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RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard | OT | BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil


so i finally did the garage fight, now this asshole just won't die. just did the wood falcon secret door thing.. i wasn't sure if i was supposed to run from him or fight?

also how do you get to keep the shotgun?
What are your instincts telling you to do?

Regarding the shotgun:
You'll find an item to trade the shotgun for so the door opens.


Finished. Almost 11 hours. Absolutely loved it, one of the best resident Evil games I've played, so many great moments.

In line with most opinions, I thought the first 1/3rd was the best, but although it starts to stray a bit from its main strengths it's not really got any low points.

Lots of nods and winks to classic Resi too which I loved. Absolute return to form. Hopefully any sequels take the first few hours and expand on the formula.

My only complaints were how slow you run, prancing delicately around whilst maniacs and monster stab you up, and perhaps some more Outlast/Alien isolation style hiding places would have made it more tense avoiding the baddies in those sections where that is a sensible tactic.


Is it possible to screw yourself over in madhouse?

I have like 20 rounds for the flame gun, 3 handgun bullets, and critical health after
getting the d series arm
and I have to fight a few things in the basement.

I keep dying but I can't seem to escape the enemies or do enough damage.

On the way to the
Snake Key? If you're lucky you can headshot that first 4-Legged Molded (which is difficult to avoid in the narrow space) with a handgun. Grab the key, run straight down the stairs to the snake door, use the key on the door and open it while you hold block, because that Molded behind you will be on you in no time. Run through, turn, shut the door. You'll make it through without taking much damage even if you're hit. You should have enough room to avoid the other 4-legged Molded which spawns between you and the way back upstairs
. It seems like a tough run if you don't want to use resources, but I can do it reliably enough every time.

Alternatively, if you haven't already, consider steroids to extend your HP (which also gives you a free energy refill) by buying one from the cage or finding one
near the fireplace after finding the hidden treasure photo in the basement

The general consensus is that is the hardest part of mad house and then the rest balances out

It's an alarming and unexpected spike, but I don't think it's the hardest segment of Madhouse (I honestly have more trouble with
pairs of Four-Legged Molded
). If you land every bullet with a headshot, she's done with ammo to spare. If you run out, use the same block 'n' swipe tactics with the axe as before. Stay away while you reload, block if she charges, don't let her get too close.

I found her an absolute nightmare on my first Madhouse run, and you can't take her lightly no matter how gud you git, but I've discovered that she's far from the most intimidating encounter on repeat Madhouse runs.
Loved it, want more RE like this, thought 5 was shitty, and 6 was awful. Also if you are worried about ammo, don't be, the game gives you more than enough. I finished with so much unused ammo and explosives, and I rarely skipped a monster, killed most. So don't be like me and stress about conserving too much.
Wow I didn't know it only takes one neuro or flame round to get a strong chemical agent when combined with a separating agent. That's strange since you get two rounds if you make them with a chemical agent.

My first Madhouse run would have been a lot smoother if I had known.


I didn't intend to grab this game at first.

Gravity Rush 2 sucking combined with a drought until Nioh spurred me to pick it up.

I'm so glad that I did. I haven't enjoyed an RE since the first game so it's damned surprising that I love this game so much. It's partly due to the first person perspective but mainly due to the awesome setting and atmosphere. I also appreciate the feeling of satisfaction the game gives you when you get through a hard part and make some progress.

Really pumped to play more tonight and will put this game up on my shelf as a part of my permanent collection after I've finished the game.
Hey guys, I'm looking for advice on my madhouse run.

I don't have the Circular Saw, and I'm having some trouble with the four-legged molded. I was lucky and got a head shot on the first one you encounter, after the scorpion door, but the one in the basement that attacks you after you pick up some shotgun shells is kicking my butt. It jumps all over the place! Are there any tips for taking these guys out on madhouse? I've read a lot of people suggest that you shouldn't play madhouse without the circular saw, and that it helps you easily kill these buttheads. Otherwise, though, I'm enjoying madhouse's difficulty, and I don't want to gimp the difficulty by getting the saw.


