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RESIDENT EVIL 6 |OT| No Trope Left


im liking the game so far

giving this game a 3/10 is just disrespectful tbh

i have yet to complete my playthrough though so my opinion could change (i doubt that)


benevolent sexism
im liking the game so far

giving this game a 3/10 is just disrespectful tbh

i have yet to complete my playthrough though so my opinion could change (i doubt that)

Respect has to be earned. This game is full of colossal design blunders, despite the core gameplay loop being pretty good.
Yeah, I'd say it's a game that feels like nobody made any real choices about what to include. Every idea they had, they shoved in there. Including a 40 second long sequence where you alternate pressing R1 and L1 to climb a rope. It's just the most pathetic way to interact with a videogame imaginable.

The game absolutely screams this, there is enough in RE6 to tell me that Capcom still have the talent to make a great game but there is a lot of junk dragging those good elements down. If the project had been headed by someone with some actual vision we may have seen a significantly smaller amount of poor content and a tighter, more consistent game.


considering the last campaign is a spoiler, its pretty lame that people are just busting it out everywhere.

would have been nice to have that be a surprise. if the OP has it hidden, then posts should too.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
considering the last campaign is a spoiler, its pretty lame that people are just busting it out everywhere.

would have been nice to have that be a surprise. if the OP has it hidden, then posts should too.

You can't hide a whole new campaign before release. You just can't.


benevolent sexism
What part of SPOILER TAGS do you not fucking understand?

Are you seriously acting as though a central conceit and running theme of the RE series is a spoiler?

Here's another spoiler for you. The game has zombies caused by a virus, and it has something to do with an evil corporation.
It feels like there's a plot, but it got split into 3 and stretched out for several hours. The only feeling I get from the "team-up" sections of the campaign is, "I'm gonna have to do this entire scene all over again with Jake, huh?"


Junior Member
This is like the entire plot of the first few Resident Evils.

The older games might have
crazy mansions that were built within the last few decades, but not mammoth catacombs that look like they were built by Romans. It's like the Japanese think that just because the US is a "western" nation, that we have the same infrastructure as Europe.
Shit does not work like that.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Respect has to be earned. This game is full of colossal design blunders, despite the core gameplay loop being pretty good.
Let's discuss those design blunders within the framerate of the first two Chapters in Leon's campaign.

I have only had the chance to play that far in the game and I'm wondering if you could highlight what you find to be colossal blunders.

What exactly is wrong with the QTEs? Why do they get so much hate? Is it because they are difficult to complete? What do you define as a QTE? Everything related to context sensitive button presses or are you specifically talking about brief sections such as locating the keys in the car? The actions that occur when you are grabbed by a zombie, for instance, make a lot of sense and have always been present in the series in some sort or another. I keep hearing about this infamous rope scene and that does sound somewhat bad, but after 5 hours of the game myself, I'm just not running into a whole lot of things like that.

What about cutscenes? They actually do not occur in great frequency and are placed logically along the way. This isn't like MGS where they display 15-20 minute scenes on a regular basis. Most scenes are fairly short. They occur at a frequency similar to RE4 and RE5, I've found.

Now there are some moments when control is very briefly snapped away to highlight an action, and I think this is an issue, but it's not the kind of thing that would RUIN a game and it definitely does not happen constantly (at least at this point).

The variety in environments is absolutely incredible to me. They are constantly throwing you into new and beautiful areas and very rarely repeat the same enemy encounters. I actually feel the encounter and area design offer more variety than most shooters on the market.

What are you thinking while playing it? Is the game straight up boring? Are you finding it frustrating (ie - dying a lot in ways you perceive to be unfair)? What is it?

I'm trying to get a better idea of why people absolutely detest the game. It has issues, but the idea that it is someone the worst shooter ever made just seems like a very short sighted, ridiculous claim without any real thought behind it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
You can't hide a whole new campaign before release. You just can't.
Would have been fucking rad if they could, though.

I'd love another "Raiden" situation in gaming where something is released with a totally unexpected twist or something. Kind of impossible at this point.


Speaking of Mercenaries, I can't seem to get better than Rank C.

How do I kill them faster?

It helps to know how to trigger QTEs with enemies. Take Zombies for example: when stunned, you can run up to them and instantly kill them with the QTE that appears. There's also the stomp where you can decapitate them easily most of the time.


