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RESIDENT EVIL 6 |OT| No Trope Left


You are in luck...

No shit? Awesome. If companies are going to do a physical release at all, I wish they'd at least try to make them look nice and come with manual.

Edit: Eh, I guess it's euro only. You guys get the nice tall oaks hoodie and day one PSN, it's no fair.

Beth Cyra

Really wish all new games would release day and date on PSN/Live, I would so get this on Live so I could have it at all times on the HDD.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
No shit? Awesome.

Seems so... if you're in EU you can pre-order and preload for Day1.

For the US we had a post a few pages back saying they are planning for Day1 release (but nothing about pre-order and preload)


No shit? Awesome. If companies are going to do a physical release at all, I wish they'd at least try to make them look nice and come with manual.

Manuals haven't been worth anything since the days of Claw Marks and the book that came with M1 Tank Platoon.


So... where's the plot hole? http://projectumbrella.net/articles/Yasuhisa-Kawamura-Interview-Project-Umbrella

There are many roads leading into Raccoon City. Leon and Claire took two where the military had bailed from. Miller was at one further away in the mountains.

Raccoon City wasn't widely communicated because the government had tried to keep a lid on it. They claimed it was radioactive waste and cut the city off. Anyone who managed to escape was quarantined and taken into custody. Eventually, they eased restrictions due to facing casualties themselves but it wasn't known to anyone outside the city what exactly happened until very late in the incident.

Leon overslept and was late for his first day on the job. His gun isn't R.P.D. issue, it's his personal handgun. He had visited the city before and had met a few of the officers in the police department, namely Kevin Ryman from Outbreak. He knew right where the police department was because he had been there before. He had tried to contact the station while on his way, but got no response because, y'know, everyone was dead.

Alright, fair enough. That certainly makes more sense, however I still think a lot of that information is spotty, isn't there footage of the zombie outbreak being shown on news broadcasts in both Degeneration and Outbreak?

The characters in the series aren't really meant to be deep. I don't see why "deep" story-telling is a requirement for enjoyment? I've never really cared.

Never said anything about being "Deep", it's the fact that the characters have almost no defining personalities. Leon is completely different from appearance to appearance. In RE2 is he's a to the point "protect the innocent" rookie cop, in RE4 he's an overly cocky 1 liner spewing machine, in Degeneration he's a stoic robot that displays little to no emotion. It's hard to even call him simply an archetype because he's never the same. That is shitty writing.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
OK, I'm finally enjoying the demo a bit more. It takes a while to get used to, but once you get the controls down, it starts to resemble a good game.

They clearly put a lot of thought into the different mechanics but they are so different from the norm. On the surface, they feel clunky, but I think there is some depth to be found.

That said, the camera is still way too close and the game too chaotic. Handing guns to the enemies was not a good idea either, I feel.

Regarding the framerate, well, it's not perfect but it's better than I gave it credit for. I believe what REALLY hurts the experience the most is actually the way they handle camera motion while moving. If you simply jog forward (not sprint) you'll notice that the camera actually lurches along in time to your steps rather than smoothly gliding like most games. This simply change actually makes the game seem less smooth than it actually is.

Now, when you couple this with the segment where the framerate DOES dip, things start feeling pretty awful. They need to remove that stupid camera lurching. Throwing in some camera motion can look cool but the way they use it here makes the game feel extra janky.

I was also surprised at how well Jake's section runs. I actually feel it is the best looking area in the demo yet it manages a mostly consistent 30 fps on pS3. Leon's section, oddly enough, is both the ugliest and choppiest (outside of the opening bit with Chris).


The guy playing on the stream is having issues playing. I mean there was like a total of 6 zombies spread over 6 rooms and he's almost dead lol


I am really looking forward to getting anthology and archieves since Futureshop here had a price mistake and I got them both for 90 total.


benevolent sexism
OK, I'm finally enjoying the demo a bit more. It takes a while to get used to, but once you get the controls down, it starts to resemble a good game.

They clearly put a lot of thought into the different mechanics but they are so different from the norm. On the surface, they feel clunky, but I think there is some depth to be found.

That said, the camera is still way too close and the game too chaotic. Handing guns to the enemies was not a good idea either, I feel.

Regarding the framerate, well, it's not perfect but it's better than I gave it credit for. I believe what REALLY hurts the experience the most is actually the way they handle camera motion while moving. If you simply jog forward (not sprint) you'll notice that the camera actually lurches along in time to your steps rather than smoothly gliding like most games. This simply change actually makes the game seem less smooth than it actually is.

Now, when you couple this with the segment where the framerate DOES dip, things start feeling pretty awful. They need to remove that stupid camera lurching. Throwing in some camera motion can look cool but the way they use it here makes the game feel extra janky.

I was also surprised at how well Jake's section runs. I actually feel it is the best looking area in the demo yet it manages a mostly consistent 30 fps on pS3. Leon's section, oddly enough, is both the ugliest and choppiest (outside of the opening bit with Chris).

