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Resident Evil 2 Remake |OT| Party like it's 1998


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
The more I play the more I'm convinced this is probably the best RE game I've played since REmake.
In fact it's probably up there with the best games of the last 2 generations..
I thought they couldn't make games like this anymore. I was wrong.
Bravo Capcom.
I said I hoped the REHD team would deliver a true Resident Evil when 7 was released and they delivered ten fold
Caved and picked it up a few days ago. I was apprehensive given the footage and complaints I heard about Mr X.
This game is awesome. I haven't been this wrapped up in a game since Witcher 3.
Love the atmosphere, backtracking, and puzzles.
Combat is nice and the damage zombies take/show in amazing.


The more I play the more I'm convinced this is probably the best RE game I've played since REmake.
In fact it's probably up there with the best games of the last 2 generations..
I thought they couldn't make games like this anymore. I was wrong.
Bravo Capcom.
I said I hoped the REHD team would deliver a true Resident Evil when 7 was released and they delivered ten fold

This is absolutely the best RE since REmake.


Ok this is kind of a dumb point to make but one thing I really enjoy about this game is that it looks like Capcom have finally managed to shake their crippling addiction to putting chainsaws in everything. First time finishing up a resident evil game with zero chainsaw encounters since last millenium. Halle-fucking-lujah.
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Is it just me that who find Mr X makes it an action adventure than survival horror in the station bit? At first he's a walking terror but later he feels like my annoying X showing up whereever I go. And then have to be extra quiet and rely on knife the zombies or else he comes quicker....as if it's some mgs game.

The game is still my 3rd fav RE game...haven't dethroned Re4 and REr in my book.


Finished up Claire B, going to start a hard playthrough next. I think learning the layout and having an idea how to prioritise is obviously going to make it easier. I really enjoyed standard difficulty though. Died a few times, parts were tough, felt great saving up ammo and unloading into bosses. It's a great game.

A few things I would have changed - I really missed the cut enemies, and I also think the damage to a zombie is too random. I've posted this before but less pistol ammo with a higher crit rate would have made this perfect. As it is the game is telling you to shoot and dodge, which is right for a survival horror game, but not as much fun as that glorious head pop.

I might speedrun for infinite handgun before hard as that way at least I can methodically dispose of zombies. Looking forward to Ghost Survivors.


Done with Claire A

Played on standard since I was streaming for a friend so some of these impressions may not apply to Hardcore.

The Good:

Claire is a way better character this time around and I certainly prefer her side of things here to the original
Art direction is much improved and all the 1.5 elements that were brought back were nice to have.
Game isn't bloated as I thought it would be. It's might actually be a bit too streamlined.
Irons was awesome although I'm not quite sure if I like him better than the original or not.
Sparkshot is way better in the remake and dropping the bowgun is fine by me.

The bad:
Way too little enemy variety and the zombies for all the hype really weren't all that scary, challenging. or different. Enemy placement is also pretty tame but considering the 3rd person view and the crazy grab range that's probably necessary.
Not a huge fan of the new Annette. She obviously works better for the character dynamics they were going for but eh.
Mr. X was a complete waste of time. He might as well have not even been in the game for how slow and useless he was.
Birkin was also a miss. Just really underwhelming and the more modern, cinematic boss fights were kind of boring.
Cutscene direction was hit or miss. The new scenes were fine but the stuff that was redone was mostly worse.
Hate the controls

Overall I really liked it and I'm looking forward to playing on hardcore and starting up some speed runs once I get through Leon's game. I just really hope hardcore is actually challenging because standard is a cakewalk.


People have already used this glitch to skip nearly the entire sewers section, speed runs are going to be interesting provided this doesn't get patched out.

Exactly, people are already finding ways to skip entire areas with this one, getting crucial items earlier etc.



I'm breezing through Claire standard after finishing Claire hardcore, the amount of ammo and healing I have compared to before is hilarious.


You know else has me thinking is, how good capcom is at remaking games. You think SqurEnix would learn from capcom, and remake some of their games like Chrono Trigger.
Nah that weapon Claire gets on the B scenario is so fucking good. Just LOVE that slow loading animation and the multi shot. It's SO good.

