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RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard | OT | BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil


Just starting and I've played this initial fight with mia and the chainsaw like 8 times. She's a total bullet sponge and I can't beat her. It's just getting stupid.


tbh not that impressed by the game's enemy encounters so far. Atmosphere is great but the enemy encounters I've experienced are lousy. I got passed chainsaw girl and then in the next scene there's a wandering guy that if you see him, he vaguely beats on you, but it's basically impossible to get away, so he'll just beat on your like 4-5 times until you die. I mean If it's not possible to beat him you might as well make it an instant death and just make me restart if he sees me. Otherwise you're wasting my time.


Just starting and I've played this initial fight with mia and the chainsaw like 8 times. She's a total bullet sponge and I can't beat her. It's just getting stupid.
learned the hard way, if u guard her charge attack (happens a lot) you get a free escape basically. Just gotta hit them headshots and keep your distance.
tbh not that impressed by the game's enemy encounters so far. Atmosphere is great but the enemy encounters I've experienced are lousy. I got passed chainsaw girl and then in the next scene there's a wandering guy that if you see him, he vaguely beats on you, but it's basically impossible to get away, so he'll just beat on your like 4-5 times until you die. I mean If it's not possible to beat him you might as well make it an instant death and just make me restart if he sees me. Otherwise you're wasting my time.

When he grabs you immediately guard before he does his follow-up, then keep running

If your char does an animation where he faces his left palm that means you've successfully guarded

If he swings his shovel just backup and he won't be able to hit you


Every encounter I experience is so clunky. There's no feeling of how to get past it until you've died multiple times. Ideally you'd be able to think on your feet and be able to get past these encounters but I'm really not feeling it. Like the next thing I experienced is me being trapped in a tiny garage and just running around and having no obvious idea of what to do. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually but I'll probably have to die 5 times in order to do so. A bit lame..


Every encounter I experience is so clunky. There's no feeling of how to get past it until you've died multiple times. Ideally you'd be able to think on your feet and be able to get past these encounters but I'm really not feeling it. Like the next thing I experienced is me being trapped in a tiny garage and just running around and having no obvious idea of what to do. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually but I'll probably have to die 5 times in order to do so. A bit lame..
I mean, look around you? There's a pistol on the ground, there are car keys on a shelf...
tbh not that impressed by the game's enemy encounters so far. Atmosphere is great but the enemy encounters I've experienced are lousy. I got passed chainsaw girl and then in the next scene there's a wandering guy that if you see him, he vaguely beats on you, but it's basically impossible to get away, so he'll just beat on your like 4-5 times until you die. I mean If it's not possible to beat him you might as well make it an instant death and just make me restart if he sees me. Otherwise you're wasting my time.
In an ideal world people would spend a little bit time learning how the game works instead of complaining on the internet right away... Seriously...

It's super easy to get away from Jack. The game isn't bad just because you don't get it right off that bat. Spoiler: I didn't either.


The bits you didn't like cemented this as a contender for GOTY. It's /exactly/ what RE needs to be RE, that "video game shit", imo.

Dismantling the tension/atmosphere/mystique set up in the first two acts makes it GOTY? Having a third act that lacks the superbly crafted and rich encounters of the first two is a good thing?

It's so jarring it's almost like two different games or they ran out of money or something

You can do either, but it's more efficient to do the latter.

There are times when putting him down (by emptying an arsenal into him) only sees him get right back up mere seconds later.

TOTALLY not worth it


I'm just a bit irritated by the "learn by dying" way this game is progressing so far. It doesn't have to be this way.

I encountered jack again and this immediately raises the question can one even kill this enemy? Should I waste ammo on this? Am I supposed to kill him again to advance? The game doesn't hint at any of this and so I'm sure I'll have to just struggle and figure out the hard way, probably reloading a save along the way.


Only on Madhouse did I actually have trouble with Jack catching up to me, generally you can run the fuck away and lose him with ease. The only really demanding cat & mouse section of gameplay is if you want to get
the Shotgun
before going
into the basement
, if you don't want to fuck with Jack after
he busts through that bathroom door
, you don't have to. (Real early game spoilers in those tags, folks).

I'm just a bit irritated by the "learn by dying" way this game is progressing so far. It doesn't have to be this way.

I encountered jack again and this immediately raises the question can one even kill this enemy? Should I waste ammo on this? Am I supposed to kill him again to advance? The game doesn't hint at any of this and so I'm sure I'll have to just struggle and figure out the hard way, probably reloading a save along the way.

