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RESIDENT EVIL 6 |OT| No Trope Left

The main thing is that game is boring.

This is just your viewpoint though. In the entire 20 hours I played through the 3 main campaigns, I wasn't bored in the slightest. So again, it just varies from person to person and that's ok. This is truly one game that just everyone has to try out for themselves imo.


Jake's is by far my favorite campaign. I very much dislike your tendancy to state your opinion in a way that makes it look like you think it's fact...

It is not.

So you are reading into it too much or just upset he doesnt start every opinion with IMO?

I thought it was implied that one person's opinion cannot be fact.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The main thing is that game is boring. Combat is inherently dull. It's never tense, it's never exciting, and it's rarely interesting. I run past half the enemies because I can't be bothered to shoot them, or there's too many of them, or they just keep spawning. Boss fights are a chore, and the visual indicators for damage are weak. You never really know "Should I be shooting this thing? Is it taking damage? Should I just wait around for the next scripted moment to happen? Is this a waste of ammo? How much damage does this thing do, anyway?" You fire at people out of requirement, a chore you perform to try to get past this boring level and hope something interesting happens.

And by "something interesting" they mean shitty insta-deaths like cars/trucks barrelling in where you just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, or a bridge collapsing and you just so happen to be on the left side when it explodes, putting you behind a car and you can't climb out, or running from another scripted escape scene and the game takes control from you as Leon rolls on the ground from the earthquake, as a zombie grabs you and you die. Shit that's almost completely out of your control without prior knowledge, or just random luck like the falling over animation loop right into random zombie attack.
A fascinating read.

I feel very differently about it. I haven't found it the least bit boring. In fact, the combat is more exciting than average for the genre I feel due to the focus on close quarters melee and the high speed everything. I enjoy putting the game systems to the test in each scenario rather than just holding back and shooting everything. The combat simply seems to offer more options to the player at any one time than most shooters and I appreciate that.

It's interesting that you describe it as a chore, as that is your opinion and I cannot refute what you say, but I find those same things fun and interesting.

What are your shooter preferences like? I sometimes wonder if my distaste for multiplayer shooters in general (which are very popular) has some influence on me?

I was just playing Borderlands 2 all week prior to RE6, for instance, and while I am enjoying it I'm finding RE6 to be a whole hell of a lot more fun to play overall.

Just out of curiosity, are you finding RE6 to be easy then? Most people bitching about the game do so in a way that suggests that they are dying quite often while you describe it as boring which suggests the opposite.

And I hate when the game takes control away from me for shit like "realism". I can't fuckin' stand the long-ass recovery animation loops in Lost Planet that knock you right into the next recovery animation, with no invincibility frames whatsoever. How is that fun?
Hmm, for some reason that kind of stuff does not bother me when it's well animated. Animation priority is actually something I don't mind in non-competitive games.

I actually don't much care for Lost Planet, though, and I suppose I could describe that series as boring.


The only QTEs I'm complaining about are the Heavy Rain style interactions with the environment and the ones that occur in cinematics. They add nothing of value, they aren't fun, they aren't well animated or nice to look at. They are just shit that should have been left on the cutting room floor.

I have no problem with wiggling the stick to escape a zombie's grab. Button mashing QTEs are a nuisance under any circumstance, but at least they're simple.

I don't really have a problem with the cutscenes other than they are often boring. The character's conversations are filled with generic utterances that don't aid in plot development. In good design, everything is there for a reason. The dialogue and some of the cutscenes don't feel this way. That said, most games have boring cutscenes, so I'm not really holding this against RE6 very strongly.

One particular aspect of the controls remains a problem in tight quarters during combat which is the way the character sometimes, randomly, does a 180 by walking a semicircle instead of turning on the spot. This makes the "quick turn" unreliable and is also just pointlessly janky.

The door puzzles are all tedious, and will make replaying the game less appealing.

The combat is the fun part, but I'm not sure it's so much fun that it's worth putting up with everything else.

However, even some combat scenarios that I liked were marred by the combination of the camera and framerate being all over the goddamn place when I really needed a clear view of the action.

To answer "what am I thinking while playing it": Sometimes I'm not thinking because I'm wrapped up in a good combat scene. Other times I'm thinking "this should have been cut from the game" or "did they play this?" or "do they want to intentionally irritate the player? do they consider that to be an element of good game design?" "These cutscene edits are awful." "Oh look they borrowed an exact scene from Uncharted 3 but managed to make it as stilted and unfun as possible."

