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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!

It flies around in circles faster than your aim can swivel lol.

It's really hard to tell when you can land a hit on him. It changes elevation and is just super annoying.

The shotgun and handgun are decent against it, but even then it's really easy to miss.

Oh there's also 4-5 smaller bats swarming around you during the fight as well.


Also looks like VR is timed exclusive

That's... pretty stupid. You have this game which one of the main features is that it supports VR (i.e. people who spend hundreds of dollars on VR devices will surely want to try it out) and then you make that feature exclusive for just one platform because reasons.

I could understand a month or two, but a whole year? Madness.


That's... pretty stupid. You have this game which one of the main features is that it supports VR (i.e. people who spend hundreds of dollars on VR devices will surely want to try it out) and then you make that feature exclusive for just one platform because reasons.

I could understand a month or two, but a whole year? Madness.

I think a big reason is because when you look at the VR forecast. This is still the biggest title for quite some time. Sony is aware their tech demos ain't doing much


That's... pretty stupid. You have this game which one of the main features is that it supports VR (i.e. people who spend hundreds of dollars on VR devices will surely want to try it out) and then you make that feature exclusive for just one platform because reasons.

I could understand a month or two, but a whole year? Madness.

Those reasons are called money. What do you think would happen if someone else paid more?


So beat Resident Evil 2 again after a long time (Last time I beat it was a few years ago). Went with Claire A/ Leon B. Gotta say there's just something off about RE2 for me. I know a lot of people consider it their favorite, but even back in the day I preferred 1 to 2. I can't place what it is exactly though.
Regardless of how I feel did make me think of a few things I really want to see out of REmake 2.

1. Items sparkle or are clearly shown. While I didn't have an issue playing or finding items. I still thought the idea to hide most items was rather dumb. Does nothing more than artificially inflate the difficulty and have the player mash search.
2. Some better character development. Stuff like Leon going "I know ada, I love you" is just corny as hell. Considering they do nothing more than fight some zombies together and patch each other up. So definitely think some more building is needed in REmake 2.
3. Make the A & B Scenarios really different. This is my biggest want from the remake. I shouldn't be do the same puzzles claire did to get new items. I get the limitations for the time, but I hope they restructure the game to better give a sense of two people in the RPD building, working together to find a way out.
I think some ways about that could be certain characters get certain keys. Then much like with barry in RE1 leaving notes. Perhaps you radio each other and go "I opened all of the club doors". I always liked the ideas of seeing both sides of the story. But both sides need to be their own thing imo.

Still a good game, but still didn't really move anywhere in my ranking for the series. Going to jump into RE3. Which if that holds up is still my favorite from the older style.
So beat Resident Evil 2 again after a long time (Last time I beat it was a few years ago). Went with Claire A/ Leon B. Gotta say there's just something off about RE2 for me. I know a lot of people consider it their favorite, but even back in the day I preferred 1 to 2. I can't place what it is exactly though.

The puzzles are the worst in the survival horror series.
The only good maze like area is the RPD, the rest of the game is linear and leaves little to nothing to explore.
Despite there being 4 scenarios, is more like 1 and a few extra rooms and is extremely repetitive.

Easily the second most overrated game game in the series, after Outbreak being described as good.


Geez, I forgot how hard 4th Survivor is. Even using save states it beat my ass. Did it in 6 minutes and got a D rank. It relies so much on you memorizing the game in and out to be able to get an A rank. Since you have to be able to dodge a good amount of the enemies to conserve ammo for the actual tight spots.

Will be interesting to see how 4th Survivor is done in the remake. I expect it to have it's own difficulty selection.


Maybe they'll turn Tofu into an actual character.

"Once again, only you survived, Agent Tofu."
But Tofu does not respond. It cannot.
"Health food cannot speak..." the bean curd thinks to itself.


RE2 is well-loved, I think, because it's easy, straightforward, and not scary. It's action-packed and arcadey -- a very enjoyable and empowering experience. Very surprised how easy and accessible it was coming off REmake.

I think RE3 is better, but RE2 is the one I often feel like replaying, if that makes sense. Probably because I'm always in the mood for action, but I'm not always in the mood for tension and challenge.


RE2 is well-loved, I think, because it's easy, straightforward, and not scary. It's action-packed and arcadey -- a very enjoyable and empowering experience. Very surprised how easy and accessible it was coming off REmake.

I think RE3 is better, but RE2 is the one I often feel like replaying, if that makes sense. Probably because I'm always in the mood for action, but I'm not always in the mood for tension and challenge.