I mean, by the time you have a gun and Jack is stalking you, it's been established that this enemy can't be killed by regular means -- he blew is own fucking head off in front of you and came back minutes later, but he did stay down temporarily. There's your hint, I don't think it's too subtle either. Resident Evil 7 actually goes way further out of its way than necessary to remind you of what you should be doing at all times, especially with all the objective prompts in the inventory screen.


I'm just a bit irritated by the "learn by dying" way this game is progressing so far. It doesn't have to be this way.

I encountered jack again and this immediately raises the question can one even kill this enemy? Should I waste ammo on this? Am I supposed to kill him again to advance? The game doesn't hint at any of this and so I'm sure I'll have to just struggle and figure out the hard way, probably reloading a save along the way.

To elaborate by this point in RE1 I felt I sort of knew what the rules of the game were, but with this game every enemy encounter has been heavily scripted so it's harder to get a feel for what I should do or what I shouldn't do and what the constraints of the gameplay are.


What a game this is! Although 1st person it gives me very similar feelings to the very first Resi on PS1... So so good on so many levels...Its a truly epic return to form for Capcom Surely they must now carry on in this vein for the next...If they do i'm in no hesitation...


To elaborate by this point in RE1 I felt I sort of knew what the rules of the game were, but with this game every enemy encounter has been heavily scripted so it's harder to get a feel for what I should do or what I shouldn't do and what the constraints of the gameplay are.

Enemies have definitive amounts of health. Just because it seems scripted doesn't mean it is even though enemies will signify through animations what they're about to do. Maybe remain conservative if enemies are beginning to perform a new animation before reacting. If you're playing on PC, you might turn the FOV higher to get a better sense of your surroundings, because grabbing
the gun
should have been the evident course of action
for the bossfight
. Venturing to speak for most of us, we didn't have these problems you are having. Maybe this is just a new kind of game for you, so there's an adjustment period. If you're playing on PS4, and the controls seem sluggish, turning acceleration "off" and turning camera speed to "7" fixed things for me.

When I first played REmake, I wasn't sure if I should be shooting the zombies or not after some took 10 bullets to kill. I eventually found out through trial and error that it was best to avoid enemies if possible.


Every encounter I experience is so clunky. There's no feeling of how to get past it until you've died multiple times. Ideally you'd be able to think on your feet and be able to get past these encounters but I'm really not feeling it. Like the next thing I experienced is me being trapped in a tiny garage and just running around and having no obvious idea of what to do. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually but I'll probably have to die 5 times in order to do so. A bit lame..

Sounds like you are panicking and losing your head to be honest. I've died a total of around 3 times so far and I'm about 2 hours ahead of you in the game. Just look at your surroundings, block and stay away from your enemy. Things become clear once you actually start looking around your environment.
I'm just a bit irritated by the "learn by dying" way this game is progressing so far. It doesn't have to be this way.
The game even gives you tipps in the loading screen... Geez... Do you need pop ins for everything? Come on guys, it's not that hard. How about you try closing the door when Jack is stalking you? It holds him back and gives you time to run away.

I encountered jack again and this immediately raises the question can one even kill this enemy? Should I waste ammo on this? Am I supposed to kill him again to advance? The game doesn't hint at any of this and so I'm sure I'll have to just struggle and figure out the hard way, probably reloading a save along the way.
The game makes it pretty obvious real fast that shooting at both Jack and Marguerite is a waste of time. I don't understand how you can even ask this. The molded are the enemies you should save your ammo for. And before you ask: No, they do no respawn.


One thing I don't see bought up very often -- how cool is the enemy despawn mechanic? As soon as I saw the first Molded I instinctively starting kiting to create as much distance as possible, I expected those weird Dark Souls moments where the enemy AI just breaks after a while and starts hobbling home. But the fact that they just melt back into the floor and most likely (but possibly won't initially) jump back out at you with the advantage is really, really neat. I never worked it out for sure -- but I presume they regain health dealt to them if they respawn, yeah? It would make sense to punish repeating that tactic.


Neo Member
I was watching my roommate play through the Resident Evil 1 HD remake today, and what hit me was just how satisfying it was to watch her turn red rooms green, get a key to a new door, which let her get a puzzle piece to go back and make another red room turn green. (the map changed colours based on finding all the items in a room).

