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RESIDENT EVIL 6 |OT| No Trope Left

Quick question, how many of you played through Chris' campaign without a shotgun. It was pretty well hidden, I knew where it was cause of the demo.


Calling it now. Chris has the best boss battle. CH3 is awesome.

Say what you want about the game (I know I will when I finish the whole thing) but some of the monster design is outstanding. And there's so much variety too.


The person who designed the rope climbing QTE should really reconsider his job, took me a good 20 minutes to figure out I have to hold R1 while pressing L1, the fucking commands were flashing like a christmas tree .


The person who designed the rope climbing QTE should really reconsider his job, took me a good 20 minutes to figure out I have to hold R1 while pressing L1, the fucking commands were flashing like a christmas tree .

I think they jacked that shitty climbing control scheme from Ninja Gaiden 3 where it was used for Kunai climbing. :lol

First of all, love the nickname you gave Ogroman. XD

Second of all, where is the shotgun on the bridge??

When you first fight and beat him, return to the bridge by going back to the building where you go upstairs. Head to the bridge again that you and Piers were on and you'll see a gate there that require you both to open it at the same time. Inside is a Shotgun. Getting it so early in the chapter really helps.


Where can I view the 3D figurines as I unlock them? All I see are files when I go to Collections. Where will they displayed? On the same shelves as the files? Are there different figurines unlocked for each campaign?
The first half of Jake's 2nd chapter is pretty awful. So dark you can barely see, blowing wind, narrow paths, enemies that come out of nowhere are nearly impossible to see. It's designed so poorly that they even put a map up in the corner of the screen so you can navigate. I was just sprinting all over the place to avoid the enemies. It gets better after you get to the cabin
though I did careen off the mountain a few times on the snowmobile
but I wanted to quit out during that first part.
Out of what I've played so far, the first two chapters of Chris and Jake and the first chapter of Leon's I have to say Helena is the worst partner. Also, so far Leons is the weakest which is surprising but it will probably change later. Chapter 2 of Jakes was probably the worst chapter I've played so far but there were some fun parts once I knew what I was doing. I think I died Ten times because I had no idea what was going on.


Where can I view the 3D figurines as I unlock them? All I see are files when I go to Collections. Where will they displayed? On the same shelves as the files? Are there different figurines unlocked for each campaign?
It's the same place as the files. Sometimes you get a figure instead of a file. I've only unlocked one so far. :(

The first half of Jake's 2nd chapter is pretty awful.
I feel the opposite about that chapter. It was all the stuff that happened after
wandering in the blizzard and reaching the cabin that bothered me the most: the annoying snowmobile insta-death stuff, the misguided stealth parts, and the QTE crap that ended it all.
It seems everyone likes and hates different things about this game, lol.
The first half of Jake's 2nd chapter is pretty awful. So dark you can barely see, blowing wind, narrow paths, enemies that come out of nowhere are nearly impossible to see. It's designed so poorly that they even put a map up in the corner of the screen so you can navigate. I was just sprinting all over the place to avoid the enemies. It gets better after you get to the cabin
though I did careen off the mountain a few times on the snowmobile
but I wanted to quit out during that first part.
I think the easiest way to do it is just sprint and don't bother with the enemies. In fact id say based on the first two chapters of Jakes campaign you are supposed to avoid the enemies. Sherry even tells you not to bother fighting and just focus on escaping. I died twice on the first section of Chapter 2 because id try standing my ground and fight the enemies off but id die and/or get completely lost. The camera was also wonky during the snowmobile parts. It was hard to see what was coming in front of me.


I think you have to get all 4 emblems on a chapter to unlock the figurine. I'm not sure, so somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
Oh, I see. I had no clue how it works. I just know that I got a Chris figurine somehow, and it was in the same place as the files.

I think the easiest way to do it is just sprint and don't bother with the enemies. In fact id say based on the first two chapters of Jakes campaign you are supposed to avoid the enemies. Sherry even tells you not to bother fighting and just focus on escaping. I died twice on the first section of Chapter 2 because id try standing my ground and fight the enemies off but id die and/or get completely lost. The camera was also wonky during the snowmobile parts. It was hard to see what was coming in front of me.
The snowmobile parts are BS. It took me like five deaths to realize that I was just supposed to follow my partner instead of trying to carve out a path on my own.