Aside from the closeness of the camera, this is my primary complaint. The way the camera is rigidly locked to the character makes the game look and feel cheap compared to other AAA games. As we were discussing earlier in the thread, the RE4 camera is locked behind Leon, but it also adapts to your actions, it's not attached to his back at a fixed distance. Most importantly, it functions to give you a useful view of the action while still feeling dynamic. The RE6 camera is all dynamic all the time at the expense of functionality.

I think one of the biggest improvements this generation has been in subtle, careful camerawork that enhances the feel of a game. RE6 is a big step back in this regard.


PSN pre-order is 70 euros which is 15 more than I have to pay at the store. I'd rather buy the disc, if I'm tired of it... can always sell it.

News Bot

Alright, fair enough. That certainly makes more sense, however I still think a lot of that information is spotty, isn't there footage of the zombie outbreak being shown on news broadcasts in both Degeneration and Outbreak?

Never said anything about being "Deep", it's the fact that the characters have almost no defining personalities. Leon is completely different from appearance to appearance. In RE2 is he's a to the point "protect the innocent" rookie cop, in RE4 he's an overly cocky 1 liner spewing machine, in Degeneration he's a stoic robot that displays little to no emotion. It's hard to even call him simply an archetype because he's never the same. That is shitty writing.

No footage. Although even if there were, people wouldn't have known what they were exactly and it would have been likely covered up too.

That's not shitty writing, it's bad localization. Different translators and voice directors = different portrayals. The writing itself (original Japanese scripts) is extremely consistent. Most of Leon's one-liners in RE4 were added by Shinsaku Ohara, the translator and voice director. Hell, the motives of the Los Illuminados and Saddler are completely different between the English and Japanese scripts. There were a lot of US bashing and terrorism references added in the English version, while there was absolutely zero of it in Japanese. The cult itself wants to "cleanse the world" in the English version, while they wanted power in the Japanese one and merely saw the US as holding the most, making it perfect to demonstrate their power to the world.

Leon in BH6 is basically what he was supposed to have been from 4 onwards, but twelve year old humor and poor English comprehension took hold.


That's not shitty writing, it's bad localization. Different translators and voice directors = different portrayals. The writing itself (original Japanese scripts) is extremely consistent. Most of Leon's one-liners in RE4 were added by Shinsaku Ohara, the translator and voice director. Hell, the motives of the Los Illuminados and Saddler are completely different between the English and Japanese scripts. There were a lot of US bashing and terrorism references added in the English version, while there was absolutely zero of it in Japanese. The cult itself wants to "cleanse the world" in the English version, while they wanted power in the Japanese one and merely saw the US as holding the most, making it perfect to demonstrate their power to the world.

Leon in BH6 is basically what he was supposed to have been from 4 onwards, but twelve year old humor and poor English comprehension took hold.

It's most certainly shitty writing, the character is completely different from game to game, it's not just simply another "portrayal" of the character, there's not an ounce of consistency. This doesn't just apply to Leon either, it applies to nearly all the characters, none of them can be defined by their personalities, unless they're just a stereotypical archetype.


I just played the demo for this. Goddamn, why are the controls so awful? Worst cover mechanic ever?

Also, I have no clue what's going on around me, specially during the Chris and Wesker Jr. (Lol) section. There's so much shit blowing up I think I'm gonna become deaf.

Very disappointed by what I played.

News Bot

It's most certainly shitty writing, the character is completely different from game to game, it's not just simply another "potrayl" of the character, there's not an ounce of consistency. This doesn't just apply to Leon either, it applies to nearly all the characters, none of them can be defined by their personalities, unless they're just a stereotypical archetype.

Different from game to game because of bad and differing localizations. You can keep saying it's bad writing all you want, but you're ignoring the fact that the writing you're familiar with isn't even in the original script, which is ultimately what defines the characters and is what the writers themselves actually use when writing later material.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I just played the demo for this. Goddamn, why are the controls so awful? Worst cover mechanic ever?

Also, I have no clue what's going on around me, specially during the Chris and Wesker Jr. (Lol) section. There's so much shit blowing up I think I'm gonna become deaf.

Very disappointed by what I played.

The general consensus is that the demo needs to be played through a few times until you get a hang of the controls and camera and it stops feeling weird.


When is the embargo up for reviews for this game?

I want to see if the gaming press actually has balls this time.
When is the embargo up for reviews for this game?

I want to see if the gaming press actually has balls this time.

So what, if the game gets good reviews you will pass it off as the gaming press has no balls and if it gets bad ones you think its cause they are showing their true feelings? What kind of warped mentality is that.


So what, if the game gets good reviews you will pass it off as the gaming press has no balls and if it gets bad ones you think its cause they are showing their true feelings? What kind of warped mentality is that.

I played the demo. I think I know what kind of quality game this is.

If it's anything indicative of the final product, then god have mercy.

But who knows, maybe that demo was an early build, and the game has changed since then. Maybe there's hope?

I believe someone said it was like one day before the release date. Bad news for people on the fence with their pre-orders placed.