I found RE3 scarier than RE2. Something about being constantly hunted and the drastic music change when he'd enter area always kept me on edge.


I found RE3 scarier than RE2. Something about being constantly hunted and the drastic music change when he'd enter area always kept me on edge.

Playing RE3 and the fact the nemesis actively hunts you indeed makes it the scarier game. Even on easy when you have more ammo. This is one of my main reasons as to why Nemesis will always be mor iconic than Mr.X. Since in RE2 all Mr.X does is a few jump scares and walks slowly at you until his transformations later on. While nemesis chases you through multiple rooms, and guns right for you.


While nemesis chases you through multiple rooms, and guns right for you.

It's amazing how when Nemesis appears at the RPD, he immediately breaks few rules both previous games estabilished:
- he can chase you from room to room
- he can share a room with enemies of another type (and can kill them)
- he has a firearm!
If you actually take him on he's way harder than the regular Mr. X encounters, but you can just as easily run from him. Usually he disappears after two rooms or so. The only area where he doesn't stop chasing you around is the small city hub area where you meet Carlos, but if you backtrack to the previous save room, not the one that's in that very area, he'll vanish for good.


I really want to see REmake handle Nemesis and Mr.X well. I want to be chased in more than one room if I choose not to fight. Was always so odd in RE2 how mr.x was just too slow to open a door.


My Resident Evil 20th anniversary series playthrough has slowed to a crawl because of the birth of my first kid, and the fact that Code Veronica is SUCH A SLOG. I'm so close to being done now, I just need to power through it.

Can we talk about that terrible "fight" against
mutated Steve
? Seriously, you have to just run away, and there's absolutely no way to dodge the attacks. Basically it's a gate: if you don't have 2 first aid sprays, you can't pass.

Not to mention this happens 15 minutes after your last opportunity to save (10 min if you skip cutscenes). Then another 10 minutes of cutscenes later, and you're at a boss that can kill you with one hit. It's a gauntlet of insta-death situations with no ability to use an Ink Ribbon. Poor game design for sure.


My Resident Evil 20th anniversary series playthrough has slowed to a crawl because of the birth of my first kid, and the fact that Code Veronica is SUCH A SLOG. I'm so close to being done now, I just need to power through it.

Can we talk about that terrible "fight" against
mutated Steve
? Seriously, you have to just run away, and there's absolutely no way to dodge the attacks. Basically it's a gate: if you don't have 2 first aid sprays, you can't pass.

Not to mention this happens 15 minutes after your last opportunity to save (10 min if you skip cutscenes). Then another 10 minutes of cutscenes later, and you're at a boss that can kill you with one hit. It's a gauntlet of insta-death situations with no ability to use an Ink Ribbon. Poor game design for sure.

Code Veronica at least provides retries for its poor choices. But yeah it can still be annoying. A lot of odd design decisions there.


To this day I still haven't beat CVX, because the only time I made it to the final boss the game locked me out of all my weapons 5 minutes before the fight, without warning it was coming. I made it to Alexia's second phase with just the pistol but I couldn't beat it. I was so angry I didn't even play the game again until the PS3 port came out.


Not to mention it's VERY easy to miss the Magnum in this game. In case anyone's thinking of replaying it:

Near the beginning, Claire uses a Fire Extinguisher, and keeps the item, even though it's empty. You have to store it in the Metal Detector Locker to get through an area. Right before you leave the Prison, you unlock a door which lets you bypass the metal detector. Make sure you go back and take the empty extinguisher, and put it in a more traditional item box. That way much later in the game, Chris can refill the extinguisher and use it to pass by a fire in the Antarctic Base to get the Magnum. But only if Claire set the detonator on the armory earlier.

Yeah, it's messed. Good thing the game gives you SO MUCH ammo. I don't have the Magnum this playthrough, but I have probably 40 assorted grenade rounds all in... Should be an easy final boss fight.


I found RE3 scarier than RE2. Something about being constantly hunted and the drastic music change when he'd enter area always kept me on edge.
Oh, definitely. RE2 isn't scary at all, really. But RE3 can be terrifying. Not only the appearances by Nemesis, but also the ways enemies ambush you, crawling out of fires, popping out of cars, breaking through storefront windows, pouring out of doors, etc.
My Resident Evil 20th anniversary series playthrough has slowed to a crawl because of the birth of my first kid, and the fact that Code Veronica is SUCH A SLOG. I'm so close to being done now, I just need to power through it.