I have only played Chris chapter 1 solo. (wanted to play Leon, but the OT chronology stuff seemed important to give the game a fair chance)

The cover mechanic is truly awful. Is not very helpful if you try to use it aggressively, basically only works in cheap camping mode. Was really disliking the game when I tried to use cover, but it became kind of fun when I switched to a mobile shooting/melee style. Quickshot and headstomp combo feels satisfying. I think the game would have been better if the cover system was removed entirely and replaced with more aggressive AI behavior. Even a last minute scrapping of cover with sloppy rebalancing would have been preferable compared to the current system.

Something is off with controls in melee though. Anyone else getting weird throwing yourself at the ground moves without touching the "a" button? Really annoys me when I am doing my ammo conservation power gaming strategy ...

Disliked the annoying quirks that should not be in a triple A game like this. What is up with the camera locking in weird angles before some story events? Not being able to use healing items that you find with a full inventory? The back of Chris's body taking up the whole screen is desorienting and irritating as expected.


Something is off with controls in melee though. Anyone else getting weird throwing yourself at the ground moves without touching the "a" button? Really annoys me when I am doing my ammo conservation power gaming strategy ...

Disliked the annoying quirks that should not be in a triple A game like this. What is up with the camera locking in weird angles before some story events? Not being able to use healing items that you find with a full inventory? The back of Chris's body taking up the whole screen is desorienting and irritating as expected.


Cover's main use is
rapid regen of Stamina. Your stamina bar recovers super fast while in cover

That random "throw yourself at the ground" problem sounds like an L3/press in analog stick button issue. I get that a lot on the PS3 version mostly because I sometimes click down on the analog stick by accident.

Never had an issue with healing items, though I'll admit it took me a bit to realize how the first aid spray works in this game, since it's split from the herbs.


Here's what I think of each chapter I've played so far, in the order I've played them:

Chris Chapter 1: Cool setting, but crowded level design in the alleyways and kitchens, and up on the rooftops. Love the hostage rescue sequence where the
spider J'avo scurry off with some civilians
. The flying enemies could test one's patience.

Chris Chapter 2: A bit too action-packed for my tastes, but there's a lot of opportunities to really push the combat mechanics to the limits. Ammo runs a bit scarce, though, so melee often. Also, they should've been clearer with what to do with the
second Ogroman
encounter (
run up his arm, pull out the plug; with the second one, shoot its crotch until it falls over
), and for the QTE there, they should've made it clear you need to twirl both sticks at once to quickly fill up the meter. Finally, we have the area at the end, in
City Hall
-- this was great stuff, from the haunting setting to the fierce battle with the
and the
(don't know their real names).

Jake Chapter 1: The bit with the
helicopter firing missiles
created a strobe-light pattern of flashes that was really aggravating. Just run through that section -- it's brief, and they want you to run anyway. Loved the encounters with
(spelling?). The
encounter at the end was a bit more palatable here than it was in Chris' campaign (or was that me just being more experienced this go-around)?

Jake Chapter 2: The first stretch,
searching for cards in a snowstorm at night
, was a bit tiring since the already low visibility was compounded by the changing weather, and the snipers seemed endless. If I could do it again, I'd use the L1 + Circle trick to paint the snipers as targets for the AI partner to prioritize. I'd also run past more of them. You can safely run to each objective marker to grab the items without fear of missing much. Then you hit the
for an awesome fight, and then the
vehicle section
is decent fun, barring a cheap QTE and easy-to-miss (but wholly optional) emblem. Then the
stealth sections
that round out the chapter are great, and again, for the stick-twirling QTEs at the end, use BOTH analog sticks.

