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RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard | OT | BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil

Question: Do you eventually fight the
creepy old lady in the wheelchair
? It's creeping me out how
she keeps randomly showing up in different areas of the house. I feel like there's more to her than meets the eye.
A simple yes or no would be appreciated. :)

We won't tell you


Question: Do you eventually fight the
creepy old lady in the wheelchair
? It's creeping me out how
she keeps randomly showing up in different areas of the house. I feel like there's more to her than meets the eye.
A simple yes or no would be appreciated. :)

Won't spoil it but you find out what her game is


Question: Do you eventually fight the
creepy old lady in the wheelchair
? It's creeping me out how
she keeps randomly showing up in different areas of the house. I feel like there's more to her than meets the eye.
A simple yes or no would be appreciated. :)
I kept expecting her to jump up out of her chair and grab me or something, but nope, she just sits there staring... Creepily... Through her cataract'ed blind eyes... Following my every movement. Creepy hag.


I kept expecting her to jump up out of her chair and grab me or something, but nope, she just sits there staring... Creepily... Through her cataract'ed blind eyes... Following my every movement. Creepy hag.

I'd run into a new room or take a sharp turn around a corner and BOOM! There she is! She gets me every damn time.
Creepy as hell.


"Item vision"? Or does it mark them on the map too?

Because if it's just item vision that sounds pointless. I can look around and find everything without it.

You'll see little arrows pop up everywhere on screen, I used it one time and ignored that item for the rest of the game.
Finally took the time to write a non spoiler review.

The Resident Evil series has gone through some ups and downs but has managed to stay relevant by changing gameplay styles and usually having high quality games. The series has been in a rough patch with the very polarizing RE6 and some bad spinoff online shooters. Enter Resident Evil 7 which scraps the action RE style and returns to the survival horror roots of the old games with a twist; it's in first person, mainly to create the best VR gaming experience. As a big fan of this series the switch to first person was initially hard to get behind but after playing through this game multiple times I can say they made the right choice. RE7 is a huge return to form, a bold modern take on the old formula that manages to actually be scary once again.

The marketing made it seem like RE7 was going to borrow heavily from other popular first person horror games like amnesia and outlast with a powerful unkillable enemy chasing you throughout and the need to hide from your enemies. If that was the game I would have been pissed, thankfully the “being hunted” portion of the gameplay only really occurs in three sections and even then they play by very different rules than most of the hide and seek horror games. There are no instant deaths and your character is far from defenseless. This is 100% Resident Evil, you find weapons, you scavenge for ammo, there is limited inventory and the need to run to save rooms to store stuff in item boxes. If you loved the old formula as much as I did this game will bring back everything you loved about that gameplay.

Much like the old games the environments are locations with many hallways and locked doors which need to be unlocked by finding a key or solving a puzzle. I would say the biggest difference between RE7 and old RE is how these areas are structured; I believe this has to do more with modern game design than any real conscious decision. The old games have larger play areas which makes them more obtuse in how to progress and they generally leave you alone until the big boss battle moments. RE7 is more dense with the detail in its locations, there are more story guided elements that push you along, and it hits a more setpiece to setpiece feel than the old games. It's a more focused game but a less free one, personally I prefer the more free nature of the old games but I know plenty of players who enjoy the more carefully crafted experience.

Each major area in RE7 has a certain theme to it and a sort of boss creature tied to it. The starting Baker house is the standout level of the game and is the closest to replicating the old RE games design. There are more locations that all sit in the Baker plantation, these new locations bring new situations to keep the gameplay as varied as it can be within the confines of this formula. Also the game goes from a more slow paced horror game where exploration is key to a more action oriented game. This happens in most RE games but not to this extent, I felt the final section completely abandoned the old formula and just became a very poor version of RE4/5. If not for this blemish I would say RE7 would rank among the series best.

Where this game totally shines is in that tension and fear of what's around the next corner. There are plenty of monsters called the molded that can kill you in a few hits if you are not careful. With each encounter you need to decide is it worth wasting ammo to kill this thing or can I find a way around. When you are low on health, hoping to find a an herb anywhere and hear one of these things coming it's one of those awesome gameplay moments that made the old games so addicting. The first person viewpoint basically serves the same function as the preset angles of the old games, to hide what's around every corner; this brings back that element of fear of the unknown that worked so well in the past.