Speaking of Mercenaries, I can't seem to get better than Rank C.

How do I kill them faster?

Make sure you're always using melee attacks when you kill them. Easiest way is to shoot them in the head once and then run up and perform your melee attack. That nets you +5 seconds. If you kill them with a counter, that's +10 seconds. There are some enemies that you can't kill with those attacks, so save up your bombs/magnum/shotgun for those.

Also make sure you're hitting all the time bonus icons on the map, there's usually like 5 to 7 of them.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
It helps to know how to trigger QTEs with enemies. Take Zombies for example: when stunned, you can run up to them and instantly kill them with the QTE that appears. There's also the stomp where you can decapitate them easily most of the time.
Wait, are people considering context sensitive button presses QTEs now?
Let's discuss those design blunders within the framerate of the first two Chapters in Leon's campaign.

I have only had the chance to play that far in the game and I'm wondering if you could highlight what you find to be colossal blunders.

What exactly is wrong with the QTEs? Why do they get so much hate? Is it because they are difficult to complete? What do you define as a QTE? Everything related to context sensitive button presses or are you specifically talking about brief sections such as locating the keys in the car? The actions that occur when you are grabbed by a zombie, for instance, make a lot of sense and have always been present in the series in some sort or another. I keep hearing about this infamous rope scene and that does sound somewhat bad, but after 5 hours of the game myself, I'm just not running into a whole lot of things like that.

What about cutscenes? They actually do not occur in great frequency and are placed logically along the way. This isn't like MGS where they display 15-20 minute scenes on a regular basis. Most scenes are fairly short. They occur at a frequency similar to RE4 and RE5, I've found.

Now there are some moments when control is very briefly snapped away to highlight an action, and I think this is an issue, but it's not the kind of thing that would RUIN a game and it definitely does not happen constantly (at least at this point).

The variety in environments is absolutely incredible to me. They are constantly throwing you into new and beautiful areas and very rarely repeat the same enemy encounters. I actually feel the encounter and area design offer more variety than most shooters on the market.

What are you thinking while playing it? Is the game straight up boring? Are you finding it frustrating (ie - dying a lot in ways you perceive to be unfair)? What is it?

I'm trying to get a better idea of why people absolutely detest the game. It has issues, but the idea that it is someone the worst shooter ever made just seems like a very short sighted, ridiculous claim without any real thought behind it.

Yep. I keep asking myself the same question. Is it because people are trying to play it more like a standard shooter? Is it just people HATE QTE? Just like there are varying degrees of why people love it and trying to find one general reason seems impossible, likewise with people that hate it. So many different opinions and different reasons.


It helps to know how to trigger QTEs with enemies. Take Zombies for example: when stunned, you can run up to them and instantly kill them with the QTE that appears. There's also the stomp where you can decapitate them easily most of the time.

I know that, but the time runs out as I'm around 70-90 kills.
I can't kill them any faster.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yep. I keep asking myself the same question. Is it because people are trying to play it more like a standard shooter? Is it just people HATE QTE? Just like their are varying degrees of why people love it and couldn't just specify one thing, seems the same for why people hate it.
Maybe we have shit taste? :p I seem to remember you being one of the only other people who actually enjoyed Alone in the Dark (the most recent game). Now THAT game had real issues but I still managed to enjoy it.

I would say that AitD was a bad game that I still managed to enjoy while RE6 is actually a good game with some rough edges.


Do unlockable Mercenaries characters that have nothing to do with story qualify as spoilers?

Because replacing HUNK with that nameless boring BSAA soldier is some bull.
A Wesker revival or something would've been nice too. Hopefully there's some actually good character DLC (like Barry and Rebecca in RE5).


Not gonna lie, I really enjoyed Jake's (spoilers for Chapter 5)
fist fight with Ustanak over the lava. Such a cool environment to set a fight.


Ugh this segment in Jake 1:
Am I supposed to be just avoiding the mutant while he attacks the plane? I run out of ammo so quickly.

EDIT- Nevermind.


benevolent sexism
Let's discuss those design blunders within the framerate of the first two Chapters in Leon's campaign.

I have only had the chance to play that far in the game and I'm wondering if you could highlight what you find to be colossal blunders.

