the station I think there's only one you can't get out of not alerting otherwise you can stealth pretty much all of them. They take so many hits and can seemingly knock you from fine to danger or caution orange in one hit, they're not worth fighting with anything less than the magnum.

Might as well post this here as well, because this thread is largely where I see people complaining about the Tyrant.

Either play on a lower difficulty or come to grips with the idea that Resident Evil 2 isn't your type of game. You might be more at home in RE 4 - 6.

The people complaining about the Tyrant are, frankly, wrong. Problem is that the later RE games really warped people's expectations of what a RE game could/should be. It's about resource management and tension you can cut with a knife - not cutting everything in sight with a knife. Not to mention that this release is catering to a lot of new Resident Evil fans that don't understand this as well.

I can understand people getting frustrated with the Tyrant if their mindset is that they want a more relaxing experience and don't want to be directly pressured as much - maybe they had a long day at work or something. But that isn't the game's fault. It's a return to classic survival horror, and there's many facets to that. If people aren't willing to be pressured by Mr. X, they should just play something else until they can accept that this game isn't trying to baby or console them with its experience.

I think a lot of the responses to the Tyrant are purely reactionary.
Indeed. People asking for a RE3 remake next make me laugh; How do they think Nemesis is going to be in a remake? Mr X in this is a return to the much praised Nemesis back in the day and Jack in RE7. I'd get if he was always there throughout the whole game but he isn't. Though I do wish the game had some mechanics to escape him, like hiding RE Outbreak style.
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I've literally never even killed one. Running away is totally an option, in fact in the station I think there's only one you can't get out of not alerting otherwise you can stealth pretty much all of them. They take so many hits and can seemingly knock you from fine to danger or caution orange in one hit, they're not worth fighting with anything less than the magnum.

Indeed. People asking for a RE3 remake next make me laugh; How do they think Nemesis is going to be in a remake? Mr X in this is a return to the much praised Nemesis back in the day and Jack in RE7. I'd get if he was always there throughout the whole game but he isn't. Though I do wish the game had some mechanics to escape him, like hiding RE Outbreak style.

I've seen comments on the level of: "Where does Resident Evil 3: REmake even go from here if the Tyrant is already this prevalent?". For me, that makes the prospects of RE3:RM even more interesting because you know they're going to have to either substantially improve the concept or subvert it in some fashion.
Does Mr. Racoon statue progress carry over to New Game if you happen to miss a few during your first and 2nd run ?

Will the game still know which ones I have found/shot or does it refresh for new game. Will be easier to keep track if they stay destroyed.
Yes. Even if you shoot/knife one and then die it still counts as well. They also don't reappear after shooting, so it's easy to keep track of which you have.

Told you guys he knew yoga teleport.
Games too goddamn good, just a treat seeing this running 4K on the X..gorgeous artist design, atmosphere..it had it all for a horror survival game.
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Finished up my B run last night. Opted to go Claire A/Leon B as that was previously canon. Hardcore mode was rough going at first but ultimately I loved it. Hell of a game, just like the original. Have to admit I had my doubts after it was revealed that this was third person (RE7 in VR was stellar), but they nailed it.

Only complaints are:
- zombie skulls are unbelievably resilient to handgun bullets in Hardcore
- character running speed is slightly faster than my 90 year old grandpa
- default difficulty is some Game Journalist bullshit. Autosaves? In my Resident Evil? /oldmanrant


Finished up my B run last night. Opted to go Claire A/Leon B as that was previously canon. Hardcore mode was rough going at first but ultimately I loved it. Hell of a game, just like the original. Have to admit I had my doubts after it was revealed that this was third person (RE7 in VR was stellar), but they nailed it.

Only complaints are:
- zombie skulls are unbelievably resilient to handgun bullets in Hardcore
- character running speed is slightly faster than my 90 year old grandpa
- default difficulty is some Game Journalist bullshit. Autosaves? In my Resident Evil? /oldmanrant

I'm really interested to see how durable the zombies are in hardcore. On normal, the zombies really aren't all that more threatening than they ever were. I'd actually argue they're easier to deal with at this point.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
For the love of all that is good, someone make this a damn mod for the PC version!

I like this part of the lyrics: "I put in work and it's all for the kids!"
I can imagine it's Mr. X himself rapping this shit while going after Claire.

I'm really interested to see how durable the zombies are in hardcore. On normal, the zombies really aren't all that more threatening than they ever were. I'd actually argue they're easier to deal with at this point.

Expect anywhere from one shot (rare critical) to 7-13 or even 15-17 shots.
All in the head, too.
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****Posting this again for the new page****

DLC on Xbox One is either broken or can be corrupted by saves, resulting in all or some of it being removed from your inventory.



