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Resident Evil 4 remake the best remake ever?

For straight up remakes, Resident Evil 3 does it for me. Annoying, convoluted, and outdated trash elevated to speed running action heaven.
However, I prefer reimagining of the original Final Fantasy in the Stranger's Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin more.
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Astral Dog

If true then I rememberd wrong. I haven't played it in nearly 20 years but do not remember any big changes.
At this point for most people RE1R is the only way they played and are familiar with, i remember watching some of RE2 but never RE1 and the first game i bought in the series was REmake , later Capcom released RE DS but i had no interest since i already played the Remake its one of those upgrades that completely replaced the original(other than the hilarious cutscenes).

will RE4REmake have the same impact? im guessing not to such a degree that it makes the original RE4 obsolete for hardcore fans,but no doubt Capcom made a good effort to match it,all the details are there, they expanded the storyline, the setpieces are even more crazy, and its more 'survival horror' thanks to the graphics they even added puzzles

with years RE4 Remake should be considered the definitive version ,despite some flaws in the controls ,they did a remarkable job on the graphics, sound design,content,setpieces,etc


I am a Resident Evil 4 master. I have played the game on my original platinum gamecube all the way through a couple of times, Then played it again on my xbox, 360, Then played it again on My Wii, then I just recently played through it again in VR on the Quest 2. Needless to say, I have a little experience with the game. I have just recently played through the remake and only tried it because it was a birthday gift. I was going to pass on this because I believed it was some lazy cash grab releasing this game yet again. Holy shit I was wrong.

*Graphics are awesome. They took this old game and really put some modern shine on it. The lighting is just superb along with the attention to detail. Shadows bouncing off the wall, beautiful reflecitons in room just filled with detail, I felt no drop in framerate or slowdown. The character models are also top notch. Monsters and baddies are super high detailed

*Gameplay has been upgraded. It feels familiar yet new. Maybe it's because I am playing it at 60fps for the first time but it feels like a different game. Weapons have weight, the Dualsense controllers trigger button retention makes guns feel different. Animation has been greatly improved. Its not perfect but the game feels fantastic.

*Sound is also superb: Great music along with creepy sound effects. Voice acting has also been improved dramatically. Just awesome.

*Some good quality of life changes: Some items and missions have been changed. Some things feel much better and flow better with the game.

Kudos to Capcom and the team that made this remake. They clearly cared about the quality of their work and put a ton of detail in the game. My favorite modern remake so far.
I have only two complaints.. Leon moves too slow and on hard mode the enemies take too many shots to stagger.

For me the best is either Metroid Zero Mission or Resident Evil: Remake
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Golden Boy
It’s the best RE Remake in my book.
Don’t know about the beat Remake overall but it is somewhere at the top.


The nicest person on this forum
ff7 remake is better
re2 remake is better

But this is still god tier.
FFVII Remake ...is not actual remake.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
I think RE1 and RE2 remakes are better.
I personally enjoyed RE3 Remake more than 4, but I don't think it's a better remake. RE4R basically remade everything while many things were cut from RE3.
May be a dumb answer, but I really thought the Tony Hawk 1+2 remake was essentially perfect. It managed to recapture everything I loved about the original games while improving almost every single aspect. I feel like it was pretty universally praised for that.
I like it for the most part, but I feel like it is too demanding in competitions at times. You need a high score and can't bail once to get gold. I also really love Spider-Man and 80s Tony Hawk in Pro Skater 2X, which did the same thing for the original Xbox and dislike a lot of the level gated content especially with regards to locking off most Create a Park objects.

The music and voice acting are weak compared to the original. The (English language) voice acting is some of the worst I've ever heard anywhere, in any form of entertainment media.

The gameplay of the original was balanced perfectly, now Leon slides and stumbles around like a drunk on roller skates. Tedious busywork chores have been added like crafting ammo and doing tasks for the merchant (who is also extremely badly voice acted and has verbal diarrhea, he never shuts up and keeps repeating the same handful of lines which aren't even funny the first time) to get rewards so you can level up the weapons faster. Also Capcom cynically added DLC to enable you to level up quicker with better drop rates, making people with only the base game at a disadvantage.

Oh yeah, another thing: you can no longer control Ashley properly. In the original you could tell her, wait or come with me. She always did exactly what you asked her. Now she still follows you even if you ask her to stay put. She either follows closely or at a slight distance but you can't make her stay put (except in the few places where she can hide in a closet). This is another example of a clear downgrade over the original. You need to have control over her because you are directly responsible for her safety but the game makes it hit and miss. It's funny, her character in remake was praised for being tougher but she's completely useless - she will sit squatting in the middle of enemies and takes damage rather than following me and running away from the enemies.
Music is fine as is the Merchant voice actor. It is the Ada and Wesker voice actors that shit the bed. I was also tired of the Louie fucker calling me sancho for the nth time. (Thanks for taking the fucker out Krauser.) I miss Luis Serra.

