Outbreak HD would be amazing.
I'm still holding out hope that we get a soundtrack the quality of RE1-CV for 7.
I fucked up. I forgot ONCE AGAIN. That Hiking was normal. I picked the one right under it which was easy. At least the other games have it labeled easily. Not gonna bother going back and beating it, since I want to move onto RE2. (Beat Chris campaign a little while back). But i'll remember for next time that I need to do hiking for chris. With all of the items and shit I had left over, I really should have been on normal mode. Though surprisingly. Seems like ammo is the same (for the most part) but the healing items are fucking overkill. I had like 10 first aid sprays (Never used any) and there were tons of herbs I never even picked up.
Well here's what we have from the OST so far released to my knowledge:
Atmospheric Track (you can hear it on the updated website... I like it!)
Save Room Theme
Go Tell Aunt Rhody (Vocal Song)
I fucked up. I forgot ONCE AGAIN. That Hiking was normal. I picked the one right under it which was easy. At least the other games have it labeled easily. Not gonna bother going back and beating it, since I want to move onto RE2. (Beat Chris campaign a little while back). But i'll remember for next time that I need to do hiking for chris. With all of the items and shit I had left over, I really should have been on normal mode. Though surprisingly. Seems like ammo is the same (for the most part) but the healing items are fucking overkill. I had like 10 first aid sprays (Never used any) and there were tons of herbs I never even picked up.
Hiking is Easy, the one under that is Very Easy. (New to the HD Remaster.)
You wanna pick Mountain Climbing (The top option.) if you want Normal mode.
Cool thanks for the heads up.
All these years and i've never played Claire A scenario, so its like a "new RE" game to me sorta. Beat Saturn RE1 last year (or was it the year before) so im going in on RE2 Dreamcast this year. Actually I havent played RE2 in a really long time so it'll be sorta fresh either way.
On a side note, started Dino Crisis Dreamcast ver. as well (first time through that).
Usually dont play 2 Survival horror games at once, but DC seems like its more Survival Action.
EDIT: Gun shop owner has a crossbow in this scenario?
Ahh ok. Will definitely do normal mode at some point. Since easy mode was a bit too easy for me.
RE2 is the mainline game I recall least. So playing that will basically be like a new game for me. Good luck on handling both RE2 and DC. DC depending on difficulty and such can be pretty difficult. But yeah the gun owner is one of the things that changes among other things in the game depending on Scenario A or B of said character.
It does terrible damage but it's great for knocking zombies down at close range (especially groups of zombies) so you can run past them. Basically Claire is way less powerful than Leon for most of the game until she gets the grenade launcher (at which point she needs extra inventory room for the various ammo types). It's why she's generally the better candidate for the inventory expansion and submachine gun regardless of whether you've got her on the A or B scenario.I've always found the crossbow in RE2 to be completely useless. It doesn't even stun the zombies.
I've always found the crossbow in RE2 to be completely useless. It doesn't even stun the zombies.
So they actually explain in the story why stuff is scattered all over the police station. Always like when games have a "realistic" or at least story based explanation for the more video gamey elements.
It's kind of weird the way they explain it in universe.
In RE2, Chief Irons is largely responsible for all the weird item placement that goes on in the station and is also the one who purchased all the art decorations.
But in Outbreak they sort of retconned it into being an old museum that was turned into a police station.
Though I suppose both explanations hold up in a way.
Outbreak didn't retcon it that was in the original RE2 if you read through the files.It's kind of weird the way they explain it in universe.
In RE2, Chief Irons is largely responsible for all the weird item placement that goes on in the station and is also the one who purchased all the art decorations.
But in Outbreak they sort of retconned it into being an old museum that was turned into a police station.
Though I suppose both explanations hold up in a way.
Yeah I've never played Outbreak and I always had the idea that the station used to be a museum which Chief Irons went crazy with using weird contraptions.Outbreak didn't retcon it that was in the original RE2 if you read through the files.
Do you guys expect a RE7 trailer at PSX?
Man, it's going to be weird not listening to synths and pianos when in hospitality.
It's both explanations at the same time. The museum was turned into a police station, AND Chief Irons was importing expensive decor.It's kind of weird the way they explain it in universe.
In RE2, Chief Irons is largely responsible for all the weird item placement that goes on in the station and is also the one who purchased all the art decorations.
But in Outbreak they sort of retconned it into being an old museum that was turned into a police station.
Though I suppose both explanations hold up in a way.
So how did people glitch the timer on PS4 REmake? Leaderboards say 00:00:00.
At launch the trick was letting the clock run until it reset back to 0. Probably still the same
That's way too much work to even bother with.
I'm really digging the save theme.
