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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now

This looks pretty horrible, PT rip off, nothing like Resident Evil. Not back to RE roots AT ALL, RE was never so creepy "scaredly scary" thing, was more of a B series horror movie ( c'mon, can you really say first RE intro tried to be serious horror?).

I've played and bought all resident Evil games, from the first one to Revelations 2, including Gaiden, Outbreak series, survivor series, Operation Racoon City...

I won't touch this with a ten foot pole.


What kind of risk is this, though? Is it a risk because it's doing something unusual? This is the most common type of horror on the market. The only risk here is that it's pissing off Resident Evil fans. A real risk would be bringing back tank controls.

I dunno. It would have been easy to just knock out RE6 on steroids. Whilst selling well, there was large criticism of RE6 that it was a bloated, directionless 'jack of all trades' game that tried to stuff everything in OTT. By all accounts they are trying to pull things back here and whilst it does appear to be inspired by P.T, since we're not getting a full game out of P.T and Allison Road is canned this isn't necessarily a criticism.

The knee jerk reaction to the approach Capcom is taking here is disheartening, especially when many haven't even played the demo yet (disclaimer - I've downloaded but not had chance to play yet)

Forming an impression on what they show is fine, but damn many here are absolutely slating Capcom prematurely.
people watching 5 mins of Twitch gameplay and writing this game off as an Outcast clone. smh... there's clearly a lot more depth here than some indie, hide-and-seek jumpscare fest.
I applaud them for taking risks. We need more risk-taking in this industry.

if anything this playing it as safe as possible. The fps horror genre is hot in the market right now. LPers like pewdipie make millions off these games. And millions watches his videos.EDIT: IMO These games are cheap to make and sell lots of copies. If anything taking risk would be going back to old school tank style game.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
What kind of risk is this, though? Is it a risk because it's doing something unusual? This is the most common type of horror on the market. Other games/experiments have already proven that this sort of thing can be profitable in 2016. The only risk here is that it's disappointing a number of Resident Evil fans in the hopes of catching a bigger audience. It's removing elements that made the series unique in the first place (which includes the 3rd person combat) to become more safe. A real risk would be doing something that's actually unique.

Its a risk because they are not re-using the formula of their most successful RE titles instead.
I'm incredibly bummed that this is what they came up with for RE7. I like the first person horror genre but that's not what resident evil is to me. :(


if anything this playing it as safe as possible. The fps horror genre is hot in the market right now. LPers like pewdipie make millions off these games. And millions watches his videos. These games are cheap to make and sell lots of copies. If anything taking risk would be going back to old school tank style game.

Citation needed
Are we sure this is representative of how the game will be? I feel like this could be a unique prologue level that plays somewhat differently from the rest of the game.
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most of these games are indie developed and in my opinion have nowhere near as big budget as a AAA game. The most expensive game in this genre that I think of is Alien Isolation. Games like outlast or slenderman i think don't require a very high budget.
So, is it possible to walk around in first person mode with VR? I thought that was hard to achieve and making people sick?

While I love RE and this looks very interesting, not sure if I'm gonna test my poor heart with that game in PSVR...
Are we sure this is representative of how the game will be? I feel like this could be a unique prologue level that plays somewhat differently from the rest of the game.

If you go into the options you'll see that there's an aim assist. So they're definitely holding back critical elements of the game. So it's not going to be like Amnesia or those other type of indie horror games where you can only run away and hide.

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Its a risk because they are not re-using the formula of their most successful RE titles instead.

Yeah, it's inherently a risk when you veer off an established trend seen as rooted within that particular franchise.

Basically this is how I feel about the game so far. Optimistic.
Are we sure this is representative of how the game will be? I feel like this could be a unique prologue level that plays somewhat differently from the rest of the game.
They did say the whole game from start to finish is playable in VR so it kinda sounds like it will all be like that. Who knows tho.


man, i like this demo. its so mysterious. it doesn't scream at you that its a new RE game, and I love it for that. No one expected this. Nice fresh start for a great franchise. I'm actually surprised they decided to call it RE7, but I'm glad they did.


If you go into the options you'll see that there's an aim assist. So they're definitely holding back critical elements of the game. So it's not going to be like Amnesia or those other type of indie horror games where you can only run away and hide.

Well we know it has an
. We just don't know what, if anything, to do with it.


I'm probably in with this despite being out as a true hardcore RE fan since 3. This is what I want. Not the over the shoulder bullshit. Go back to true horror.


Who could have seen that coming? No one. It's a bit too morbid if you ask me. Post-Mikami RE's have been struggling to get Hollywood-horror right and this seems no different. But definitely a lot more interesting than RE 5/6.


Afraid to say that we will be playing simply as a player. No character from claasic series is in the lead this time.

Then I'm really dissapointed, looks like a zombie-ghost game right now, might not be a bad one, but it's one halluva twist of the RE series and I'm just afraid in won't work for me playing this game under RE7 name.

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Who could have seen that coming? No one. It's a bit too morbid if you ask me. Post-Mikami RE's have been struggling to get Hollywood-horror right and this seems no different. But definitely a lot more interesting than RE 5/6.

Mikami only directed BIO1, BIO1R and BIO4. They're not so much "post-Mikami" as post-quite a lot of people (Kamiya, Kawamura, Yamada, Aoyama, Katoh, etc).


I must say that I was thoroughly surprised. I was a bit unnerved by the fact that it was an FPS. Then I played it...

I felt the same atmospheric terror I felt with the original RE. Afraid to turn every corner, investigating everything in the environment, interesting premise.

It reminds me of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but I hope classic RE shows up in the form of zombies and such.

I will also say that part of the reason of it being First Person was because it is also VR. I was pretty surprised how easily I forgot that it wasn't classic 3rd person RE. I think above all else, this is key.

I'm very, very interested.
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