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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now


Can't wait to try this - willing to give them the benefit of the doubt given how much I've enjoyed previous installments. Glad we have REmake 2 coming in any case, think there will be something for everyone in this franchise in the next year or so.


I am incredibly excited for this. Did not expect them to go this route. I'm a fan of the classic RE style, but was also really looking forward to Silent Hills before it got cancelled. RE taking up the mantle from PT is so cool.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Oh wow so the fuse does exist. Does anything happen when you plug it in? I found that dummy finger with no apparent use. I'd love it if this thing has secrets like PT did.

I loved my time with this demo, even though it really is a tease and very short. It's pretty spooky overall, I'm in.


The franchise needed something like this after the clusterfuck that were 5 and 6. I welcome the change with open arms.

And for the record, I liked RE6.
Sad to see people writing this game off already after a trailer and a short teaser demo. We still know nothing about story, characters, setting or how the full game will actually play.

All we really know is it's a first person mainline Resident Evil game and that's enough to turn people off completely.


Played the demo. It was pretty good and creepy, but didn't feel like RE at all. More like Outlast/Silent Hills.

Still, I liked it. And anything is better than RE6..


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
jumping out of a window is the first thing i would do if i was stuck in a place like this.

or cry in a corner for all eternity till everything is over


Oh wow so the fuse does exist. Does anything happen when you plug it in? I found that dummy finger with no apparent use. I'd love it if this thing has secrets like PT did.

I loved my time with this demo, even though it really is a tease and very short. It's pretty spooky overall, I'm in.

you can
click the button upstairs and stairs pop out. it leads to a room where a phone rings and then you hear some dialogue and you die.


Oh wow so the fuse does exist. Does anything happen when you plug it in? I found that dummy finger with no apparent use. I'd love it if this thing has secrets like PT did.

I loved my time with this demo, even though it really is a tease and very short. It's pretty spooky overall, I'm in.

the button on the second floor will work!
when you watch the RE7 gameplay, did anyone else think "of course this is where games are going?" it makes the rest of the franchise seem so childlike. I feel that way about most of the sony conference. Feels like games are growing up slowly.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
you can
click the button upstairs and stairs pop out. it leads to a room where a phone rings and then you hear some dialogue and you die.

Damn. Ok doing a replay of this demo, seeing there's extra stuff like this.

Sad to see people writing this game off already after a trailer and a short teaser demo. We still know nothing about story, characters, setting or how the full game will actually play.

All we really know is it's a first person mainline Resident Evil game and that's enough to turn people off completely.

Yep, disappointing to see the reaction to this. I don't mind this being first person. Plus, if the teaser is any indication, it seems pretty competent at what it's trying to do, even though it uses all the horror clichés in the book.

Fatal Error

Neo Member
yeeeh I think they are trying to go the P.T route with this title.

There are just too many similarities I think

And some people here are saying it is totally NOT copying PT. SMH.

it definitely feels PTish to me.

Did either of you guys do any of the optional stuff on the playthroughs where you triggered her?
Did you get the axe and / or finger, or replay the videotape, or anything like that?

I'm not sure exactly, but I think
I just ran toward the cutter and got the tape, then used it, and when in flashback I ran toward the forrest, searched everything in the kitchen (haven't found lock picker) and searched upstair and when I went down I glimpsed her while running.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
The fuse only appears if you get it before you watch the video tape.

Did anyone else notice all the dolls hanging in the room under the stairs? Any purpose for them?

I just had the phone say something different for me when I answered something. Said choice the first couple times, third time said something about memory.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
I liked 6 so I want a game like that, except I want other people to be able to enjoy it too. I thought they would have a game for people who liked 'modern' RE and Remake 2 for classic fans. I guess not.

Dont worry, there's the RE Revelation sub series for that.
Lol, RE was never a true horror game outside REmake. RE2 & RE3 are straight up action games. RE1 is campy horror survival action adventure. Was kind of the perfect blend of everything.

RE7 is kind of weird because outside of REmake the series has never really been a horror game. But nothing wrong with trying something new.

I'm sorry, but this is nonsense. RE2's treatment of William Birkin is both a clear and effective attempt at creating a sense of fear and dread for the player, intentionally teasing but not revealing the terrible monster that is lurking, somewhere, in the police precinct. When the horror was revealed in all it's glory and seemingly dissolved in the A scenario, the game introduces the stalker figure Mr. X. Lisa Trevor plays the same role in the REmake. The creepy music and relatively empty environments invite the player to assume that something is around the corner. The so called "cheap jump scares" are a fulfillment of the promise that something is out there waiting to lunge at you.

