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Resident Evil 2 Remake |OT| Party like it's 1998


Anyway, I have to admit that the user who said the hardcore is made for a second run was right. I just got past the police station and the first encounter with the miniboss brought me to a dead end. I don't have enough ammos and he simply doesn't die. I'm screwed, I guess I'll have to start from the beginning.

I can't imagine how hard it will be when Mr. X shows up.
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Played on middle setting, i think its normal? I ran outta ammo before reaching the station, wth. Is there a knife or can i do a kick like in re4?
You only get one clip at the beginning so if you decide to shoot everything then yea you will run out well before you reach the station .And yes you get a knife very early on and no you cannot do a kick or anything offensive like that .

I wouldn't mind Mr.X so much if there weren't all of sudden seemingly lickers everywhere. Can't sneak past them if this dude is on my ass. Would be cool if they attacked him to because he's making noise. If I remember correctly in the original where ever he was going to show up there weren't any enemies even though I knew for a fact that I left enemies there.
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Gold Member
****Posting this again for the new page****

DLC on Xbox One is either broken or can be corrupted by saves, resulting in all or some of it being removed from your inventory.



Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Is it normal to use this many bullets on each zombie? Just looking for a basic, non-spoiler answer. Near the beginning.

I'm getting nothing but headshots, but they take 3 usually, and then they'll get up again even.


I want to buy this game but the reviews saying that Mr X presence is excessive is really holding me back, i kinda like to play at my own pace without an immortal boss following me for the entire game.


Gold Member
I want to buy this game but the reviews saying that Mr X presence is excessive is really holding me back, i kinda like to play at my own pace without an immortal boss following me for the entire game.

Mr. X prevents you from playing at your own pace. He can follow you anywhere.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I read that this is especially bad if he is campering someplace you need to solve a puzzle or get a key item
There's trophies for completing a storyline in 4 hours or less, for taking few steps, for not using any health items or the item box. The game seems to have an old school speed running mentality on some level.


I want to buy this game but the reviews saying that Mr X presence is excessive is really holding me back, i kinda like to play at my own pace without an immortal boss following me for the entire game.
I thought Mr. X would be annoying at first, but it's really not that bad. He can definitely interrupt you and push you to play faster than you'd like, but he is actually only around for a small chunk of the game. He isn't there for the entire thing.


I want to buy this game but the reviews saying that Mr X presence is excessive is really holding me back, i kinda like to play at my own pace without an immortal boss following me for the entire game.
I'm about 7 hours into the game and I don't think it is excessive. The sections where he chases you are pretty quick except one where you gotta do a puzzle.
That's where a lot of people get stuck I guess.


There's trophies for completing a storyline in 4 hours or less, for taking few steps, for not using any health items or the item box. The game seems to have an old school speed running mentality on some level.
That makes sense, that keeps to the classic games' ranking system that was based largely on speed of completion.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
For those who don't want to figure out speedrun routes themselves, since pause stops the timer, I'd probably just find some youtubes of extremely low times and play that on a second monitor or phone and do what they do. Pause game to watch the video for reaching the next couple rooms, pause the video, unpause the game and do what they did, etc. Even if you get slowed down a bit in comparison, you'll most-likely hit below the time required for the item unlocks.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I see a lot of crying over Mr. X. You want a decent tip? Take him through the shutter door near the entrance to RPD and through the first door to the right, go straight, through the door and take him straight outside, go up the steps, into the hall, straight and through the spade door and back into the main hall.

This path loses him every time but I am still trying to determine what his spawns are like as it appears to randomize to an extent.
Also, this was done on Hardcore.

I spent a lot of time reloading saves as I am somewhat of a perfectionist and don't like getting hit.

All the bosses were fairly easy if you had enough ammo saved, and I found this out very early. One particular fight, I used zero ammo, but it was a gimmick fight, which I fully exploited to save ammo going into the next area. (big help)

This game was awesome! and I managed to get roughly half the trophies in one playthrough.

