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Resident Evil 2 Remake |OT| Party like it's 1998


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I'm not asking for tips, I'm commenting on how the design translates into this sort of mode compared to other RE games.
I'm not asking for tips, I'm commenting on how the design translates into this sort of mode compared to other RE games.

Well i didn't find any flaws or random stuff. This mode is a hardcore survival run. You need to use everything that you 've learned in the normal run (stunning enemies, baiting for defencive kills, quick headshots, pathfinding through zombies), you are not meant to kill everything.

The point is to reach the ending as fast as you can by using the stuff in your inventory. It's survival in it's purest form..

In a nutshell my previous comment wasn't entirely about tips. I just think the design works really good in that mode and i didn't felt that random stuff where happening.

For example the first three zombies you encounter you can't bypass them, you don't have the space. Only on assisted mode allows you to do that and only if the zombie is not directly looking at you. Hunk is on Hardcore difficulty.
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Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
For example the first three zombies you encounter you can't bypass them, you don't have the space. Only on assisted mode allows you to do that and only if the zombie is not directly looking at you. Hunk is on Hardcore difficulty.
I have run past those zombies without firing a shot a couple dozen times. It is possible, it's just that the complexity of the zombie behavior seems too high to ensure the spin around response that lets you pass as they miss. There are plenty more such variables through the run. See how this guy, who has obviously done the run a LOT, begs for some things to not grab him/is sometimes surprised when they don't? A game really made for this sort of thing doesn't have that kind of uncertainty. Rather, you know the bounds, you know your abilities, and it's in your hands and you know what you do wrong when you do.

I understand the intention of the mode and the mentality for attacking it, even games like Crash Bandicoot have it. What I'm saying is that other games have done the concept better (as in, the doing of it is more fun and it is fun to push yourself with like 100 runs in a row to get your best time) because their mechanics were designed with it explicitly in mind. Plenty of other RE games have done it better, including the original RE2.
I have run past those zombies without firing a shot a couple dozen times. It is possible, it's just that the complexity of the zombie behavior seems too high to ensure the spin around response that lets you pass as they miss. There are plenty more such variables through the run. See how this guy, who has obviously done the run a LOT, begs for some things to not grab him/is sometimes surprised when they don't? A game really made for this sort of thing doesn't have that kind of uncertainty. Rather, you know the bounds, you know your abilities, and it's in your hands and you know what you do wrong when you do.

I understand the intention of the mode and the mentality for attacking it, even games like Crash Bandicoot have it. What I'm saying is that other games have done the concept better (as in, the doing of it is more fun and it is fun to push yourself with like 100 runs in a row to get your best time) because their mechanics were designed with it explicitly in mind. Plenty of other RE games have done it better, including the original RE2.

The zombies (the A.I.) doesn't do the same thing constantly, the same goes for the player, i wouldn't want a gameplay mode that has enemies with carbon copy behavior all the time. I want survival modes to be surprising, that let me test my reflexes on any given situation. Some times it might grab you, sometimes it might not. That's not a bad design, that's how the game tries to let you choose the risky way or the safe way.

In my runs i never tried to bypass them because the narrow path didn't gave me enough confidence to do it. I might try it and see how it goes.

My opinion is that i like this mode the best out of all RE modes that used the same concept. It's hard, it's punishing but it's fair.

I understand though what is your point, our difference is that i like that the A.I. doesn't behave the same every single time.


I'm definitely interested in the remake, but I'm a total coward :messenger_face_screaming:
I feel you. I started the game last friday and I made it to Mr. X (gonna give it to ya) and my progress came to a screeching halt. This dudes footsteps and general presence made the game SO uncomfortable to play for me. I play survival horror games since I'm 12 and apart from SH1 and 2 no other game gave me this kind of trouble. I understand that Mr. X is very well manageable when you just kite around tables/run from him and whatnot, but the mere fact that he is there freaked me out. I will return to the game in a few days I guess, but right now I'm still trying to process the horror.

Alright, I got to the garage in less than two hours on standard difficulty. It's really a walk in the park this way, ammos are abundant and zombies/lickers die much easier now. I'm finally enjoying the game. :D

I actually started on hardcore on my first run because some internet tough guys tricked me with their "dude, thats totally how the game should be played" nonsense, only to find myself getting bumrushed by Mr. X without the option to save my game as often as I need to and without much ammo and with him almost one-hitting me. There is ABSOLUTELY NO SHAME in starting the game on standard on your first blind run. I actually think this is the way it is intended, since unless you know what you are doing, hc can be a frustrating trial and error experience.
Just beat the game on hardcore with Claire. Took 6 hours and only got a B :messenger_loudly_crying:

Used 17 saves. Probably would have been fine with less. But there are more than enough ink ribbons to save games! I think I beat game with at least 10 ribbons left in my inventory. I thought that was going to be the hard part but it wasn't.

