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RESIDENT EVIL 6 |OT| No Trope Left


If this game is 4.5 then goddamn MAKE MORE OF THIS SHIT

my thought exactly

also i don't get how a lot of people is complaining for the lack of ammo, even in Chris's campaign they're the exact amount you need, you always have to think how to approach the various sections in the right way, wich wapon to use, how to not waste them, for what i care it adds a LOT to the immersion....then you start watching walkthrough and it makes you sad how people rage for being incompetent

and they don't even know what a knife is there for
Tons of games are better. I'm not even going to argue that point. It's silly. Instead I'll take the opportunity to point out something specific, and I believe indisputable, that makes parts of RE6 worse than similar parts of another game.

RE6 has a several moments that seem directly inspired by things that happened in Uncharted 2 and 3. Their execution in RE6 is F-grade. Like the kind of thing you'd see in a budget title made by untalented nobodies. Yet they saw fit to put these things in the game, despite the obvious comparisons they invite, and how bad those comparisons make them look. So, this reflects poorly on the team's talent for certain kinds of scenarios, as well as the decision making ablities of the producers/directors.

Here's another. The Heavy Rain style QTE sequences. Heavy Rain did them better. They looked better, they felt more congruous with the actions the character was performing, and perhaps most importantly they fit into the game as a whole. In RE6 they are badly designed, badly communicated, bad looking, and badly integrated into the game.
This is key. It's the central issue surrounding this game's creation and reception. Once they opened that door they opened themselves up to a whole new world of criticism and demands. If it can't even be considered good RE then it sure as hell better be fantastic at everything else to keep the wolves at bay. That was RE5's saving grace. Everything about the game besides traditional RE gameplay(or lack of) and Sheva AI was polished to hell and back. Doesn't seem like the same can be said about RE6. I'm also totally aware that it is not a 3-4 point game either.


I just cleared through every campaign. As a whole, I thought the game is pretty disappointing. It's just trying so hard to ape the movies and function like the Uncharted series or any other popular western action/adventure game. The game has no atmosphere, really. This series has truly lost it's way. It's a shame, there were some great moments in the game, but you have to go through a myriad of QTEs and set pieces to find them. Though the one thing that they knocked out of the park was the monster designs. I'd say this game has the best monster designs of the series.

Also, how fucked up is it that there's only 3 mercenaries maps?

I didn't finish the game yet, but I feel the opposite way so far. I think most of the monsters seem flat-out stupid.


I think a lot of people will be surprised when they finally try this game on the cheap or something -- having avoided it due to the echo chamber effect of certain reviews and the law of escalations of the Internet -- and see that the game is actually, well, good. RE4 fans especially will be delighted by Leon Chapters 1 and 2, and I hear Ada's campaign as well (I'm not there yet). I think the whole of Chris' campaign so far is better than much of RE5 in general. The robust combat and mobility options, the sheer volume of content in each chapter, the tension of running low on ammo or herbs and knowing an enemy can appear just about anywhere without warning (tracking you even from the other side of the level, and with no music to give them away -- see crypt zombies in cemetery), and the dense atmosphere of many locations just makes it a home run in so many ways.


my thought exactly

also i don't get how a lot of people is complaining for the lack of ammo, even in Chris's campaign they're the exact amount you need, you always have to think how to approach the various sections in the right way, wich wapon to use, how to not waste them, for what i care it adds a LOT to the immersion....then you start watching walkthrough and it makes you sad how people rage for being incompetent

and they don't even know what a knife is there for
I've found that I actually have far more guns and ammo than I need in Leon's campaign. Not even hoarding. I am actually trying to use as much ammunition as I can but I still have too much.

Feels about right in the other two. Better than most action games (e.g. Gears of War.)
Played Chris' first two chapters. Liked them. Jake's first chapter... it was okay, replaying that one fight wasn't that fun, but it was cool to see stuff from another perspective. Fight at the end was cool. But fuck Chapter 2 for Jake. The first half wasn't fun
that blizzard was annoying as fuck, it went on for too long
, then there was a cool segment, then fuck the vehicle section, kept dying.

But overall, I'm liking the game a lot so far.


QTEs are the main give away, but the game pretty seamlessly weaves scripted and non-scripted moments together. It's actually one of my main complaints because I waste so much ammo only for a boss to reveal a new form and slip into another segment for some fights.