RE3 providing too much firepower on anything that isn't HARD/HEAVY undermines its role as a horror game, but Nemesis perfected what Capcom attempted with Mr. X.

The series always had strong action elements, but it countered them with foes in greater number and often greater "power" (nearly invincible, stalker enemies) than the player was capable of dealing with.

REmake is a more fine tuned experience, with the benefit of more sophisticated technology. But they were always horror games.


The fuse only appears if you get it before you watch the video tape.

Did anyone else notice all the dolls hanging in the room under the stairs? Any purpose for them?

Yeah, seven dolls. Weird.

Are they there on the first way through? I don't remember if I saw them.


also headphones(?) on the table upstairs in the tape scene. I also saw a metal fan in a different scene? Not sure if it is there outside of the death scenes.

The piano cover was also open for me once but it slammed, I think?
when you watch the RE7 gameplay, did anyone else think "of course this is where games are going?" it makes the rest of the franchise seem so childlike. I feel that way about most of the sony conference. Feels like games are growing up slowly.

Not sure about that. The RE7 demo is certainly interesting, but it also seems way more simplistic than any of the earlier games in the series - if anything, RE7 is "childlike" / immature compared to them.


The VCR and dolls are missing in the tape scene. I also saw the ghost girl.

Is anyone else hearing weird clicking randomly? I heard that and a mannequin upstairs moved in front of the stairs???

Mr. Desu

Spoilers regarding the demo n whatnot.

I just spent five hours reading threads, streaming myself playing it and spending that time with a group of people trying to figure out what to do. At the rate we're going I don't know what we'll find or anything like that, but I'm glad we've found something. My main hope is that what we do find is actually used for something, and isn't put there to tease us on what could be in the retail release. I know that the demo is only around 3GB, but I feel like they could cram a lot more into that then what we've seen so far.
There have been a couple things to note that would lead us to believe this:
-The finger
-The axe
-I turned the brightness all the way up after the first couple of playthroughs to try and help spot things that I may have missed and didn't find anything. However, what was interesting was looking in the hole seem to have revealed a little bit of light that shone from the left side of where you find Andres' body. This is during the day time, so it makes me think there's something else.
-Where'd the ladder go?
-There's use buttons available for the items outside of when you're prompted to use them (the locks). This would lead me to believe we can actually use these at some point.
-They keep pushing the demo is an hour. If played without knowing what to do, I go through in like... 15 minutes. With knowing what to do, 2-3. I wonder if that's to lead us to think there's more. I hope there is.

On a side note, from the looks of it, while it will have connections to the Resident Evil story n the likes, it won't be too much of a Resident Evil game, at least in the way 5-6 were. We'll have to see though, seeing as the demo doesn't do us a whole lot of good in that department. However, since Silent Hills was cancelled, something of this pace and that might actually be a bit spooky wouldn't be bad for either Resident Evil fans or Silent Hill fans, not to mention fans of the horror genre in general. We have very little on the game so far, so instead of freaking out in the first few hours after announcement, lets hold off until we see some more. The fact that they're doing something like this to start and trying to be spooky shows that they're listening to the people who are speaking up about the series, so that's a good sign already.

They're not headphones, they're ear mufflers. With the way (just assuming) the family seems to be and where they are, them owning them for work on the property or because they own guns isn't out of the question. I really don't think we should be caught up on them and should instead try and figure out how to set fire to the finger or something. Too bad you can't jam it in an outlet. Trust me, I tried.
If it turns out that those mufflers DO do something, tell whoever designed them to make them actually look like headphones, and then you can also come back and yell at me.
There's a lot of talk of memories. I don't think there's a silly mic gimmick like there was in PT, however I think this plays heavily into what you can do in the tape that we haven't found before, or something that might be hinted at in your save file? I don't know, the phone calls are important and cryptic and need to be applied to the games logic and rules. That'll do something, I'm sure.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Super excited for this one, demo's looking good then?
A Resident Evil game that's an actual survival horror game again, oh man.


So you can get the fuse at the start from the hidden hole that you activate via the fireplace, the lock pick you get from watching the video and its on the floor to the right of the microwave next to the cabinet at the back. Ive been trying for hours to figure out the axe and finger. I've noticed the ghost randomly pops up, i've had her pop up when i was going down the ladder. As for after that no idea .


Okay so I've gotten three endings so far and now it seems like there's no way to progress without using the
axe and/or finger.

Memories hold the truth. Don't let appearances deceive you. This is clearly a clue pointing you towards something in the tape, but what? Could it have something to do with octopus girl?


It also seems that the
lines you get from the lady on the phone
change through playthroughs.

"You have the power to choose."
"Memories hold the truth."

There's a third one I can't remember.
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