What exactly is wrong with the QTEs? Why do they get so much hate? Is it because they are difficult to complete? What do you define as a QTE? Everything related to context sensitive button presses or are you specifically talking about brief sections such as locating the keys in the car? The actions that occur when you are grabbed by a zombie, for instance, make a lot of sense and have always been present in the series in some sort or another. I keep hearing about this infamous rope scene and that does sound somewhat bad, but after 5 hours of the game myself, I'm just not running into a whole lot of things like that.

What about cutscenes? They actually do not occur in great frequency and are placed logically along the way. This isn't like MGS where they display 15-20 minute scenes on a regular basis. Most scenes are fairly short. They occur at a frequency similar to RE4 and RE5, I've found.

Now there are some moments when control is very briefly snapped away to highlight an action, and I think this is an issue, but it's not the kind of thing that would RUIN a game and it definitely does not happen constantly (at least at this point).

The variety in environments is absolutely incredible to me. They are constantly throwing you into new and beautiful areas and very rarely repeat the same enemy encounters. I actually feel the encounter and area design offer more variety than most shooters on the market.

What are you thinking while playing it? Is the game straight up boring? Are you finding it frustrating (ie - dying a lot in ways you perceive to be unfair)? What is it?

I'm trying to get a better idea of why people absolutely detest the game. It has issues, but the idea that it is someone the worst shooter ever made just seems like a very short sighted, ridiculous claim without any real thought behind it.

The only QTEs I'm complaining about are the Heavy Rain style interactions with the environment and the ones that occur in cinematics. They add nothing of value, they aren't fun, they aren't well animated or nice to look at. They are just shit that should have been left on the cutting room floor.

I have no problem with wiggling the stick to escape a zombie's grab. Button mashing QTEs are a nuisance under any circumstance, but at least they're simple.

I don't really have a problem with the cutscenes other than they are often boring. The character's conversations are filled with generic utterances that don't aid in plot development. In good design, everything is there for a reason. The dialogue and some of the cutscenes don't feel this way. That said, most games have boring cutscenes, so I'm not really holding this against RE6 very strongly.

One particular aspect of the controls remains a problem in tight quarters during combat which is the way the character sometimes, randomly, does a 180 by walking a semicircle instead of turning on the spot. This makes the "quick turn" unreliable and is also just pointlessly janky.

The door puzzles are all tedious, and will make replaying the game less appealing.

The combat is the fun part, but I'm not sure it's so much fun that it's worth putting up with everything else.

However, even some combat scenarios that I liked were marred by the combination of the camera and framerate being all over the goddamn place when I really needed a clear view of the action.

To answer "what am I thinking while playing it": Sometimes I'm not thinking because I'm wrapped up in a good combat scene. Other times I'm thinking "this should have been cut from the game" or "did they play this?" or "do they want to intentionally irritate the player? do they consider that to be an element of good game design?" "These cutscene edits are awful." "Oh look they borrowed an exact scene from Uncharted 3 but managed to make it as stilted and unfun as possible."


Do unlockable Mercenaries characters that have nothing to do with story qualify as spoilers?

Because replacing HUNK with that nameless boring BSAA soldier is some bull.
A Wesker revival or something would've been nice too. Hopefully there's some actually good character DLC (like Barry and Rebecca in RE5).

Yeah, I'd like to not be spoiled even for Mercenaries. The requirements to unlocking characters are pretty elementary, such as getting a certain high score. I'd like to be able to get that high score with a starting character and be surprised at what I unlock.
Maybe we have shit taste? :p I seem to remember you being one of the only other people who actually enjoyed Alone in the Dark (the most recent game). Now THAT game had real issues but I still managed to enjoy it.

I would say that AitD was a bad game that I still managed to enjoy while RE6 is actually a good game with some rough edges.