Yeah, replaying a few campaigns leaves me frustrated in this regard. I'm not sure whether or not I should even shoot at some bosses instead of just evading their attacks for X time, because it seems like the scripted events happen in the same amount of time no matter how much I unload on them. An example of this is when I'm fighting the Ubistvo in the final campaign, where the goal is "Take down the B.O.W.", but it seems like it just happens automatically after he
gets smacked with two billboards while riding on top of the bus, then just waiting for the train to show up when sitting on the rails.

also i don't get how a lot of people is complaining for the lack of ammo, even in Chris's campaign they're the exact amount you need, you always have to think how to approach the various sections in the right way, wich wapon to use, how to not waste them, for what i care it adds a LOT to the immersion....then you start watching walkthrough and it makes you sad how people rage for being incompetent

and they don't even know what a knife is there for

I understand the knife for Leon, but why would Chris ever use the knife when 90% of the enemies you fight in Chapter 1/2 are shooting at you from locations you can't simply walk to?


Played Chris' first two chapters. Liked them. Jake's first chapter... it was okay, replaying that one fight wasn't that fun, but it was cool to see stuff from another perspective. Fight at the end was cool. But fuck Chapter 2 for Jake. The first half wasn't fun
that blizzard was annoying as fuck, it went on for too long
, then there was a cool segment, then fuck the vehicle section, kept dying.

But overall, I'm liking the game a lot so far.
That spoiler-tagged section you mentioned (first part of Jake Chapter 2) is the only part that has irked me so far (I'm on the fourth chapter of each campaign) and I intend to revisit it to see if it plays better now that I understand it more. For instance, I didn't notice the radar mini-map until the very end, nor did I realize I should just clear a path through the snipers and run rather than trying to stop them all (even though the game suggests this with character cues).


Played Chris' first two chapters. Liked them. Jake's first chapter... it was okay, replaying that one fight wasn't that fun, but it was cool to see stuff from another perspective. Fight at the end was cool. But fuck Chapter 2 for Jake. The first half wasn't fun
that blizzard was annoying as fuck, it went on for too long
, then there was a cool segment, then fuck the vehicle section, kept dying.

But overall, I'm liking the game a lot so far.

third chapter both Chris and Jake are a huge step up in quality, u'll see :D


RE6 has a several moments that seem directly inspired by things that happened in Uncharted 2 and 3. Their execution in RE6 is F-grade. Like the kind of thing you'd see in a budget title made by untalented nobodies. Yet they saw fit to put these things in the game, despite the obvious comparisons they invite, and how bad those comparisons make them look. So, this reflects poorly on the team's talent for certain kinds of scenarios, as well as the decision making ablities of the producers/directors.

I'll say that my Uncharted (1, 2 & 3) experience was extremely unsatisfactory where combat was concerned. More often than not my success was decided by luck, not due to being good at or knowledgeable about the game. And this isn't a consequence of me sucking at it. Even on the Crushing playthroughs I've seen, the player is basically forced to abuse a a regenerating health system to progress, simply because the game's design and toolset won't let him otherwise. RE6 does not have this problem. The game's toolset is daunting, but 100% effective if used correctly. If you're good enough, you can clear a section unscratched without needing to use herbs. It's Uncharted done right.

I honestly think you should play it more, or watch someone who is good at it.


^^^ Most people like Uncharted for climbing around the collapsible environments. That's what I like them for (even though they're the most linear and scripted games ever). The UC trilogy has always been a bit weak on combat. RE6 definitely outclasses them there, but again, apples and oranges. Uncharted is trying to be more of a platformer of sorts with shooting as a means to an ends. The shooting bits were just annoying distractions in UC3's otherwise glorious ship and chateau levels.


Tons of games are better. I'm not even going to argue that point. It's silly. Instead I'll take the opportunity to point out something specific, and I believe indisputable, that makes parts of RE6 worse than similar parts of another game.

RE6 has a several moments that seem directly inspired by things that happened in Uncharted 2 and 3. Their execution in RE6 is F-grade. Like the kind of thing you'd see in a budget title made by untalented nobodies. Yet they saw fit to put these things in the game, despite the obvious comparisons they invite, and how bad those comparisons make them look. So, this reflects poorly on the team's talent for certain kinds of scenarios, as well as the decision making ablities of the producers/directors.