This certainly doesnt sound like "full of colossal design blunders" you said eariler. you are a troll


Just got this in the mail this morning. Played for a bit and I'm already yawning. That action opening sequence (the one revealed at E3) still pisses me off so much...straight out of a James Bond movie. Graphics are ok but I can't believe they didn't push the game more. Anyways, too early to tear the game apart but so far my initial impressions are not good =/


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
This certainly doesnt sound like "full of colossal design blunders" you said eariler. you are a troll
Come on, when you start talking like that (accusing people of being trolls) it just heats up the conversation and causes more mud slinging in either direction.

I think it's very much true that he simply isn't enjoying the game. I don't think he's trolling anyone here. He doesn't like the game. Simple as that.

I'm trying to understand what it is that people don't like and compare it to my own feelings on the matter.


And I hate when the game takes control away from me for shit like "realism". I can't fuckin' stand the long-ass recovery animation loops in Lost Planet that knock you right into the next recovery animation, with no invincibility frames whatsoever. How is that fun?

lol you must not like immersion. SOME people like this feature.


Kind of really enjoying this only started it on the leon campaign, is there something wrong with me or does the shit come later.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
One thing I've been doing recently with games is approaching them from the point of view that I'm playing a small slice of the game and really try to soak in everything. I feel as if taking ones time with a game can really enhance the experience. When I find myself trying to push through something just to get to the next section frustration begins to pour in and enjoyment goes out the window. This game is long as hell and people are blasting through it. With so much content and a desire to push forward quickly, could that have a negative effect on their experience? I feel like lengthy play sessions can often result in a grind.

201 102 012?
Yes. I loved that.

It was a simple and clever section that seemed well suited to a Resident Evil game. Coming off of a boss fight, I enjoyed the change of pace and the fact that it offered a chance to refill ammunition used on the boss.

Kind of really enjoying this only started it on the leon campaign, is there something wrong with me or does the shit come later.
I'm wondering that myself.


At the end of the chapter.

Wait what? Where?

I thought all those coins and numbers were just determining my overall rank for the chapter. Is that what the skill points are for? More points = higher rank?

I was assuming there were skills or upgrades to actually buy or something (similar to the money in previous games).


And I hate when the game takes control away from me for shit like "realism". I can't fuckin' stand the long-ass recovery animation loops in Lost Planet that knock you right into the next recovery animation, with no invincibility frames whatsoever. How is that fun?

LOL, I just love the sense of having gravity overtaking my control in situations like that. It sort of just adds to the tension of a situation for me. *shrugs*


Wait what? Where?

I thought all those coins and numbers were just determining my overall rank for the chapter. Is that what the skill points are for? More points = higher rank?

I was assuming there were skills or upgrades to actually buy or something (similar to the money in previous games).

Yeah you use the points to buy skills.


Kind of really enjoying this only started it on the leon campaign, is there something wrong with me or does the shit come later.

Honestly it seems like people are only spreading negatives for the hell of it. They come in let us know what they dislike about it, and then proceed to try to convince us they are right. WE GET IT.

The arguing needs to stop.

Leon's is pretty good and moody, though.
I'm really enjoying the game (leon's chapter) but one frustrating thing is the padding throughout the third chapter. the first and second chapters were good in that there was little padding but the third chapter is full of it and it's not even interesting or fun to play through.

apart from that, I'm really enjoying it.


Passing metallic gas
Thats, like, your opinion, man.

But, seriously, I find a lot about this game to be 3/10.

Off the bat the most startling thing about the game is how primitive it is. I literally had to beat the last boss of Chris's campaign with mostly the knife just because the game would simply not give me ammo. I had a ton of empty weapons which is extremely odd considering Chris's campaign is the 'actiony' one of the bunch. Leon's campaign lent itself more then the others for total exploitation of bad design. Quick shot plus melee attack ensured that i had nearly limitless ammo in the most 'survival horror' campaign of the game.
Just out of curiosity, are you finding RE6 to be easy then? Most people bitching about the game do so in a way that suggests that they are dying quite often while you describe it as boring which suggests the opposite.