Hey guys, I'm looking for advice on my madhouse run.

I don't have the Circular Saw, and I'm having some trouble with the four-legged molded. I was lucky and got a head shot on the first one you encounter, after the scorpion door, but the one in the basement that attacks you after you pick up some shotgun shells is kicking my butt. It jumps all over the place! Are there any tips for taking these guys out on madhouse? I've read a lot of people suggest that you shouldn't play madhouse without the circular saw, and that it helps you easily kill these buttheads. Otherwise, though, I'm enjoying madhouse's difficulty, and I don't want to gimp the difficulty by getting the saw.
Yeah, I feel like the circular saw kind of ruins the fun of madhouse, unless you enjoy being OP and running through it (which is fine, if you do!). If the four-legged molded gave me trouble, I just used the shotgun to at least immobilize them, then switched to the handgun and aimed for the head to finish them off. How have you been trying to kill them?

Edit: And don't forget to block!
Yeah, I feel like the circular saw kind of ruins the fun of madhouse, unless you enjoy being OP and running through it (which is fine, if you do!). If the four-legged molded gave me trouble, I just used the shotgun to at least immobilize them, then switched to the handgun and aimed for the head to finish them off. How have you been trying to kill them?

Edit: And don't forget to block!

Thanks for the tips!

First, I usually squat down because if they jump at me sometimes they'll miss. Then, I'll just keep trying to get a head shot with my handgun. I'll usually miss the head, or it won't explode, and he'll jump on the ceiling or wall. At that point I panic and run. Also I have trouble timing the block because they jump around so quickly. One minute I'm shooting at him, the next minute he's on my face. I used the shotgun once and it took all of my shells to kill him (around 5?). I retried the section after that though cause I thought it was a waste of ammo. Also, I'm only using normal handgun ammo, even though I have a decent amount of enhanced ammo saved up. I'll try your shotgun/handgun technique tomorrow though. It sounds like it will help slow him down.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Hey guys, I'm looking for advice on my madhouse run.

I don't have the Circular Saw, and I'm having some trouble with the four-legged molded. I was lucky and got a head shot on the first one you encounter, after the scorpion door, but the one in the basement that attacks you after you pick up some shotgun shells is kicking my butt. It jumps all over the place! Are there any tips for taking these guys out on madhouse? I've read a lot of people suggest that you shouldn't play madhouse without the circular saw, and that it helps you easily kill these buttheads. Otherwise, though, I'm enjoying madhouse's difficulty, and I don't want to gimp the difficulty by getting the saw.

When you block make sure you are crouched. Their attacks are aimed below the chest.


Started this 7 hours ago and have been playing non-stop since. What a fantastic game. Not nearly as scary as I was lead to belive by this thread, but very intense at times.

I just
got the two key cards to enter the son's section of the game.
How far am I?

I haven't found an Antique Coin in ages, it feels like. Also pretty happy that I figured out the Toy Axe puzzle immediately. Maybe everyone got that as fast, but it felt good.

Should I bother with the Magnum? Any other weapns I should get? I picked up the
Grenade Launcher just before the Marguerite boss fight.
Started this 7 hours ago and have been playing non-stop since. What a fantastic game. Not nearly as scary as I was lead to belive by this thread, but very intense at times.

I just
got the two key cards to enter the son's section of the game.
How far am I?

I haven't found an Antique Coin in ages, it feels like. Also pretty happy that I figured out the Toy Axe puzzle immediately. Maybe everyone got that as fast, but it felt good.

Should I bother with the Magnum? Any other weapns I should get? I picked up the
Grenade Launcher just before the Marguerite boss fight.