The action though isn't the best, to be fair the old games didn't have good combat either. It controls like a first person shooter but it doesn't feel as precise. When you go down sights it takes a second for the aiming cursor to focus on a spot, if you shoot immediately after you aim your shot will be unfocused. So waiting that second is key but by then the enemy will have moved around so it becomes a bit difficult to hit the critical spots. Ethan is also a slow moving character with limited moves so your defense options is either turn and run or use the block button which mitigates a small amount of damage. At the hardest difficulty use of block is a much needed skill as is a good understanding of enemy attacks. It serves the purpose to make the player good enough to defend against the monsters but not as powerful to feel like you are in the action RE games.

I feel the action is at it's best during the boss battles which to me are some of the highlights of the game. The bosses are varied and some even have multiple ways to defeat them. One boss gives you a new weapon only used during that battle, another one has Ethan being stalked across an entire greenhouse, and others are more traditional shoot the weakpoints. Even though these boss battles usually have items around the boss location it still serves as a great check of how well you managed your inventory. The battle can go from a desperate search for health or ammo to a breeze because of how well stocked you are. Either way is rewarding and the bosses are all interesting and fun to fight.

While I feel RE7 nailed the gameplay loop of old RE games and the boss battles, it dropped the ball with the enemy variety. Resident Evil has some of the best monster designs in gaming, part of the fun of each new game is seeing what kind of disgusting monstrosities the latest virus created. The molded are all black gooey monsters that all look the same and only have four different types. They are also bullet sponges, limbs can be shot off but they take plenty of damage so that instant gratification from a gunshot from RE4 is gone. Again I understand the need for tougher tank like enemies or else it risks turning into an action game again, but there is no reason for having so few enemy types and worse still, types that are so bland.

Another big change for the series is how RE7 is the first RE game since RE2 to have a totally new protagonist. It very loosely follows the overall RE mythology and serves more as a side story that happened in this new world of corporate BOW espionage. If the story was any good this wouldn't be an issue, instead we get a story filled with unlikeable characters and little to no cheesiness which the series is known for. Ethan is a very undeveloped character who seems to be a bit of an ass. The story of the bakers and the infection is told mostly through files and is missing the usual battle against an evil scientist climax. I just found the entire story to be boring, you can call most RE stories many things but boring is not one of them.

Every RE game has bonus modes and unlockables and RE7 is no exception. Clearly many of the modes were either held back or made exclusive for DLC which is a huge shame. Still there is a madhouse mode which serves as a hard mode that remixes enemy placement and items. It's not a crazy second quest where the game plays out differently but it's definitely a far better challenge and feels a lot more like the old games. It's absolutely worth a second playthrough in this mode as it will surprised and tested my skills. There is also the usual rewards for speed runs and no healing item runs. It took me 11 hours my first time playing and I was compelled to finish it two more times so I got plenty of value out of this game.

Graphically the new RE engine is stunning for lighting and detail in the environments. These locations look lifelike at times with great use of darkness and light to create a foreboding atmosphere. I played this on PC and it ran very well at a constant 60fps with a few strange technical hiccups but nothing terrible. I don't like how the RE engine looks with the character models, they are too plastic, the lip syncing and face acting is awful. Musically there are a few nice tunes but it's mostly just background noise, it has none of the really catchy stuff of past RE music.

I don't know what to do with the VR aspect of this game which I currently can't try because I have a Rift and not PSVR. As someone who is experienced with VR gaming I could clearly see which scenes and moments would be perfect with VR. It feels like this game was tailored so much to give the VR owners the best horror experience possible. I feel like if I was able to play this game in VR my thoughts on it would probably far more positive because of how intense and immersive the experience would be. At the same time not playing in VR allows me to just focus on the game design aspects and judge it that way rather than how VR made me feel. I just feel I need to acknowledge that this is probably a very special game when in VR but the majority of people will never play it that way.

Resident Evil 7 is exactly what the series needed after the unfocused bloated RE6. We now have a clear vision of what RE can be this gen, a classic survival horror game with modern design and controls. It has a few issues which keeps it from being an all time classic, if I were to rank this game it would be a middle of the pack RE game. Resident Evil 7 captures the essence of the of old games so well. It feels like the return of an old friend; for that it makes this is one of my favorite games this gen

I can't get over how much this game feels like RE1. It's incredible how the developers really managed to capture the old feeling, while being even more terrifying. One thing I love most is how, on the surface, this game looks serious, but after playing for a bit you realize there are really campy silly portions to the game. It very much has 'grindhouse-esque' feeling that RE is known for.