I hope everyone else is loving this great game as much as I am.


I'm about 7 hours into the game and I don't think it is excessive. The sections where he chases you are pretty quick except one where you gotta do a puzzle.
That's where a lot of people get stuck I guess.

On 1st Scenario, yeah, you can clear most of the RPD before he appears, so only a couple of things remain. On the 2nd Scenario, is much sooner.


Just polished off Claire B, really happy to see that all the iconic moments are still in there. I really enjoyed her different loadout and faster movement speed- she felt like a marathon runner after my Leon A playthrough.
Interesting how they mixed up the A/B stuff, and I'm still on the fence about Mr. X (leaning away from 'he ruins it' though), but overall this has been great so far.

On to 4th Survivor!

That giant eyeball stab to finish off final form Birkin though, eugh! :messenger_grimmacing_
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I am a part where I am very low on Ammo, have tons of health as I have only taken two hits the entire time. Now all the Zombies have infested halls I had boarded up and there are also lickers running around again. Hopefully I get a restock soon.


Man, since this is my first time playing the game (didn't play the original):

I fucking hate the dogs, they seem to run/act pretty strangely in this game. Their movements are total stupid sometimes. I had two dogs running around circles and tackling the wall, instead of Leon.
In the park, where three of this little fucks await you, they made kind of the same thing. Awkward moves and tackles on Leon. I missed a huge number of bullets because of that.


its alright. the more hardcore crowd will breeze through it in a few hours.

anyways, i have an extra steam code for NA region. anyone want to buy it off me?

is it possible with the resources to do a RE3 remake? i think its too short to even ponder even doing it.
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Man, since this is my first time playing the game (didn't play the original):

I fucking hate the dogs, they seem to run/act pretty strangely in this game. Their movements are total stupid sometimes. I had two dogs running around circles and tackling the wall, instead of Leon.
In the park, where three of this little fucks await you, they made kind of the same thing. Awkward moves and tackles on Leon. I missed a huge number of bullets because of that.
Resident Evil dogs have always been assholes. Always.

Walk and face them until they charge straight at you, then hit the run button and move to the side. They should miss due to the run startup animation. I'm not sure if it's as effective with Leon since he moves slower, but it was a lifesaver as Claire.


Haven’t read anything on the thread in case of spoilers but this game is my game of the decade.

All many love to the makers!

What a privilege to play.


Resident Evil dogs have always been assholes. Always.

Walk and face them until they charge straight at you, then hit the run button and move to the side. They should miss due to the run startup animation. I'm not sure if it's as effective with Leon since he moves slower, but it was a lifesaver as Claire.

Yeah, but in comparison with REmake, for example, I didn't missed most of my shots.

I know we are talking about different perspectives and mechanics sure, but REmake dogs are much more naturally animated than these in RE2 imo.


****Posting this again for the new page****

DLC on Xbox One is either broken or can be corrupted by saves, resulting in all or some of it being removed from your inventory.


On Xbox here and I have no issues. To be honest I didn't use them at all since I upgraded the main pistol with attachements

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Fought my first:

Licker. Son of a bitch was hard to stop. Used like 8 shotgun shells and 1 first aide spray, and a G+R herb, and a flash grenade. Running away wouldn't work, as he jumps super fast. Had to hide in the S.T.A.R.S. office and heal up then go back out lol. Yikes.


Finished the Leon story.

Very happy with the game, but it doesn’t beat the originals REmake which remains my favourite of the series. I thought the sewer section was too drawn out, I don’t remember that section being so long in the original. If I had one criticism of the game it would be the overall pacing. I really wish there would have been an extra (new) area to explore before getting to the Umbrella lab, that would have made the play through extra fresh and new.

And no problems with Mr. X for me. I enjoyed the tension he added to the police station.