Leon Chapter 1: Probably my favorite chapter so far. I only have two issues here: One, the slow crawl at the beginning where you're forced to walk and wait for NPCs will lower replayability (especially in co-op), and the vehicle-dodging QTEs in the subway tunnel is very unexpected. Otherwise, this chapter is AMAZING:
the college, the tunnels, the city streets, the various houses and apartments and restaurants and stores you go through, the burning cars, the different zombie types (the muscle mannequin ones and heavy zombies especially -- with the latter, aim for the legs). Meeting other NPCs and teaming up to survive, the vehicles careening out of control, the disturbing sights and sounds, lights casting shadows at the end of the tunnel, holding out inside a building with other survivors, etc
-- all amazing.


Just completed Chris's campaign.
Apart from the last boss fight the campaign was surprisingly good.
Ran constantly out of ammo at the boss fight and beforehand the camera angles were pure shit but other than that great coop game, now off to the other 2 campaigns, platin trophy here I come.


That random "throw yourself at the ground" problem sounds like an L3/press in analog stick button issue. I get that a lot on the PS3 version mostly because I sometimes click down on the analog stick by accident.

That must be it. Maybe my gamepad is getting old or something.
Many of the moments with infinite spawns are like that to favor the agent hunt mode. And once you unlock agent hunt you value them for trying something new.


benevolent sexism
The person who designed the rope climbing QTE should really reconsider his job, took me a good 20 minutes to figure out I have to hold R1 while pressing L1, the fucking commands were flashing like a christmas tree .

I didn't have a problem with executing it. I think the controller inputs are the same as the
airplane cargo bay climbing QTE
. I think it's actually kind of intuitive that you have to always be holding one button to keep a grip on the rope. I still totally agree that whoever designed it should feel very, very bad, as should whoever allowed it into the game.
This is so frustrating. I just want to play with a friend and we can never join each others sessions. I do not have this problem with any other game. It shows we have zero connection bars for whatever reason. Ports forwarded etc. We play other games just fine but RE6 is just not working.


I didn't have a problem with executing it. I think the controller inputs are the same as the
airplane cargo bay climbing QTE
. I think it's actually kind of intuitive that you have to always be holding one button to keep a grip on the rope. I still totally agree that whoever designed it should feel very, very bad, as should whoever allowed it into the game.

It wouldn't be as bad if every other QTE wasn't "mash button to win", since that QTE actually requires some coordination. Again, chalk one up to the lack of proper tutorials.

Just finished
Chapter 2 on Professional. I always DID get the feeling that you could join another player from that perspective once I learned of the 4 player segments. Got matched up with someone for the boss, I don't think he knew either.


benevolent sexism
So... when you switch shoulders while running (analog stick run, not hold button run), it stops you in your tracks. Anyone care to defend that little oversight?


I'm like halfway through Leon's 1st chapter and it's awesome.
I want an Outbreak game like this. Chaos in the streets moving through a level with surprises and maybe throw in some alternate routes too.
Atmosphere all up in this level.


So... when you switch shoulders while running (analog stick run, not hold button run), it stops you in your tracks. Anyone care to defend that little oversight?
Wow, how do you even do that? If I do the L3 hold sprint/run and try switching shoulders by clicking R3, I just keep running. And if I try to aim while running (so I can get out my gun to switch shoulders), a slide comes out like usual.

I kind of liked the character interaction between Jake and Sherry but man are there some terrible gameplay ideas in that campaign.
lol it's like they were the leftover concepts or something
Think there will be a write up of all the files from medal collecting? I'm interesting in background/lore, but not interested in hunting down the medals. Kind of sucks they are linked together.

Would much rather just read everything online, if possible.


I didn't have a problem with executing it. I think the controller inputs are the same as the
airplane cargo bay climbing QTE
. I think it's actually kind of intuitive that you have to always be holding one button to keep a grip on the rope. I still totally agree that whoever designed it should feel very, very bad, as should whoever allowed it into the game.

I have to disagree with you, it wasn't intuitive at all and that's due to not getting feedback on what I was doing wrong, I still could climb without holding a certain trigger, while the feedback should've been me stumbling down if i don't hold the trigger, instead, I climb up a few feet until I slip down the rope again.
funny enough, I passed the
airplane cargo bay climbing QTE
without holding any trigger, that's how shambolic of a mechanic it is.
So just completed
Ada Wongs
chapter 4 and the end section has by far the creepiest encounter with a BOW yet imo. I was actually disturbed by an enemy. Wow.