Also this game has grossed me out like no other game or movie has:
Ethan just shoved his arm down the throat of a beheaded cop. What made that portion excellent was how much he lingered.


On Madhouse, when Jack's perusing you through the main hall can he be avoided entirely or do you periodically have to spend ammo to put him down? I seem to remember avoiding confronting him entirely in this section on normal.

I'm currently
in the main hall, I've made it to the broken shotgun a few times but even if I've avoided Jack entirely he always somehow hones in on me from 2-3 doors away every now and then and I'm forced to engage with him. Does this sound right, or am I just getting unlucky?


On Madhouse, when Jack's perusing you through the main hall can he be avoided entirely or do you periodically have to spend ammo to put him down? I seem to remember avoiding confronting him entirely in this section on normal.

I'm currently
in the main hall, I've made it to the broken shotgun a few times but even if I've avoided Jack entirely he always somehow hones in on me from 2-3 doors away every now and then and I'm forced to engage with him. Does this sound right, or am I just getting unlucky?

I noticed on normal he definitely has a spider sense for what room you're in. You can hide in the shadow puzzle room and he won't find you though


Finally finished attic fight on Madhouse and it was easy as hell.

Let Mia run at you with the chainsaw and block it, works every time. It staggers Mia and lets you get in a couple of headshots. Just never let her attack you close up.


On Madhouse, when Jack's perusing you through the main hall can he be avoided entirely or do you periodically have to spend ammo to put him down? I seem to remember avoiding confronting him entirely in this section on normal.

I'm currently
in the main hall, I've made it to the broken shotgun a few times but even if I've avoided Jack entirely he always somehow hones in on me from 2-3 doors away every now and then and I'm forced to engage with him. Does this sound right, or am I just getting unlucky?

I didn't use any ammo what I did was run back to the save room every time he saw me. he'll always go into the kitchen from there and if you haul ass from there you can usually get to
the bathroom
before he spots you again

Edit: I should mention that it took a ridiculous number of attempts like this though


The worst was
when she was in the boiler room
, fuck all of that right

Yep that specific part.

I turned the corner, saw
her and fucking pressed paused for a moment because I was sure something was going to happen the moment I approach her.

Nope, she did nothing, old troll.


is there alot less combat in this one compared to 4 5 6 ?

Yes. There's still combat. But it never reaches anywhere close to any of those.


Some of the stuff that scares you all in this thread or makes you jump. Geez.
If they made a game that would actually scare me, I don't think any of you who are getting so scared from RE7 could play it.


Yes. There's still combat. But it never reaches anywhere close to any of those.


Some of the stuff that scares you all in this thread or makes you jump. Geez.
If they made a game that would actually scare me, I don't think any of you who are getting so scared from RE7 could play it.


Sorry, I don't believe you didn't jump or flinch even once during this game.


Yes. There's still combat. But it never reaches anywhere close to any of those.


Some of the stuff that scares you all in this thread or makes you jump. Geez.
If they made a game that would actually scare me, I don't think any of you who are getting so scared from RE7 could play it.

Lol ok tough guy
Yes. There's still combat. But it never reaches anywhere close to any of those.


Some of the stuff that scares you all in this thread or makes you jump. Geez.
If they made a game that would actually scare me, I don't think any of you who are getting so scared from RE7 could play it.




Sorry, I don't believe you didn't jump or flinch even once during this game.[/QUOTE]

[quote="carlsojo, post: 229658475"]Lol ok tough guy[/QUOTE]

[quote="F0rneus, post: 229659153"][IMG]https://abload.de/img/ow_the_edgeguqvw.jpg[IMG][/QUOTE]

Not even trying to be tough guy.
But people were seriously scared by grandma? Like what?

[quote="Alcotholic, post: 229659333"]Examples?[/QUOTE]

As in what would scare me? I dunno, the more unexpected the better though.
If I can kinda figure your scares before hand, it all get's kinda lost. Which was a big issue I had with RE7.
Like RE7 has an scary atmosphere sure, but to the point where I was too scared to move forward or something?
Not even close. Whether it was standard or VR.