Will probably start my Claire story before Monday. I do like the game a lot and had a blast playing through Leon’s scenario. I have big nostalgia for the older RE titles so the fact I like this version, made by 2019 Capcom, means that they have done a great job. Big props to them for putting in the effort, I love the RE engine, the mood of the game is fantastic, it really feels like it’s been worked on thoroughly and been given its proper respect. So here’s to Capcom. With these kind of efforts I wouldn’t hesitate to day-1 RE3, Code Veronica, 4 remakes.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Okay I did experimentation at key areas and the dips in performance are 100% from volumetric lighting. For me, just dropping it to medium fixed it. I don't think it's from maxing out the frame buffer because if I leave that at high and drop shadows to low it still does it, but I can have max everything else except volumetric lighting.

Also I think I might prefer having SSR off because they look so weird in this game. For some reason the player hitbox interferes with them and at times it can look like graphical artifacts rather than reflections. I'm not sure if it's even the engine's fault as DMCV seemed to have flawless visuals.


I ended up making it really far without the shotgun, now I got it but i want to explore all the rooms that i just now unlocked but cant enjoy it cuz Mr X. I want to play at my own pace I cant stand the way capcom is constantly forcing timers or something that makes me rush through a game


Okay I'm kinda confused ..I just watched a couple of YouTube videos and they are at the same point I am . They were being chased by Mr X and took the same path I did ...but no lickers just zombies...WTF is that about? Does this game have that dynamic difficulty b.s.??


Fourth Survivor and Tofu Survivor down! Capcom did them both justice, really cool.

And war buddies! Konjac and Uboru-Moshi(sp?) are rad, love the idea of trying to rambo my way through with grenades only or flame weaponry only. Great addition, though they're both even harder than Tofu! :messenger_astonished:

Yeah, but in comparison with REmake, for example, I didn't missed most of my shots.

I know we are talking about different perspectives and mechanics sure, but REmake dogs are much more naturally animated than these in RE2 imo.
I can't say I noticed a difference with REmake outside of their visual appearance. Seems like the same old 'run loosely in circles (sometimes into a wall), line up, go for a lunge' behaviour with some trigger box-based close range bite attacks to me.
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So as someone who grew up with Resident Evil, was 12 When RE1 came out. I played the living shit out of them. RE2 was a big game for me growing up. I never minded Tyrants or Nemisis. This MR X is a pain in the ass and just ruins what I view as nearly a perfect recreation of RE2. It would have been great if you had to out run him here and there but this is basically Outlast. I had forgotten how to make it back down to the Basement and had to check a few more rooms with the Diamon and Clover Key. The whole time I’m running and dodging him. Not too big a fan of that aspect. I would rather him pop up and disappear for a while.

On the plus side he is badass looking and I love the effects and the way he charges you. Or when he surprises you, it’s an awesome feeling (I like tense games) but the fact that he doesn’t seem to stop is irritating but I suppose realistic if something like that is chasing you.

Had no issues with the dogs but I really liked how they were used.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I notice people say they wanted a Remake of RE4, question is how would you approach that.
I mean even though RE4 is a Classic and a great game its also the game that took the series in the wrong direction.
If they was to use RE2 as a reboot point I can't see how they would remake RE4 without drastically changing it. same applies for RE5 and RE6


I notice people say they wanted a Remake of RE4, question is how would you approach that.
I mean even though RE4 is a Classic and a great game its also the game that took the series in the wrong direction.
If they was to use RE2 as a reboot point I can't see how they would remake RE4 without drastically changing it. same applies for RE5 and RE6

I would rather see RE3 remade like this and then maybe the first one again. Code Veronica aged horribly. That one could use a remake.

I personally think RE4 is really overrated. RE5 was ok and 6 was ass.

What could make 4 a bit better would be the movement being a little smoother. If they could take the control scheme of this, refresh the graphics for modern times it would probably be ok.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I notice people say they wanted a Remake of RE4, question is how would you approach that.
I mean even though RE4 is a Classic and a great game its also the game that took the series in the wrong direction.
If they was to use RE2 as a reboot point I can't see how they would remake RE4 without drastically changing it. same applies for RE5 and RE6
RE4 remake is doable for sure. Make it so you can move and shoot. Modernize the controls a bit like this game. Massive graphical facelift.