Jake's ending was definitely the best, the credits track was pure old school RE cheese, I really enjoyed it. Final fight was definitely pretty fun too!

So many ups and downs, I think in the end this game feels like the biggest low budget game of all time. It's so sloppy and janky at times, so inconsistent visually and so clearly unpolished.

It has heart though and the game was mostly fun or atleast entertaining the whole way through other than 3-4 chapters which were just pure ass.

Will post final thoughts when I finish Ada tommorow.
Honestly-- I think it may have been something of a small mistake allowing you to play the scenarios as you wish. Now, I'm all for freedom and choice, but with this game, I feel like if you stay on the same campaign for too long, it does get kind of repetitive and stale.

With the Leon scenario, it's pretty good, but the stuff in chapter 3 kind of feels like artificial padding. It's okay, but it goes on for too long in the same environment. The first two chapters were way better IMO, and I was admittedly starting to feel a bit fatigued with it.

Then, I decided to look into playing the game in the "Dusk Golem" order, and holy mother of god does it make a difference. So far I've did Leon 1-3, Chris 1-2, and Jake 1. That feeling of fatigue I was experiencing during the Leon scenario went away as I dove into the other campaigns.

It seriously makes a huge difference. I've been liking all three campaigns so far, but staying on each one for too long can, like I said, start to wear thin. Jumping around between characters however keeps the plot way more interesting and better paced. Spending so much time
looking for Deborah
just got really tedious and boring despite everything happening around it-- it's important to be somewhat engaged at least in the narrative, and being stuck on that plot point for too long kind of sucked.

If you ask me, from what I've played anyway, Jake and Sherry are the real stars here and their story breathes a gargantuan breath of fresh air into the game after spending so much time with Leon and Helena. Chris and co. aren't bad and I actually really like some of the stuff going on there, but I feel like Jake is a very well executed character to my legitimate surprise, much like Piers. I've greatly enjoyed his dialogue, mannerisms, and chemistry with Sherry.

But yeah. For new players, we're not kidding around-- follow the suggested order. It makes the game much more enjoyable. Again I'm not against freedom, but because of how stale Leon's story gets and how military gung-ho Chris' first couple of chapters are, adding in some Jake and Sherry to the mix makes for a more enjoyable and engaging experience. It actually feels like something is happening in the story now.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
So... when you switch shoulders while running (analog stick run, not hold button run), it stops you in your tracks. Anyone care to defend that little oversight?

It's because the camera isn't switching shoulders... the character is literally switching their handedness.

I believe they did this to avoid having to create extra poses/animation for the cover system. This is just a guess though.

Either way, I've said a number of times it adds unnecessary clunk. And it doesn't make sense from a character perspective, to see Leon shouldering a rifle left-handed. It's almost blasphemous!

This also leads to an exploit where you can cancel the bolt action! Great for competitive modes.

Still... pretty minor gripe.

Wow, how do you even do that? If I do the L3 hold sprint/run and try switching shoulders by clicking R3, I just keep running. And if I try to aim while running (so I can get out my gun to switch shoulders), a slide comes out like usual.

He's talking about the analog jog. But it does it when you're walking too.


Honestly-- I think it may have been something of a small mistake allowing you to play the scenarios as you wish. Now, I'm all for freedom and choice, but with this game, I feel like if you stay on the same campaign for too long, it does get kind of repetitive and stale.

With the Leon scenario, it's pretty good, but the stuff in chapter 3 kind of feels like artificial padding. It's okay, but it goes on for too long in the same environment. The first two chapters were way better IMO, and I was admittedly starting to feel a bit fatigued with it.

Then, I decided to look into playing the game in the "Dusk Golem" order, and holy mother of god does it make a difference. So far I've did Leon 1-3, Chris 1-2, and Jake 1. That feeling of fatigue I was experiencing during the Leon scenario went away as I dove into the other campaigns.