This game really isn't that scary. I say this as a person who has almost thrown a controller out of sheer terror while playing Fatal Frame. RE7 tries too hard and is so in your face with everything that it is hilarious more than anything.


Not even trying to be tough guy.
But people were seriously scared by grandma? Like what?

Not scared, just spooked and caught off guard. When you run around a corner and literally run into
her wheelchair, it's a little freakish and creepy. You're like "Where the fuck did you come from???" Whenever I run into her, I always assume it's a sign that something is about to happen(especially if you're revisiting an area you've already explored and she suddenly shows up when she wasn't there before. Keeps you on your toes.


Continued from above:

Jack is fucking relentless on Madhouse. I managed to pull him into the recreation room and stomp his head, from there I had enough time to scour the area for items and get into the save room just above the basement.

On normal that area was fun, Jack was a threat but knowing I could block/knife him to death to buy more time made him much less of a threat. He's too tough for that even with the upgrades I have which makes his appearances much more tense. This is how the game should be played, but I fully understand why they didn't want this to be the default level.

I noticed they've
mixed up enemy spawns and item placement, and I love the introduction of new birdcages. I checked a few rooms in the basement before taking a break and the Molded aren't spawning where they did, really looking forward to the rest of the playthrough knowing it's going to keep me on my toes like this.

Oh, and I also really love how things like Jack bursting through the wall will happen at different times depending on your choices. I'd backtracked that area a few times during my multiple attempts at getting passed the hall, and on my third try he just burst through the wall without any warning and I'd done nothing differently. Actually gave me a bit of a fright, ha!
Not even trying to be tough guy.
But people were seriously scared by grandma? Like what?

As in what would scare me? I dunno, the more unexpected the better though.
If I can kinda figure your scares before hand, it all get's kinda lost. Which was a big issue I had with RE7.
Like RE7 has an scary atmosphere sure, but to the point where I was too scared to move forward or something?
Not even close. Whether it was standard or VR.

I don't think horror games need to be scary as much as they need to have the right environment and be relatively unsettling. I don't think I'm scared to play the game, but I do sweat and my heart races quite often.


Not scared, just spooked and caught off guard. When you run around a corner and literally run into
her wheelchair, it's a little freakish and creepy. You're like "Where the fuck did you come from???" Whenever I run into her, I always assume it's a sign that something is about to happen(especially if you're revisiting an area you've already explored and she suddenly shows up when she wasn't there before. Keeps you on your toes.

I guess I can see that. That's definitely more understandable than my misreading.


Yeah, I'm never outright scared by this game but it does ramp up the tension effectively and there is a palpitate sense of horror and dread at times.
Yes. There's still combat. But it never reaches anywhere close to any of those.


Some of the stuff that scares you all in this thread or makes you jump. Geez.
If they made a game that would actually scare me, I don't think any of you who are getting so scared from RE7 could play it.
But you waz scared when playing the Remake right?

Gimme a break.


But you waz scared when playing the Remake right?

Gimme a break.

That's just putting words in my mouth I never said. I don't consider the older games scary either. The only things that were ever "scary" in them were the jump scares when you first got them. Which are about the cheapest form you can do. It's part of why to me, the series in my opinion doesn't need it to be good. I didn't detract anything from RE7 about how I felt with it's scares. I did a better job than Revelations 1 and 2. It's why I keep saying that I think RE8 will be what I want out of this game. Since it can learn from everything that I feel 7 didn't do right, and fix it. Since the base for atmosphere and such is all there.

I'm pretty much desensitized to all horror at this point, but running into grandma in the crawl space is one of the most unnerving things I've ever encountered in a game.

I didn't get that. I think if I had, I might have as well.
I didn't get that. I think if I had, I might have as well.

I don't know if it's random or what, but I got the feeling after the Red/Blue keys to Lucas's building that I wouldn't be coming back to the main residence, so I went looking for any items that I might have missed when I found granny under the kitchen's hatch. Wonder what the hell she was up to lol.


I don't know if it's random or what, but I got the feeling after the Red/Blue keys to Lucas's building that I wouldn't be coming back to the main residence, so I went looking for any items that I might have missed when I found granny under the kitchen's hatch. Wonder what the hell she was up to lol.
:eek: I need to see this.