Can we talk about that terrible "fight" against
mutated Steve
? Seriously, you have to just run away, and there's absolutely no way to dodge the attacks. Basically it's a gate: if you don't have 2 first aid sprays, you can't pass.

Not to mention this happens 15 minutes after your last opportunity to save (10 min if you skip cutscenes). Then another 10 minutes of cutscenes later, and you're at a boss that can kill you with one hit. It's a gauntlet of insta-death situations with no ability to use an Ink Ribbon. Poor game design for sure.

You run, when he gets close you shoot him, he recoils during which you turn and run, then repeat.


Man, I'm really eager to hear some detailed gameplay impressions of RE7 the actual game. This series has been so good so far. I just hope RE7 keeps it up.

I mentioned this earlier, but it's neat how you can split this series up into two volumes:

Volume 1: Survival Horror
- Resident Evil 0
- Resident Evil 1
- Resident Evil 2
- Resident Evil 3
- Resident Evil CVX

Volume 2: Survival Action
- Resident Evil 4
- Resident Evil Revelations
- Resident Evil 5
- Resident Evil Revelations 2
- Resident Evil 6

Five titles for each. And now with RE7, Capcom is doubling down on horror from a new perspective (FPS). Anything seems possible with this third shift in the series' direction.


not me
I started my 0 replay last night to start off my Oktoberfest (RE0, Alien Isolation, Until Dawn, Outlast all on the docket for this month) and I'm liking it! I remember being really burned out on the formula when it first came out on Gamecube, but it feels fresher now that they aren't making these types of games anymore.

I messed around with the alt costumes a bit, but Rebecca's default is just too cool.
I started my 0 replay last night to start off my Oktoberfest (RE0, Alien Isolation, Until Dawn, Outlast all on the docket for this month) and I'm liking it! I remember being really burned out on the formula when it first came out on Gamecube, but it feels fresher now that they aren't making these types of games anymore.

I messed around with the alt costumes a bit, but Rebecca's default is just too cool.

Even though it very similar, I really like the STARS 1996 alt.


It's still odd how Resident Evil 3 doesn't have a medium mode. It's Hard or Easy no in-between. Gotta say hard isn't too bad outside of too things I have noticed so far.

Lack of Green Herbs - The game loads you up with Red and Blue, but green isn't seen as much. While First Aid sprays are plenty. However if you are going for a no first aid spray run good luck. Though I know in RE3 apparently for rank it's time and no hit basically. So you more or less have to play mercs to get the infinte rocket launcher so you can beat the game without being hit.

Boss Health - By far the most ridiculous part. Regular enemies seem fine, but bosses soak up so much. I know you have the dodge system to help alleviate hits but geez. Nemesis at the Clock tower and Grave Digger (Only two I have beaten so far). Take up so much damage. Nemesis took like 20 regular grenade hits. While grave digger took 10 flame rounds and 6 magnum rounds give or take.

I know one thing next time I do hard mode. Don't even waste powder on making regular grenades. Learned that the hard way. Had I made some freeze rounds and such i'd probably be better off.


Oh, crazy! I also just saw a youtube video of someone getting through this encounter without getting hit or wasting ammo by running around behind him first.

I tried to do that during my first playthrough of CVX HD, when back on the Dreamcast I could never get past him without abusing full heals. I couldn't get the timing down right, he'd always catch me after the first swing. It's pretty frustrating that the sequence requires such dexterous use of firing and quick-turning to make it out unscathed.


I could go for an RE3make. Only thing is I don't like the voice in the new games whenever he yells STARS.
You mean the one in Umbrella Chronicles?
And yes, I'd go hard for RE3 remake. My favorite one from the original trilogy. Actually enjoyed it more than REmake.


Finished Code Veronica this evening. The final boss was outrageously easy, no magnum needed! I just spammed 20 exploding bolts into her, and she went down.

It's an interesting game for sure, if extremely flawed. You can certainly see the start of the more "bombastic action" style of the later games, especially in the cutscenes and music.

Bring on RE:0 HD now!


It's still odd how Resident Evil 3 doesn't have a medium mode. It's Hard or Easy no in-between. Gotta say hard isn't too bad outside of too things I have noticed so far.

Lack of Green Herbs - The game loads you up with Red and Blue, but green isn't seen as much. While First Aid sprays are plenty. However if you are going for a no first aid spray run good luck. Though I know in RE3 apparently for rank it's time and no hit basically. So you more or less have to play mercs to get the infinte rocket launcher so you can beat the game without being hit.