Yes, this happened to me. After it is “installed” remove ALL of the DLC, then reinstall them all. Let the console sit while it installs and tells you the content is ready, then restart the game. Fixed it for me. It was super annoying. It took a while for the DLC to reinstall too.


It's honestly easier to fire 4 or 5 times at a leg then run around them or blow an arm off too if they're in a really confined space to really slow them down.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I've had a zombie continue to get up after 25 bullets, no joke. I was livid.

Holy shit, I believe 17 or 18 was the most I've had to dump into a zombie. I've reloaded saves because I felt it was absurd at times. Going for S rank today. Shouldn't be hard at all, as they don't apply the same restrictions as on the 1998 release.
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I hate Mr X!

I have to sneak past a Licker but then Mr X decides to teleport beside me :messenger_pouting: and if I run away the Licker gets me:messenger_loudly_crying:

I wish the Lickers would attack MR X for making so much noise.
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First contact with Mr.X.

Ok, he can be a pain in the ass but the mechanic is quite interesting if you ask me.

By always hearing his footsteps I'm always wondering from where the sob is gonna show up lol.
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Definitely eating some crow for squawking about “playing on hardcore being the way to go for RE fans”...This game is difficult! I spoke way too soon...Birkin first encounter drained all of the resources I saved up. 36 pistol rounds, 8 shotgun shells, 2 grenades, 1 flashbang, 2 knifes, 1 first aid spray, 2 mixed herb and some years off my life....took 8 tries, and I was going to try and do it more efficiently, but finally gave up when I got him...

Now I am in serious trouble with limited resources and dogs running everywhere. Thinking of starting over on standard because Mr. X also just arrived.


I'm a few hours into Claire scenario B. As I hadn't played the original for over a decade I'd forgotten how different it is - or maybe that's just in this remake.

Even though I'm not the biggest fan of X I have to admit I think I'm enjoying this playthrough more than Leon A - which I didn't imagine was possible. Maybe his looming presence works after all? New areas, remixed enemies and new weapons make this feel really different. Also, because I finished A with a load of magnum and shotgun ammo I'm actually killing more stuff this time around as I think I was too cautious.


I hate Mr X!

I have to sneak past a Licker but then Mr X decides to teleport beside me :messenger_pouting: and if I run away the Licker gets me:messenger_loudly_crying:

I wish the Lickers would attack MR X for making so much noise.
I haven't seen him "teleport" and definitely not right next to me. You can hear his footsteps from 3 rooms away. If he managed to get the jump on you then... Turn up your volume from mute?

It would be cool if lickers did attack him, though. Sound-based monsters don't really work in games because they always only react to the sounds the player make and just know by magic not to react when the sound is coming from another enemy or some ambient noise.
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The Resident Evil 2 remaster released last night, and the PC version took just a few hours to become one of Capcom’s most-played Steam games ever. Last night, the game’s player count peaked at more than 55,000 players, and is still performing well this morning.

According to Steam’s own game stats, Resident Evil 2 reached a concurrent player peak of 55,164, making it the ninth most-played game on the platform last night, just behind Team Fortress 2 (which is somehow still pulling in the best part of 60,000 players ten years after its release).

In Capcom terms, it still sits behind the enormously successful launch of Monster Hunter: World, which peaked at 329,000 players last year and was still boasting more than 50,000 overnight. Compared to other entries in the Resident Evil series, it’s a huge success, more than tripling the figures achieved by Resident Evil 7 in 2017.

As some fans have pointed out, those sales make it likely we’ll see more Resi remakes in the coming years, with Resident Evil 3 likely to be first in line for an overhaul.


After doing Claire 1st/Leon 2nd, just finished a quick run of Leon 1st and got the infinite Samurai Edge.

Yeah, I think I'm done with this game. Don't have the heart to go Hardcore, as I'm already running from Tyrant like a madman on Standard. Maybe I'll run Claire 2nd tomorrow just because, but man, can't wait till someone mods the sonavabit out of the game... REmake 3 will be a nightmare.


so research and statistics have shown that most players choose leon as the starting character and i curious why that is . is it because subconsciously (male) players think a female character is weaker and cant survive against zombies because she cant fight and / or cant do the quests or it will be more diffiicult to solve the puzzles with her because they think women are stupid etc?. i more and more begin to understand the claims of misogyny in the gaming world...
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so research and statistics have shown that most players choose leon as the starting character and i curious why that is . is it because subconsciously (male) players think a female character is weaker and cant survive against zombies because she cant fight and / or cant do the quests or it will be more diffiicult to solve the puzzles with her because they think women are stupid etc?. i more and more begin to understand the claims of misogyny in the gaming world...

Dude, are you fucking joking?
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