I'd say about 3/4ths of my deaths come from not doing what this scripted scene wanted me to do, or a scripted scene going for IMMERSIVE earthquake shakes and I die randomly. I've A-Ranked every single mission so far without much effort, and the worst part is that as unfulfilling and lackluster as the combat in this game is, I wouldn't WANT to put much more effort into. No way in hell I'm touching Mercenaries after getting 20+ hours of this junk.


Yeah you use the points to buy skills.

Where's the store at? I've admittedly only played one chapter (Leon's first chapter). At the end it tallied up our points, gave us a silver rank or whatever, we hit quit instead of continue, and never saw anything for a skill store.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'd say about 3/4ths of my deaths come from not doing what this scripted scene wanted me to do, or a scripted scene going for IMMERSIVE earthquake shakes and I die randomly. I've A-Ranked every single mission so far without much effort, and the worst part is that as unfulfilling and lackluster as the combat in this game is, I wouldn't WANT to put much more effort into. No way in hell I'm touching Mercenaries after getting 20+ hours of this junk.
Man, it's so weird to read that. The kind of combat the game offers is, to me, extremely fulfilling. :\

Of course, just yesterday I read posts claiming that Uncharted 3 was one of the worst shooters ever made. People are very passionate about the things they hate, it seems.
Man, it's so weird to read that. The kind of combat the game offers is, to me, extremely fulfilling. :\
People are very passionate about the things they hate, it seems.

Not gonna lie Dark, it easier, and more notable when your negative. I find that true on forums, youtube channels, and more. Sad but true.


I'd say about 3/4ths of my deaths come from not doing what this scripted scene wanted me to do, or a scripted scene going for IMMERSIVE earthquake shakes and I die randomly. I've A-Ranked every single mission so far without much effort, and the worst part is that as unfulfilling and lackluster as the combat in this game is, I wouldn't WANT to put much more effort into. No way in hell I'm touching Mercenaries after getting 20+ hours of this junk.

Well, you played for 20+ hours.
You spent more time playing RE6 than it takes to beat most newer games, and you didn't quit when the game was "Junk", so I assume you got something out of it or were being forced to play it.

Either way, Capcom gets their money and people still enjoy it.

I can't say I myself have died from too many scripted scenes. And both times I did, it was because I didn't dodge out of the way.
Well, you played for 20+ hours.
You spent more time playing RE6 than it takes to beat most newer games, and you didn't quit when the game was "Junk", so I assume you got something out of it or were being forced to play it.

Either way, Capcom gets their money and people still enjoy it.

I can't say I myself have died from too many scripted scenes. And both times I did, it was because I didn't dodge out of the way.

I haven't played for 20+ hours yet, and the game is a rental. I wouldn't reward Capcom any of my money for this thing.


Where's the store at? I've admittedly only played one chapter (Leon's first chapter). At the end it tallied up our points, gave us a silver rank or whatever, we hit quit instead of continue, and never saw anything for a skill store.

I'm at work right now so I don't have the game menu's in front of me, but I think you select Campaign and you can see the option at the bottom of the following menu.
WOW! Chris' last two chapters are incredible! It has moments where its like RE4 in execution and locations. It has moments where its like Uncharted.
I flew a jet! (BUT for some crazy reason the jet flight controls are not inverted, I have everything set to inverted but this wont let you change it, its a plane its supposed to be inverted.)
The story is actually one of the most shocking and emotional moments in RE history. Brilliant stuff here


Where's the store at? I've admittedly only played one chapter (Leon's first chapter). At the end it tallied up our points, gave us a silver rank or whatever, we hit quit instead of continue, and never saw anything for a skill store.

If you don't hit quit then literally the next menu after choosing not to quit let's you spend the points you earn. I'm not sure how to spend them mid-campaign or before resuming a campaign.


If you're such a drooling fanboy that you can't even stand to look at opinions that don't match your own, you're free to put me on your ignore list.

its okay to dislike a game but some people are making this game out to be the worst game of all time

its just disrespectful to the developers who have worked hard to make the game


benevolent sexism
nothing about this game is 3/10... you're being incredibly negative. it's getting a little tired.

I never said I'd give it a 3/10. I said it has a shitload of problems which implies that someone could conceivably hate it that much.