Boss Health - By far the most ridiculous part. Regular enemies seem fine, but bosses soak up so much. I know you have the dodge system to help alleviate hits but geez. Nemesis at the Clock tower and Grave Digger (Only two I have beaten so far). Take up so much damage. Nemesis took like 20 regular grenade hits. While grave digger took 10 flame rounds and 6 magnum rounds give or take.

I know one thing next time I do hard mode. Don't even waste powder on making regular grenades. Learned that the hard way. Had I made some freeze rounds and such i'd probably be better off.

To be honest, I've never found RE3 "Hard" mode hard. Since it's a standard difficulty (unless you want to start a survivor horror game with your item chest filled with weapons) I always used it and don't remember ever having more problems with it than normal modes in other games.

And I don't think bosses in RE3 are particularly hard. Especially since you have only few real boss battles: Nemesis at the Clock Tower, Grave Digger at the cemmentary, Nemesis in the disposal room and the final fight. Out of those: with Grave Digger you can use the broken lamp to fry the bastard, with the disposal room fight you can use acid to melt off Nemesis' tentacles, arms and head, and for the last battle you can bring a rocket launcher with 4 rockets. So in the end the Clock Tower fight is the only hard one.

Not to mention, the game gives you so much ammo (and gun powder to create something you want) that at the end of the game you have a whole arsenal. It always pains me that I have to leave all those guns and ammo there :(
I wonder what those two actors are doing now?

I wonder why they added Chris' vest with MSPaint.

That EASY/HARD text was only in the Dir.Cut? I don't recall the vanilla game to mention anything bout it. Come to think of it I think even Chris was default the first one to choose.

The difficulty descriptions were in all japanese releases, Original, Director's Cut, Saturn, PC and were removed from all western releases for whatever reason. Maybe they thought it was sexist? I dunno. The western release also had the background artworks for the letters and files throughout the game removed, it's only text.

The DS port added the file backgrounds and difficulty descriptions to all regions, but they changed Jill to Normal and made her the default choice. Probably to make people feel better about themselves.:p
I wonder why they added Chris' vest with MSPaint.

The difficulty descriptions were in all japanese releases, Original, Director's Cut, Saturn, PC and were removed from all western releases for whatever reason. Maybe they thought it was sexist? I dunno. The western release also had the background artworks for the letters and files throughout the game removed, it's only text.

The DS port added the file backgrounds and difficulty descriptions to all regions, but they changed Jill to Normal and made her the default choice. Probably to make people feel better about themselves.:p
Did not know this! Thanks for the info!


To be honest, I've never found RE3 "Hard" mode hard. Since it's a standard difficulty (unless you want to start a survivor horror game with your item chest filled with weapons) I always used it and don't remember ever having more problems with it than normal modes in other games.

And I don't think bosses in RE3 are particularly hard. Especially since you have only few real boss battles: Nemesis at the Clock Tower, Grave Digger at the cemmentary, Nemesis in the disposal room and the final fight. Out of those: with Grave Digger you can use the broken lamp to fry the bastard, with the disposal room fight you can use acid to melt off Nemesis' tentacles, arms and head, and for the last battle you can bring a rocket launcher with 4 rockets. So in the end the Clock Tower fight is the only hard one.

Not to mention, the game gives you so much ammo (and gun powder to create something you want) that at the end of the game you have a whole arsenal. It always pains me that I have to leave all those guns and ammo there :(

Yeah, the game itself I haven't had issues. Just the bosses. It's been awhile since I played so for bosses I forgot a lot of the stuff you can do to deal with them.


not me
Had a tougher time enjoying RE0 last night. The train left a good taste in my mouth which spoiled rather quickly in the training facility. Besides being a bland ripoff of the RE1 mansion (again, after CV did it), the puzzle integration into the level design is extremely poor. Inventory management is somehow more of a hassle despite having in theory 2x the space; the elimination of item boxes really hurts here. And why are the shotgun and grenade launcher 2 spaces? Also pointless backtracking such as running halfway back across the game for a damn battery. New enemies are not designed well, either, in particular the monkeys who for some reason can take 4x the bullets a Hunter can (obviously I just run past them most times, but still). Multiple puzzles involving sending items back and forth through mail slots, which is always tedious.

In short, I remembered why I disliked this game. Thankfully almost to the end.


Oh snap, I've been playing Mercs No Mercy in RE6 again. I had to shake off the rust, but it's SO GOOD once you warm up and remember the controls. Best TPS combat ever? Quite possibly!