Here's another. The Heavy Rain style QTE sequences. Heavy Rain did them better. They looked better, they felt more congruous with the actions the character was performing, and perhaps most importantly they fit into the game as a whole. In RE6 they are badly designed, badly communicated, bad looking, and badly integrated into the game.
I just hate those two trends in gaming as a whole. While RE6 is an offender, it does other stuff that is actually a lot of fun. It's kind of like saying that a game has better cutscenes than another, I don't care - they're all dumb. A game consisting mostly of the best cutscenes ever is worthless to me.


benevolent sexism
I'll say that my Uncharted (1, 2 & 3) experience was extremely unsatisfactory where combat was concerned. More often than not my success was decided by luck, not due to being good at or knowledgeable about the game. And this isn't a consequence of me sucking at it. Even on the Crushing playthroughs I've seen, the player is basically forced to abuse a a regenerating health system to progress, simply because the game's design and toolset won't let him otherwise. RE6 does not have this problem. The game's toolset is daunting, but 100% effective if used correctly. If you're good enough, you can clear a section unscratched without needing to use herbs. It's Uncharted done right.

I honestly think you should play it more, or watch someone who is good at it.

I have played it for over 10 hours at this point, and I am good at it, but thanks for assuming otherwise based on the fact that I have criticisms about the game.

I fully grant that the combat is more interesting than Uncharted's. It's the only good thing about this game, IMO. That's why I criticized other parts of it and not the combat.

I just hate those two trends in gaming as a whole. While RE6 is an offender, it does other stuff that is actually a lot of fun. It's kind of like saying that a game has better cutscenes than another, I don't care - they're all dumb. A game consisting mostly of the best cutscenes ever is worthless to me.

Totally agree that there's fun in there. I chose specific things to criticize because they strongly affect my perception of the game as a whole. I like the combat; I think it's the game's best feature. This makes it all the more painful when I have to sit through the inbetween parts, which range from dull to completely misguided and terrible.

^^^ Most people like Uncharted for climbing around the collapsible environments. That's what I like them for (even though they're the most linear and scripted games ever). The UC trilogy has always been a bit weak on combat. RE6 definitely outclasses them there, but again, apples and oranges. Uncharted is trying to be more of a platformer of sorts with shooting as a means to an ends. The shooting bits were just annoying distractions in UC3's otherwise glorious ship and chateau levels.

I've always viewed Uncharted as a shooter first and foremost. It's beautiful and well constructed, but the platforming is completely perfunctory. I still think that as an overall product, it's superior to RE6. If we're just talking about the combat, then I think RE6 does a lot more and it's more fun, though what Uncharted does is also solidly executed.


I understand the knife for Leon, but why would Chris ever use the knife when 90% of the enemies you fight in Chapter 1/2 are shooting at you from locations you can't simply walk to?

what? i played Chris's first two chapter yesterday and i found myself in a lot of situation where the knife would have come handy, snipers and gunners from long-range were only a few compared to the close ranged ones

btw i said that the knife is an option, not that they suck because they don't aknowledge it

i don't know if Leon has a knife "combo" too, i thought it was Chris's exclusive actually, i'll try later


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
^^^ Most people like Uncharted for climbing around the collapsible environments. That's what I like them for (even though they're the most linear and scripted games ever). The UC trilogy has always been a bit weak on combat. RE6 definitely outclasses them there, but again, apples and oranges. Uncharted is trying to be more of a platformer of sorts with shooting as a means to an ends. The shooting bits were just annoying distractions in UC3's otherwise glorious ship and chateau levels.

I don't think it does, though. The encounter design in Chris' gameplay is sub-Uncharted 1 levels of crap. Enemies filling square rooms, waves of enemies while you defend a point...frankly, I take issue with the enemies too. They look cool, but their mutations never really amount to much gameplay wise (were you ever picked out of cover by a big arm dude? I never was) and they don't have the personality of the Majini, nevermind the Ganados. Their talking is indistinguishable from random grunts, they don't really have any discernible AI...they just shoot at you from far away.

Chris' chapter is why the game reviewed poorly. It should have been cut.

Leon's chapter was fun, and Jake seems good so far.


Isn't critcising Uncharted type stuff referring to the run at the camera sequences, walking through a room where nothing happens to and from a cutscene, and things like that?


I beat
campaign. Pretty good overall and wraps up the story on many fronts.
I have to wonder why they'd make her epilogue some cheesy scene of Jake though. Easily the worst of the new characters. A bald white guy in his late 20s/early 30s who talks with a gruff voice! He's even got a mysterious background! Innovative Capcom!