Was RE5 patched on ps4? I have it on PC too, but I'm missing the dlc on that platform, and I'd like to play it.
So i'm playing RE2 right now. Are a ton of the items hidden? I'm finding ammo in like shelves and such and there's no twinkles. It might be because i'm emulating.
So i'm playing RE2 right now. Are a ton of the items hidden? I'm finding ammo in like shelves and such and there's no twinkles. It might be because i'm emulating.
Don't think it was patched, but there isn't any outstanding issues with it. The game holds 60FPS most of the time. Didn't encounter too many dips in the campaign. Seems to be more prevalent in mercs and no mercy. The big issues if I recall were related to split screen coop.
So Dusk Golem made a good point in the other thread. Looks like the Box Art might be changing from the little girl to the psychological test logo. Which is fine by me. Since both the Xbox and Steam pages now use this art work.
Updated (Xbox and Steam)
That's way too much work to even bother with.
So i'm playing RE2 right now. Are a ton of the items hidden? I'm finding ammo in like shelves and such and there's no twinkles. It might be because i'm emulating.
Don't think it was patched, but there isn't any outstanding issues with it. The game holds 60FPS most of the time. Didn't encounter too many dips in the campaign. Seems to be more prevalent in mercs and no mercy. The big issues if I recall were related to split screen coop.
"This is what it's always like for me."
The biggest issue in RE5's campaign are some wonky crate & barrel breaking physics, where 90% of the time you simply can't break two barrels right next to each other simultaniously with your knife. On the scale of very severe video game glitches this is pretty close to the bottom.
In the japanese version almost every ammo pickup is sitting in plain sight. For the western release they moved them around and hid most of them behind the background layer as one of several ways to increase the difficulty. The ammo that is hidden behind Wesker's desk in the US version is lying visibly on Barry's desk (Like in RE3) in the japanese version for example. Also, no random dumpster ammo.
Survivors is broke with players losing starting weapons.
Not patched.
Is no item shine in RE2.
No twinkles for me either. Playing on actual hardware. I've just been mashing action on everything that even looks like it could hide something.
If I recall correctly there's a *tiny* bit of explanation in RE3 as to why the Mayor has shit hidden in statues and stuff, which is mainly "he's weird"So they actually explain in the story why stuff is scattered all over the police station. Always like when games have a "realistic" or at least story based explanation for the more video gamey elements.
You're better off walking backward than trying to shoot him first - backing up evades those attacks almost all the time.That guy always seems to get me even though I know he will appear.
Chief Irons has voiced concern regarding the issue of terrorism due to a series of recent unresolved incidents. On the very day before the zombies' attack, he made the decision to relocate all weapons to scattered intervals throughout the building as a temporary measure to prevent their possible seizure. Unfortunately, this decision made it extremely difficult for us to locate all ammunition caches.
It has become our top priority to recover these scattered munitions.
In order to buy more time, we locked the only door leading to the underground, which is located in the eastern office. We left the key behind in the western office since it's unlikely that any of those creatures have the intelligence to find it and unlock the door.
April 6th
I accidentally moved one of the stone statues on the second floor when I leaned against it. When the chief found out about it, he was furious. I swear the guy nearly bit my head off, screaming at me never to touch the statue again. If it's so important, then maybe he shouldn't have put it out in the open like that...
June 8th
As I was straightening up the chief's room, he burst through the door with a furious look on his face. It's only been 2 months since I've started working here, but that was the second time I've seen him like this. The last time was when I bumped into that statue, only this time he looked even more agitated than ever. I seriously thought for a moment that he was going to hurt me.
June 15th
I finally discovered what the chief has been hiding all along... If he finds out that I know, my life will be in serious danger.
It's getting late already. I'm just going to have to take this a day at a time..
I recently talked to the old man who works in the scrap yard out back. His name is Thomas. He's a quiet man and really seems to enjoy chess. He even went so far as to design a special key and lock engraved with chess pieces on them for one of the doors in the disposal yard.
Didn't know about the survivors issue in 5. As for RE2, can't say I'm a fan of no sparkle. It artificially increasing difficulty is just dumb. Since it just means the player will mash search on everything.
Survivors is terrible now, I couldn't understand how my enemies constantly had weapons and I had none. It's because the starting weapons disappear and I only learned that afterward.
I always preferred Slayers anyway.
The files in RE2 are full of little snippets that try and explain why the station is how it is. Some examples:
tbh the series probably has much bigger plot holes than thatThey're also responsible for one of the series' biggest plotholes: There's a document that says they called the creatures roaming the station "Lickers" due to their long tongues.
Later RE games officially call them Lickers as their Umbrella-given name.