It seriously makes a huge difference. I've been liking all three campaigns so far, but staying on each one for too long can, like I said, start to wear thin. Jumping around between characters however keeps the plot way more interesting and better paced. Spending so much time
looking for Deborah
just got really tedious and boring despite everything happening around it-- it's important to be somewhat engaged at least in the narrative, and being stuck on that plot point for too long kind of sucked.

If you ask me, from what I've played anyway, Jake and Sherry are the real stars here and their story breathes a gargantuan breath of fresh air into the game after spending so much time with Leon and Helena. Chris and co. aren't bad and I actually really like some of the stuff going on there, but I feel like Jake is a very well executed character to my legitimate surprise, much like Piers. I've greatly enjoyed his dialogue, mannerisms, and chemistry with Sherry.

But yeah. For new players, we're not kidding around-- follow the suggested order. It makes the game much more enjoyable. Again I'm not against freedom, but because of how stale Leon's story gets and how military gung-ho Chris' first couple of chapters are, adding in some Jake and Sherry to the mix makes for a more enjoyable and engaging experience. It actually feels like something is happening in the story now.

Yeah, I think the chronological order helps not only the story make more sense, but you're swapping gameplay styles and stuff. Just makes it a long epic (well, for an action game).


He's talking about the analog jog. But it does it when you're walking too.
Haha, yeah, thanks. I realized it a bit after I posted. :p

I only switch shoulders when I'm aiming, so I never even noticed before.

edit: actually nvm I do switch when I'm moving, but it's so inconsequential that I never gave it a second thought
Also, seriously holy shit at the soundtrack, and the end of Jake 1. Amazing.

the part with the mannequins after the first Ustanak fight and then the big spraypainted face on the far wall beyond that with the mannequin where the nose should be with a paper sack over its head was a very welcome detail


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I'm glad I played through in regular order... I liked learning about the story piecemeal. Something about it felt really cool.

Leon --> Chris --> Jake had a natural progression. Chronological, you'd be playing certain parts multiple times back to back.

Either way is probably fine, but I liked going through the build up and having all the pieces filled in. It's pretty cool not knowing what happened when Chris
tells Leon that Ada is dead
and seeing
her character
in a different light with each campaign.


benevolent sexism
Wow, how do you even do that? If I do the L3 hold sprint/run and try switching shoulders by clicking R3, I just keep running. And if I try to aim while running (so I can get out my gun to switch shoulders), a slide comes out like usual.

lol it's like they were the leftover concepts or something

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I didn't mean running by clicking the analog stick (I forgot that was a thing.) I mean the movement speed that's not walking but not full sprinting. The point is, it won't just move the camera like it should. The character has to do the actual switch stances animation.

edit: oops already explained

I have to disagree with you, it wasn't intuitive at all and that's due to not getting feedback on what I was doing wrong, I still could climb without holding a certain trigger, while the feedback should've been me stumbling down if i don't hold the trigger, instead, I climb up a few feet until I slip down the rope again.
funny enough, I passed the
airplane cargo bay climbing QTE
without holding any trigger, that's how shambolic of a mechanic it is.

Maybe I just guessed right the first time. I totally agree that there's no useful feedback about what you're doing.
I'm glad I played through in regular order... I liked learning about the story piecemeal. Something about it felt really cool.

Leon --> Chris --> Jake had a natural progression. Chronological, you'd be playing certain parts multiple times back to back.

I can't really comment on that opinion as I haven't finished the game, I just know I was getting very bored with Leon and Helena after their first two chapters, and going to the other characters worked wonders for me.


benevolent sexism
So I've seen this complaint before, but I'm most of the way through Chris's second chapter and I'm constantly out of ammo. Why, in the campaign that is designed to look like and play like a conventional cover-based shooter, am I always without bullets? It wasn't a problem even once that I can recall in the Leon campaign.

What am I doing wrong? I'm using melee as much as I ever did, which is whenever it's possible.

who the fuck approved tripping

fire them

In Leon's campaign tripping didn't end up being nearly as prevalent and annoying as I expected it to be based on the demo. It's still bad that it exists, though.
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