That already makes it a big boost. They could tweak the story slightly to make it spookier, but really it's still an amazing game. Playing it with modern graphics would be great.

5 and 6 don't need remakes, as they just came out. They will have to make RE8 also. They can remake 3 and CV if they want.
I thought Mr. X would be annoying at first, but it's really not that bad. He can definitely interrupt you and push you to play faster than you'd like, but he is actually only around for a small chunk of the game. He isn't there for the entire thing.
I thought this too, but wait until 2nd run, that's really when you'll learn your true feelings for the piece of shit.

I notice people say they wanted a Remake of RE4, question is how would you approach that.
I mean even though RE4 is a Classic and a great game its also the game that took the series in the wrong direction.
If they was to use RE2 as a reboot point I can't see how they would remake RE4 without drastically changing it. same applies for RE5 and RE6
RE4 needs the Halo Anniversary treatment, not an actual remake. Only gameplay touches it needs is the 3 QOL improvements from RE5, d-pad weapon quick select, smoother aiming, and of course twinstick movement with tank just being a alternate control scheme.


Is the "Second Run" mode supposed to be the other campaign or it's justs a fragment of the other character's story?

Finished Claire's path, then I began Leon's Second Run, but it seems incoherent with what I did with Claire on RPD


For me I hope it never comes back. I vastly, vastly, VASTLY prefer third person perspective over first person in RE.
Same. I actually love 1st person in other games, but with RE I want 3rd person. OTS or fixed cameras, I don't mind, but I want to see my character.
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RE4 remake would be absurd. The game is not that old to receive this kind of treatment and the gameplay has stayed pretty much the same except for some minor tweaks (moving while aiming). It makes no sense to remake RE4 now, maybe in 10 more years.

I hope they do the RE3 Remake and then move on to new things. RE7 was a step to the right direction so its not like we're facing a Square-Enix situation here.
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Ah, seems I left some info out. 1080p. I went through initially and adjusted to what I thought was a decent level, then started moving down from there. The preset for performance was purely to turn everything down. On my custom settings I kept volumetric lighting on low and shadows on medium as they're usual suspects.

To be more specific now I think about it (rushed post before), it's not actually the overall average FPS but the stuttering I get. I'm currently playing through my TV, so maybe I need to try some of the display options instead of graphical ones. I guess the only thing to do now is more testing before I report back.

Thanks for the recommendation, it does seem to be the likely route but the 6GB RAM doesn't seem that future friendly.

Edit: set the game to fullscreen (not borderless) and 59.94hz and it has done the trick. CPU & GPU both sitting at no more than 75% in the main hall, so I might see if there's anything else that I can get away with (currently sitting at a medium settings level). Or I can to switch over to my monitor and try something higher than 60fps.

It runs amazing on my PC, but the moment I hook it up to my TV with Steamlink it stutters all over. I never have any issues with stuttering on my Steamlink.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
RE4 remake is doable for sure. Make it so you can move and shoot. Modernize the controls a bit like this game. Massive graphical facelift.

That already makes it a big boost. They could tweak the story slightly to make it spookier, but really it's still an amazing game. Playing it with modern graphics would be great.

5 and 6 don't need remakes, as they just came out. They will have to make RE8 also. They can remake 3 and CV if they want.
I was thinking more along the lines of Halloween 2018 and ignoring anything after 3 or Code Veronica and go from there


The library in the PD keeps showing red on the map but I can't find any items and I used the tool to move the shelves already. Any idea why?


The library in the PD keeps showing red on the map but I can't find any items and I used the tool to move the shelves already. Any idea why?

Did you get the item in between the shelves that you move? And the red book?


Gold Member
Yeah, RE4 is so overrated, I actually hated it for taking my beloved RE in a different direction. Remake on the other hand is RE perfected. I am having an absolute blast!
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