I know this game has puzzles, and a map with some backtracking. Is it to the same extreme extent of the original game, with all the rooms to satisfyingly clear after finding the pieces later, or is it a much more toned down version of that?

Toned down version imo. The game is much more linear/confined. There is some backtracking but the areas felt generally small for a RE game.
The game is very good and the first half is amazing! It just didn't felt like a Resident Evil to me and I think Capcom could have created a new IP with this.


Just started playing it.

I'm prepared to eat crow, I was one of those guys who shat on this game from reveal, assuming it would follow modern horror game trends more so than be Resident Evil. So far it is very RE, and I'm pleasantly shocked it is. While the modern horror game trend problems I feared were relegated to the VHS tapes(can't say I'm a fan of them). It's very good.

Buuuuuut I do have some issues that hold it back for me. The enemy variety is lacking to say the least, the aforementioned VHS tapes are only done by me in a completionist fashion, and i somehow keep stacking up on ammo with very few times were it felt scarce.

None of these are detracting issues from me, just thought I'd point out what I see as cons so far. For those wondering where I'm at
Just entered the old house and got the backpack. Sure hope there's more storage expanding items later though.

Oh, and another thing: Can we stop pretending this game didn't take some cues from modern horror games? Because the influences are there, just glad it was fashioned in a way that fits the series. By no means do I mean their influence as a negative or positive aspect. RE7 is better than most recent horror I've played, but the influence is there is all I'm saying.


Oh, and another thing: Can we stop pretending this game didn't take some cues from modern horror games? Because the influences are there, just glad it was fashioned in a way that fits the series. By no means do I mean their influence as a negative or positive aspect. RE7 is better than most recent horror I've played, but the influence is there is all I'm saying.

idk, not really. It wears its influences on its sleeve and they seem mostly cinematic. If you're talking about the AAA walk-and-talk in the beginning, you see that shit in RE6. We've got a bit of Outlast with two enemy types, but they can be taken out long enough to complete objectives. It's not really on the same planet as modern horror mechanically overall, especially once you get over initial impressions and understand how they work. Could you be more specific?


I am about 10 hours in, albeit I am pretty thorough in my playthrough and maybe because I'm an utter coward who keeps looking back every few seconds I haven't finished the game yet. I gotta say, I played Remake recently in preparation for this and while they have different tropes this game has really been something special so far.

Quick question:
I picked to save Mia and have now reached the boat portion of the game. How much longer until the end? It's getting stressful haha.
Just wondering if anyone in this thread can help me out.

I'm in the process of completing the section of the shipwrecked area as Mia. I've already collected a number of antique coins and a number of items as her. Can I transfer these items on to Ethan in some way? Or do I find these items as I progress with Ethan?

I know it sounds daft but would prefer a non spoiler answer or hint if possible. Damn I love this game.


I am about 10 hours in, albeit I am pretty thorough in my playthrough and maybe because I'm an utter coward who keeps looking back every few seconds I haven't finished the game yet. I gotta say, I played Remake recently in preparation for this and while they have different tropes this game has really been something special so far.

Quick question:
I picked to save Mia and have now reached the boat portion of the game. How much longer until the end? It's getting stressful haha.

Maybe another 2 hours if you're taking your time
Just wondering if anyone in this thread can help me out.

I'm in the process of completing the section of the shipwrecked area as Mia. I've already collected a number of antique coins and a number of items as her. Can I transfer these items on to Ethan in some way? Or do I find these items as I progress with Ethan?

I know it sounds daft but would prefer a non spoiler answer or hint if possible. Damn I love this game.
Ethan will get the items automatically after you get control of Ethan again.


I'm just about to enter the
salt mine
in my first play-through and wow! I'm really loving this game so much. I'm doing a completionist run this time around (all collectables on normal) to unlock a few upgrades for my attempt at madhouse. I've just clocked 9 hours play time and it's simply flew by.

IMO The Bakers are fantastic, such a superb set of enemies. Each family member feels unique and very fleshed out. The same however can't be said for the molded I've encountered so far. From
normal to no armed, crawling to big armed
there just isn't enough variety, which is a shame.

Saying that I am just nit picking TBH. The game really has surprised me with how polished it is. Capcom has definitely succeeded in reinvigorating a series which was as stale as a Baker family feast.

Cant wait for my second and even third time through this. Never thought I'd hear myself saying that about a modern day resi game. Great stuff.


Just wondering if anyone in this thread can help me out.