Yes I am one of those people and I still think that game is more of a survival horror game then most released this generation. Yes that game has way more flaws then RE6. For all the amount of content RE6 offers. Its blunders, while noticeable, are not enough to make it a shit game. I think the problem stems in because there is so much variety in the game, so many different game play mechanics, QTEs , etc, it just alienates some people. I'd liken it to myself. I don't play strategy games or sports, but if suddenly there was a section of RE6 that had you playing soccer with a zombie head, or the camera zoomed up and I'm micromanaging resources, etc. I'd really dislike those parts. RE6 has sneaking segments, minor puzzle segments, protection segments, collection segments, vehicle segments, qte segments, etc. I literally feel like each campaign aim and goal of play is different then the other. When I jumped into Jakes campaign after completing Leons, I sorta said... huh! I kept running out of ammo, wasn't using melee, and just wasn't expecting the gameplay he offered. Then I get to Chris and its action crazy with lot of guns, and cover, and again, it changed the dynamic a bit for me and I had to adjust. So yeah... I can see why for some it's sort of the mish-mash of genres and doesn't gell well with people. I play all sort of games, rps, action, adventure, driving, stealth, so I like the variety but still took me a period of adjustment.


Let's discuss those design blunders within the framerate of the first two Chapters in Leon's campaign.

I have only had the chance to play that far in the game and I'm wondering if you could highlight what you find to be colossal blunders.

What exactly is wrong with the QTEs? Why do they get so much hate? Is it because they are difficult to complete? What do you define as a QTE? Everything related to context sensitive button presses or are you specifically talking about brief sections such as locating the keys in the car? The actions that occur when you are grabbed by a zombie, for instance, make a lot of sense and have always been present in the series in some sort or another. I keep hearing about this infamous rope scene and that does sound somewhat bad, but after 5 hours of the game myself, I'm just not running into a whole lot of things like that.

What about cutscenes? They actually do not occur in great frequency and are placed logically along the way. This isn't like MGS where they display 15-20 minute scenes on a regular basis. Most scenes are fairly short. They occur at a frequency similar to RE4 and RE5, I've found.

Now there are some moments when control is very briefly snapped away to highlight an action, and I think this is an issue, but it's not the kind of thing that would RUIN a game and it definitely does not happen constantly (at least at this point).

The variety in environments is absolutely incredible to me. They are constantly throwing you into new and beautiful areas and very rarely repeat the same enemy encounters. I actually feel the encounter and area design offer more variety than most shooters on the market.

What are you thinking while playing it? Is the game straight up boring? Are you finding it frustrating (ie - dying a lot in ways you perceive to be unfair)? What is it?

I'm trying to get a better idea of why people absolutely detest the game. It has issues, but the idea that it is someone the worst shooter ever made just seems like a very short sighted, ridiculous claim without any real thought behind it.

Play through Jake's campaign. It's one of the WORST things I've played this generation.

I'm not even exaggerating, it's just THAT bad!
Piers is Noel Kriess redux, I thought I was going to hate him but he's pretty cool.

I never thought I'd find the legendary Chris Redfield wasting away in a shithole like this.

fuck yeah


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The only QTEs I'm complaining about are the Heavy Rain style interactions with the environment and the ones that occur in cinematics. They add nothing of value, they aren't fun, they aren't well animated or nice to look at. They are just shit that should have been left on the cutting room floor.
Like I said, I've only played up through the second chapter of Leon's campaign so I'll have to withhold judgement. Up until this point, however, I've found the few sequences of that nature to work well. The scene where you try to escape in the car? Better than simply displaying a cutscene for my tastes. It added a bit of tension to the situation.

I have no problem with wiggling the stick to escape a zombie's grab. Button mashing QTEs are a nuisance under any circumstance, but at least their simple.
I actually think this ADDS to the experience and is a good design for a game in which enemies can grab you.

The door puzzles are all tedious, and will make replaying the game less appealing.
Which door puzzles are you referring to?

There's the whole thing you go through in the cathedral, which I thought worked well, and then there are the door codes in the basement lab which, again, seemed fitting and simple. Both made a lot of sense in a series like this and I didn't find them tedious or time consuming. Are you referring to something that occurs beyond this?

The combat is the fun part, but I'm not sure it's so much fun that it's worth putting up with everything else.
Most of the game IS combat, though.

However, even some combat scenarios that I liked were marred by the combination of the camera and framerate being all over the goddamn place when I really needed a clear view of the action.
Hmm, the framerate is a real issue for me as well. I'm extremely disappointed that they weren't able to smooth it out. A better camera with a faster framerate would make a world of difference.

Those don't really seem like colossal design failures, however. What else are you struggling to enjoy?