Btw trying to attempt S+ on Claire B but never done it before. Is the Alligator Leon exclusive or nah?


X gon give it to
This is on Assisted, as in, another Mr X assisting the first :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Holy shit, if one is already bad...

Then they do the fusion dance. X gon' give it to ya!

Man, how is it I have no trouble playing RE2 yet playing RE7 freaks me right the fuck out? Especially in VR. Does the fact that RE2 is in third person add a layer of distance that my mind is OK with vs RE7's first person where my mind goes nope nope nope not gonna do it no no.


I managed to overcome my fear and push past Mr. X on Claire's A scenario last night. I also spent some time and tried to find some patterns in Mr. X's behaviour.

What I think I learned so far:

- As long as you only hear his stomping but not his "pursuing" music, you're good, no danger at all
- If you run on floors that make loud noises (f.e. wooden floors), you're in danger, he will notice that if he is nearby. If he is not in your current room and you run on carpet or conrete, it does not seem to affect his pursuing mechanics.
- "Safe rooms" so far seem to be only the stars office, the clock tower room and the two save rooms in the police station
- If you run into rooms smashing the doors open, he is going to notice that as well. If you just carefully and gently push open doors, he is more likely to overhear it.

Great Horror game. Outdoes Re7 in every way and I already really really liked RE7.

Man, how is it I have no trouble playing RE2 yet playing RE7 freaks me right the fuck out? Especially in VR. Does the fact that RE2 is in third person add a layer of distance that my mind is OK with vs RE7's first person where my mind goes nope nope nope not gonna do it no no.

For me, it is exactly the other way around. I had absolutely no trouble with the Bakers in RE7 as it was clear that their chasing sequences only appeared in certain scripted situations. Mr. X is on another level in my opinion. Once he appears, he will chase you constantly. In Re7, I always "knew" then the chasing scene was over and that game returned to normal, not so in the Mr. X parts of RE2make.
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Gold Member
19 page thread in 10 days?! Jesus, things have sure picked up on GAF.

My PT keeps texting me that this is the best game he’s ever played on PS4. I guess I will have to stop being a pussy, complete RE7 VR and the get this
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I first saw Mr. X. Luckily he still wasn't chasing me. I like the way he squeezes heads like oranges.
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Man, how is it I have no trouble playing RE2 yet playing RE7 freaks me right the fuck out? Especially in VR. Does the fact that RE2 is in third person add a layer of distance that my mind is OK with vs RE7's first person where my mind goes nope nope nope not gonna do it no no.
I mean, VR is totally self-explanatory. You're right there in the spooky place dealing with the horrors mano-a-mano.

I feel like I maybe had similar with 7- didn't play in VR, but it had a couple of subtle moments (that basement door :messenger_fearful:) in which I had push myself past the fear in order to continue.

And to give RE2make its credit I did have a few stare-downs with dark empty corridors for fear of lickers, but I feel like it's more about wallowing in the atmospheric tension and being shocked by the jumpscares when there's a character onscreen.


Can someone explain the A-B scenario to me? I'm in the sewers as a Leon campaign.

At some point will I take over as Claire for the second half of the game? And then I can restart the game and play A as Claire and B as Leon?


Can someone explain the A-B scenario to me? I'm in the sewers as a Leon campaign.

At some point will I take over as Claire for the second half of the game? And then I can restart the game and play A as Claire and B as Leon?

You finish your Leon A playthrough, it sends you to the main menu and you start as Claire and play the B story from her perspective.

You can make a new save file to do Claire A / Leon B if you want to do it the other way around.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
X gon give it to

Then they do the fusion dance. X gon' give it to ya!