But oh boy had almost no ammo or heals left by the ending! That second to the G stage 3 battle is a pain on hardcore!
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Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
My opinion is that i like this mode the best out of all RE modes that used the same concept. It's hard, it's punishing but it's fair.

I understand though what is your point, our difference is that i like that the A.I. doesn't behave the same every single time.
For survival-horror, yes. For time trials, no. In that one part you save 3 seconds by running past them. If the ability to run by is physically blocked or not based on a random behavior, then it is luck that gets the best time. The time difference of luck factor goes up and up the more moments like that there are. But if you like your best time meaning nothing in trade for keeping it spicy, or don’t mind always settling for worse by taking the safe means to average better time than getting grabbed, whatever.


I've seen talk of Mr. X busting through a certain wall, but haven't seen it across four playthroughs. Anyone know how to trigger it?

Also, did anyone else feel like the Claire A-specific lines in the early RPD sections were kind of oddly delivered?

Playing it after Leon A and remembering stuff like "I gotta help that guy" and the conversation with Marvin, Claire's line reads kind of gave me the feel of old-school Resi with its weird translations and odd delivery.

Yup, plus she's so much more agile than Leon. The lower health pool isn't too bothersome when your foe is either burning to death or already two rooms behind you.


There's certainly a plausible similarity about it.

Yeah I have had him bust a wall to get me. It was the wall from the press room to the opposite hall. I heard him but waited and he never appeared. Started walking forward and bam.


I just got this today & started on Hardcore. I approached the problem like I would in real life, i.e. run for my life in Raccoon City & reach the police station as fast as possible. I don't care at all about the fact I'll die hundreds of times (probably, i.e. the zombie in the gas station already killed me twice), it's all about overcoming a serious challenge. Also, good motion capture on the characters, for what it's worth. Claire & Leon have never looked so real.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I'm so happy this game created the "Mr X Gon giv'it to ya" meme


Resident Evil 2: Ghost Survivors DLC and classic costumes arrive in February
Play as three new characters in Resident Evil 2 and dress Leon and Claire in their classic threads...
Resident Evil 2's launch seems to have been a massive success for Capcom, with glowing reviewspouring in and sales numbers looking very strong indeed. We've enjoyed being terrified by the game (particularly its gasp-inducing rendering of the Tyrant) and perplexed by its puzzles, and it looks like the fearful fun won't be coming to an end any time soon.

This long-awaited horror remake is set to get its first chunk of DLC in February, with a free update that will splice three new story chapters into the game. This free DLC is collectively known as The Ghost Survivors, and the trio of chapters are entitled No Time to Mourn, Runaway and Forgotten Soldier. Each one of these DLC chunks will feature a unique and brand new playable character.
These three new playable characters, who didn't make it out of Raccoon City in the main version of the game, are gunshop owner Robert Kendo, mayor's daughter Katherine Warren, and a soldier from Hunk's squad.

While announcing this news, Capcom also unleashed some images. Here's Robert in a bit of a pickle...

Here's the totes mysterious as-yet-unnamed soldier character...

And here's Katherine, in one of the game's terrifying corridors...

Source https://www.denofgeek.com/uk/games/...s-dlc-and-classic-costumes-arrive-in-february
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"We trust you..." LOL

Oh man, I'm sure I was in that same situation with my 2 buddies back in 8th grade. I swear, I'll always treasure the memories of playing 1/2/3 in middle school with my buddies Josh and Jim. Damn good times.

It was aweome indeed. It sucked when someone went to the bathroom, didn't notice the controller wire and dropped the console in the floor though! Lots of good memories!


Does the trophy for completing a scenario on Hardcore count for the 2nd scenario, or is it just the first ?


Finished Claire B today, so now I did both As and Bs.
Cleaned up some Mr. Raccoon that were missing.

Now, the last achievement I'm missing is the one for escaping under 60s from a certain room.

FFS, I hate this puzzle...


I haven't been able to sink in the time I've wanted to into this game but I'm nearing the end of my initial Claire hardcore run. I'm doing alright on ammo but my meds are pretty much gone. So far I don't have any major complaints, the whole game is quite good.

If I had done standard first hardcore probably would've been a breeze with some of the knowledge gained.


It's not just me, Claire is faster than Leon is, right?


I know I'm overthinking this; but the very idea of an excessive light source somehow overstimulating an necrotic automaton is pretty stupid when you think about it.