Also: Does anyone know if there's a good collection of the files online somwhere? I don't think I want to replay the game just to unlock all of them.


I don't know if I just missed it with the other characters, but Sherry seems to bleed all over the place compared to the rest. Makes her feel like a female lead in a horror movie when they look severely beaten by film's end. Especially in that certain skimpy garment she has on for a short time.


benevolent sexism
I don't think it does, though. The encounter design in Chris' gameplay is sub-Uncharted 1 levels of crap. Enemies filling square rooms, waves of enemies while you defend a point...frankly, I take issue with the enemies too. They look cool, but their mutations never really amount to much gameplay wise (were you ever picked out of cover by a big arm dude? I never was) and they don't have the personality of the Majini, nevermind the Ganados. Their talking is indistinguishable from random grunts, they don't really have any discernible AI...they just shoot at you from far away.

Chris' chapter is why the game reviewed poorly. It should have been cut.

Leon's chapter was fun, and Jake seems good so far.

I wasn't as sour on Chris's campaign as you seem to be, but I managed to have fun just shooting and meleeing enemies, despite the not-very-interesting environments in which it all takes place. I think the guns feel pretty good overall, actually, and the melee is still an addictive hook for me, despite the bad camerawork and the fact that I don't like quite a few of the melee attacks they conceived.

I still thought that many of the setpieces and boss sequences that started out cool ended up taking wayyyyy too long or repeating too many times. I was never bothered by there being too many enemies to kill in a combat arena, though.


what? i played Chris's first two chapter yesterday and i found myself in a lot of situation where the knife would have come handy, snipers and gunners from long-range were only a few compared to the close ranged ones

btw i said that the knife is an option, not that they suck because they don't aknowledge it

i don't know if Leon has a knife "combo" too, i thought it was Chris's exclusive actually, i'll try later

Pretty sure it's Chris-only, yeah. I played that chapter on Veteran if that counts, so every time I peeked out of cover I'd get pelted with bullets and crumble with every square of health of lost, which meant I lost even more health getting up and going back into cover. One of the few times I actively used the knife was against
, and only because I literally had not one bullet/grenade on me about 3/4 into the fight.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I wasn't as sour on Chris's campaign as you seem to be, but I managed to have fun just shooting and meleeing enemies, despite the not-very-interesting environments in which it all takes place. I think the guns feel pretty good overall, actually, and the melee is still an addictive hook for me, despite the bad camerawork and the fact that I don't like quite a few of the melee attacks they conceived.

I still thought that many of the setpieces and boss sequences that started out cool ended up taking wayyyyy too long or repeating too many times. I was never bothered by there being too many enemies to kill in a combat arena, though.

Even if you like it, I bet you would agree that it's the part of the game that attracted the harshest review scores.


Gold Member
Halfway through Leon's campaign and I'm having a blast so far. Have been really enjoying the game and co op is great!
I don't think it does, though. The encounter design in Chris' gameplay is sub-Uncharted 1 levels of crap. Enemies filling square rooms, waves of enemies while you defend a point...frankly, I take issue with the enemies too. They look cool, but their mutations never really amount to much gameplay wise (were you ever picked out of cover by a big arm dude? I never was) and they don't have the personality of the Majini, nevermind the Ganados. Their talking is indistinguishable from random grunts, they don't really have any discernible AI...they just shoot at you from far away.

Chris' chapter is why the game reviewed poorly. It should have been cut.

Leon's chapter was fun, and Jake seems good so far.

i actually liked chris above the others (so far, still have to do three more chapters of leon)

Although I played it on pro, so everything felt HARD. I had to use cover quite a lot, and not relying on an invincible partner made it more interesting.


Finally tried Agent Hunt mode today. Had some successful hunts, but the controls and camera here might be the worst I have ever seen. What I thought may end up being the highlight and saving grace of the game ended up being the worst part.

For all of the things I like about RE6, such as some of the mechanics, there are more things that pop up and bring the experience down for me. I am going to play a bit more of Jake's campaign and maybe some Mercs and then I think I am going to be done with this game.


I think the one thing I miss about Resident Evil is being alone and constantly separated after meeting up with someone for only a short period of time before being left alone again (which is kind of dumb but it helped make things scarier).

But, having come as far as we have, it'd seem silly to limit your character's movement to standing somewhere and firing before moving somewhere else. And not being able to melee. Or dodge.

I do want the creepy stuff to come back though. Where just being somewhere, even with no enemies, made you uneasy.