It's a winning combination of tight gunplay, hard-hitting melee moves and fluid mobility (rolling, diving, sliding, parries, parkour, etc), plus an insane variety of enemies and transformations, and loads of gibs, blood, smoke, sparks, etc, making each explosion or disintegrating corpse so satisfying.

I also booted up Leon's campaign, playing as Helena. This is a lot more fun than I remember, probably thanks to 1080p 60fps (PS4) and being a reliable S-ranker in Mercs No Mercy. I love running up to zombies for a OHKO from a flying jump-kick to the face!

I've also been watching my RER2 Raid videos I saved on PS4, feeling the itch to replay that game as well. Man, Resident Evil has some of the best action and coolest characters around. Still not sure what to think of RE7, but we'll always have RE4-6 and Rev 1-2.


Beat resident Evil 3. Definitely prefer it to RE2. Only complaints were the hard bosses and the water treatment puzzle. Though the bosses was my fault, since I didn't use my ammo powder right. Wasted a ton to make regular Grenada rounds which was the wrong call.

Funny how the last boss is by far the easiest boss. Actually in a odd way the bosses kind of go in reverse. They're easier as the game goes on.

Gotta say though I'm mad the whole "search for Chris" never amounted to much for either Claire or Jill. Chris must have just wanted a break from the girls.
Gotta say though I'm mad the whole "search for Chris" never amounted to much for either Claire or Jill. Chris must have just wanted a break from the girls.

Huh? Her search for Chris ultimately served its purpose, in that it gave Claire a motivation to enter the hellhole of Raccoon City. Later on, it was completely resolved in Code Veronica. CV also showed us that Claire wasn't the only one looking for her sibling, Chris was looking for Claire too - the second half of CV revolves entirely around that.


Beat resident Evil 3. Definitely prefer it to RE2. Only complaints were the hard bosses and the water treatment puzzle. Though the bosses was my fault, since I didn't use my ammo powder right. Wasted a ton to make regular Grenada rounds which was the wrong call.

Funny how the last boss is by far the easiest boss. Actually in a odd way the bosses kind of go in reverse. They're easier as the game goes on.

Gotta say though I'm mad the whole "search for Chris" never amounted to much for either Claire or Jill. Chris must have just wanted a break from the girls.
Man, I love the ending to RE3. For me it starts with the penultimate battle, where you dissolve Nemesis with the acid spigots. Then you think you're in the clear, but his corpse tumbles down the trash chute and transforms into the humongous slug. Then you have to lure him into the railgun's line of sight, all while racing against time to escape the city before the missile strike. A great way to wrap up a great game. Here's my LTTP if you're interested.


Huh? Her search for Chris ultimately served its purpose, in that it gave Claire a motivation to enter the hellhole of Raccoon City. Later on, it was completely resolved in Code Veronica. CV also showed us that Claire wasn't the only one looking for her sibling, Chris was looking for Claire too - the second half of CV revolves entirely around that.

Eh, I still say it doesn't amount for much. They make such a big deal over it in two games and I personally don't think it was even much of a plot need. You don't find Chris, he finds you. So it kinda defeats the purpose in setting up "we gotta find Chris"

Claire easily could have lived in raccoon city, and sent the email to Chris from the island like she does. Without the search for Chris plot line ever even needing to be a thing. Then at the end of RE3 Jills Epilouge, Jill is looking for Chris too.

So like I said, dude wasn't even lost. He just wanted a break. Since on Jill she finds one of his hideouts. Would have been far more interesting if Chris actually did get caught by umbrella and you rescue him. With the help of Jill to combine the whole "we have to find Chris" thing they wanted to set up and ultimately failed at imo.

Man, I love the ending to RE3. For me it starts with the penultimate battle, where you dissolve Nemesis with the acid spigots. Then you think you're in the clear, but his corpse tumbles down the trash chute and transforms into the humongous slug. Then you have to lure him into the railgun's line of sight, all while racing against time to escape the city before the missile strike. A great way to wrap up a great game. Here's my LTTP if you're interested.

Yeah it sets up pretty well how far he's willing to go for the mission. Even after being a blob that can't do much to Jill. Does wrap up nicely after all the shit he put you through.


You mean the one in Umbrella Chronicles?
And yes, I'd go hard for RE3 remake. My favorite one from the original trilogy. Actually enjoyed it more than REmake.

Yeah. I don't know, it felt off to me. It sounded less like a low monster growl and more like someone talking through a voice synthesizer.
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