Thanks for the reply without all the smarmy bullshit.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
When is the embargo up for reviews for this game?

I want to see if the gaming press actually has balls this time.

I know man. If the game gets review scores in the 90s then obviously the press was paid off and I'm going to cancel my pre-order. On the other hand, if it reviews poorly then obviously the game sucks and I will be forced to cancel my pre-order.


I'm just hoping for some honest reviews. If I see a 10, I will laugh at it. Even a 9 is a bit shady. I kinda liked the pros for that 7/10 review. That con about the campaigns being similar to each other is worrisome though.


When is the embargo up for reviews for this game?

I want to see if the gaming press actually has balls this time
Yoshi posted that a kinda important Swedish magazine put a 7 on it. Fair enough, I believe.

But if you mean gaming press = IGN, Gamespot and Kotaku, well...


I know man. If the game gets review scores in the 90s then obviously the press was paid off and I'm going to cancel my pre-order. On the other hand, if it reviews poorly then obviously the game sucks and I will be forced to cancel my pre-order.
My cancel is standing by for launch orders.
So the Play magazine review states:

"While long-term Resident Evil fans might still be disappointed by the nod towards action over horror, Capcom finally has the confidence and know-how to pull it off. It's big, it's brutal, it's ballsy and most of all, it's back,

Back from what? Where did it go?


I know man. If the game gets review scores in the 90s then obviously the press was paid off and I'm going to cancel my pre-order. On the other hand, if it reviews poorly then obviously the game sucks and I will be forced to cancel my pre-order.

No I'm not saying that they would give it high scores because of being paid off, but rather for respect for such a hallowed franchise in the video game industry. No one would dare give GTA a bad score would they?

What I played of it was a disgrace to the RE name and should be called out appropriately.


Wait... so let me get this straight. The 360 version just gets Code Veronica X as an exclusive while the PS3 version gets 1, 2 as well as 3? Hmmmmm does that look fair?
I played the demo. I think I know what kind of quality game this is.

And I played the same demo and odds are I like it way more than you. If we were to score the demo you would give it a totally different score than me. Would that mean one of us is paid off, would that mean one of us is lying to themselves. Different tastes, different opinions.


I'm a huge RE fan but this game just looks so unappealing.

Basically this. And I will second the interest on seeing reviewers opinions of this game.

The demo was utterly awful, and if the full game is anything like that then the game doesn't deserve many good scores... then again most reviewers don't have the balls to give any AAA release less than an 8 for simply being "decent" so I'm sure I will be proven wrong -_-


I think most reviewers will give around an 8.5 for this. I haven't played the demo though, just guessing based on what I've seen. Reviewers are going to claim it's not as good as RE4 and/or not survival horror like the earlier games if GAF opinion is anything to go by.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
No I'm not saying that they would give it high scores because of being paid off, but rather for respect for such a hallowed franchise in the video game industry. No one would dare give GTA a bad score would they?

What I played of it was a disgrace to the RE name and should be called out appropriately.

I'm just messing with you man. I don't trust reviews anyway, so I don't really care how it scores. I just know it's going to be a massive hailstorm of defecation in this thread once the reviews come out.

Wait... so let me get this straight. The 360 version just gets Code Veronica X as an exclusive while the PS3 version gets 1, 2 as well as 3? Hmmmmm does that look fair?

Well I'm getting the 360 version, and it comes with RE5 Gold Edition, RE4 HD, CV:X HD, and the Degeneration movie. Not a bad deal really, as I never got past the castle in RE4 and I've never played CV:X, while I've played RE1/2/3 already.

Actually I need to figure out what I'm doing with RE5 GE since I already own RE5 on PS3. Maybe I'll sell it and recoup some of my costs.


Wait... so let me get this straight. The 360 version just gets Code Veronica X as an exclusive while the PS3 version gets 1, 2 as well as 3? Hmmmmm does that look fair?

The PS3 CE doesn't get Code Veronica X or the movie; but the PSone versions of 1, 2, 3 instead.


In general, Resident Evil 5 is one of my most played games and favorites this gen.
Yet, it was considered as shit by many and a disgrace to the Resident Evil name. From the looks of it, guess '6' will be even better than '5'...to me. :p


Wait... so let me get this straight. The 360 version just gets Code Veronica X as an exclusive while the PS3 version gets 1, 2 as well as 3? Hmmmmm does that look fair?
1, 2 and 3 aren't available in XBL and the price for three games isn't that bad either.

I think being able to assault BOWs with wrestling moves is worth 8/10 by itself.
It would have been a 9.5 if they had included La Mística from Sin Cara. I fucking swear.


The stream is still pretty good. It's a bit disappointing that the streets are like in RE3 : hallways with door/gate blocking them and requiring the partner to open.

Also weird that there's a QTE everytime a zombie grab you. Either the joystiq one or the press the button when the cursor pass over the desired area type of QTE.

That part of the game is really beautiful though. Lots of thing going on at the same time too.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Man... I just bought the lightgun games. I am weak.
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