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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
It's downloading, can't wait to play this. I thought they nailed that reveal in the conference, one of the highlights for me. I really wanted RE to go in a different route again, so I hope they can pull this off.

Reading this thread last night, I was surprised to see the first person perspective was such a roadblock for many.

edit: download going super-slow. Rest mode + gaf it is :p
I was pretty excited about this at first, but have to say I found the demo a little underwhelming after initially feeling somewhat impressed/surprised by the grimier aesthetic and darker tone.

It might be that I spent half the time stuck not knowing what to do which killed the momentum and caused it to become extremely tedious, but I think the full game would need to have much more in the way of gameplay/combat etc in order for it to work at all as an RE game.

I thought on the surface the visual style seems pretty scary but I didn't feel anywhere near as much tension throughout my playthrough as I would playing something like PT or Condemned, Outlast etc.

The art direction reminds me almost as much of the interiors of some of the apartments in Silent Hill 2 as it does PT...

Still very interested to see how this turns out and glad they're trying something different.
Not really into the first person perspective but ultimately I won't care about it that much if the game turns out to be genuinely good/scary/fun.

I appreciated little things like the old school inventory and being able to examine objects in a way that was more akin to how you'd do it in the old games.


No third person view, no buy. I HATE first person. Why not make this a spin off or a new IP?

Because the game probably doesn't get made unless it has the RE name attached to it, especially with current day Capcom being what it is. I mean you heard people go crazy for it at the show, despite having pretty much no outward connection to RE. The name means a lot.


It was a holy shit moment when it was revealed that this was Resident Evil. But there is no way I could play this in VR. Having shit running all up and down my legs is most unbecoming.


Like P.T., this has a hidden ending. Did you get the real one? Or did you just get
Welcomed to the family

Has anyone actually gotten the hidden ending? I've yet to hear about it or anything. I'm starting to wonder if there actually is one, although the demo is definitely leading you to believe there is. I don't know, was hoping this would get cracked by now, but I'm tired. I'll have to go to bed, hope something develops about this tomorrow.
Resident Evil 7 doesn't need to be like the past games or be tied to its overarching shit story either.

It can be completely different, and I'm okay with that. Resident Evil 1-3 were survival horror games, Resident Evil 4-6 were action shooters, and Resident Evil 7 onwards can be something fresh and new as well.


Tried the demo. I really hope the trial and error isn't part of the main game. Getting what amounts to a "game over" by not being able to predict the correct sequence of doing things is game ruining for me. I also really hope they change the FOV, it feels like it's incredibly low.
I'm sorry, but this doesn't interest me. I tried the demo, didn't watch anything prior, and what I'm greeted with is like that parody show Ghost Facers from Supernatural?

Yeah no, I'll pass, maybe RE2 Remake will be something I'll enjoy...

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I think it'll be great as long as they use elements of the series instead of just abandoning everything for an Outlast clone.

I want to be terrorized by a Licker again. Those sounds, the speed and that tongue suddenly flailing at your face from the shadows? Yes. Not interested in the stalker stuff.


"Resident Evil 7 Teaser: Beginning Hour" After all it's a playable teaser, similar to P.T.(I guess), hope the whole game isn't like that and we'll see previous characters.


10 minutes left! Go faster!

So did they say if the entirety of the game is in first person? The press release seems to suggest it as much.
Since I likely won't be able to play this until tomorrow, can anyone tell me without going into too much detail if there is anything resembling zombies or other BOWs in the demo? Spoiler tag your answer if you could.


Visuals leave a lot to be desired imo. Probably for performance sake on VR.

Tone is oppressive and game feels awful to play, in the best possible way.
Alright, based off of a quick play these need to change:

Increase the FOV, it's garbage
Increase the movement speed, it's garbage
Stop making L3 the sprint button ffs

I'm liking it though. If it were up to me I'd change the above and probably make it 3rd person as well. Probably feels a lot better to play on a mouse.
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