I don't hate it, but I find it gets in its own way a lot. I consider some of its problems to be objectively bad design, not just a matter of taste. Nonetheless, some people are not as bothered by the things that bother me and I'm fine with that. I'm not telling anyone to lower their opinion of the game, and I'm not going to get out a notebook and replay Leon's campaign so I can justify my complaints to anyone. The conversation started when someone implied that no one could legitimately give the game a 3/10.

its okay to dislike a game but some people are making this game out to be the worst game of all time

its just disrespectful to the developers who have worked hard to make the game

They worked hard but not smart. Do you find all criticism to be disrespectful? Lots of people work hard on their creations, but not all their creations are good.

This certainly doesnt sound like "full of colossal design blunders" you said eariler. you are a troll

I was only talking about the first 2 chapters of Leon's campaign, in response to dark10x - a conversation you were not a part of. You accused me of being troll despite me actually putting effort into what I post here. You're a shitty poster.


I'd say about 3/4ths of my deaths come from not doing what this scripted scene wanted me to do, or a scripted scene going for IMMERSIVE earthquake shakes and I die randomly. I've A-Ranked every single mission so far without much effort, and the worst part is that as unfulfilling and lackluster as the combat in this game is, I wouldn't WANT to put much more effort into. No way in hell I'm touching Mercenaries after getting 20+ hours of this junk.
Judging from videos like this, you probably should consider touching Mercenaries. In my opinion the movement and combat in RE6 are a huge step up from past RE games. It plays more dynamically than most other 3rd person action games and the video showcases that perfectly.


Does getting an S rank in Mercs Duo unlock stuff? I'm so ready to give up any hope of S ranking any levels with any characters...


They worked hard but not smart. Do you find all criticism to be disrespectful? Lots of people work hard on their creations, but not all their creations are good.

people are making the game out to be a terrible unplayable mess though. if you wanna criticize a game thats fine but dont exaggerate to insane proportions.

3/10? come on sterling should be banned from metacritic
people are making the game out to be a terrible unplayable mess though. if you wanna criticize a game thats fine but dont exaggerate to insane proportions.

3/10? come on sterling should be banned from metacritic

I agree with that simple because he rated ORC higher, much higher then RE6, and that logically doesn't...make...sense.
The main thing is that game is boring. Combat is inherently dull. It's never tense, it's never exciting, and it's rarely interesting. I run past half the enemies because I can't be bothered to shoot them, or there's too many of them, or they just keep spawning. Boss fights are a chore, and the visual indicators for damage are weak. You never really know "Should I be shooting this thing? Is it taking damage? Should I just wait around for the next scripted moment to happen? Is this a waste of ammo? How much damage does this thing do, anyway?" You fire at people out of requirement, a chore you perform to try to get past this boring level and hope something interesting happens.

And by "something interesting" they mean shitty insta-deaths like cars/trucks barrelling in where you just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, or a bridge collapsing and you just so happen to be on the left side when it explodes, putting you behind a car and you can't climb out, or running from another scripted escape scene and the game takes control from you as Leon rolls on the ground from the earthquake, as a zombie grabs you and you die. Shit that's almost completely out of your control without prior knowledge, or just random luck like the falling over animation loop right into random zombie attack.

Visually, this is one of the most inconsistent games I've seen all year. Some levels and enemies look very impressive, and it's no question it's the best looking game in the series. Others are merely competent or rudimentary, leaving no lasting impression beyond recognition that yes, this is a lab, and this is a really narrow hallway. You shutter through one lifeless environment after another, doing the same things for hours. Leon's variety comes in the form of simplistic puzzle-solving and QTE-marathons ala Heavy Rain. Running around trying to find three keys while respawning monsters were cool when Chris did it, not so much when Leon does it again. The room with the little moving mines with Chris was kinda neat(even though you can run around for a minute and not waste a single bullet while the AI does everything), not so much when Leon does it again. Neither is backtracking through a really fuckin' dark cemetery where the only threats pop out of the shadows. Or running in circles in a small dark room with a too-close camera trying to find some enemies you can shoot so you can do that weak-ass shoulder throw Leon does now.

And apparently Leon/Chris section is the GOOD part! I haven't even got around to the Jake sections everybody's complaining about.