Play through Jake's campaign. It's one of the WORST things I've played this generation.

I'm not even exaggerating, it's just THAT bad!
Oh I will and I'm eager to see how bad it can get.

Unfortunately, with a child at home, I'm having a hard time getting in a lot of gaming time. I've been playing every chance I get and only just made it to the end of Chapter 2 in Leon's campaign.


Where do I spend skill points?

Do I spend them somewhere?

Just realized I have no idea where those are tallied or what to do with them.

Also where was everyone when RE4 and 5 had a bunch of QTE's. QTE's are the hot new thing to complain about, just like when everyone complained about RE5's controls, even though everyone loved RE4 and thought the controls were a huge step forward for the series that moved the game into true 3D, while keeping the same Resident Evil dynamics.


Play through Jake's campaign. It's one of the WORST things I've played this generation.

I'm not even exaggerating, it's just THAT bad!

I disagree, I found Jake's campaign thoroughly enjoyable. Running around chaining together 4/5 hit combos with his hand-to-hand style is so fun. Plus I really like Ustanak.

Finished his campaign.
A nice ending I guess, though I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see Jake ever again. His relevance to the plot is over, he's a mercenary and his connection to Albert is now kept top secret. Plus he fucks off without Sherry without much of a problem. Nice to see Sherry call him Jake Wesker though. Oh and he looks JUST like Albert when he sticks those sunglasses on. :lol The finale to his campaign gave me a Resident Evil 0 vibe.


Play through Jake's campaign. It's one of the WORST things I've played this generation.

I'm not even exaggerating, it's just THAT bad!

yea I started it last night. its a lot of wtf.

that boss is the exact same mechanic is the boss in Relevaitions. The next encounter was just a prolonged mess.

I like Sherrys model and moveset though.
Let's discuss those design blunders within the framerate of the first two Chapters in Leon's campaign.

I have only had the chance to play that far in the game and I'm wondering if you could highlight what you find to be colossal blunders.

What exactly is wrong with the QTEs? Why do they get so much hate? Is it because they are difficult to complete? What do you define as a QTE? Everything related to context sensitive button presses or are you specifically talking about brief sections such as locating the keys in the car? The actions that occur when you are grabbed by a zombie, for instance, make a lot of sense and have always been present in the series in some sort or another. I keep hearing about this infamous rope scene and that does sound somewhat bad, but after 5 hours of the game myself, I'm just not running into a whole lot of things like that.

What about cutscenes? They actually do not occur in great frequency and are placed logically along the way. This isn't like MGS where they display 15-20 minute scenes on a regular basis. Most scenes are fairly short. They occur at a frequency similar to RE4 and RE5, I've found.

Now there are some moments when control is very briefly snapped away to highlight an action, and I think this is an issue, but it's not the kind of thing that would RUIN a game and it definitely does not happen constantly (at least at this point).

The variety in environments is absolutely incredible to me. They are constantly throwing you into new and beautiful areas and very rarely repeat the same enemy encounters. I actually feel the encounter and area design offer more variety than most shooters on the market.

What are you thinking while playing it? Is the game straight up boring? Are you finding it frustrating (ie - dying a lot in ways you perceive to be unfair)? What is it?

I'm trying to get a better idea of why people absolutely detest the game. It has issues, but the idea that it is someone the worst shooter ever made just seems like a very short sighted, ridiculous claim without any real thought behind it.

The main thing is that game is boring. Combat is inherently dull. It's never tense, it's never exciting, and it's rarely interesting. I run past half the enemies because I can't be bothered to shoot them, or there's too many of them, or they just keep spawning. Boss fights are a chore, and the visual indicators for damage are weak. You never really know "Should I be shooting this thing? Is it taking damage? Should I just wait around for the next scripted moment to happen? Is this a waste of ammo? How much damage does this thing do, anyway?" You fire at people out of requirement, a chore you perform to try to get past this boring level and hope something interesting happens.

And by "something interesting" they mean shitty insta-deaths like cars/trucks barrelling in where you just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, or a bridge collapsing and you just so happen to be on the left side when it explodes, putting you behind a car and you can't climb out, or running from another scripted escape scene and the game takes control from you as Leon rolls on the ground from the earthquake, as a zombie grabs you and you die. Shit that's almost completely out of your control without prior knowledge, or just random luck like the falling over animation loop right into random zombie attack.