*hammers in "No Fun Allowed" sign*
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Ì've had Mr. X come through a wall for me.
I haven't been able to sink in the time I've wanted to into this game but I'm nearing the end of my initial Claire hardcore run. I'm doing alright on ammo but my meds are pretty much gone. So far I don't have any major complaints, the whole game is quite good.

If I had done standard first hardcore probably would've been a breeze with some of the knowledge gained.

For me the 2 biggest difference with Claire Hardcore was that in normal Lickers can be killed with just 1 of her grenade shots but in HC they can't. So they were more of a pain. Lickers in normal are a joke to Claire. They are harder for Leon.

And bosses were WAY harder. They hit so much harder and take more damage.

But normal zombies I didn't notice a big difference. Some still just randomly die heads exploding with 1 pistol shot. But others can get back up like 3 times and take like 20 rounds to put down. It just seemed so random. But of course magnun shots still always put down a zombie in 1 shot in HC. So it can be a life saver.

For things I learned in normal and took into HC. Don't even both killng the Ivy with Claire! Waste of ammo. Just avoid them. For Leon they are way less of a problem.
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Ì've had Mr. X come through a wall for me.

For me the 2 biggest difference with Claire Hardcore was that in normal Lickers can be killed with just 1 of her grenade shots but in HC they can't. So they were more of a pain. Lickers in normal are a joke to Claire. They are harder for Leon.

And bosses were WAY harder. They hit so much harder and take more damage.

But normal zombies I didn't notice a big difference. Some still just randomly die heads exploding with 1 pistol shot. But others can get back up like 3 times and take like 20 rounds to put down. It just seemed so random. But of course magnun shots still always put down a zombie in 1 shot in HC. So it can be a life saver.

For things I learned in normal and took into HC. Don't even both killng the Ivy with Claire! Waste of ammo. Just avoid them. For Leon they are way less of a problem.

I'm not sure about flame rounds but lickers have always seemed to go down in 1 acid round on hardcore.


I know I'm overthinking this; but the very idea of an excessive light source somehow overstimulating an necrotic automaton is pretty stupid when you think about it.
The flash bang blinds and deafens them. Deprived of senses they can but remain in a dazy. They do seem to use their sight and hearing after all to get around and track their targets.
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The flash bang blinds and deafens them. Deprived of senses they can but remain in a dazy. They do seem to use their sight and hearing after all to get around and track their targets.

All that stuff requires a functioning brain. But I guess that works if it's a given that the brain functions on some rudimentary level I suppose.


All that stuff requires a functioning brain. But I guess that works if it's a given that the brain functions on some rudimentary level I suppose.
It clearly functions to enough of a point where it allows them to see and hear, at least.

Ulysses 31

For those wanting SLI usage, create a new profile with nvidia inspector and link it to the RE2.exe and use Batman Arkham Origins profile. Only works in Dx 10/11 though but fps has shot up for me. :goog_biggrin:


No. Seems like a glitch, I presume something involved with the teleporting but the game didn't despawn the first one like it's supposed to.

You sure this is not just a "thing" of the Hardcore mode?

I saw Max playing it on hardcore and Mr.X spawned right in the plant area of the Lab. Don't remember Mr. X prowling around the Lab

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I'm not sure about flame rounds but lickers have always seemed to go down in 1 acid round on hardcore.

Oh! I never fired an Acid round in any playthrough.

Also true story. After playing so much RE2 I went to open my mailbox today. It has a rotary lock with 3 digits like the RE2 safes. I have had this same mailbox for almost 15 years. But for the life of me this morning I could not remember the combination! All that kept coming to mind were RE2 safe combinations.:messenger_loudly_crying:

Whatever nerual pathsways were holding that in my brain for me RE2 totally destroyed/overwritten. I had to dig up the documentation that came with my apartment lease to look it up...
You sure this is not just a "thing" of the Hardcore mode?

I saw Max playing it on hardcore and Mr.X spawned right in the plant area of the Lab. Don't remember Mr. X prowling around the Lab

Mr. X spawns there after getting the final keycard for the wristband on every difficulty.


Yeah I have had him bust a wall to get me. It was the wall from the press room to the opposite hall. I heard him but waited and he never appeared. Started walking forward and bam.
Finally got it on my 5th go round :messenger_grinning_smiling:

I think it has something to do with where X starts chasing you before you run past that particular wall. He was following me in the lobby, so I led him through the east side office, went up the fire escape and then down into the interrogation room. He came through on my way back out.
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Finally got it on my 5th go round :messenger_grinning_smiling:

I think it has something to do with where X starts chasing you before you run past that particular wall. He was following me in the lobby, so I led him through the east side office, went up the fire escape and then down into the interrogation room. He came through on my way back out.