I like RE6, but I still want the old stuff, too.


I beat
campaign. Pretty good overall and wraps up the story on many fronts.
I have to wonder why they'd make her epilogue some cheesy scene of Jake though. Easily the worst of the new characters. A bald white guy in his late 20s/early 30s who talks with a gruff voice! He's even got a mysterious background! Innovative Capcom!

Also: Does anyone know if there's a good collection of the files online somwhere? I don't think I want to replay the game just to unlock all of them.

You take that back! Jake is the best. Although im biased because I love Troy Baker's voice haha.


Neo Member
my thought exactly

also i don't get how a lot of people is complaining for the lack of ammo, even in Chris's campaign they're the exact amount you need, you always have to think how to approach the various sections in the right way, wich wapon to use, how to not waste them, for what i care it adds a LOT to the immersion....then you start watching walkthrough and it makes you sad how people rage for being incompetent

and they don't even know what a knife is there for
I had a lot of trouble towards the end of Chris's campaign with ammo. But I had no knife to back me up since I played as Piers. I'll never understand why they decided not everyone should have a melee weapon.
The magnum guys on mercs are annoying as hell today.
100% accurate, across the map through a pinhole opening.

haven't had a problem with them before.

Jake is easily the worst mercenaries character.


Even if you like it, I bet you would agree that it's the part of the game that attracted the harshest review scores.

I was under the impression that it was Leon 1 and 2 that gave reviewers a terrible first impression. First 20 or so minutes having to follow un-named NPCs while walking at a slow pace, No instruction on dodge rolls and all you can do in combat, no indication of being able to dual-wield the Wing shooter right off the bat, pitch black levels even at default brightness, QTEs up the wazoo for Leon, poor design on a lot of the campaign segments like having vehicles that can insta-kill you at a moment's notice and poor justification for why Leon is following Helena to begin with.

It really is kind of ironic that not only does RE6 have poor documentation for all the techniques you can do in the game outside of loading screens that you can't access on command, but it also doesn't have a manual for quick reference to them.


benevolent sexism
Even if you like it, I bet you would agree that it's the part of the game that attracted the harshest review scores.

I'm really not sure at this point. I could see how it would invite the most direct comparisons to other big-budget TPS games and it would not fare well at all, especially for reviewers who didn't try their damnedest to make the combat fun for themselves by using the all the techniques available.

Honestly, my memory isn't clear enough to say with confidence whether Leon's or Chris's campaign made me roll my eyes in disgust more often, and that's really how I'm deciding which I liked more. I'm partway through Jake's campaign now and I agree with whoever said they have the best dialogue but not much narrative context.


Even if you like it, I bet you would agree that it's the part of the game that attracted the harshest review scores.
I really think the thing that attracted the harshest review scores was frontloading the game (the Prelude, and then some parts of the early chapters) with moments where camera control is ripped from you so the game can go "HEY LOOK AT THIS," and of course the QTEs that are sometimes counter-intuitive, poorly telegraphed or simply too unpredictable and short to respond in time. These design elements represent larger trends in gaming that alienate many, and so I think they came off "intellectually offensive" and created the wrong first impression -- and sometimes, first impressions are strongest. It's unfortunate, as even the worst QTEs are manageable once understood, and they're flyspecks on the game's overall package, which is comprised largely of combat sequences with great emergent gameplay thanks to the enemy mutations, swarm behavior and the deep control mechanics allowing you to slide, dodge, roll, counter, quick-shoot, etc. Ths game is crazy fun and addictive, but it seems a bit schizophrenic until one warms up to some of its more curious habits. :)


I have played it for over 10 hours at this point, and I am good at it, but thanks for assuming otherwise based on the fact that I have criticisms about the game.

I think it was a fair assumption. You couldn't call RE6's controls 'F-Grade' if you acknowledge that they're functional and relevant.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
On narrative context: it's kinda not what I expected. I feel like I'm missing something; that something might be the last ("last") campaign.

I just think it was weird how everyone expected Sherry
to have this glorious return as some sort of biogenetic key to saving humanity or defeating Umbrella or something and she comes back as just a regular person. Lol. At least so far.


Unconfirmed Member
I can easily say the best thing to come out of Resident Evil 6 is the creature/monster designs for me. Even Oaks had such strong Raccoon City/Resident Evil vibes. Just thinking about it from those fronts it should be quite easy for Capcom to do a REmake on the second chapter quite easily with all those assets they have made from that location and just do a lot of tweaking and adding and presto, your Resident Evil 2 remake is here, the Capcom way.