You're pretty much 50% complete

Maybe before entering that area go back to old areas with Psychostimulants and pick up any items you missed (some coins are REALLY well hidden)

You can go for the magnum if you have the coins but I don't think it's necessary for Normal


You're pretty much 50% complete

Maybe before entering that area go back to old areas with Psychostimulants and pick up any items you missed (some coins are REALLY well hidden)

You can go for the magnum if you have the coins but I don't think it's necessary for Normal

Not bad, thought I was much further. Saw a lot of people finishing the game in 7-8 hours on their first run.

I'll check the old house section with some stimulants, yeah.

Are there more bird cages than the
3 in the trailer?

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
So, weird little thing. After doing a >3 Healing Items and >3 Item Box opens run, I went back to just before Lucas' area to try to finish the crafting achievement and noticed that the White Dog Head was back in the Grandfather Clock. Of course, the main house's front door had already been opened a while ago.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Alright. Got the walking shoes and the rest of the items unlocked now, so I'm finally ready to try Madhouse.

Really glad the Mr. Everywhere statues only needed to be cumulative rather than needing to get all 20 in a single playthrough. Once I got the x-ray glasses, I just loaded my previous saves at key points in the game and grabbed them all, then beat the game again after loading my save near the end.


Wondering how far I am also. I'm about to
use the keycards to enter the next area.
I'm only playing an hour or so a night because I can't play much more lol.
Anyone playing this on a non OLED HDR tv?

it does wonders to the image and color depth but the game has this weird dynamic brightness thing that really washes out the image at certain positions.
like walking out of the caravan and looking at the house makes the image washed out. i turn back and look at the caravan and it looks amazing, as bright as a real life light source and great blacks in the background. turn to the right, washed out again, turn to the left , great blacks again.
i can eliminate this to an extent if i lower the brightness considerably but then the light sources loose their wow effect.


Feeling like a might be screwed. I currently have NO AMMO AT ALL. No herbs either. I just got the
1st of the 2 key cards after getting the snake key and I've saved in the save room at the top of the stairs heading up to the main floor. Now I have to get the 2nd keycard
and I have explored a lot already and have no ammo left or in sight..... will the game give me the tools I need? Cause I got nothin....

Am I screwed?
Anyone else kinda shocked by the black cop and bam, killed immediately? Kinda cute too.

Seemed like a cool brother. Shame he had to go. The glock he left behind was good though.
Feeling like a might be screwed. I currently have NO AMMO AT ALL. No herbs either. I just got the
1st of the 2 key cards after getting the snake key and I've saved in the save room at the top of the stairs heading up to the main floor. Now I have to get the 2nd keycard
and I have explored a lot already and have no ammo left or in sight..... will the game give me the tools I need? Cause I got nothin....

Am I screwed?

Might be fine? Just try to keep going and you might find just enough *shrug*

Anyone else kinda shocked by the black cop and bam, killed immediately? Kinda cute too.

Seemed like a cool brother. Shame he had to go. The glock he left behind was good though.

Take it.

That's all you get.
Feeling like a might be screwed. I currently have NO AMMO AT ALL. No herbs either. I just got the
1st of the 2 key cards after getting the snake key and I've saved in the save room at the top of the stairs heading up to the main floor. Now I have to get the 2nd keycard
and I have explored a lot already and have no ammo left or in sight..... will the game give me the tools I need? Cause I got nothin....

Am I screwed?

Do you have any psychostimulants? You could use some and run through the mansion and/or the old house and see if you missed any items.

If that fails, you might just have to avoid and run past enemies for a while.


Neo Member
Anyone else kinda shocked by the black cop and bam, killed immediately? .

Well the way he died was pretty shocking, but I did expect him to die. If you haven't tried it yet, it's absolutely hilarious to move your head forward as he talks to you through the window. Yo can get your head out the window and right next to his face.


Feeling like a might be screwed. I currently have NO AMMO AT ALL. No herbs either. I just got the
1st of the 2 key cards after getting the snake key and I've saved in the save room at the top of the stairs heading up to the main floor. Now I have to get the 2nd keycard
and I have explored a lot already and have no ammo left or in sight..... will the game give me the tools I need? Cause I got nothin....