I don't know if it's random or what, but I got the feeling after the Red/Blue keys to Lucas's building that I wouldn't be coming back to the main residence, so I went looking for any items that I might have missed when I found granny under the kitchen's hatch. Wonder what the hell she was up to lol.

Huh! I just got both key cards and haven't ventured into the building yet. I have to go back into the house and see this for myself.


so i haven't read any impressions about the dlc. are people liking "banned footage 1"? i'm adoring the game and bought the season pass which i have never done for any game before


I've only been playing at night with the headphones on, and, so far, alone in the room.

It's gotten more manageable, sure, but it still has a thick atmosphere and is more immersive than just about any game I've seen.

Near the beginning,
when looking down into the dark basement and hearing the hissing?
That was so effective. My animal brain was insisting I not go down. It's hard for a game to accomplish that.

Now imagine it in VR...


so i haven't read any impressions about the dlc. are people liking "banned footage 1"? i'm adoring the game and bought the season pass which i have never done for any game before

Play bedroom first its the best mode really good.
Ethan must die is just ridiculously hard I gave up lol
Nightmares is fun

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I just finished the game and I loved it, as a bit of a horror wimp I nearly didn't bother but I'm so glad I did. The atmosphere throughout was chilling but not overly scary and jump scares were used very sparsely which was appreciated. Overall the game was just top tier quality from top to bottom. I finished it on normal in 8 hours 30 minutes and that felt like a good length to me. Throughout the game I was going to give it an 8/10 but the last hour or so was so good I would have to bump it up to a 9/10.


I just completed the game.
Is really good exactly what we needed for the franchise.
Aiming kind of sucks but other than that the horror, jumps, music and place are really well done.
I kind of liked the last song lol
Beat it last weekend, I enjoyed it a lot. Overall it's easily the best Resident Evil since 4 and probably the creepiest since REmake.
One really memorable part for me was when
about half-way through the game I thought to myself "Eh, this game isn't really scary, kinda disappointed actually" and as soon as I said that I entered Eveline's room, that part had me on edge.


I'll just spoiler tag all of this, just in case!

The four hour limit is pretty generous, especially if you do it on easy with infinite ammo. If you google a collectibles location guide, you can do these trophies at the same time as the speed run. Just make sure to pause while looking for what's coming next.

You won't really have to worry about healing at all. You can use steroids for a full heal if you need it, but it shouldn't even be a problem. If it comes down to it, you can just die and/or retry.

For the Resource Manager trophy, the item boxes I used were:

1. The very first item box to get my unlockables (weapons, infinite ammo, defense items, etc.)

2. Before the Happy Birthday segment with Ethan

3. After the Happy Birthday segment with Ethan

If you don't pick up the grenade launcher in the early game, you can get it when you get to the safe house before the mines. Run past everything there and use the grenade launcher on the fat molded if you need to. Get up that ladder as fast as you can. You may need to pull them to the other side of the room so they don't vomit on you and make you fall.

When you get to the final boss, let her kill you and then choose "Manage Items." This was suggested by other users here, and it doesn't count as an item box use. You can also do this during Jack's final boss fight in the boat house if you need to for some reason.

Other tips:

- Make sure to save before each use of the item box
- Just make sure to save a lot and maybe in different slots
- Don't forget to grab the crank after Happy Birthday with Ethan
- If you take an unlockable that you later wish you didn't (x-ray goggles, walking shoes, etc.), discarding it sends it back to the item box

I think that's all I got...I'll add more if I think of anything!

A few moments ago, I completed this. Getting all the collectibles/beating the game without opening 3 times/healing 3 times. All in one run.

I followed this guide:


As my main weapon, I was using the
circular saw
. Shotgun and pistol as well. Since you have infinite ammo, you'll run through shit easily.

Towards the end of the game, I already opened up 3 boxes so my limit was up. So I ran through the very last part of the game with the grenade launcher until I got to the final boss, where you let her kill you so you can "manage items." This let's you take things out from the box without having it affect the achievement.

Use more than 1 save, btw. I used one save to open a box (which put me at 4 boxes opened) and shot the remaining bobbleheads then reloaded another to beat the game, while still having just 3 boxes opened.

Thank you both. Now I just need the Antique coins on mad house trophy and the plat is mine. Then I can finally begin the DLC which I have been itching to touch.

Anyone have a recommended guide for Antique coins on Madhouse?
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