On narrative context: it's kinda not what I expected. I feel like I'm missing something; that something might be the last ("last") campaign.

I just think it was weird how everyone expected Sherry
to have this glorious return as some sort of biogenetic key to saving humanity or defeating Umbrella or something and she comes back as just a regular person. Lol. At least so far.
Hmm? Isn't that why everyone's after Jake, including Sherry herself?


Just completed it. Don't know why people are being so negative. It's miles better than RE5. Yes, it's not really a survival horror game anymore. But I was entertained for 25 hours. Some controls issues aside, and you have a damn good action game.

As for the individual campaigns, I definitely liked Leon's the most. Chapter 1 and 2 were the best. But the last two were stellar as well. Jake's was a rollercoaster ride, but had the best final boss. Chris' wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
Ada's was decent but too short. And the stealth part of the game was luckily very short, because it sucked. Good puzzles though.


Totally agree that there's fun in there. I choose specific things to criticize because they strongly affect my perception of the game as a whole. I like the combat; I think it's the game's best feature. This makes it all the more painful when I have to sit through the inbetween parts, which range from dull to completely misguided and terrible.
Right, I don't like them either. Co-op goes a long way for taking them off my mind, though.

A lot of the time games criticism amounts to figuring out how long it lasts minus anything that might be off-putting.

I'll take RE6 over something that is "polished" and "accessible" but boring. (Recent games fitting this bill for me that come to mind: Gears 3, Ghost Recon FR, Borderlands 2, Saints Row 3, BF3, Peace Walker, Kid Icarus Uprising)


Neo Member
how do you exactly get infinite ammos? it's on the skill's purchase page?

Once you finish all four campaigns you get the option to select infinite ammo skills. Of course with only 3 skill slots I decided to pick one since I wanted them specifically for professional.


OXM posted a Q&A with RE6 creators. Dont know if its already been posted. But clears up some stuff http://www.oxmonline.com/resident-e...-franchise’s-future-our-monstrous-qa?page=0,0

Wow, the director obviously knew what things needed work, sounds like the game really was rushed.

As far as things that I’d like to [tweak] if I’d had more time, one of them would be the camera controls; I would’ve really liked to fine-tune that aspect. Another aspect would be — I don’t know if this would come down to a tutorial per se, but just creating an environment that’s really a stress-free introduction to the game that players can have no trouble getting into, so that they really understand combat with the different types of enemies in the game. Something that would make it really intuitive for them


Man, a tutorial area would've been great for the various reviewers, etc, who didn't know about the various mechanics like rolling and sliding. GAF knew about many of them from the trailers, but yeah, if they ever go back and add anything, a tutorial area like the one the director wanted would be smart.


Wow, the director obviously knew what things needed work, sounds like the game really was rushed.

Chris' initial area in Chapter 1 could have been the stress-free area, but with the split-campaign nature of the game, not everyone would have started with Chris anyway. The prelude really should have been used to ease everyone into the game mechanics instead of spending 5 minutes walking forward with Helena while pressing the analog stick anywhere you wanted. :(


Up to Leon Chapter 4 now.

I feel like I've learned to stop giving a shit what reviewers thought of this game and just enjoy it. And I am absolutely enjoying it. Even the bits that are more heavily action orientated and which people told me I wouldn't like. Everything since the last fight sequence of Chapter 1 has been a blast up to this point.

I am actually a fan of Resident Evil 5 and played through it multiple times, but I feel like I've already seen more "Resident Evil" in the Leon campaign alone so far then I did throughout the entirety of 5.
I just think it was weird how everyone expected Sherry
to have this glorious return as some sort of biogenetic key to saving humanity or defeating Umbrella or something and she comes back as just a regular person. Lol. At least so far.

the stock market got to Umbrella before Sherry's genetics even stood a chance


Chris' initial area in Chapter 1 could have been the stress-free area, but with the split-campaign nature of the game, not everyone would have started with Chris anyway. The prelude really should have been used to ease everyone into the game mechanics instead of spending 5 minutes walking forward with Helena while pressing the analog stick anywhere you wanted. :(
While I love RE6 as a whole, I absolutely agree the Prelude was self-defeating. It should've been used to teach the mechanics of combat (sliding, rolling, etc). The most advanced thing it "taught" was holding L1 to aim and R1 to shoot.
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