Am I screwed?

Not necessarily. A couple points (spoilers only up to where you are and a small hint)

- Even if you think you found everything, you probably missed a few things. If you have psychostims, go around some areas you've cleared and use them to see what you missed.
- You can fairly easily avoid all non-boss enemies in the game, so if you're fighting things, I'd suggest not doing that unless you are stuck in a corner.
- The next area is not particularly enemy heavy so you should have some ability to progress even if you only have the knife available to you.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Think I'm getting closer to the end. I did the
Eveline videotape and now have to work my down again.
Don't think the quality of the game dropped, there's just a bit more focus
on action instead of horror in these later hours.

so the big mutant boss was the last mutation of Jack, that wasn't Lucas right? If so then he escaped I guess. His fate is still unclear


Think I'm getting closer to the end. I did the
Eveline videotape and now have to work my down again.
Don't think the quality of the game dropped, there's just a bit more focus
on action instead of horror in these later hours.

so the big mutant boss was the last mutation of Jack, that wasn't Lucas right? If so then he escaped I guess. His fate is still unclear

Yup. I hated that boss. The design was so goofy, even by RE standards.


Fucking hell.

This game is just too good (reached the
cage fight with Jack
) but I just can't play it!
My PC is fine (the specs are i5-4440 3.10 Ghz, 8 gigs ram and 770gtx) and I get 60fps even on high settings (resolution is 1440x900 though), but there are fucking 4 second freezes every few seconds and it drives me INSANE.
I can't even figure out why! I tried playing it on the lowest setting with almost everything turned off and it still happens!
I guess it's just a shit port because the game runs completely fine besides that..absolutely the last time I'm buying a multiplatform game on PC.

Edit: turns out there was a service (Windows Update) that was running in a loop and taking 25% of my CPU at all times. I stopped it and the problem solved!
Fucking hell.

This game is just too good (reached the
cage fight with Jack
) but I just can't play it!
My PC is fine (the specs are i5-4440 3.10 Ghz, 8 gigs ram and 770gtx) and I get 60fps even on high settings (resolution is 1440x900 though), but there are fucking 4 second freezes every few seconds and it drives me INSANE.
I can't even figure out why! I tried playing it on the lowest setting with everything turned off and it still happens!
I guess it's just a shit port because the game runs completely fine besides that..absolutely the last time I'm buying a multiplatform game on PC.

I was having the issues when I was first playing until I dropped some settings on the advice of someone here (in this thread?).

I believe it was shadow quality to medium, texture quality to medium, and shadow cache off. Messing with those may help you out, especially shadow cache, as you probably don't have a huge amount of graphics memory to throw around with a 770.


I was having the issues when I was first playing until I dropped some settings on the advice of someone here (in this thread?).

I believe it was shadow quality to medium, texture quality to medium, and shadow cache off. Messing with those may help you out, especially shadow cache, as you probably don't have a huge amount of graphics memory to throw around with a 770.

Hmm I have 4GB on the graphics card actually.
But it isn't the shadows, I've tried putting the game on the lowest settings and turning every little thing off and it still freezed...I don't know what to upgrade for it to work properly.
Is your TV calibrated correctly?

Not professionally no.
But it doesnt happen in any other game. FFXV changes sky colors completely during evening and early morning but generally looks a lot more vibrant .In the aforementioned situations though , theyre very different and less saturated colors compared to hdr off.
tlg i cant tell the difference, same for ratchet and clank , none of them have this brightness issue though. or they do but niether games have such prominent blacks.
its just re7 though, could just be re7 not playing nice with local dimming, i dunno.
its a ks8000 btw. ive tried it on a sony and the same issue is slightly worse .in sony's case i waas able to fix it to an extent by playing with the black levels(traditional brightness) and brightness(backlight).


so i finally did the garage fight, now this asshole just won't die. just did the wood falcon secret door thing.. i wasn't sure if i was supposed to run from him or fight?

also how do you get to keep the shotgun?