Classic case (with gold bonus) sucks compared to others in the game and every recent remake has purchase option for unlockables. Ashley dies way less in this game than original for me, so I am not mad.
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For straight up remakes, Resident Evil 3 does it for me. Annoying, convoluted, and outdated trash elevated to speed running action heaven.
However, I prefer reimagining of the original Final Fantasy in the Stranger's Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin more.
That's some bad taste but I respect it.
Mercs, multiple costumes, rewards for multiple Nemesis encounter fights, replay value.
You didn't read the question...
J Jonah Jameson Laughing GIF

I challenge you to name one thing the original is better at out of all the things done in the Remake! (I am assuming that your statement refers to RE3R instead of SoP: FFO.)

As far as your input...
Alternate costumes for both suck (they suck for all RE games), all those Nemesis rewards and more are unlockable in the game (several from Nemesis), and replay value is far greater as different difficulties and unlockables change the experience. As far as RE3 Mercs... why would anyone even play that after RE4 released? To see how bad it is?
You didn't read the question...
J Jonah Jameson Laughing GIF

As far as your input...
Alternate costumes for both suck (they suck for all RE games), all those Nemesis rewards and more are unlockable in the game (several from Nemesis), and replay value is far greater as different difficulties and unlockables change the experience. As far as RE3 Mercs... why would anyone even play that after RE4 released? To see how bad it is?
I read the question and you're insane. But uh... You do you. Must be great knowing what RE3 offers you can get from RE4 remake for like £8. lmao.
I read the question and you're insane. But uh... You do you. Must be great knowing what RE3 offers you can get from RE4 remake for like £8. lmao.
Except it doesn't. RE4R DLC is pure filler. Its addition to the main game would drag it down. Even then, the base RE4R overstays its welcome unlike RE3R.
REmake and Star Ocean Second Story R are both better. I'd rather re-play OG RE4 tbh, where as these other games obliterate the need for the original's existence (outside of glorious VA memes). RE2make, while not replacing the original, is also so much better than 4.
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Metroid Prime remake was seriously good stuff. As was Demon Souls remake. But if we are talking remakes in regards to RE? Has to be RE2 remake for me. Way over 4. But RE1 remake on GC was hugely impactful for the gaming industry on its release. So so good.

Twin Snakes was amazing. No idea why that's laughed at. :/
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I have only two complaints.. Leon moves too slow and on hard mode the enemies take too many shots to stagger.

For me the best is either Metroid Zero Mission or Resident Evil: Remake
You need the Striker keychain unlockable with Shooting gallery minigame and a weapon with critical bonus like SG-09R/Sentinel-Nine with exclusive upgrade or LE5 or CQBR.
I still can't wrap my head around how anyone can actively enjoy the near-RDR2 levels of sluggishness. The game just feels straight-up bad to me, just the basic game feel. This was never an issue in the original and if I need to attempt to rationalize why a game is "meant to feel like xyz", it's a bad sign. Good game feel and movement etc. is never questioned nor noticed because it just jives with what's happening on screen.

Can you learn it? Of course, I beat it on Hard, but there was never a point where the game actively felt good nor fun to play like the OG. It feels cumbersome, often frustrating and just way off to me. A parry mechanic doesn't make up for the most basic actions feeling like molasses.
I just finished the RE4 remake and, well, spoilers for people who havent beaten it

Is it just me, or does it seem like they may go another route with RE4 remakes and do something different with 5 and 6? I dont remember the ada scene happening in the end of the og game, and it seems like quite the departure from the plot. She even says "we're changing course" which, personally, I find to be a somewhat loaded statement. Perhaps we may get the ff7 remake time janitors in RE5, lol.
I just finished the RE4 remake and, well, spoilers for people who havent beaten it

Is it just me, or does it seem like they may go another route with RE4 remakes and do something different with 5 and 6? I dont remember the ada scene happening in the end of the og game, and it seems like quite the departure from the plot. She even says "we're changing course" which, personally, I find to be a somewhat loaded statement. Perhaps we may get the ff7 remake time janitors in RE5, lol.
It's revealed in Separate Ways in the original RE4 that Ada intentionally gave him a subordinate species plaga sample while sending the real sample to her superiors in the "Organization" IIRC. Wesker recovered Krauser's body and used his plaga as back up.

The post credits scene in remake Separate Ways shows Wesker with Krauser's body as he says "her act of defiance changes nothing". Remake potrays Ada as more heroic, but the outcome remains the same.
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