It was one of the only times I had the jump out of my seat moment. Had the volume loud and I was super focused. My Wife got a good laugh.

The other time was a licker that popped his head around a wall that he was stuck on. Nothing like seeing a licker play Peek A Boo around a corner you are walking towards.
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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Hehe, Damn! Did you have a previous save with enough resources to continue your game?

When me and my friends got to the end boss, on the original RE2, for the first time, we didn't have any ammo! A feat, considering the game has much more ammo than RE1 or even this remake. Dudes used all the resources and the controller was in my hands in the boss. Never forgot this since I had only a knife and few health itens. My friends said "we trust you" and the funny part is that the brats expected me to win!

To some I can sound like a masochist but I think this is respecting the player choice. I feel my actions, in the entire game, means something if the game refuse to spoon feed me resources.

I only used one save spot, my previous save would have been right inside RPD for the first time ever. I constantly reloaded on S+ Hardcore attempts and now I have the whole sewer, and the lab to do, luckily, I grinded the two to fucking kingdom come. I also have no hit strats for the first two bosses, while Birkin 2 is still a wild card and can send me back easily via crane fail.


best thing to do is just run from Mr X. He's just a waste of ammo. Flash bangs are the best thing to use just to get away from him.
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Beat the Leon story mode and damn this was a fun ride. They really put a lot of polish and effort into this. It's not often that I beat a game and already want to play it again so soon. I kinda wish I played it on hardcore but I didn't know what to expect.

I didn't look at anything or read anything about this game since the reveal at E3. And even then, I watched maybe 5 minutes of gameplay. So everything was so fresh for me and I was very impressed.


I had a lot of fun playing the remake, but i really can't remember that inventory space was so scarce back then in the original. In the remake i had to constantly run back to the chests to clear inventory space because there were way to many mandatory items, different ammunition types and herbs. Didn't remember that playing this game 20 years ago.
Do blue herbs have some hidden effect besides curing poison? I feel there´s only like one room in the game where you could realistically get poisoned and yet I have like 10 of these things.


Do blue herbs have some hidden effect besides curing poison? I feel there´s only like one room in the game where you could realistically get poisoned and yet I have like 10 of these things.

Ff mixed with green and red they'll give you increased defense which is indicated by the green shield icon in the lower right corner. So besides removing poision you can also take more hits until you health status changes. If i remembery correctly you can also find a journal in the game which states this. Here's the complete list of effects:

  • Green herb + green herb - Restores a decent chunk of health for Leon and Claire.
  • Green herb + green herb + green herb - Fully restores the health of your character.
  • Green herb + red herb - Fully restores your health.
  • Green herb + green herb + red herb - Fully restores health and reduces damage taken for a short amount of time.
  • Green herb + green herb + blue herb - Cures poison and fully restores health.
  • Green herb + blue herb - Removes poison and cures a decent amount of health.
  • Blue herb + red herb - Cures and guards against poison.
  • Green herb + red herb + blue herb - Fully restores health, cures poison, guards against poison and reduces damage taken for a short time.
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Mr Hyde

Arrived at the lab now with Leon. I´ve managed to beef me up quite good with ammo and health so now I´m armed to teeth for any encounter. It was rough there in the precinct for a while, thought I was not gonna make it, always in the red and with low ammo but after I escaped things quickly turned over. Thank god.

This game is so fucking good. Capcom knocked it out of the park with this one. True to the original in every sense, the graphics are incredible and adds so much to the immersion and it is an overall classic experience straight outta 1998. Ada´s got a really strong presence here too, which I like, showcasing that Resident Evil got the best female protagonists when it comes to video game franchises. Leon and Ada are such a great couple. A match made in heaven.


After playing some more I've come to be right in the middle of the 50/50 split (if there is such a thing ) in regards to Mr.X . I neither like nor dislike him. I feel kinda sad that he seems to be relegated to more of an annoyance character..after the first few times he stopped being scary and was just like "Ugh ..this asshole again . Let me do my little run around for a bit and scrape off my shoe and get back to what I was doing" I wish his encounters were more meaningful but I haven't made it to second scenario yet so maybe there.. but running from him did let me find this super duper secret film of him unmasked!!



How tough is hardcore mode?

Tough, but in a good way. I feel like I'm on edge, basically, with each decision I make (where to go, shoot zombies or not, cut off legs with knife etc.) a tactical choice which can result in either a satisfactory narrow escape, or instant death. It really shines on hardcore IMO.
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