I'm in the process of completing the section of the shipwrecked area as Mia. I've already collected a number of antique coins and a number of items as her. Can I transfer these items on to Ethan in some way? Or do I find these items as I progress with Ethan?

I know it sounds daft but would prefer a non spoiler answer or hint if possible. Damn I love this game.

Don't worry about it.
Thanks for putting my mind at rest
was going to go back and replay the Mia section to deposit items in the storage box if that was required, but kinda figured that I may be able to acquire the items otherwise

Cheers :)


Loving this game so far, must be nearing the end now.

To me, the game feels like it took the innovations from fp horror such as Amnesia and Alien Isolation. The difference here is that Capcom's game design really elevates the whole experience. The game is equally fun as it is horrifying, which is refreshing.

After this I'm going to play RE1 which will be my first time, and then start RE4 again, and actually finish it this go around!


Loving this game so far, must be nearing the end now.

To me, the game feels like it took the innovations from fp horror such as Amnesia and Alien Isolation. The difference here is that Capcom's game design really elevates the whole experience. The game is equally fun as it is horrifying, which is refreshing.

After this I'm going to play RE1 which will be my first time, and then start RE4 again, and actually finish it this go around!

I did that late last year. Got addicted and plat'd it haha. Really amazing game! Enjoy brother :)


Finished this last night. It's ruddy excellent.

I do feel like it lost some of the tension in the latter portions but it was still enormous fun to play.

As a long-running Survival Horror fan I'm pretty comfortable saying that the opening few hours are some of the best SH I've played in a long while. I was worried it went the Outlast route (not a sleight at the game) but it managed vulnerability and player capability really rather well.

I've been binging on Resi since December and I have no intention of stopping now.
So last night I beat the final form of
on madhouse dif.

Holy shit fuck that boss and whoever designed the battle, it was extremely frustrating. The gap in difficulty is immense, I beat him first try on my normal run and spent maybe 3 hours on madhouse....

I'm not using that
circular saw


Just did a <2h Madhouse run, quite impressed with myself

I quite like speedrunning the whole midsection of the game, but the start is such a fuckin slog to get through every time


Tbf NG+ items makes it pretty much the same difficulty as easy

Getting a shitload of coins in the early game is nice as well

I was thinking about the 4hr run achievement yesterday and admittedly a lot of time can be shaved down in those middle hours but 2 hours is still damn impressive. Kudos.

The items you referred to do you mean the
running shoes, secrest of defense, Albert


So was that really
Chris at the end?

And why
Clancy is described as "L" on that paper instead of turned/dead liek everyone else? what does "L" mean?


So was that really
Chris at the end?

And why
Clancy is described as "L" on that paper instead of turned/dead liek everyone else? what does "L" mean?

Could have been
L for Lucas
given that Clancy
was going through Lucas' escape room.


I was thinking about the 4hr run achievement yesterday and admittedly a lot of time can be shaved down in those middle hours but 2 hours is still damn impressive. Kudos.

The items you referred to do you mean the
running shoes, secrest of defense, Albert

Walking shoes are pretty gimmicky, they boost your walking/crouching speed but not your running one wich makes them just ok

Anyway yes,
Infinite Ammo
means that you have the
with infinite enhanced bullets right at the start of the game, and by the time you leave the house you get enough coins to buy the
, after that you buy 1 offensive coin and 1 stabilizer and you are all set

And that's me, i didn't check wich route the actual speedrunner usually take or what upgrades they prefer tbh

Is this around the point where the quality takes a dip? I've been loving everything up to this point.
(Also is there a point of no return I should be looking for? )

Debatable, it's not as strong as the main house area but i still liked it

Anyway, you are exactly at the point of no return


It could be my imagination but I swear the reload stabilizer slightly boosts your default walking speed as well.


Walking shoes are pretty gimmicky, they boost your walking/crouching speed but not your running one wich makes them just ok

Anyway yes,
Infinite Ammo
means that you have the
with infinite enhanced bullets right at the start of the game, and by the time you leave the house you get enough coins to buy the
, after that you buy 1 offensive coin and 1 stabilizer and you are all set

And that's me, i didn't check wich route the actual speedrunner usually take or what upgrades they prefer tbh

Debatable, it's not as strong as the main house area but i still liked it

Anyway, you are exactly at the point of no return

Did not realise
Infinite Ammo
was a thing. Is that a reward for finishing Madhouse?

But thanks for the tips.
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