The same way you do in Resi 1...
You have to replace it on the statue

You're at what is IMO the best point in the game, where it starts to open up but you aren't very well equipped yet.
The general consensus is that is the hardest part of mad house and then the rest balances out

lol well shit!

So I need advice then: I'm somebody who really loves TLOU on survival mode for example, but I don't love playing prior RE games on hard due to having to be stingy with saves and having to replay long sections when I die. Should I still give madhouse a run?

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
So which games would you guys recommend if I enjoyed RE7? Looking for something with the same level of atmosphere, perspective and "scariness", nothing too crazy. I've basically skipped this entire genre so I haven't played anything. Looking for recent games, not really into playing dated ones. The one I'm thinking about most is Alien Isolation, would that feel similar?


So which games would you guys recommend if I enjoyed RE7? Looking for something with the same level of atmosphere, perspective and "scariness", nothing too crazy. I've basically skipped this entire genre so I haven't played anything. Looking for recent games, not really into playing dated ones. The one I'm thinking about most is Alien Isolation, would that feel similar?

Resident Evil 5 & 6

But yeah, Alien Isolation is the closest thing to RE7.


So which games would you guys recommend if I enjoyed RE7? Looking for something with the same level of atmosphere, perspective and "scariness", nothing too crazy. I've basically skipped this entire genre so I haven't played anything. Looking for recent games, not really into playing dated ones. The one I'm thinking about most is Alien Isolation, would that feel similar?

Try Soma :)
and yeah Evil Within though it never clicked for me.
And I am sure some is going to recommend Outlast - but personally I think it's a bad and repetitive game.
So which games would you guys recommend if I enjoyed RE7? Looking for something with the same level of atmosphere, perspective and "scariness", nothing too crazy. I've basically skipped this entire genre so I haven't played anything. Looking for recent games, not really into playing dated ones. The one I'm thinking about most is Alien Isolation, would that feel similar?

Alien Isolation
Until Dawn (very suspenseful on first playthrough)
Evil within (survival horror)
Resident Evil Re:make

All of them are suspenseful and horror based games with lots of suspense and atmosphere.

Can't recommend Until Dawn enough.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
So which games would you guys recommend if I enjoyed RE7? Looking for something with the same level of atmosphere, perspective and "scariness", nothing too crazy. I've basically skipped this entire genre so I haven't played anything. Looking for recent games, not really into playing dated ones. The one I'm thinking about most is Alien Isolation, would that feel similar?
Alien Isolation is a LOT scarier and plays very differently, with the gameplay mainly revolving around hide and seek gameplay. But it's certainly the highest quality horror title in recent memory and I thoroughly recommend it. Game takes a long ass time to get going though and it will test your patience so if you do get it keep that in mind and try to give it some time.
So which games would you guys recommend if I enjoyed RE7? Looking for something with the same level of atmosphere, perspective and "scariness", nothing too crazy. I've basically skipped this entire genre so I haven't played anything. Looking for recent games, not really into playing dated ones. The one I'm thinking about most is Alien Isolation, would that feel similar?

Yeah, Alien Isolation is really similar except with a much greater emphasis on the "stalker" enemy. I'd give SOMA a try too, but that one is devoid of all the mechanical gameplay systems apart from running away from enemies, but it's got amazing atmosphere and storytelling.

The Evil Within is a little more action oriented and third person, but it's got a lot of the same resource management, tense boss battles, great atmosphere, and careful reading of the environment that RE7 does (since it's a Mikami game.) It's kinda like Resident Evil crossed with Silent Hill.


So which games would you guys recommend if I enjoyed RE7? Looking for something with the same level of atmosphere, perspective and "scariness", nothing too crazy. I've basically skipped this entire genre so I haven't played anything. Looking for recent games, not really into playing dated ones. The one I'm thinking about most is Alien Isolation, would that feel similar?

REmake and RE Zero are in PSN and have aged like a fine wine.

Then Revelations 2 for a mix of old and new.
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