Man, how is it I have no trouble playing RE2 yet playing RE7 freaks me right the fuck out? Especially in VR. Does the fact that RE2 is in third person add a layer of distance that my mind is OK with vs RE7's first person where my mind goes nope nope nope not gonna do it no no.
Not sure, I was Boulder punching Chris when playing RE7 in VR.
I even laughed at some attempts of jump scares because they was that bad, check back on the RE7 thread I made a post about it as soon as hhe first laughable scare happened
And the Head tracking targeting made me a deadly Predator and towards the end I was John Wick
Jack while like Mr. X just had me in stitches because of how dumb he was and the comments he makes.
Fantastic VR experience. But I didn't finish the DLC outside Chris's DLC, actually I didn't touch the paid DLC even though I've got it.
But I've genuinely jumped 3 times in RE2 and I'm weary when walking down corridors due to sense of dread, even ones I've clear because I know and they do change.
While not exactly scared I do share Leon's comments while playing.
If it can do that then it's successful in being survival horror.
RE7 didn't.
PS. I've played with OST, I think that make a difference to the overall experience.

Edit: Finished Leon's story and it is the best RE since REmake.... But then I started Claire B. *Only beginning spoiler *
Why the fuck does it start almost an hour after Leon has been in the RPD
That may have changed my mind on the whole game, Claire B better be really good.
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You finish your Leon A playthrough, it sends you to the main menu and you start as Claire and play the B story from her perspective.

You can make a new save file to do Claire A / Leon B if you want to do it the other way around.

Thats different to the original version right?


Lil’ Gobbie
i'm really impressed that they were able to capture what made the original so fucking dreadful and amazing I was very skeptical at first, but I've been blown away by this game.

also, and probably most importantly, the gameplay feels TIGHT :messenger_ok::messenger_ok::messenger_ok:

capcom is not fucking around when it comes to RE. 7 and this were masterful.

playing this on Hardcore is a fucking TRIP
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I wish there was a difficulty mode where enemies had Assisted health but dealt Hardcore damage.

Much less ammo, about the same amount of health items and some more defensive items.
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Tough, but in a good way. I feel like I'm on edge, basically, with each decision I make (where to go, shoot zombies or not, cut off legs with knife etc.) a tactical choice which can result in either a satisfactory narrow escape, or instant death. It really shines on hardcore IMO.
Wait you mean some people didn't start on hardcore in the first place :eek:


My game is glitched anyone else? Every time Leon/Claire about to die the screen turns completely dark/mostly dark for a few seconds and back to normal

Unless I accidentally turned on the self censoring option I am exchanging the game


After almost having to start the game from the beginning because of lack of ammo on the first boss, I started to play like a proper RE. It was the time for some zombie cultural enrichment, time for them to relearn the samba. I dodged so many that when I got to the final boss I had enough ammo to make a small war.

I like how Leon is characterized in this game. He is so brave, so much a classic hero that he seems naive and silly at times but the funny thing is that he accomplishes what he sets out to do against all odds. Like, dude is just a kid in his first day at the job! I think the remake made this even more clear.

No wonder he transforms in a John Wick as a fully grown adult.



So close to sub 2 hours... I ended up feeling the pinch on ammo and had to knife the final boss to death.

The knife is pretty good.


Did they cut out the entire part with the gun store owner? Considering the second person arrives at RPD at least an hour after the first person, they could have put in that little side story.

Played through Claire A and started Leon B. The whole damn station is suddenly overrun with zombies and they have already foreshadowed Mr. X. This run is gonna be a pain in the ass.
Dunno if you're on PC but I believe it's broken, damage tied to frame rate I think?
oh no, seriously? did you experience this?
It is. Maximilian even tested it in his last RE2 stream after people in the chat told him. He did Birkin 1 at normal 60FPS on PC, which took 2 knifes and a grenade to take down, then unlocked framerate and destroyed him with a single knife in I think it was around 10 seconds, Birkin never even got a attack off.
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It is. Maximilian even tested it in his last RE2 stream after people in the chat told him. He did Birkin 1 at normal 60FPS on PC, which took 2 knifes and a grenade to take down, then unlocked framerate and destroyed him with a single knife in I think it was around 10 seconds, Birkin never even got a attack off.

Holy crap. I just started Claire A on standard. On man, I have a 120hz monitor too.


Alright. Y'all got me. After a few weeks of not playing anything i'll drive out to the store tomorrow. I loved Resident evil 7 so i'll probably like this one too. Wasn't a big fan of REmake due to the camera but the 3rd person view seems amazing here.
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