It's just a really mediocre video game, through and through. It does NOTHING particularly well, and sometimes it drops below even that standard level of shooter competency, right down into outright horrid. Spec Ops: The Line had generic, janky combat too, but at least it had a really interesting narrative and critique on game design that made it interesting. I'm at the end of Leon's Chapter 4 and I feel like I'm playing it out of due diligence. If I sat back and asked myself, "What do you love about this game, ViewtifulJC? What makes this game fun?"

I couldn't come up with an answer. I honestly don't know.

I am with the other poster that said this is fascinating as I feel quite the opposite. It is always interesting to see other opinions.

I feel the combat is the best part of the game, very engaging and requires a wide variety of actions to properly get by. The variety in the game is just stunning to me and that is why I feel this game is never boring. I don't if in the next room I will be fighting enemies or being chased by a giant monster or even drive a car. Its so random that I am super compelled to see what comes next.

When I compare this game to something like Gears I am far more engaged in RE6. In Gears I know that almost 80% of the time the next room will have chest high walls and I will be in cover shooting enemies. It gets repetitive to me, plus I enjoy games that aren't just about shooting, I love the melee aspect.

I do agree with the bosses as some are very hard to read and can become frustrating. But I personally would have a game with lots of bosses even if a few are frustrating than a game that doesn't even try to put in a boss fight or has one or two crappy ones.

At least that is how I see it.
Haven't played enough to think anything about the game, but man it is dark as fuck, and of course the game doesn't have a "reset brightness to default" feature, so I don't even know how to bring it back to what they set the standard at. Great.

20 is the default brightness.
I agree with that simple because he rated ORC higher, much higher then RE6, and that logically doesn't...make...sense.

Yeah this is the aspect about some of the scores. Its not that they disliked the game, that is fine, it is that I cannot fathom how anyone could think RE6 is anywhere close to the level of crap that ORC is.


benevolent sexism
people are making the game out to be a terrible unplayable mess though. if you wanna criticize a game thats fine but dont exaggerate to insane proportions.

3/10? come on sterling should be banned from metacritic

If Jim Sterling (who you are free to not give a fuck about) had THAT bad a time with the game, then he can slap whatever number he sees fit on there and I won't question it. Maybe it's because he's shitty at the game, maybe it's because it wasn't what he wanted it to be. I don't care. People have different experiences of games. Just because you like it doesn't mean a 3 is inconceivable. "Bad" seems like a fair adjective for at least some aspects of the game. If he focused more on those (which is his prerogative) then ta-da, 3/10.

It's not his fault this game's metacritic is low. Unlike most AAA games, this game actually has a wide range of scores from the 90s down to the 40s and a few below that.
If Jim Sterling (who you are free to not give a fuck about) had THAT bad a time with the game, then he can slap whatever number he sees fit on there and I won't question it. Maybe it's because he's shitty at the game, maybe it's because it wasn't what he wanted it to be. I don't care. People have different experiences of games. Just because you like it doesn't mean a 3 is inconceivable. "Bad" seems like a fair adjective for at least some aspects of the game. If he focused more on those (which is his prerogative) then ta-da, 3/10.

It's not his fault this game's metacritic is low. Unlike most AAA games, this game actually has a wide range of scores from the 90s down to the 40s and a few below that.

Well then this is why a scoring system is both pointless and meaningless when it comes to "professional reviews" If your not going to take in account lower scores of other games that are much crappier then a better game yet it still receives a higher score then something that is actually technically designed better... what's the point? It makes you look very unprofessional and again making the scoring system a moot point. Might as well just have all reviewers slap on "liked it!" , "hated it", and leave it at that.


I agree with that simple because he rated ORC higher, much higher then RE6, and that logically doesn't...make...sense.

im a huge RE fan but not even i could play through ORC...just a terrible game overall tbh

If Jim Sterling (who you are free to not give a fuck about) had THAT bad a time with the game, then he can slap whatever number he sees fit on there and I won't question it. Maybe it's because he's shitty at the game, maybe it's because it wasn't what he wanted it to be. I don't care. People have different experiences of games. Just because you like it doesn't mean a 3 is inconceivable. "Bad" seems like a fair adjective for at least some aspects of the game. If he focused more on those (which is his prerogative) then ta-da, 3/10.

It's not his fault this game's metacritic is low. Unlike most AAA games, this game actually has a wide range of scores from the 90s down to the 40s and a few below that.

have you seen the metacritic user score?


everyone loves just jumping on games that are getting a bad reception, its disgusting tbh.
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