I'm an expert
Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Yoooo... Chris chapter 1 is so good. This game is so good. ;_;
Yoooo... Chris chapter 1 is so good. This game is so good. ;_;
Also the fact that I have to press a fucking button to climb stairs, even though I could just run up and down them in RE3.
Yeah, I think the only effect were supposed to be the lighter skin tone and blond hair. And hopefully those weren't permanent...
Yeah, it's fairly obvious that REC:VX and RE3 were developed at the same time by different teams.
The "improvements" made with RE3 didn't get a chance to be carried over to it's "sequel".
Maybe they should just kill off Jill. She's boring anyway.
Also the fact that I have to press a fucking button to climb stairs, even though I could just run up and down them in RE3.
I never really looked into the fan reaction when they showed her tombstone in that Resident Evil 5 trailer.
....I imagine it would be horrible things
I would have boycotted RE6.
I would have boycotted RE6.
She certainly seemed fine post-escape
Yeah, I think the only effect were supposed to be the lighter skin tone and blond hair. And hopefully those weren't permanent...
Unless you're like horrifically bad at the game and waste all your bullets and healing items, but you're given enough of both (again, a thing that contradicts with what everyone says about the old games) to kill everything and then some. I have heard its possible to get stuck easily in CV but I haven't played that one yet.
Maybe they should just kill off Jill. She's boring anyway.
Why does Jill attract such.....dedicated fans?
Oh look, her nose is almost as big as Jill's.
I love dat nose! (Jill nose...lol)
Jill was beautiful in REmake. She looks bad in everything after that imo.
RE5 Jill is basically the same model but with a bigger nose...for some reason.
Jill was beautiful in REmake. She looks bad in everything after that imo.
ilndamymyjmyhj are you sure you can't change the controls in the options? I recall being able to do so, for some reason.
I just finished Jake's story mode.
Does anyone else think that he and Sherry should of hooked up?
I just finished Jake's story mode.
Does anyone else think that he and Sherry should of hooked up?
I just finished Jake's story mode.
Does anyone else think that he and Sherry should of hooked up?
I just finished Jake's story mode.
Does anyone else think that he and Sherry should of hooked up?
She's 6 years older than him. That's hot. Leon approves judging from his reaction toJake saving her in the cutscene before the Ustanak fight.
I just finished Jake's story mode.
Does anyone else think that he and Sherry should of hooked up?
She's 6 years older than him. That's hot.
And she can play piano like a pro. Hot.
And she can play piano like a pro. Hot.
Lol dude she plays it terribly and even fucks up at the end. It's so funny after Jake's stellar performance.
That was the joke :/
That was the joke :/
Ha, I love the fact that bad boy Jake plays Chopin or some such while the sheltered and educated Sherry eeks out a nursery rhyme, lol.Except she play Twinkle Little Star while he plays something.. more complicated? LOL
So Leon and Helena have no jokes in their campaign? Chris and Piers got the playground, and Jake and Sherry got the piano.
A lot of love for Sherry and Ada but oddly enough, not much love for Helena despite being voiced by the master of voicing, Laura Bailey.
So Leon and Helena have no jokes in their campaign? Chris and Piers got the playground, and Jake and Sherry got the piano.
A lot of love for Sherry and Ada but oddly enough, not much love for Helena despite being voiced by the master of voicing, Laura Bailey.
If we're going full retard in this thread... then I will say that Jill's figure in RE5 is more appealing (and makes sense for the character) than in any previous game, and that she looks (imo) to have the same facial features as REmake.
Leon makes bad jokes that Helena doesn't laugh at? They're TERRIFIED of thunder/lightning? I don't know.
The figure may be appealing but it doesn't fit the character at all and the facial features are not the same. I don't understand how people can defend changing her completely and making her look like yet another generic blonde. She looks far closer to Nina Williams or Fiona(HG) than anything resembling the character from the rest of the series. When I first saw in the teasers I figured it was Sherry. It never once crossed my mind that it would be Jill.
I could stomach Leon's piss poor RE4 characterization but RE5 Jill is just a disgrace through and through.
Nope, they are the serious and boring duo of the game. A far cry from what Leon used to be.
Helena's VA is among the best in the game but she's the worst character from the main ones. My opinion but it seems to be a popular opinion.
Yeah, I can't find any good avatars or gifs of her. I actually thought she was amazing. They just kind of skimped on the character development with those two. The other two campaigns show them growing as a team. But maybe that's because Leon's is 6 months shorter than the others.
And yeah, LB is my favorite voice actor/actress, period.
I agree with that opinion. And to the opinion that they are kind of boring compared to the others.
I like her design but like you said, it feels like they half assed her a bit. I love her design and I like playing with her but I feel nothing for that character even though Capcom wants me to feel something for that character withher whole random sister stuff which she could of told Leon, suvivor of the Racoon City Incident, like in the first 10 minutes! Having me journey all over creation for some shit she could of told him 10 minutes into the game. Sucks for all those pedestrians who died in our path.
Nice to see some LB respect. Ironically, many of the characters she voices aren't my #1 favorites of their respective games (except maybe Chun Li) but I just like her voice. Wish she voiced Sherry to be honest.
Laura Bailey is a great actress. I was actually really disappointed with her Cheria but I think that was more the whole game's VA direction being lackluster. She killed it here, I actually didn't even know it was her until I saw it on Wikipedia for the game's credits. She did an amazing job as Helena.