Visually, this is one of the most inconsistent games I've seen all year. Some levels and enemies look very impressive, and it's no question it's the best looking game in the series. Others are merely competent or rudimentary, leaving no lasting impression beyond recognition that yes, this is a lab, and this is a really narrow hallway. You shutter through one lifeless environment after another, doing the same things for hours. Leon's variety comes in the form of simplistic puzzle-solving and QTE-marathons ala Heavy Rain. Running around trying to find three keys while respawning monsters were cool when Chris did it, not so much when Leon does it again. The room with the little moving mines with Chris was kinda neat(even though you can run around for a minute and not waste a single bullet while the AI does everything), not so much when Leon does it again. Neither is backtracking through a really fuckin' dark cemetery where the only threats pop out of the shadows. Or running in circles in a small dark room with a too-close camera trying to find some enemies you can shoot so you can do that weak-ass shoulder throw Leon does now.

And apparently Leon/Chris section is the GOOD part! I haven't even got around to the Jake sections everybody's complaining about.

It's just a really mediocre video game, through and through. It does NOTHING particularly well, and sometimes it drops below even that standard level of shooter competency, right down into outright horrid. Spec Ops: The Line had generic, janky combat too, but at least it had a really interesting narrative and critique on game design that made it interesting. I'm at the end of Leon's Chapter 4 and I feel like I'm playing it out of due diligence. If I sat back and asked myself, "What do you love about this game, ViewtifulJC? What makes this game fun?"

I couldn't come up with an answer. I honestly don't know.


Chris needs to have more ammo. :(
Piers is Noel Kriess redux, I thought I was going to hate him but he's pretty cool.

I never thought I'd find the legendary Chris Redfield wasting away in a shithole like this.

fuck yeah
"Is he always this awesome?"

Do unlockable Mercenaries characters that have nothing to do with story qualify as spoilers?

Because replacing HUNK with that nameless boring BSAA soldier is some bull.
A Wesker revival or something would've been nice too. Hopefully there's some actually good character DLC (like Barry and Rebecca in RE5).

You know Wesker is coming as DLC. Believe.


Something I really like about this game is the sense of gravity and impact. When you get hit, you can get knocked on your ass. When there is a giant foe nearby and you are on unstable ground, it will shake and knock you off balance appropriately. This is kind of a staple in Capcom games, like the two old Lost Planets and the more recent Dragon's Dogma. I have always loved the way they handle this, even though it is a bit different here because of the gameplay.


I need those melee attacks back in my life. From the real Wesker.

And that run. They could just map it to the dash button.

And it shouldn't take away health. Because Wesker is the man.

Dodges could be replaced with teleports.

EDIT: If DC Douglas mentions doing Resident Evil work, it is possible.


Hmm. Do you get to a point where enemies seem to stop coming? That's usually where I mess up. That or when enemies like Bloodshots start spawning.

I do, but then I go for the bridge and kill the soldiers.

The bloodshots are annoying but tolerable with some explosives.

I just run out of time before I get anywhere near the kill amount. Last match I got 96 with a score of 66660, lol.

PC version will take care of framerate, won't take care of ANYTHING else. Jake's campaign should be nuked from orbit.

It's truly wretched.

Jake's is by far my favorite campaign. I very much dislike your tendancy to state your opinion in a way that makes it look like you think it's fact...

It is not.
Something I really like about this game is the sense of gravity and impact. When you get hit, you can get knocked on your ass. When there is a giant foe nearby and you are on unstable ground, it will shake and knock you off balance appropriately. This is kind of a staple in Capcom games, like the two old Lost Planets and the more recent Dragon's Dogma. I have always loved the way they handle this, even though it is a bit different here because of the gameplay.

And I hate when the game takes control away from me for shit like "realism". I can't fuckin' stand the long-ass recovery animation loops in Lost Planet that knock you right into the next recovery animation, with no invincibility frames whatsoever. How is that fun?


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Respect has to be earned. This game is full of colossal design blunders, despite the core gameplay loop being pretty good.

nothing about this game is 3/10... you're being incredibly negative. it's getting a little tired.
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